From the appearance of a thunderbolt in mid-air to the explosion of the miasma gas, the process was just a blink of an eye.

More than [*]% of the monks and Daoists did not have time to react at all, they were wrapped in flames and air waves, and they lost their voices.

Because Jiang Lin used the teleportation ability, the shock wave formed by the explosion just bombarded him, pushing him out more than [*] meters away.

The gust of wind swept through, and the smoke filled the air. The original mountain forest was already dusty at this time, and the smoke was still reflecting the flaming fire, and ordinary people could not see the things inside at all.

Jiang Lin took a bottle of cold marrow from his arms, drank it, and rushed into it.

Fei Zong is not dead.

If Fei Zong had been eliminated, there would be a system sound in Jiang Lin's mind, but since just now, he has not heard any sound.

Ah, it's really hard to kill!

If it wasn't for his personal experience, Jiang Lin would not have believed that Fei Zong's vitality could be so powerful. The previous big explosion was almost equivalent to the explosion of an arsenal. Coupled with his ultimate move and various magic talismans, it was like this. Didn't get rid of the fly.


After rushing into the smoke, Jiang Lin discovered the charred and black tiger king and the cracked unicorn corpse not long after.

The size of the Panlan Tiger King shrank, and just as he was about to get up, he spat out a mouthful of blood. Now, how many bones in his body were shattered into bone scum.

The power of the explosion caused by the biogas this time was several times that of the explosion of the Great Golden Crow in Jianglin. In addition, all kinds of magic talismans and explosives were blasted together. Even if they were not at the center of the explosion, they were also affected. The injury is not minor.

"Take these down."

Jiang Lin stopped moving forward, took some treasures and cold marrow from his arms and threw them away. Then he cut his palm and poured his blood and cold marrow into the wound of the unicorn corpse.

All along, the unicorn corpse has shared a lot of trouble for himself. Even if he spends his own efforts, Jiang Lin must save it.

Now, the green corpse gas kept coming out of the unicorn's corpse. The blasted corpse gas dissipated, and the coffin bacteria in the throat had dissipated.

Seeing that the cracked wound of the unicorn corpse began to heal slowly, Jiang Lin put it in the ancient mirror.

"Cough, master!"

"Senior brother, where are you?"

"Abbot, where's the abbot?"

At this time, there were shouts around Jiang Lin, and some people survived the big explosion.

Jiang Lin's eyes focused on the corpse poison, and he glanced around. Survivors around were devastated, and some even had limbs.

They either fell in time for the explosion, or they escaped by hiding in a pit in the ground.

Among these survivors, there are four apprentices of Daoist Chunhua, Feng Yu Lei and Dian, and Master Xu Du, but his forearm is gone. In addition, Jiang Lin also discovered an acquaintance, Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, who is because of Able to escape from the ground, when the explosion appeared, he hid in the ground to avoid death.

Apart from them, Jiang Lin didn't know anyone anymore. Daoist Bai of Taiping Mountain, Daoist Huijun of Longhu Mountain, Daoist Wangui and others should have all died.

As for Daoist Chunhua, Jiang Lin was not sure, because although the Yangyu in his hand was dim and cracked, it was not broken.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to look for it.


At this moment, the roar of Fei Zong was heard from the location of the general's tomb. Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and found that Fei Zong, who was missing an arm and a leg, had already burrowed into the ground.

He instructed the Tiger King Panlan, "Find a place to recuperate your injuries first, and I'll leave a mark along the way."

After that, Jiang Lin chased after Fei Zong's escape.

Now is the time when Fei Zong is the weakest, but Jiang Lin only suffered a stab wound to his heart. After taking the cold marrow, there is no serious problem, so he can't let Fei Zong get a chance to breathe no matter what.

As soon as the opportunity arises, Fei Zong will be completely killed.

"Fei Zong! Fei Zong isn't dead yet?"

"How can this be good?"

"God die I'll wait!"

After the survivors heard the roar of the flying zombie, they seemed to be drained of their physical strength in an instant.

After paying such a high price, they still failed to eliminate Fei Zong. Now Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua didn't know whether to live or die. They really felt that their hearts were filled with despair.

"What's the point of hurting spring and sad autumn! Even if Fei Zong didn't die, he also lost most of his life. The uninjured and lightly injured people searched and rescued the comrades, and passed the news. Once again, they gathered the remaining strength of the Taoist and Buddhist families and followed me. Continue to chase and kill Fei Zong, and must not fall short for Shan Jiuren!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Lin had already chased two hundred meters away, closely following Fei Zong.

"Daoist Li Yang is still alive!"

"With him there, there is still hope for eliminating Fei Zong!"

After the surviving monk in the dust heard Jiang Lin's voice, the despair in his heart eased a little, and he began to look for the other comrades who were still alive.

"Daoist Li Yang is still alive, what about our master?"

"Yes, Master!"

"Master will be fine!"

The four of Feng Yu, Lei and Deng had already given up hope, but after they found out that Jiang Lin was fine, they had expectations in their hearts and started the search and rescue work together with everyone.

