He also unloaded all his valuables and "redeemed" him.


Taoist priest?

This time, it was Tang Shasha's turn to be stunned. After working for a long time, in front of her was a Taoist priest.

"So, you are not the kind of horse bandits who kill people at every turn?"

"I'm just wondering, do I have the words "horse bandit" written on my face?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Tang Shasha speechlessly. He and the storm and thunder and lightning drove the horse thief away. After entering the sedan chair, he also said that he was not malicious and just borrowed the sedan car. The attitude is even more kind, and just like that, he was labeled as a "bandit".

Is it wrong?


Since she was not a bandit, but a Taoist priest, Tang Shasha no longer hesitated and shouted, but Jiang Lin covered her mouth again as soon as the voice came out.

Fortunately, there was a suona sound outside, so Tang Shasha's voice was not heard.


Tang Shasha smashed Jiang Lin's chest with her fists, and kicked her little feet on Jiang Lin's legs.

"I warn you, although I'm a Taoist priest, I won't kill people easily, but that doesn't mean I don't kill people."

A cold light flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, and Tang Shasha couldn't help but shudder, and instantly became honest.

Chapter [-]: The Incarnation Technique of Mind Movement ([-])

Sure enough, the fright was much more honest.

Jiang Lin saw that Tang Shasha's face turned pale, and continued to scare her: "I'm not the same as the Taoist priest you know, no matter what the reason, you go to my heart first, because you want my life, believe me or not Turn you into a wax corpse now?"


Tang Shasha nodded again and again, waving her hands in front of her face, indicating that she would never dare.


At this moment, the wind carrying the sedan chair in front whistled softly to Lei beside him.

"I always feel that something is wrong in this sedan chair. Why does it feel like it's shaking inside) (Bed, no, what about rocking the sedan chair?"

"No way, Daoist Li Yang gave people to..."

The two brothers looked at each other and turned their heads together, but because the sedan curtain blocked them, they couldn't see anything.

The two winked at each other, then shook their shoulders one after another, and the sedan curtain was opened because of the shaking of the sedan chair.

Then the two brothers saw Jiang Lin covering Tang Shasha's mouth in the sedan chair, suspected, as if, he might be doing something indecent.

"Two people in the sedan chair, go up and down."

"I'm so angry, we can only be bearers, and he is the groom."

"A moment of silence for the green hat groom of the Jiang family."

"To live well, you have to have a little green on your head."

The two brothers and sisters, you talk to me, just like talking to each other.

At this time, Jiang Lin in the sedan chair was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, and a few funny people couldn't even lift the sedan chair.

He was about to get up just now, but the sedan chair tilted, causing his body to lean forward again. This time, there were no bright daggers, but bright and clean scorpions.

Jiang Lin suddenly kissed Tang Shasha's forehead because of his unstable center of gravity, and then the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Tang Shasha covered her hot cheeks and looked at Jiang Lin aggrieved. Then she quickly picked up the red gauze that had fallen by the seat and put it over her head.

She is now both ashamed and afraid, mostly because of fear.

Just now Jiang Lin said that he was going to make her a wax corpse, which really scared her to the point where the hair stood on end.

Jiang Lin coughed twice, as if nothing had happened, he put a finger in front of his lips, signaling Tang Shasha to stop shouting.

The second uncle's, originally borrowed the car team, why so many things.

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows. In his plan, when sneaking into Jiang's house, it is best not to cause any trouble.

If there is really a Fei Zong in Jiang's house, once there is trouble, if the identities of him and Feng Yuleidian are exposed, it will be bad.

Fei Zong has suffered so many losses in the past few years, and he has long been a thief. If he hears the housekeeper shouting "caught zombies", then maybe he will continue to run away.

Therefore, the sedan chair must enter the Jiang's yard, and the bride must also go to the church.

It's just that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for a while.

After listening to Tang Shasha's explanation, Jiang Lin also knew that there was a misunderstanding that the girl would kill him.

And if it really counted, it was they who ruined the girl's plan to escape marriage first, so he didn't hold this grudge.

Tang Shasha saw that Jiang Lin was no longer paying attention to her, so she picked up the golden hairpin and bracelet at her feet, and said to Jiang Lin, "Brother, no, Taoist priest, Sasha really thought you were horse bandits before, so she wanted to kill. , intends to escape from marriage. This time, regardless of whether you let me or not, Sasha is here to sincerely apologize to the Taoist priest. These accessories are also worth a little money, just as your reward for eliminating demons and defending Taoism. I'm sorry, I almost killed someone by mistake."

After all, Tang Shasha raised her arm to wipe her tears, then pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into her heart.

