But Jiang Lin didn't have time to confirm now, so he could only turn a deaf ear.

Two hours later, after Jiang Lin solved the problems in his body, he let the Panlan Tiger King patrol around, and he found a crack in the mountain and drilled into it.

After sitting down, he couldn't wait to see if the "sluggish poison technique" was related to dullness.

As for the heterogeneous corpse poison mentioned by the system, Jiang Lin believed that it should be the corpse poison in the body of the Golden Armored Zombie, the Slow Zombie and the Flying Zombie. He had absorbed some of these strange corpse poisons.


Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse level: Mao Zong

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (not getting started), Liangyi Palm (perfect)

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (the fifth stage - the first level)

Charms: Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Charm (Perfect), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Perfect), Yin-Yang Spirit Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Perfect), Light-avoiding Talisman (round-level), Antidote Talisman (Level [-]), Sound Transmission (Level [-]), Frozen Talisman (Level [-])+

Violence value: [-]

After clicking on the superpower attribute interface, Jiang Lin immediately clicked on the "Slow Poison Technique" to check the detailed description.

As he expected, this ability is to convert its own corpse poison into a gaseous or liquid corpse poison that has a dull effect on living creatures.

What makes Jiang Lin more satisfied is that if he obtains this ability and uses this slow corpse poison, he doesn't need to spray it out of his mouth like a fart like a slow zombie, but just shoot it out with his finger.

Of course, it is also feasible to erupt all over the body like a poisonous evil spirit, but the consumption of corpse energy will be very large.

"With this kind of slow corpse poison, I see how you can run as a 'zombie run run'!"

Jiang Lin laughed. Isn't Fei Zong a joy to run?This time I can finally cure it ruthlessly.

"Grass mud horse! Four hundred thousand?"

When he saw the amount of suffocation needed to exchange this ability, Jiang Lin couldn't be bothered to mention it.

In the past few years, he has been busy like this, killing Mao Zong and killing ghost emperors. He finally received nearly two million anger points, and this time he will consume a quarter of it.

However, Jiang Lin thought about it. It took him almost two years to deal with a flying zombie without results. If the slow corpse poison could play a key role, it would be worth it.

"Take it!"

Jiang Lin pointed his index finger on the interface and replaced this ability.

"Obtain the Slow Poison Technique and consume [-] points of Violence."

The corpse poison was condensed in his body, Jiang Lin pointed at a crawling scorpion on the ground, and a white smoke shot out from his fingertips, hitting the scorpion.

After the scorpion was wrapped in dull air, its movement immediately became slower, about five or six times slower.

Good guy!

Seeing that the dull energy had such an effect, Jiang Lin raised the corners of his mouth. With this ability, as long as Fei Zong met him again, his death was imminent.

Chapter [-] Jiang's family is troubled by zombies

After observing for a while, Jiang Lin focused his attention on the other abilities.

"Voice transmission into the secret? Why is it only useful to people within ten miles of the other party? The second uncle still needs to consume me [-] points of anger? I @#¥%&..."

Jiang Lin checked the instructions for entering the secret, and couldn't help but swear.

It's really easy for him to get the suffocation value, right? It costs [-] for any kind of ability that has no soft use?

The numbers displayed above are light. If Jiang Lin really wants to regain these ill-will, he has to destroy at least two thousand-year-old zombie kings.

In addition to this useless ability, the "ever-changing" ability generated by the previous system was also useless, and it was expensive. Jiang Lin took a look and never looked at it again.

"Unless my forehead is smashed by a flowerpot, I will change this thing."

Jiang Lin inadvertently set a target. He didn't know that he would also stage a real fragrance soon.

Then he checked the remaining two abilities on the system, and to his surprise, a pillow was sent to him when he was sleepy.

His corpse was unable to withstand corrosive attacks, and this system-generated upgraded version of the enhanced defense is an improvement in this regard.

And it only needs [-] grudge points.

Without saying a word, Jiang Lin checked the box on the interface.

As for "screening evil eyes", Jiang Lin's eyes lit up after learning about it.

Although his body and corpse are difficult to destroy, there are still weaknesses, the most obvious weakness is his eyes.

Now his corpse has only advanced to the level of stiff hair, and he can't be reborn. If his eyes are attacked by foreign objects, he will also become blind, and he will not be able to recover in a short time.

When working with the Monk-Dao Alliance to deal with Fei Zong, Jiang Lin's eyebrows had been hit by a flying zombie pill, and if the zombie pill's target was his eyes, then he might be a one-eyed celestial master now.

At least before he advanced to the level of Flying Stiffness, once his eyes were irreversibly damaged, Jiang Lin had nothing to do.

And this ability generated by the system is aimed at his eyes, which can not only effectively protect his eyes, but also allow him to use his pupils to attack.

