This time, the Flying Zombie went mad. Its sharp corpse claws stabbed and scratched Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin suffered such a big loss this time, how could he let go.

In the end, Fei Zong had no choice but to swell the body suddenly, and then a huge blasting sound erupted from the ground.

In order to break free from Jiang Lin's imprisonment, Fei Zong exploded into several segments, and used the soil to escape from his upper body.

Jiang Lin was also affected by Fei Zong's self-destruction, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

After opening the way back to the ground, Jiang Lin gasped for breath. He was covered in scratches and stab wounds, and his face was full of cracks.

These injuries are nothing, the most serious thing is that his eyes have been blinded because of the corpse poison clothes that have been frozen.

Jiang Lin let go of his spiritual sense and found a water source not far away. After cleaning the armor and body, he took out a bottle of cold marrow and poured it directly on his body.

After the cold marrow entered his eyes, Jiang Lin felt a flash of light, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

If even the cold marrow can't heal his eyes, then it's too bad.

After wrapping his eyes with gauze, Jiang Lin whistled, and after a while, the colorful tiger king flew over.

"Master, your eyes?"

"Blind temporarily, keep chasing! That guy's injuries are heavier than mine, and he will definitely choose a place with strong Yin evil energy for recuperation, so he cannot be given a chance!"

Although Jiang Lin had a big somersault this time, Fei Zong didn't get any benefit. Now that his soul was burned, he would definitely find a place to recuperate, and this gave him the opportunity to arrange formations and ambush explosives.

Two months later, Jiang Lin fought Fei Zong again in the land of Yungui, and both sides suffered damage.

Three months later, at the foot of Tiandang Mountain, a great battle between Tianshi and zombies broke out.


On February [-] of this year, Jiang Lin, who was covered in filth, rode a tiger in the rain, and now it has been almost two years since he left Li Yangju.

"This guy already knows how to hide his evil spirit."

Jiang Lin's eyebrows have formed a "Chuan" character. He chased Fei Zong for so long and ran nearly [-] miles, but he lost Fei Zong half a month ago.

Chapter [-]: Hometown of Wax Corpse

"Master, when will we find out?"

"Yeah, in the past two years, we have traveled almost all over Middle-earth."

"There are signs left by Daoist Li Yang everywhere."

"Is he playing magic circles with me?"

In an inn in Wuming Town, four apprentices of Daoist Master Chunhua, Feng, Yu, Lei, and Dian, were complaining to their master.

Now they are almost completely unlovable.

In the past two years, they have been madly spinning like headless flies.

Shortly after Jiang Lin left Shu, because Master Hong Jinbao wanted to guard Lingyun Grotto, Daoist Chunhua was elected as the leader of the Corpse Destruction Alliance, leading many monks and Taoists in the Middle Earth to destroy corpses.

The Taoist priests and monks of the Corpse Destruction Alliance have also been following the marks left by Jiang Lin to find the traces of Jiang Lin and Fei Zong.

What left them speechless was that they followed the mark left by Jiang Lin, going east today, west tomorrow, north again the day after tomorrow, and finally south again.

After walking south for a while, I found that I had to go east.

"What do you know! This shows that fellow Daoist Li Yang has been chasing and killing Fei Zong. If it weren't for this, the calamity caused by Fei Zong would be so serious!"

Daoist Chunhua turned around and trained the four apprentices. Compared with dealing with various corpse disasters before, what was the point of traveling around?

When he thought of the corpse disaster in Shu and the surrounding eight provinces two years ago, Daoist Chunhua still had a lingering fear.

A large number of zombies have appeared in nearly ten provinces, and the number has reached hundreds of thousands.

Back then, the scale of the corpse disaster in Chunlai Town was only tens of thousands!

Feng Yu Lei Dian also nodded after hearing what Master said. If Jiang Lin had not been chasing Fei Zong, then the corpse disaster would probably never have been solved.

I really did not expect that Daoist Li Yang has reached the level of the pinnacle of the Heavenly Master in such a short period of time. He is truly a genius.

