"Then what should we do? Shall we force it?"

"No, if there is really a fly in it, doing so will startle the snake."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and rejected Feng's proposal. The best situation now is to confirm that there is a flying stiffness inside. After confirming, use means to trap it without disturbing it, and then come over and gather everyone's people. The force wiped it out in one fell swoop.

Although he has more means and has improved his defense by a level, Jiang Lin still believes that it is still difficult to destroy this "Zero Run Run" by himself.

He didn't want to stretch the line any longer.

After drawing a spell in his hand, Jiang Lin asked Feng Yi gourd to draw a scoop, and after he had enough spiritual power, he pressed it on his dantian.

He had sealed the spiritual power in his body just now, and he couldn't unlock it in a short time. Since the spiritual power was sealed, he couldn't unblock it himself, and could only rely on outsiders.

"If you want to enter Jiang's house without causing alarm, you can only temporarily seal your body and Taoism, but if you are detected by Fei Zong, under the premise that your spiritual power is sealed, you don't know how high the risk factor is. He has temporarily become an ordinary person, and the gate of the Jiang family is still closed, how can this be good?"

Jiang Lin muttered to himself in a low voice, and he didn't have any good plans for a while. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"There is a way, isn't this Jiang family married? Let's grab a bride."

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers, quite satisfied with this idea.

"I said long, we have to deal with Fei Zong, so we shouldn't be robbing other people's brides."

"Yeah, we're not horse thieves. What are we doing to rob someone's bride and be Mrs. Yazhai? That one isn't enough for us."

"It doesn't matter, one person per day, let her rest on weekends."

"One woman has five husbands?"

I'm so...

Jiang Lin clenched his fists, and there were blue veins on his forehead.

"Don't, don't, just kidding."

The wind, rain and thunder and lightning saw Jiang Lin's eyes spitting fire, and he waved his hands and laughed dryly.

Who the hell is joking with you?

Jiang Lin held back his anger and said, "Can't you turn your head around? I said robbing the bride, your attention should be on the bride, not on the delivery team? A bride should be equipped with at least four bearers. If you dress up as bearers, won't you be able to enter Jiang's house?"

"Oh~ that Daoist priest, are you going to be a bride?"


After the four voices, Feng Yu Lei Deng had a large lump on his forehead. Jiang Lin couldn't hold it back, and repaired his four apprentices for Daoist Chunhua.

"After entering the Jiang's house, you should find a way to stay inside, whether you are a person or a handyman. If the housekeeper asks, you will say that you wanted to work in the house to make money, so you said that there are zombies in it."

After saying this, Jiang Lin walked in the direction of the town head. Today's auspicious time is coming, and it will be difficult to wait for the sedan car team to enter the town later.

"It hurts."

"It hurts more than Master's knocking."

The wind, rain, thunder and lightning rubbed his forehead and followed behind Jiang Lin with a hiss.

A quarter of an hour later, they met a team sending their relatives two miles outside the town.

Coincidentally, a group of bandits surrounded the sedan car team, and they took the bride one step before Jianglin.

Those who carried the sedan chairs and those who played the suona were so frightened that they shouted for mercy and fled in all directions, leaving only a matchmaker, four sedan chairmen and a large sedan chair.

Of course, Jiang Lin and the others couldn't just watch these bandits rob the bride. If the bride was really robbed, their plan would be in vain.

"Don't kill me, the bride is inside, I didn't see anything."

After Jiang Lin and the others beat the bandits away, the matchmaker and the few remaining bearers knelt down to beg Jiang Lin and the others for mercy.

They thought it was the thieves who ate the black, the jackal and the tiger came back.

"We don't have any ill will, matchmaker, you send the bride over as usual, and you four bearers, take off your wedding clothes. This is the fifty oceans, you are divided, and tonight's matter, you have nothing. You know, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Jiang Lin took a few strings of oceans and threw them away. The matchmaker and bearer saved their lives, and they had money to take them, but they refused to agree.

Then he drew a spell in the palm of his hand and hit it on their dantian, sealing their spiritual power.

The four quickly changed into wedding clothes and prepared to pretend to be bearers.

At this time, Jiang Lin heard a slight noise in the sedan chair. He looked inside through the sedan chair curtain. The bride in the sedan chair was holding a dagger at the bottom of the sedan chair and digging a plank.

At this moment, the Jiang family's welcoming team also rushed over.

Jiang Lin opened the car curtain and entered the car.

"Miss, don't be afraid, we're not here to rob you, and it won't hurt you, let alone run away. We just borrowed your sedan car to enter Jiang's house. If you cooperate, we will also keep you safe. It won't surprise you."

Jiang Lin smiled at the bride and promised to keep her safe as long as she didn't yell.

Five daughters-in-law died one after another in the Jiang family. It is impossible for people in this area to not know. It is estimated that this girl was forced by her parents who were greedy for money. Otherwise, she would not be able to marry.

As long as she is willing to cooperate, Jiang Lin admits that he can do it without saying anything else to ensure her personal safety.

The bride's gaze fell on Jiang Lin through the red veil covering her head, and then she nodded slightly.

"Get up!"

Because the wedding team had arrived, the matchmaker called out, and the wind, rain, and thunder immediately carried the sedan chair.

Jiang Lin in the sedan chair didn't expect that he hadn't even gone out yet, and they carried the sedan chair in the wind, rain, thunder and lightning. His feet were unsteady and he leaned towards the bride.

