Daoist Chunhua forced a sigh of relief, followed by Jiang Lin, and shot towards Fei Zong.

"The monks of Xiaoleiyin Temple, Jie Tuli Dharma Formation!"

"Bu Yimu hates evil formation!"

"Seven Buddhas Pure Magic Array"

"Xumi Zhen'er Barrier!"

"Six Ding Six Jia Formation!"

While Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua were in action, Master Xudu, Daoist Huijun and others immediately moved, and asked the disciples and brothers behind them to change the team formation or bury the spiritual stone materials and start to arrange the formation. And enchantment, in order to imprison Fei Zong.

Originally, in their plan, if there was a flying zombie in the general's tomb and appeared, the monks in the encirclement would be responsible for tying the flying zombie with chains and ropes, and everyone behind them used the formation to deal with the flying zombie.

However, they never expected that a large amount of methane would soon appear in the forest where the general's tomb is located, and basically the attack formations were mainly based on thunder and fire, so they couldn't use many attack formations at all.

In fact, in addition to the formation of thunder and fire, you can also borrow formations that operate with the power of stars, but you can't see the stars and moon tonight.

Therefore, they can only fall back and choose to contain a type of magic circle and enchantment.

As for the rest of the people, they didn't know what to do for a while. The attacking charms such as the Lightning Rune and the Fire Rune in their hands could not be used, not to mention the Exploding Flame Rune and the Flame Paper Crane.

These people can only use methods such as inviting immortals, gods to fight or control corpses, or they can rush forward, like Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua, fight with flying zombies at close range, or control zombies, and use these puppets. Self defense.

"What's the use of forming a formation here?"

Jiang Lin, who was fighting with Fei Zong, saw the light of the surrounding magic circles and enchantments, and couldn't help but sighed, Master Xu Du and the others set up a confinement magic circle or spirit circle in this forest, although they controlled Fei Zong. , but it has no effect at all.

His most powerful attack methods basically carry flames, so this place can't be used as a battlefield at all. Fei Zong must be dragged away from this methane-filled area before he can use the Golden Crow Yang Yang, the serial bombing Yang and the explosives.

These teammates!

Seeing that many sects in Xiangxi released the zombies, Jiang Lin suddenly felt that there were two big ones. He had asked Daoist Hui Jun to inform him earlier that he could not use the corpse control technique to deal with Fei Zong, but these people still Especially corpse.

In fact, those fellows from the Xiangxi sect did listen to Jiang Lin's words, but unfortunately, they failed to draw inferences from one case.

They thought it would be fine as long as they didn't use the zombies they controlled to deal with the Flying Zombies, and they should be fine to use them as shields or zip ties.

However, the truth was not as good as they thought. Fei Zong was overjoyed when he saw many of his peers, and immediately roared.

After the zombies heard the roar of Fei Zong, they turned their backs and attacked the surrounding Taoist priests and monks.

As for the zombie king, the unicorn corpse, because it was controlled by Jiang Lin, he didn't fight back.

In an instant, the battle circle was in chaos, and the chaos turned into a pot of porridge.

The people who were pulling the zipper were counterattacked by the zombies, and many of them let go, and Fei Zong also took this opportunity to rush up with all his strength.

The unicorn corpse and a dozen Taoist monks were all pulled and slid on the ground, and if this continued, they would all have to be taken off the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately summoned the Japanese Golden Wheel in his body, made it fly out, chopped it on Fei Zong's shoulder, and smashed it back to the ground.

"Hold down those chains and don't let it escape!"

Jiang Lin let out another zombie roar after drinking at the King Banlan Tiger. Although his corpse didn't fly high, he had the might of a corpse king. It's still okay for zombies not to be ordered to fly.

Moreover, there is not much light in the forest now, and the unicorn corpse is beside him again. Even if he makes a zombie roar, no one will pay attention.

"Burn all those zombies! Otherwise, they will be used in reverse by Flying Zombies!"

Jiang Lin shouted loudly, and then sacrificed the three treasures of Emei.

So very tired.

Jiang Linshen pointed his eyebrows, not to mention feeling depressed, but he also knew that these fellows were facing Fei Zong for the first time.

This is the end of the matter, and thinking about it is useless. Jiang Lin can only take advantage of the opportunities won by the magic circle and the enchantment, together with Daoist Chunhua and the colorful tiger king, hoping to cause some substantial damage to Fei Zongduo, and then let him. Everyone dragged Fei Zong out of the forest, allowing him to use powerful means.

"Clang clang!"

The Zheng Bone Sword, the Japanese Golden Wheel, the Sword of Execution, and the Tiger Claw of the Colorful Tiger King attacked Fei Zong's shoulder together, and only then removed one of its arms.

However, Fei Zong was completely mad because of this, and his body erupted with corpse poison like sulfuric acid.

This time, the two hundred or so people around burst out screaming.

Even a cup of sulfuric acid splashed on people is enough to make people cry, not to mention these corpse poisons.

Not only were people corrupted by the corpse poison, but the chains tied to the flying zombies quickly turned into juice.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin's eyesight was very good, so he was immediately replaced.


At this moment, a thunder suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded the open space not far away. Fortunately, there was not much methane gas there, and it failed to cause an explosion.

I say you, nothing to hit what thunder!

Jiang Lin was relieved, now that the time is right and the place is right, they don't occupy a single one of them.

