But with such a flash, he delayed the time to attack Fei Zong's head, and because he was distracted, Fei Zong's head sprayed a corpse poison from his mouth and slammed it directly on his right arm.

Daoist Chunhua was also decisive enough. He changed his hand to hold the sword, slashed the blade, and directly cut off a large piece of flesh that was stained with corpse poison on his right arm.


Ignoring the pain in the heart on his right arm, Daoist Chunhua held his sword in his left hand and pierced the head on the ground with one sword.



Just when Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua left Feizong's surroundings, the house cat turned into a colorful giant tiger more than ten meters long, and rushed towards Feizong.

The unicorn corpse also grabbed the iron chain on the ground and threw it again.

Now Feijian's half body has submerged into the ground, and he wants to use the escape technique to escape.


The four disciples of Daoist Chunhua and Master Xudu also took action.

Now Fei Zong's head has been chopped off, his vitality is severely damaged, and he must not let it run away.

"Golden Dragon Buddha Seal!"

The monks of the Foguang Temple in Wutai Mountain were united together, and a pale gold dragon shadow gathered over them. Its upper body was entangled and pulled upwards.

"Mountains and Rivers Taixuan Formation!"

Several Taoist priests from Luofu Mountain Fantasy Gate also gathered together, and they did not hesitate to spend their whole body spiritual power to form a formation, so that the soil under Fei Zong's body condensed into rocks and pushed it into the air.

"Everyone, today is the time for us to sacrifice ourselves to save the people!"

"Patriarch's blessing, help me bury my corpse!"

"Kill yourself!"

About [*] people who were hit by Fei Zong's corpse poison and all the monks and priests who were poisoned by the swamp gas and miasma all decided to fight Fei Zong desperately.

Some of them sprayed their blood essence on peach wood swords and bronze swords, some attached their true essence to rosary beads and Zen staff, and rushed towards Fei Zong, and some even gave up their lives, using their bodies as bulldozers, holding Fei Zong shoved in the direction away from the poisonous miasma of the swamp gas.

The blood stumps were poured out again, and many monks and Taoist priests suffered from miasma due to gasping for breath, and some elderly and infirm fell directly because of lack of oxygen.

The battle was brutal.

"Fellow Daoist, are you alright? I'll give you the Evil Execution Sword, and I'll use the Spirit Sword in your hand."

Daoist Chunhua simply bandaged his right arm, and immediately went to support Jiang Lin, whose eyes were bleeding, and replaced the Excalibur Sword in his hand with the Yanlei Sword beside Jiang Lin.

The damage of his evil sword to Fei Zong was much higher than that of ordinary magic weapons. It specifically damaged the origin of Fei Zong, and even the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword was inferior to it.

This is also the reason why Fei Zong will always be chased and killed by him. Once he is injured by the Evil Sword, Fei Zong will not be able to recover for more than ten years.

But Daoist Chunhua also knew clearly that he did not have the ability to eliminate Fei Zong, otherwise he would not have led Fei Zong to Yaochi Immortal Castle to freeze for [*] years, and then designed Fei Zong to enter Shu land. The underground world is trapped.

In doing so, it is only to avoid the calamity of flying stiff in the world.

Since Jiang Lin's ability was already higher than his, and now his right arm was seriously injured again, he simply let Jiang Lin use this Sword of Execution, and it could play a greater role.

Fei Zong seems to have already started to consume the source of the corpse pill. If he attacks it with the Evil God Sword, he may be able to make it impossible to save his life.

Chapter [*] Earth-shattering explosion!

"Second uncle's, I have never suffered such a big loss! I destroyed it!"

Jiang Lin did not reject Daoist Master Chunhua's proposal, but took the Sword of Execution. He took a small medicine bottle containing cold marrow from his arms and poured it directly onto Daoist Chunhua's right arm.

"This is ten thousand years of cold marrow, which is of great help in healing wounds. You take the rest."

After stuffing the medicine bottle into Daoist Chunhua's hand, Jiang Lin rushed over.

Ten thousand years of cold marrow? ?

Daoist Chunhua was stunned for a moment, now in this world, there are actually people who have this kind of treasure in their hands.

What made him even more speechless was that Jiang Lin poured so much cold marrow directly onto his wound.

What a huge waste!

"Now is not the time to be surprised!"

Daoist Chunhua restrained his mind, then he stepped on the cloth gang, asked God to go up, holding the sword in his left hand, and joined the battle circle again.

It didn't take long for the two of them to leave the battle circle, and a new head and a new arm that were stiff from the fly grew again.


Up to now, more than half of the monks and Taoists have been killed or injured, the blood on the ground has formed puddles after another, and the complete or mutilated corpses are lying on the ground.

Even if it is a complete corpse, there are many blood-skinned skeletons, and the blood has been sucked clean by Fei Zong's huge suction.

In addition, there are also pieces of minced meat, all of which were torn to pieces by Taoist priests or monks, and were lined up on the ground with pieces of iron chains or hemp ropes.

Many of the chains used for confinement have been corroded by Fei Zong with corpse poison into several pieces, and the rest are iron chains and hemp ropes coated with blood essence, because they are covered with the essence and blood of Taoist monks and monks. Fei Zong's wrists were grabbed by the broken dragon tendons, so these chains were preserved.

Without a chain that can be used, many monks and Taoists tie together copper coin threads, ink bucket threads, talismans, and even cassocks to serve as tools for confinement and pulling.