And what makes Jiang Lin even more happy is that because he has eaten a lot of abnormal fruit, the compatibility of corpse poison and spiritual power in his body has increased a lot, so once this ability is activated, his eyes can still spray Yang Yan, Poisonous and sluggish gas can also use these two windows as spray guns.

"[-], [-]."

Jiang Lin punched the stone wall of the crack in the mountain. Originally, he had accumulated nearly two million points of cruelty, and he was about to be able to travel through other worlds. After completing a breakthrough in the Daluo fairyland, he could upgrade the Yin and Yang spirits in the ancient books. The letter talisman consumed [-], leaving less than [-] hostile energy in the system.

This is nothing, as long as the Fei Zong is eliminated, the suffocation value obtained should be very considerable. After solving this serious problem, he can break through with confidence.

But now another [-] has been consumed, which is another [-].

I don't know how long the breakthrough will take.

"Let's have a long-term plan in the future."

Jiang Lin sighed, if he didn't completely destroy Fei Zong, he would not be able to go to another world with confidence.

After making up his mind, Jiang Lin spent [-] points of suffocation to redeem the "eye-catching evil eye" ability.

The corpse poison in his body began to gather around his eyes, Jiang Lin's hair began to grow rapidly, and eye shadows like red frames appeared around his eye sockets.

The rich corpse aura gathered in his eyes, forming two dark lens-shaped barriers. Finally, the two barriers began to fade and eventually disappeared.

As long as there is an attack, the barrier will automatically appear to protect the eyes below.

Jiang Lin moved his wrist, and his fingernails slid in front of his eyes. His eyes seemed to be wearing a pair of transparent goggles, blocking the attack of the fingernails.

In the future, even if he shoots him with a machine gun, he no longer has to protect his eyes.

"This protective effect is really not bad."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then his pupils burst into red light, and two lasers shot out from his pupils, blasting the stones on the ground into crumbs.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two more Qi pillars shot out from Jiang Lin's eyes, one was his Yang Yan, and the other was dull Qi.

It's worth it, no loss!

After testing the effect of the supernatural power, Jiang Lin felt a little better.

After withdrawing the system, Jiang Lin left the crack.

Five minutes later, the king of the colorful tiger who was lying on the ground saw Jiang Lin coming back and got up quickly, but before it could make a sound, two white smoke the thickness of chopsticks shot out from Jiang Lin's eyes and rushed into its body.

"Master, what did you do~what~I~how~what~change~this~like~?"

Pan Lan's tiger king's face is stunned, what is the situation?

"The speed is not too fast, but it is still possible to make a surprise attack."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, and then explained: "This is the dull energy of a dull zombie. I will test the effect on you."

"Effect ~ effect ~ just ~ just ~ ~ ~ lord ~ ​​people ~ hurry ~ help ~ me ~ release ~ remove ~ ~"

"Uh... It seems that there is no way to remove it. I don't use it much, and it should be relieved soon."

Jiang Lin shrugged. In fact, he also wanted to see how long the demon king-level gorgeous tiger king could be slowed down with the dose of dull energy just now.

Colorful Tiger King: "..."

Half an hour later, the colorful tiger king, who had been moving at 0.2 times the speed, returned to normal. At this time, the four apprentices of Daoist Chunhua, Feng Yu Lei Dian, also arrived at the foot of the mountain to join Jiang Lin and the others.

"Daoist Li Yang, the news of the battle to destroy the corpse has spread, and the comrades who received the notice are also gathering here. The four of us brothers and sisters will track down Fei Zong's whereabouts together with the Taoist priest, and we cannot let comrades and master sacrifice in vain. !"

"Yes, if you have any arrangements, you can just tell the Taoist priest, and we will do our best to cooperate!"

The four Feng Yu Leidian wanted to follow Jiang Lin, find Fei Zong and kill him, so that their master Chunhua Daochang left with a smile under Jiuquan.

Jiang Lin opened his mouth and said, "Actually, Daoist Chunhua may still be alive, but Fei Zong is on the run right now, and I have no skills, so I can't go to him."

He was not comforting the four. He had learned from King Panlan Tiger that the Yanlei Sword was not found in the battlefield at that time, and the Yang jade in his hand was still not broken, which means that Daoist Chunhua was probably still alive. In this world, I just don't know what the status quo is.

The senior brother of the four said: "Daoist, this news is already great news for us. Even if the master survives, we should hope that the four of us will focus on the overall situation and kill the corpse. First. Now Fei Zong's vitality is seriously damaged, we should find it first, so as not to have a long night of dreams."

"Okay. You bring these spirit swords and magic talismans with you. If you encounter a flying stiffness, you can protect yourself."

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