It doesn't matter if the Monk Dao Alliance is a mess of sand. The environment here is so full of methane that they can't use powerful means, and many people are poisoned by the gas spewed from the ground.

Now what, TNND, it's thundering!

As long as a thunderbolt falls in this forest and catches fire, it is estimated that there will be another big explosion during the Ming Dynasty and the Apocalypse.

"Quick! Drag Fei Zong to a place where there is no methane gas, and launch the final offensive together!"

Jiang Lin shouted and asked everyone to move the battlefield together.

If you stay here any longer, you don't need to fly stiff, as long as there is a thunderbolt, the Monk Dao Alliance may be wiped out.

"Maintain the formation, can't..."

Before Jiang Lin could finish his words, many monks who grabbed the chains immediately shifted to one side.

Taking this opportunity, Fei Zong immediately spit out his corpse pill. With a "boom", the corpse pill exploded violently, and the power of various magic circles and enchantments that blessed it also disappeared.

After Fei Zong swallowed the dimmed corpse pill, he rushed forward immediately.

Originally, it was bound by the chains and pulled in all directions, but now when the force turned, it didn't have much restraint force on its body, and it flew in the direction of the pulling force.

I am so hard!

Jiang Lin was almost petrified. He felt that although there were thousands of people helping him, the actual situation was even more tiring than when he was dealing with Fei Zong alone.

Chapter [*]: The battle is brutal

After recalling the collapsed Emei Three Treasures back to the ancient mirror, Jiang Lin jumped up and chased Feizong on the golden wheel.

When Fei Zong broke through the confinement just now, these three treasures made a slight buzzing sound, and Jiang Lin dared not use them to deal with Fei Zong.

The power of the three elements in the Three Treasures of Emei has an auxiliary effect on the burial of the immortal coffin. If it is destroyed, there will be no magic weapon to replace them.

"House cat, wrap it with dragon tendons!"

Jiang Lin threw a long tendon from his bosom and threw it to Panlan Tiger King, who immediately shrank his body, took over the dragon tendon, and quickly shuttled through the crowd. The tendons are sturdy.

At this moment, Jiang Lin volleyed back and kicked the inner edge of the golden wheel. The speed of the golden wheel suddenly soared and shot out.

When the golden wheel slashed the back of Fei Zong's neck, Jiang Lin's body teleported to the front of Fei Zong. He held the Yanlei Sword in his left hand and the Zheng bone sword in his right hand. .

Without causing any substantial damage to this flying zombie, I don't know how long it will take to bring it out of this biogas area.

Now, in addition to the methane coming out of the ground, there is also a large amount of poisonous miasma.

There is thunder and lightning on the top, and there is poisonous miasma on the bottom. Could it be that the sky does not die and fly stiff?

"Fellow Daoist, I'm here to help you!"

After Jiang Lin launched the scissor attack, Daoist Chunhua also seized this rare opportunity. The Sword of Execution in his hand was divided into two, and then divided into four, and soon formed a sword wheel.

As soon as he squeezed the tactic in his hand, Daoist Chunhua shouted "Go", and the sword wheel flew away, spinning rapidly on the side of Fei Zong's neck, cutting frantically.

The back of Feijian's neck and throat had already been cut with deep wounds, and together with the cutting of the Evil Sword, finally with a "pop" sound, the head was separated from the body.

"Master Chunhua, you destroy its head and I will take its corpse pill!"

Even if the corpse is separated, Fei Zong will not die so easily, and the Sword of Execution of Evil God in the hands of Daoist Chunhua can cause irreversible damage to Fei Zong, and can directly destroy the source of Fei Zong, so Jiang Lin asked Daoist Chunhua to take it. Fei Zong's head was completely destroyed, avoid Fei Zong and take his head back.


Chunhua Dao's body shot violently, and at the same time, he took back the Sword of Punishment and ran towards the landing point of Fei Zong's head.

Jiang Lin quickly reached out to Fei Zong's neck. As long as he took out Fei Zong's corpse pill, it would be much easier to destroy Fei Zong.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The dragon tendons and chains on Fei Zong's body were broken, and the only remaining claw of the disabled zombie suddenly stabbed into Jiang Lin's heart.

Injury for Injury!

At this juncture, Jiang Lin did not dodge and continued to stretch out his hand.

With a "click", the sound of glass shattering came from under Jiang Lin's shirt, and Fei Zong's desperate blow directly shattered the scales on the Jiaolong armor.

If it weren't for the scales, Jiang Lin would probably have a corpse with a fortified defense, and his body would have been stabbed in by the corpse's claws.

Jiang Lin's heart beat rapidly because of the violent impact.

Here it is!

Jiang Lin didn't even bother to catch his breath, he stretched out his fingers and grabbed the corpse pill.

However, just when he was about to succeed, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Ho ho ho..."

At this moment, Fei Zong's abdomen suddenly cracked, and a sticky head came out of it.


At the same time, the corpse pill at the base of Fei Zong's neck suddenly shot out, hitting Jiang Lin's eyebrows firmly.

All this is a long time, in fact, it is not even one-tenth of a breath.

Jiang Lin's forehead was hit, and the severe pain made him hold his head tightly.

His body was shot backwards with tremendous force, and his bones and tendons were broken and blood spurted out of his mouth because of the monk who couldn't dodge behind him.

If it wasn't for Chunhua Dao's long flash, he would have been hit by the dislocation of his internal organs.

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