Jiang Lin smiled and responded, "Long time no see."

"Senior, do you still remember me? A post-study from the Kunlun School. This time we can join hands to eliminate demons and defend the way."

When Zhiqiu Yiye saw someone greeting Jiang Lin, she laughed slyly, and went up to talk to Jiang Lin.

You better not have so many monkey plays this time, or you don't know how you died.

Jiang Lin scolded, this Kunlun faction's monkey play made a deep impression on him.

A gracious smile appeared on his face, Jiang Lin also exchanged a few words with Zhiqiu Yiye, and then he greeted a few acquaintances.

"Daoist Li Yang, Pindao Longhushan is looking at Huijun. Both the Taoist priest and the senior Chunhua have fought against Fei Zong. Can you share the experience of coping? Since Fei Zong is likely to be in Fukang County, maybe We will meet him soon, but now my cultivation base and experience are really shallow, and most of them have never even seen Mao Zong or even the thousand-year-old zombie king, so to deal with Fei Zong, we still need to understand him a little bit.”

At this time, a Taoist priest wearing a blue robe stepped forward and gave Jiang Lin a bow.

Although the clothes are tattered, it is difficult to hide the Taoism. With this person, Maoshan will be happy.

Daoist Huijun sighed in his heart. He had heard of Jiang Lin's deeds for a long time, but he was delayed several times because of something, missed the summoning order, and was unable to meet Jiang Lin.

Seeing this deity now makes him feel that seeing a hundred things is better than seeing them.

Now Jiang Lin, because the fake pill has been made, he is only one step away from forming the pill, and if he is not worried that there will be a natural punishment for breaking through, he can break through at any time.

In terms of cultivation, Daoist Chunhua is a little far behind him, so in terms of temperament, even Daoist Chunhua, who is also at the peak of the Celestial Master, is not as round as Jiang Lin.

"Nothing is impossible, Pindao also intends to explain Feizong's various abilities together with Daoist Chunhua."

Jiang Lin took a look at Daoist Hui Jun, and found that the latter's cultivation was actually higher than that of Mao Xiaofang, then he smiled slightly and returned a salute.

After that, he sat on the ground with Daoist Chunhua, Daoist Huijun, and Master Xudu from Xiaoleiyin Temple, and taught them his experience in dealing with Fei Zong.

After learning that Fei Zong had the ability to fly away from the ground and spit poison, as well as the ability to shoot poison toes and self-destruct, Daoist Master Hui Jun and the others all frowned.

Even if there are hundreds of monks and Taoists united together, it is extremely difficult to kill Fei Zong, and it is impossible to get rid of Fei Zong without paying a huge price.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

After some discussion, Daoist Hui Jun and Master Xu Du told the comrades about the terrifying aspects of Fei Zong.

Although this may cause them a lot of fear and morale, but in order to reduce the sacrifice, they also have to do it.

That night, the hearts of six or seven hundred people were covered in a haze.

At dusk of the second day, the corpse-destroying sangha group of nearly a thousand people marched mightily towards the tomb of the flying general.

This corpse extermination operation is almost the largest cooperation between Taoism and Buddhism in four or five hundred years.

The Taoist sects involved in this matter include Maoshan, Longhushan, Gezaoshan, Laoshan, etc., while Buddhists come from Tiantai, Huayan, Tantric, Faxiang and many other schools.

In addition, many small sects also participated in this action of removing the corpse and guarding the road.

Chapter [-]: When the sky is missing, the land is lost, there are few people and people (on)

"The weather tonight is not very good."

Jiang Lin sat on the back of the tiger, looking at the thick clouds in the sky, he couldn't help frowning.

Without a little star and moon tonight, his big killing formation, Qixing Xuanji, can't exert much power at all, and it might rain if it looks like this.

If it were against the Flying Freeze, the casualties would be unknown.

Jiang Lin looked back and saw that the corpse killing group of thousands of people was basically a mess of sand.

It's not that no one suggested that they should practice for a while like the army before dealing with Fei Zong, but they were all rejected by Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua.

Now is not the time to sharpen knives without accidentally chopping wood. No matter how fast the knife is sharpened, it will be fine to cut wood, but it will be fine to cut it flying stiffly.

For now, the only way is to find Fei Zong as soon as possible without giving it a chance to breathe. Fei Zong is difficult to deal with, but when dealing with weak Fei Zong, the situation is different.

If Fei Zong recovers from his injury, Jiang Lin's efforts over the past two years will be in vain. Even if the number of people is several times larger, it will not play a decisive role.

And even if there is enough time to practice and cooperate, it is useless. The Taoism and spells practiced by thousands of people are too different to be integrated at all.

At this time, Fei Zong, who was recuperating in the general's tomb in his old nest, didn't know that thousands of people were gathering towards its tomb.

It did not expect that when it was recuperating, the priest Chunhua, who had been in love with it for hundreds of years, came to Fukang County so soon.

And also guessed where it was recuperating from its wounds.

An hour later, the Sangha-Dao Alliance arrived in a mountain forest, where the corpse of the corpse was located.

Daoist Chunhua lashed his horse and came to Jiang Lin's side, asking, "It's such a heavy yin, fellow Daoist, does your compass react?"

He pointed to a huge broken stone stele in front of him and continued: "The place where the huge stele is located is the Tomb of the General Flying Stiff. Hundreds of years have passed, and it is still here."

