Tang Shasha felt coy for a while, she thought Jiang Lin still wanted to see her face.

After asking her age and looking at her face, it is no wonder that Tang Shasha thinks so much.

"The painting is finished, but the spell is not finished yet."


Tang Shasha nodded, lifted the red gauze again, and looked at Jiang Lin shyly.

"Take the blood as the guide, use the mind to move the puppet, the mind to move the incarnation technique, get up!"

Jiang Lin pressed the handprint on Tang Shasha's forehead again, and then the handprint changed again and again, and finally shot a streamer at the portrait.

With the filling of spiritual power, the portrait immediately began to transform from the plane to the three-dimensional, and gradually became larger.

Tang Shasha saw this scene in her eyes, and she was almost able to stuff her eggs into her mouth.

Jiang Lin held his breath, the seals in his hands were constantly changing, and he continued to inject spiritual power into Tang Shasha's avatar.

A few minutes later, another Tang Shasha stood in the sedan chair. Except for the phoenix crown on her body, which was a little unreal, the rest was almost the same as a real person.

Jiang Lin turned his palms together, and a ray of light popped out from each, injected into the eyebrows of Tang Shasha and her avatar, and then said to Tang Shasha: "Keep your mind and try to communicate with this avatar with your mind to see if there is any obstruction. "

"Hey, it's amazing."

After Tang Shasha closed her eyes for a while, she opened them again and "found" Jiang Lin sitting in front of him.

"Control it and let it sit down. If there is no problem, it can go to church instead of you."

"I'll try it now."

Tang Shasha is like a little girl who got candy, and her face is full of joy. In this case, she doesn't have to marry a fool.

The avatar was about to move, but because Tang Shasha was still unskilled and didn't have a good balance, she suddenly fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

Because this kind of spell will make the incarnation have the same five senses as herself, Tang Shasha feels like she is crooked in Jiang Lin's arms.


Tang Shasha blushed with shame, and wanted to control her avatar to push Jiang Lin to stand up, but she was so embarrassed that she couldn't concentrate, and instead became like her avatar acting like a spoiled child in Jiang Lin's arms.

"Concentrate and focus."

Jiang Lin reminded Tang Shasha, but when he spoke, his chest rose and fell, and the red cloud on Tang Shasha's face went directly to his ears.

Jiang Lin reminded again: "I said you should concentrate, otherwise you have to go to the church by yourself."

Being so stimulated, Tang Shasha couldn't keep her mind even more. Jiang Lin shook his head when he saw this, wrapped his arms around the avatar's waist, and placed it in the empty seat between him and Tang Shasha.

When it was over, the waist was hugged.

A man's head and a woman's waist cannot be touched (touched) by a lover.

Tang Shasha felt ashamed to death.

"Take a few deep breaths, then put the phoenix crown on your body and put it on. Here is a piece of clothing for you to put on."

Jiang Lin took a piece of clothing from the ancient mirror in his arms, which belonged to his wife Yuemei. Tang Shasha's figure was similar to hers, so it should fit.

Change clothes here?

Tang Shasha clenched her collar tightly, and her face turned red into a nectarine.

However, it was related to her lifelong happiness. After a brief hesitation, she took over the clothes in Jiang Lin's hands and changed them on the side.

At this moment, the sedan chair was almost at the gate of Jiang's house.

"You'll see a very scary ghost in a while, you'd better cover your mouth and don't scream."

After Jiang Lin vaccinated Tang Shasha, he released the charm in the shadow.

The unexpected success of the telekinetic incarnation technique made it unnecessary for Tang Shasha to enter the gate of Jiang's house.

And he and Feng Yu Lei Dian are going to enter Jiang's house. At that time, the four people who carry the sedan chair will rush into Jiang's house with the sedan chair, so before that, Tang Shasha needs to leave the sedan chair.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin had already said hello, and Tang Shasha had already covered her mouth, otherwise she would have been scared and screamed.

"Don't resist, let this shadow take you out of the sedan chair. In addition, your avatar can't be too far away from you, so you need to stay near Jiang's house first, and when the avatar is finished, you can find a suitable time to let It disappears and it turns to ashes."

After explaining to Tang Shasha, Jiang Lin moved his thoughts, and the charm spirit threw himself on Tang Shasha.

A dark shadow flashed by, and Tang Shasha herself was taken out of the sedan chair by the charm and came to the corner of Jiang's house.

After solving Tang Shasha's problem, Jiang Lin drew a spell on his palm and slapped it on his avatar and his dantian.

At this time, the wind, rain and thunder and lightning outside saw the gate of Jiang's house opened, and rushed in with all their strength.

"By the way, Dao Master, I haven't asked your name and Dao number yet."

Tang Shasha's avatar turned to ask Jiang Lin's name, but she herself was in a hurry just now, and she didn't have time to ask.

"Jianglin, Hydraulic River, Shuangmulin, Taoist name Li Yang."

"The groom has picked up the sedan chair."

At this moment, a matchmaker's shout came from outside the sedan chair.

"Hey, I got a wife again, I got a wife again, I like getting a wife the most."

The young master of the Jiang family is a fat and timid fool, walking towards the sedan chair.

"Goodbye, Chief Jiang."

The avatar looked at Jiang Lin, then leaned forward and slapped Jiang Lin's face, then it covered the red gauze hood, opened the sedan curtain and walked out.

So fat, so stupid!

Through her avatar, Tang Shasha saw the young master of the Jiang family with the red hydrangea hanging in front of her, and almost vomited.

Compared with Jiang Daochang, who is Yulong, you are simply a big fat pig!

People are compared to people, goods are compared, this fat pig has the same surname as others, how can the gap be so big!