I don't know when I'll be able to meet him again.

Chunhua Dao let out a long sigh. In today's Dharma-ending era, it is not easy for Jiang Lin to break through to the level of a Celestial Master, yet the latter has grown to the same level as him in such a short period of time, and has even surpassed him.

Now he can pursue Fei Zong for thousands of miles by himself.

"Daoist Chunhua, Daoist Li Yang left a mark on the front half a month ago, and there are no other date marks around. It should be in the county town not far ahead."

He rode back the Ascension Daoist, and after dismounting, he entered the inn and reported the situation ahead to the Daoist Master Chunhua.

"Just ahead? Then hurry up, our final battle with Fei Zong should be about to begin."

Daoist Chunhua immediately asked Daoist Jiang Sheng to inform the rest of the town and continue on his way.

Two days later, a group of monks and Daoists met with Jiang Lin in a righteous village.

"Daoist Li Yang, we haven't seen you for more than ten years!"

"Daoist Chunhua, you've been away for more than ten years, and you'll be fine. The image of the poor Daoist made fellow Daoists laugh."

After Jiang Lin clasped his fists at Daoist Chunhua, he chuckled lightly. His current appearance is really similar to that of a beggar.

Daoist Master Chunhua said sternly: "What do you say, fellow Daoist, you think of the common people, chase and kill Fei Zong by yourself, and don't let him cause trouble, even if his clothes are ragged, he is still a role model for my generation of cultivators!"

Hearing this, Jiang Lin smiled, if it wasn't for the fact that he and Fei Zong had a grudge more than ten years ago, even if he would deal with Fei Zong, he wouldn't be so desperate.

"Daoist Chunhua, I won't say anything extra, I'll tell you about the current situation."

Jiang Lin told Daoist Master Chunhua about the loss of Fei Zong half a month ago, and also said that Fei Zong had suffered some serious injuries after several battles. If he found it now, he would be able to Launch a general attack.

"It actually knows how to hide the corpse energy? It can't find its way with its zombie blood? How can it be good?"

Daoist Chunhua was also surprised when he heard the news. In the past, when he was chasing Fei Zong, he used the blood of Fei Zong left on his hands to track Fei Zong.

As long as the distance is not too far, the direction of the position of the flying freeze can still be determined.

But now Jiang Lin actually said that even if he used the compass to find it, he would not be able to get the trace of Fei Zong.

Doesn't that mean that in the future, the only way to know the location of Fei Zong is through the corpse disaster?

This is not the most terrifying. Now the Flying Zombie is completely hidden in the dark. If it conducts a secret attack and breaks it one by one, it is estimated that no one can stop its sneak attack.

Jiang Lin, who was standing beside him, also thumped in their hearts. Jiang Lin spent nearly two years chasing and killing Fei Zong to avoid the spread of the corpse disaster, but now they have lost the trace of Fei Zong. Dead Middle Earth cultivator?

For a time, most of the people almost lost their souls, and this time they were really desperate.

"But you don't have to worry too much. According to my speculation, the hidden power of the flying stiffness should be short-term and not last for too long. Now it may be hiding somewhere to recuperate. I have observed it on the mountain. , The Yin evil spirit in this area is very strong, with a range of almost [-] miles, which is extremely rare, it is likely to be hidden within tens of miles in this area, but it is difficult to find it for a while."

Jiang Lin said his analysis. The surrounding area of ​​fifty miles is a special environment with a lot of yin, and it is a good place for zombies to recuperate their injuries. Judging from his experience in contact with Fei Zong in the past two years, the latter is estimated to be hiding not far away. on.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

"The yin is quite heavy? What is this place?"

Daoist Chunhua asked the Daoist general who was standing next to him. Generally, such a large area of ​​Yin evil is basically caused by mountains or feng shui. He has seen a few places in the Ming Dynasty before. Some impressions.

Master Jiang Sheng responded: "This is Fukang County."

"Fukang County???"