The bride's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, she quickly stretched out her arm, and stabbed a bright dagger into Jiang Lin's heart.

Quick, accurate, ruthless.

Chapter [*] Unseen operations


The front end of the dagger pierced Jiang Lin's heart, but there was only a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

Jiang Lin was wearing a Flood Dragon Battle Armor under his clothes. Not to mention a dagger, even a [*]-meter long sword couldn't hurt him. Even if he didn't rely on the battle armor, his physical defense had reached the point where a sword could not hurt him.

The bride was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why this happened.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly. He covered the bride's mouth with one hand, and then pinched the bride's wrist with the other, and slammed it behind her back.

"I've said it a long time ago, I don't have any ill will towards you, I just borrowed a sedan car to enter Jiang's house. This time I'll take your precautions. Next time, don't blame me for destroying flowers. If I die, I don't have to be nice to you, just stay with me honestly, or with my ability, I can choke your neck with just a tiger's mouth. Do you understand?"

Jiang Lin gave a warning and squeezed the bride's palm with a little force, causing the weak woman's forehead to sweat.

If it wasn't for the fact that the bride had to stay, Jiang Lin might have really ruined it.

He could see that the girl just now did not act out of a woman's defensive instinct, but really wanted to kill him.

As for the reason, Jiang Lin didn't want to ask more, it was unnecessary.


The bride's eyes widened, she looked at Jiang Lin, and then nodded.

Only then did Jiang Lin remove his palm from the bride's mouth, because the sedan chair was already up, and he didn't know if the bride would do anything else, so Jiang Lin stood by the window of the sedan chair.

Anyway, the space inside this sedan chair is relatively large, and it can still accommodate two or three people.


The bride sat in the sedan chair, and after a while, she began to whimper in a low voice, tears falling down her cheeks.

Jiang Lin: "..."

I was stabbed in the heart by you, and I just grabbed your wrist. You were in tears of grievance. What do you mean? ?

Jiang Lin's face was speechless. The girl in front of her was quite decisive when she killed her just now, but now her face changed and she was crying heartbroken.

This style of painting changed, so that he really did not understand.

"Brother, I beg you to let me go, okay?"

The bride had tears in her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin pitifully.

"I want to tell you a few times, I have no malice towards you, I don't want your money, and I don't covet your lust."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, he was surprised, did he have the face of a bad guy?

"No, that group of bandits was sent by my brother Tang Long to take me back. I am his sister Tang Shasha. I don't want to marry into the Jiang family. Can you let me go?"

The bride wiped away her tears and looked at Jiang Lin with a pleading look in her eyes.

In fact, she deliberately mentioned her brother's name, but also had other intentions. Her brother Tang Long was a man in the green forest, and he was also famous in the road. She wanted Jiang Lin to hear this name, and he would be scruples.

Until now, Tang Shasha still regards Jianglin and the wind, rain and thunder outside as enemies of the Jiang family or green forest bandits who covet the wealth of the Jiang family.

Jiang Lin: ? ? ?

What kind of plot is this?

"Your parents covet the wealth of the Jiang family and marry you into the Jiang family, and then your brother is not willing to let the bandits rob you?"

"No, it was my brother who wanted to marry me into the Jiang family, and then took me back halfway."

I go.

What the hell is this?

Jiang Lin had to admit that he was a little stunned.

He had never seen such an operation.

The elder brother married the younger sister, and then grabbed the marriage halfway.

Operation never seen.

Seeing Jiang Lin's puzzled expression, Tang Shasha explained, "The little girl asked my brother to investigate the truth because she found out that her father's death in her early years may be related to the old Jiang family. The heart of guarding people is very important. The old man Jiang has strong martial arts. He wants me to marry into the Jiang family so that the cause of death and the truth can be traced. He also said that the father's body may have been made into a wax corpse by the Jiang family. In fact, I knew that he had no intention of taking revenge at all. It was the gold of the Jiang family. He wanted to marry the Jiang family to make it easier for him to go to the Jiang family. Later, I begged him hard, and he was willing to send someone to intercept me halfway. , in this case, he can also find a reason to stay in the Jiang family and not leave the important person."

Saying that, Tang Shasha burst into tears again. She felt that her life was really hard. She lost her parents at an early age, and was later used by her brother to push her into the fire pit. Finally, there was a turning point, and she didn't need to marry into the Jiang family. After killing Jiang Lin's group, she would have to marry her.

"Big brother, it's my fault for killing you earlier. I apologize to you. I just wanted to escape. The young master of the Jiang family is a fool. I don't want to enter the Jiang family's door or worship him."

Tang Shasha hurriedly took off her bracelets and earrings and other accessories and held them in her hands, and continued: "Brother, whether you have a grudge with the Jiang family, or whether you want to map the Jiang family's property, I won't say anything. These are all my accessories, they are all made of gold, you can go to Jiang's house by yourself, will you let me go?"

"Uh... I think Miss Tang, you have misunderstood. We don't have a grudge against the Jiang family, nor do we want the wealth of the Jiang family. We are Taoist priests. We went to the Jiang family to catch zombies, but the Jiang family has a special formation. , we can't get in, we can only use the sedan car to disguise and enter Jiang's house."

Jiang Lin thought it was funny, this Tang Shasha seemed to regard them as thieves like horse thieves.

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