The young master of the Jiang family didn't know that he was scolded as a big fat pig, so he happily took his bride to the main room to pray for marriage.

But he didn't know that the bride beside him was actually a paper man.

Not long after, the curtain of the sedan chair in the yard moved, and Jiang Lin walked out, but outsiders couldn't see him at all.

He has hidden his figure.

At the same time, in the Jiang family's ancestral house, Fei Zong made a way from the ground and escaped outside the town.

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect that when he and Feng Yu Lei Dian came to the outside of Jiang's house, they were already noticed by Fei Zong.

Including part of the conversation between them, they were also heard by Fei Zong!

Chapter [*]: Cunning Flying Zombie

Jiang Lin walked around Jiang's house and searched it with his perspective ability, but because his eyes had not completely healed, his eyesight was not at its peak, so he couldn't detect every corner, and the distance to the ground was also too far. Limited, so Jiang Lin was going to find the four of them.

If you want to carry out a carpet search, you have to cooperate with instruments such as a compass.

The Jiang family occupies a relatively small area. If someone helps together, the efficiency will be higher.

When Jiang Lin found the wind, rain and thunder and lightning in the yard, these four trolls were ranting about gossip, saying that the groom would not find out if the groom was a fool with a green hat, and also said that he was an unkind priest, and he had been with him in the sedan chair for a long time. Bride hehehe.

Jiang Lin was so angry that he appeared and knocked hard on the heads of the four filthy guys.

It's full of nasty stuff in my head!

"What kind of stuff are you holding in your mind? You still have time to chat here, if you don't hurry up to move your muscles and bones, so that the effect of the spiritual seal will fail as soon as possible, if Fei Zong is in this house, you will just wait for the hiccup. Fuck it!"

Senior brother Feng covered his forehead and said, "Daoist, you are too much. The four of us carry the sedan chair and let you be happy inside, and now you are still beating us."

His three apprentices and brothers also agreed. If their master and Jiang Lin hadn't praised each other as brothers and friends, they would have fought back against Jiang Lin.

"Let you be romantic, make you happy, and all you have in your mind are erotic pictures!"

Jiang Lin knocked the four of them again and said, "I will teach you four filthy apprentices for Daoist Chunhua. They are still pure and clean, so you can't think of anything else?"

"Hey, hey, you guys are the bearers who carried the sedan chair today, aren't you? Why are you so unprofessional, you all carried the sedan chair into the yard, and the bridegroom's sedan chair has to be at the door, do you understand?"

At this time, the housekeeper of the Jiang family came to the yard, because the servants of the Jiang family had all left, and the team hired to greet the relatives didn't want to stay longer. He couldn't find anyone to work, so he rushed to Jianglin and the others. complained.

The housekeeper didn't recognize Feng Yu Lei Dian as the four people who knocked on the door before saying that the Jiang family had zombies.

This guy is really a bitch and forgets things.

Jiang Lin glanced at the housekeeper. This guy only drenched his head with the blood they scolded by the storm, thunder and lightning an hour ago, and now he doesn't recognize anyone.

Turning his eyes, Jiang Lin responded, "We heard that the outside of Jiang's house is not clean, how dare we park the sedan chair outside. By the way, are you Jiang's family short of staff? We don't want to walk outside at night, we want to be here. Be a part-time worker for a while."

"What's not clean outside, you all listen to other people's nonsense! You want to take part-time jobs? It happens that I am also short of people here, so you can stay here and work. Quickly, go to the door and bring in the gift."

After the butler explained the task, he left.

"I walked around Jiang's house before, and I didn't find anything suspicious for the time being, but for the sake of safety, after the spiritual power seal on your body expires, we will search again together."

After the housekeeper left, Jiang Lin asked Feng Yu Lei Deng and the others to do physical work outside. In the case of strenuous exercise, the seal on them would disappear after about a quarter of an hour. How long does it take to restore the spiritual power in the body.

When Jiang Lin and the others were busy, the avatar controlled by Tang Shasha had already finished attending the church and went to the wedding room with the foolish young master, but what she did not expect was that, on the way, a poisonous snake came out and bit the foolish young master. .

In a few blinks of an eye, the foolish young master foamed at the mouth, stretched his legs, and went to report below.

"Fortunately, I didn't get married, it's too scary."

Tang Shasha, who was sitting on the corner of Jiang's house, was shivering with fright. When she was in the hall with the foolish young master, she found that the old lady of the Jiang family sitting in the hall was actually a wax corpse. She saw the wax corpse first. , If she met a poisonous snake again, if it wasn't for that incarnation, she would have been bitten to death by the poisonous snake.

Now that the incarnation has become a piece of ashes, and no one has found it, Tang Shasha no longer thinks about it, and runs along the way without looking back.

The Charming Spirit followed her all the time. When Jiang Lin asked Tang Shasha to get out of the sedan chair, he gave it an order to protect Tang Shasha all the way home.

Anyway, Meiling couldn't enter Jiang's house, and stayed outside.

Jiang Lin also did not expect that it was he who gave Meiling the protection order that allowed Tang Shasha to escape a death calamity.

Fei Zong is on Tang Shasha's path, and it's raging now.

After the group of bandits who robbed the relatives failed, they returned to the den of thieves and brought people over. They were going to go directly to Jiang's house to rob the bride. However, the hard part was that they happened to run into all kinds of disasters and then returned. fly stiff.

This group of unlucky horse thieves were almost all torn to pieces by Fei Zong, but a bald man who stepped on the shit luck fell into the quagmire, and his popularity was cut off, and he was lucky to survive.

In fact, the real situation is that Fei Zong specially let the bald man go. All it has to do is to make Jiang Lin, who has been chasing it, think that it is not at Jiang's house at all, but outside Dafang Town.

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