Daoist Chunhua was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I know where that fly is!"

Jiang Lin raised his brows and asked, "Fellow Daoist, do you really know where Fei Zong is hiding? Where is this place?"

"This is the hometown of wax corpses, and the tradition of wax corpses originated in Fukang County, so there is a relatively heavy yin and evil spirit here. These are not the most important, the most important thing is the tomb of the general who flew dead. ,right here!"

Chapter [-]: Corpse Killing Alliance

"You mean, four hundred years ago, you were the one who found the fly here?"

Jiang Lin was also quite surprised. It turned out that the place where the corpse flew away was within a radius of fifty miles.

If it wasn't for the rendezvous with Daoist Chunhua, he really didn't know that he had chased Fei Zong to its hometown.

Since the place where Fei Zong is buried can make it a Fei Zong, then the tomb must be extraordinary. Even if hundreds of years have passed, the environment there is not comparable to the ordinary land of evil spirits.

If Flying Zombie wants to hide and recuperate, its lair will naturally be the first choice.

Daoist Chunhua nodded and said, "Yes, it should be twenty or thirty miles away from here."

"In that case, let's go look for it."

Although Jiang Lin couldn't be [-]% sure that Fei Zong was in his general's tomb, but given the current situation, he had to go there first to find out.

"Fellow Daoist, in my opinion, it's better to go to the county town to buy some iron chains and hemp ropes to take them there. Fei Zong can fly up and down, and for you and me, you can still rely on the spirit sword in your hand to fight it head-on. , but the rest of the comrades will not be able to. If you want to destroy it, you must imprison it. And there are still many comrades on the way, the more people the better. It is better to rest here for a day and let your comrades recover. With some physical strength, in case Fei Zong is really in the general’s tomb, this person is sleepy and tired, and it is not a solution.”

Daoist Chunhua put forward his own suggestion. In the face of Fei Zong's ability to fly from the sky and evade the ground, ordinary Taoist priests basically can only stare blankly. Don't look for it when you find it. These many monks have become Fei Zong's blood bottle. .

There are some utensils such as iron chains and hemp ropes, which can also make them play a lot of auxiliary roles.


Jiang Lin nodded slightly. He has dealt with Fei Zong by himself for the past two years. He was used to his own fighting style, and he didn't take into account the abilities of the rest of the comrades for a while.

Daoist Chunhua asked his two apprentices and Daoist General Sheng to handle the procurement and notification matters, so that the sooner the better.

In the evening, nearly seven hundred people gathered in the town where Yizhuang was located.

Jiang Lin also met a lot of acquaintances among these people, such as Jiu Shu's junior brother, the Daoist Wangui who had a fight with Daoist Qianhe, and Heiyue's uncle, Daoist Bai of Taiping Mountain, and Zhiqiu Yiye, who had dealt with centipede spirits with him, learned Jiang Lin's body-fixing spell from this funny hand.

In addition to these Taoists, there are also many monks Jiang Lin are quite familiar with.

Jiang Lin didn't see Jiu Shu, Zhang Han and Daoist Qianhe among these people, which made him relieved.

With so many people working together, if Fei Zong was really besieged, it would be a bloody battle, and the tragic degree would not be known.

If Ninth Uncle and the others were here, he would worry about their safety instead.

After asking Daoist Chunhua, Jiang Lin learned that Uncle Jiu, Daoist Qianhe, and Daoist Simu had all gone to Shu, where they fought with Master Hong Jinbao against Dongyang's demons and yin-nin.

"Daoist Li Yang, it's been a long time since I've seen you. It's really a blessing to join forces with you this time."

Daoist Bai stepped forward to say hello to Jiang Lin. He and Jiang Lin had dealt with the unicorn corpse together in Chenjia Village many years ago. They had not seen him for a few years. Now Jiang Lin has made him unable to look back.

Although he still wanted to ask about the current situation of his niece Hei Yue, Daoist Bai knew that it was not the time to ask about personal matters, so it was inconvenient to ask each other.

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