As soon as these tools break or someone falls down with corpse poison, others will pick it up.

Fei Zong already knew that this area was full of methane, and Daoist Jiang Lin, Chunhua and everyone were limited by the environment and could not exert their full strength, so it would be dragged out obediently.

"Forty meters left!"

"Everything goes out to eat) (the strength of milk!"

"Drag the Flying Zombie out of this place and we'll die with it!"

Bai Daochang and Zhiqiu Yiye shouted loudly to cheer everyone up.

At this moment, they, the unicorn corpse and the colorful tiger king are all tug-of-war with Fei Zong, because the length of the pulling tool is limited, and there is also strong acid corpse poison on it, plus hypoxia and poisoning, and the ground is soaked with blood and water. There were many reasons such as getting muddy, so it was difficult for these people to quickly drag the flying zombie away from the area filled with methane and poisonous miasma.

Jiang Lin arrived again, he controlled the bone sword and the evil sword to stab Fei Zong with his mind, and he ran to Fei Zong's back. .

This big kick directly kicked Fei Zong ten meters away, and because of the heavy blow, Fei Zong could no longer wrestle with the Monk Dao Alliance, and was dragged out another ten meters.

Seeing lightning flashes in the sky from time to time, Jiang Lin changed his strategy and stopped attacking Fei Zong blindly. He rushed up, tightened his neck with his left arm from behind Fei Zong, and pushed him forward with all his strength. With one arm, he held the Sword of Execution upside down, desperately stabbing Fei Zong.

The bone sword and the golden wheel flew in midair, attacking Fei's stiff eyes and wounds on his body.

The ear-piercing roar shook the surroundings, and Fei Zong released all the corpse poison in his body, eroding and festering Jiang Lin's exposed skin.

Daoist Chunhua originally wanted to deal with Fei Zong together with Jiang Lin, but he didn't have the Sword of Execution and his arm was injured, so he couldn't get close to Fei Zong at all.

In desperation, he could only unite with a few Taoist priests and set up a crippled version of the Borrowing Wind Formation, striving to blow away the methane and miasma.

"The wind slams the edict, Changyu borrows the law!"

Daoist Chunhua was stepping on his feet in the wind array, pointing his sword to the sky, and after chanting the mantra, the treetops in the forest began to swing.

"It's on time!"

Jiang Lin felt the breeze blowing across his face, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

As long as the wind is stronger and the swamp gas and poisonous miasma are removed, he will be sure to unite with everyone to completely destroy the flying zombie.

But at this moment, Fei Zong's pulled arms suddenly fell off, and two new arms were quickly formed. It suddenly raised its head, and the back of its head hit Jiang Lin's nose directly.

Jiang Lin's eyes turned black when he was hit, and he took a step back. Fei Zong took advantage of this gap and pulled out the newly born corpse's claws, stabbing it in Jiang Lin's heart.

The scales at the heart of the Jiaolong Battle Armor had been shattered before, and this time the battle armour no longer had the ability to protect it. Moreover, Jiang Lin had previously pressed his chest against Fei Zong's back, thinking that he would not be attacked, so he did not. Strengthen defense.

With a "puff", Fei Zong's corpse claws penetrated Jiang Lin's chest directly, and five black iron-like nails pierced his heart.


Jiang Lin let out a corpse roar, and the corpse poison all over his body rushed towards his heart. He pushed Fei Zong's back with both palms, and then put a foot on it, directly kicking Fei Zong's back far away.

"Come out, hurry up!"

Panlan Tiger King shouted, and rolled up a dragon tendon in his tail and rushed towards Fei Zong. Now Fei Zong has freed up his hands, and the chains tied to its body will soon be cut by its corpse claws.

The unicorn corpse, like the colorful tiger king, grabbed the dragon tendon on the ground and shot the corpse away.

A demon king and a zombie king, the two hoop Fei Zong again, preventing it from burrowing into the ground.

"Removal of Corpse Guards!"

"Come on!"

"Death with it!"

The remaining hundreds of monks rushed towards Feizong as if they were going crazy.

They project the stacks of various magic talismans in their hands, and hundreds of thousands of Yang-inducing talismans, explosive flame talismans, flaming paper cranes, thunder and lightning talismans, and fine-fire talismans all fly towards Fei Zong.

However, at this critical moment, a thunder suddenly descended from the sky and bombarded the tombstone of the general's tomb.

Together with the open flame, the miasma gas within [*] meters around the general's tomb was instantly ignited.

big Bang!

Earth-shattering explosion!

"Move me!"

Jiang Lin saw the raging fire behind him, he didn't have time to think, and regardless of his own injury, he let all the corpse poison in his body into his flesh and blood, pushed with both hands, and used the power of his mind to control all the magic symbols of Monk Fei Zong in the air. to the general's tomb.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

Immediately after the fingerprints were formed, Jiang Lin threw several large packets of explosives and a whole stack of explosive talismans in the ancient mirror in an instant, and then his body teleported one after another.

A huge explosion swept all around, the ground cracked, trees were toppled, and the endless fire engulfed the entire range of two or three hundred meters.

That night, a mushroom cloud with a diameter of more than one mile rose in the forest where the general's tomb was located, and the loud noise woke the residents of the surrounding villages and towns from their sleep.

They looked towards the source of the sound and the earthquake, where the night was like day.

Chapter [*] Dafang Town

The accident happened too fast.

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