Jiang Lin looked at the compass in his hand, spread his spiritual sense out, and then said: "No response, but there is a little corpse aura in this yin, maybe Fei Zong is in the tomb, I'll go down to check first, Fellow Daoist, the work you deploy will be handed over to you, and let them stand by."

"Okay, be careful."

Daoist Chunhua nodded, and immediately ordered everyone to scatter around the general's tomb.

Even if there was no movement on the compass, he didn't dare to slack off, because since he arrived in this mountain forest, his eyelids always jumped wildly, and he had a very bad premonition.

When Jiang Lin arrived at the general's tomb, he moved a boulder away with his short body, and cut the ground with his Yang Finger Sword. After cleaning it up, he jumped straight off.

Although this general's tomb has become flat, and there is no sign of being passive on the surface, Fei Zong can escape without going down from the ground at all.

Whether or not there is a flying jerk in this tomb still needs Jiang Lin to enter it to confirm.

"What a rich methane gas!"

After entering the catacombs, Jiang Lin couldn't help covering his mouth and nose. There was a very strong stench everywhere in the general's tomb.

With the vent, a large amount of biogas spewed out from the hole opened by Jianglin.

"Mash gas?"

Chunhua Dao's long nose moved and found that the fire of the torch in his hand suddenly increased, so he immediately shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, put out the torch, there is a strong flammable gas here, and if there is an open flame, it will easily explode."

Just as everyone had just extinguished the torches in their hands and hadn't adjusted to the darkness in front of them, a roar of zombies that shook the mountains and forests came from the ground of the general's tomb.

Jiang Lin jumped out of the tomb, and Fei Zong followed closely one meter behind him. The powerful suction force made him in mid-air quickly approach Fei Zong.

"Iron chain! Hemp rope!"

Daoist Chunhua responded quickly, and immediately threw the hemp rope soaked with the blood of the black dog on the horse behind him.

Although these hemp ropes are not as strong as iron chains, they are the thickness of a baby's arm and can carry thousands of pounds of force.

At the same time, Daoist Huijun and Master Xu Du also threw the chains out of their hands.

The same is true of the unicorn corpse. Its power is greater than dozens of people combined. The order Jiang Lin gave it was to tie Fei Zong to death.

The four chains were wrapped around Fei Zong's body almost at the same time. After the three of them succeeded in a blow, they instantly exerted force and dragged Fei Zong from mid-air to the ground.


After that, chains and ropes were thrown one after another, binding Fei Zong tightly.


Fei Zong screamed in the sky, then turned his body, and threw up the twenty or thirty people who were pulling the rope.

Its whole body suddenly erupted with extremely powerful suction power, and a dozen monks were pulled over by the huge attraction.

One after another blood mist spewed out from their mouths, noses and eye sockets, and splashed on Fei Zong's body.

The power of flying stiff is so terrifying.

"How can this suction force be so strong!"

Daoist Chunhua was horrified, and then he loosened the rope and pulled out the Evil Sword on his back to stab Fei Zong.

Before the others arrived, a strong corpse erupted from the flying zombie. In a hurry, he could only hold the divine sword in front of him to avoid being wrapped by the corpse.

But he was also knocked back by the impact and hit a big tree.


When Daoist Chunhua failed, Jiang Lin quickly made up for it. He charged towards Fei Zong, and the dazzling bone sword slashed down from Fei Zong's head.

The colorful tiger king also jumped into the air, condensing a powerful demon light in his mouth, like a laser cannon, bombarding Fei Zong.

Fei Zong felt terrified when he saw the Yang Yan lingering on the bone sword, but it was afraid that it would be burned by Jiang Lin's True Sun Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

As for the demon light bombarded by the demon king, it is not very afraid.

With a loud roar, Fei Zong immediately dragged the rope on his body and flew towards the general's tomb. It spewed a corpse gas from its mouth and bombarded the surface of the tomb.

After a few explosions, the methane contained in the general's tomb gushed out like a fountain.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately took away the yang flames on the bone sword. If these open flames touched the high concentration of biogas, there would be a strong explosion. Buried in fire.

Jiang Lin waved his arms in the air, and several crescent sword qi rushed away, slashing Feijian's face and forehead with a big cut.

However, because there was no Yang Yan's blessing, Jiang Lin's blow did not cause any substantial damage to Fei Zong.


After carrying another demon light, Fei Zong ignored the chains and ropes on his body, dragged forty or fifty people and a unicorn corpse, and killed them into the crowd.

This time, it felt that the situation was not good, and it did not hesitate to spend the source in the corpse pill, and it had to sneak out first.

This time, Fei Zong was like a tiger entering a flock. There were broken limbs and limbs everywhere in the air, and a large blood mist dyed the surrounding things blood red.

In less than a few breaths, more than one hundred monks were killed or injured.

What gossip mirrors, ink bucket lines, copper coin swords, or even rune cloths painted with runes have no effect at all.

It's a completely one-sided murder situation.

"Daoist Chunhua, you and I cooperate with the Demon King and the Zombie King to suppress Fei Zong first!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately shouted at Daoist Chunhua, if the two of them did not play a cutting-edge role now, the casualties would only get worse.

Chapter [-] When the sky is missing, the land is lost, and there are few people (below)

"Cough, good!"

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