She wanted to shout and then run away in the chaos, but now that she has entered the town, the Jiang family is not far away, and she doesn't want to ruin her reputation, so she can only die.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin flicked his fingers, and a spiritual energy hit the dagger, knocking it down.

"Daoist, I don't want to marry that fool, I don't want to worship him, and I don't want to become a wax corpse. Let me finish it myself."

"It's a headache."

Knocking on his forehead, Jiang Lin said, "I told you, when I first came in, I said I didn't have any ill will towards you, but if you didn't believe it, if I said I turned you into a wax corpse, then you believed it. You little girl, how can you do that? Believe it or not, if you scare you, you believe it very quickly. Well, I'm too frightening, okay."

Tang Shasha looks like she is going to live or die, Jiang Lin can't completely ignore her life or death, and must find a way to solve the problems between him and Tang Sasha.

Otherwise, if the person dies, it is impossible for him to play the bride himself.

Jiang Lin took the dagger beside Tang Shasha in his hand and said, "You don't want to pray to that fool, do you? I have a compromise that I can try, which should save you from praying. As for whether to enter or not, I promise. No."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Tang Shasha blinked and cried again.

It's too much to scare people with a wax corpse.


"Listen carefully, the real culprit crying, this Daoist Li Yang, really doesn't know Lianxiang Xiyu."

"Yeah, it really hurts."

The two senior brothers Fenglei who carried the sedan chair are here again, full of envy and hatred.

"If you cry again, then go to the church with the fool."

With that said, Jiang Lin sat on the sedan chair and took out a gossip mirror from his arms.

He scratched the belly of his finger and drew a spell on the mirror, then took a pencil and a stack of yellow paper and spread it on the gossip mirror.

This is also a kind of spell that he only thought of temporarily - the incarnation of telekinesis, which is an alternative incarnation outside the body, but he has never tried it for a long time, and he is not sure whether it can be successful or not.

"Smear the blood of your index finger on this pencil."

Jiang Lin handed the pencil and the dagger to Tang Shasha, motioning her to use the dagger to bleed.

"Can you do this?"

Tang Shasha wiped away her tears and frowned, a little unconvinced.

Jiang Lin responded, "I don't know if I can do it or not, but if you hesitate any longer, I can't do anything about it, time is running out."

"I'll bleed."

Tang Shasha immediately cut the belly of her finger with a dagger and smeared it on the pencil engraved with the rune.

"Keep this position and don't move."

After Jiang Lin took the pencil, he lifted Tang Shasha's red gauze hijab with the barrel and began to paint.

When he was at home, his wife often yelled at him to paint them, so after so many years, Jiang Lin's sketching and painting skills have not fallen behind.

"I can't take it anymore, so I keep this position and don't move."

"He's enjoying himself in it, the four of us carry the bed, NND!"

Fenglei and Lei pricked up their ears since they misunderstood what was going on in the sedan chair, but the sound of the suona was so loud that they couldn't hear at all, but they understood what Jiang Lin said.

They were both puffed up with smoke from their noses.

Jiang Lin in the sedan chair naturally didn't know what Feng Lei Duo Bi, who was carrying the sedan chair outside, was holding something in his mind. He was now painting with peace of mind.

The spiritual power in his body was condensed to his fingertips, the blood on the pencil fell little by little, and only the sound of rustling remained in the sedan chair.

Tang Shasha didn't expect Jiang Lin to give her a portrait, she became cramped for a while, and her cheeks flushed a little.

Chapter [-]: The Incarnation Technique of Mind Movement (Part [-])

Although she didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to do, Tang Shasha stopped thinking about it when she saw the brilliant arc on the yellow paper.

Maybe this Taoist priest who likes scaring people really has something to do.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Lin painted Tang Shasha. Because the time was short, he only painted the face in more detail, and did not pursue the rest.

It's pretty.

Jiang Lin glanced at the portrait on the yellow paper, and then glanced at Tang Shasha. This girl had phoenix eyes and raised eyebrows, Qiong nose and cherry mouth, and she was also a full-fledged beauty.

Tang Shasha noticed that Jiang Lin's gaze was no longer the kind of painting, so she lowered her pretty face and quickly covered her head with a red gauze veil.

Jiang Lin smiled and asked, "What is your birthday?"

"In the Gengxu year, the month of the fifth month of the fifth month, when the sun was yet to come, it was ugly."

"Nineteen this year? Lift your hijab."

Jiang Lin tore off the portrait and wrote Tang Shasha's birthday on the portrait's forehead.

"It was only nineteen in the twelfth lunar month last year, you... haven't you finished painting?"

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