Half a day later, when all the wildfires are extinguished, the survivors of the corpse extermination war will be together.

Of the nearly [*] monk-dao alliance, in the end, only [*] or so survived, and most of them were wounded.

The casualties were extremely heavy.

After everyone had a discussion, the four of them went to chase Jiang Lin first, and the rest sent the wounded to treatment and passed the news.

The body of Daoist Chunhua could not be found, and most of them had already been martyred. As his apprentices, the four of them just wanted to help their master fulfill his last wish and completely eliminate Fei Zong.

On the other side, Jiang Lin was chasing Fei Zong with all his strength, and he almost wiped out this half-crippled zombie several times.

But Fei Zong's vitality was too strong. In the end, it split into four parts during the battle with Jiang Lin, and at the same time, it fled in four directions.

Jiang Lin chased for two days and three nights, and once again lost the trace of Fei Zong.

"Impossible, why is the compass not responding again?"

On a high mountain, Jiang Lin looked at the compass in his hand, his face was a little ugly. When he was chasing Fei Zong before, he was worried that the previous situation would happen again, so he shot a trace of the sun's true fire into Fei Zong's body to confirm its orientation.

But who would have thought, the clues of Fei Zong's whereabouts were still lost.

Must not run far!

Jiang Lin took the compass and went down the mountain to Dafang Town, a town not far down the mountain.

Fukang County is the hometown of wax corpse, and in Fukang County, Dafang Town is most famous for its wax corpse technology.

Chapter [*] Slow Poison

"It really hurts."

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Lin washed his wounds by a stream.

These injuries were caused by the sticky venom in the Flying Zombie when he fought the last time.

The wound was dot-shaped and dense, like an ant's nest.

Although Jiang Lin's corpse has a strong defense, with the blessing of supernatural powers, it is difficult for even a diamond to hurt it, but it is still ineffective against the highly acidic corpse poison liquid.

Just like a steel plate, it is difficult to destroy it with any external force or physical attack, but once it is thrown into the sulfuric acid pool, this rigid defense will be useless.

Moreover, even if Jiang Lin used cold marrow to smear these wounds, they could not heal immediately.

After bandaging the wound on his body, Jiang Lin rinsed his eyes with clean water and dripped it with cold marrow as eye drops.

Although his eyes have adapted to the corpse poison of the flying zombie and will no longer be blind, he still suffered a lot of damage, and there will be severe stinging pains from time to time.

Even the ability to see through is temporarily unavailable.

Jiang Lin sat down, preparing to assimilate the foreign corpse poison that had infiltrated his body. The corpse poison that invaded his body and belonged to the flying zombie was taken into the bones by him and suppressed with his own corpse poison, but now it was almost at its limit. It must be dealt with first.

In addition, the rot on his body also requires him to refine his own corpse poison for recuperation.

"Master, I finally found you."

At this moment, a colorful giant tiger jumped out from the forest not far away, and the colorful tiger king followed the signs made along the Jianglin road and chased here.

"How's the injury?"

"It's almost done. Although I can't fight yet, I can still ride as a mount for the master. Master, has the Flying Zombie been destroyed? The four of them are right behind.

The colorful tiger king shook his tail at Jianglin, asked about Fei Zong, and told him about the casualties around the general's tomb a few days ago.

"The trail of Flying Stupid is lost again. It is reasonable to say that this will not be the case, unless it hides in an enchantment with an isolation effect or someone secretly helps it."

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. What he is more worried about now is that in order to maintain the chaos in the Middle Earth, those Eastern demons are secretly playing tricks to protect Fei Zong.

"Crack! Due to the collection of a sufficient amount of alien corpse poison, the analysis of the ability is completed, and a new ability 'Slow Poison' is generated."

Just when Jiang Lin frowned, a system prompt sounded suddenly in his mind.

Slow Poison?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then an ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

Could it be sluggishness? ? ?

If it's really dull, as long as you find that Fei Zong again, you don't have to worry about it running away again.

In the past two years, Jiang Lin's handling of Fei Zong's "Zong Run Run" has made him depressed more than two or three times.

"The system prompts that because the foreign corpse poison is corrosive, the runes on the inner wall of the bone are being eroded. Once the corpse poison enters the marrow, it can only be GG."

What the hell!

Jiang Lin was taken aback, the corpse poison he had collected in his bones could actually corrode the seal runes on it.

hurry up!

Jiang Lin didn't have time to rejoice, so he immediately focused his attention, mobilized the Yang Yan in his body to trace the runes on the bone wall, and then drove the corpse poison to speed up the assimilation of the flying zombie poison.

"Clap! A new ability 'Sound Transmission into Secret' is generated."

"Crack! A new ability 'Evil Eyes' is generated."

"Pop! It is detected that the suffocation value is abundant, and the ability 'Enhanced Defense' can be upgraded."

When Jiang Lin was concentrating, the system prompts appeared one after another.

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