Tang Shasha couldn't accept the fact that she was disfigured for a while, her whole body was shaking, and tears fell one by one.

"Why do you want to save me? I've become such an ugly monster, woohoo, don't look at my face, don't look at me."

Tang Shasha huddled in the corner of the bed and covered herself with the quilt.

If Jiang Lin were a stranger, her reaction would not be like this. Not long ago, she and Jiang Lin rode a sedan chair together, and Jiang Lin took a portrait of her, but now her pretty face is a blur of blood. , even if his life is saved, there will be ugly scars on his face.

At this moment, from her point of view, Jiang Lin's eyes were like salt, falling on her face, as if sprinkled with salt.

"Don't cry, I still have something to tell you."

Jiang Lin tore the quilt away and said to Tang Shasha, "As long as the wounds on your face and neck are healed, there will be no scars."

Tang Shasha seemed to be deaf, and kept crying in the corner of the bed.

Jiang Lin shook his head, stretched out his arm and grabbed Tang Shasha's wrist, then dropped a drop or two of cold marrow left in the jade bottle, refined the corpse poison in his body, and smeared it on it.

The wound on Tang Shashahao's wrist immediately began to scab, and then fell off. The scratch on her wrist was not corroded by the corpse poison of Fei Zong, so it healed very quickly.

"Look, doesn't the injury to your wrist leave a scar? The injury to the face and neck will be the same."


Tang Shasha wiped her tears and stared at her wrist, which was intact as before, and was stunned for a while.

"Really...really? I won't have scars on my face?"

"What do you think? Stop crying. I have something to say. If you do this again, don't even think about using the medicinal liquid in my hand."

Jiang Lin looked at Tang Shasha with his arms crossed. If he didn't solve this hurdle in the girl's heart, she probably wouldn't listen to what he was going to say next.

Tang Shasha hurriedly grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, knelt on the bed, wiped her tears and said, "Okay, I won't cry anymore, what you want to say, I will listen, I will listen to you."

"I saw a piece of ashes beside the corpse of the foolish young master of the Jiang family. I think you should know that he was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, right? There will be no one else in this room. You will live in the Jiang family for a while. I will deliver medicine to you regularly. As for the injury on your face, if the Jiang family asks, you will say that it is caused by the venom sprayed by the poisonous snake. In addition, I will perform surgery on Li Dai Tao Zong, and you will never take it. It happened, and I don’t know me, let alone my identity as a Taoist priest. In order to facilitate the investigation of the zombie incident, I and the four people who came with me are now part-time workers of the Jiang family.”

"I know he was bitten to death by a snake, and I have written down all these things. If you need any help from me, feel free to say it."

Tang Shasha nodded again and again, not to mention listening to Jiang Lin's words, if she could restore her appearance, she would be willing to serve Jiang Lin as a slave and a maid.

"This is a spiritual talisman, you keep it, it has the effect of expelling snakes and worms, and the poisonous snake will not enter here."

After Jiang Lin threw a magic charm to Tang Shasha, he left the marriage room.

Although there is still corpse poison in Tang Shasha's body, but with him, those corpse poison will not have any effect on Tang Shasha.

If he thinks too much this time and Fei Zong is not at Jiang's house at all, he will immediately deal with Tang Shasha's situation and leave.

After a while, Jiang Lin returned to the downside-down room where he was temporarily staying, where the wind, rain, thunder and lightning and the servants of the Jiang family were crowded.

Lying back on the bed, Jiang Lin closed his eyes and fell asleep, completely letting go of his spiritual sense, secretly observing the movements in every corner of Jiang's house.

At the same time, he was thinking and reasoning.

The escape route that appeared outside Jiang's house was really weird.

Regardless of whether there are other escapes in the deeper underground, that is, where he cannot see through, just talking about this new one can lead to three possibilities.

First, Fei Zong passed by Jiang's underground just when he was resting with the wind, rain and thunder, and then went to another place.

Gently it came, and then it went away unrestrainedly, just passing by.

Second, Fei Zong came to Jiang's house just after they searched several times to confirm that there was no result. He didn't even know that in the Jiang's servant's room, he was asleep and chasing after him.

The possibility of these two things does exist, but Jiang Lin's intuition tells him that it shouldn't be so coincidental.

In addition, there is a third possibility, which is what he is most worried about: Fei Zong has been at Jiang's house since the beginning, a few days ago, when he and the wind, rain and thunder and lightning arrived, they had already been discovered by him. .After they entered Jiang's house, Fei Zong deliberately slipped out, let them find an empty space, and even went outside to reveal their traces. After they determined that Jiang's family was not Fei Zong, the guy rushed back.

I just don't know if this guy is complacent. He didn't escape that deep, leaving an escape route and was discovered by him.

If Fei Zong is really such a thief, then if you want to destroy it, it is no longer enough to rely on Taoism, supernatural powers, and other foreign objects such as magic circles, and you must also suppress it with IQ.

It was because of this speculation that Jiang Lin never acted rashly, let alone wandered outside to see if there were any other escape routes.

The first thousand one hundred and eleventh chapters will be counted (below)

Jiang Lin waited until the sky was slightly bright, but he didn't feel any abnormality before he fell asleep again.

After dawn, someone from the Jiang family shouted that the young master was dead.

The master of the Jiang family asked for an autopsy, and only then did he know that his only son was bitten to death by a poisonous snake. Not only was his son poisoned, but his "daughter-in-law" was also disfigured.

Mr. Jiang didn't know about Tang Shasha's unwrapped bag last night, and he took Tang Shasha as his daughter-in-law and asked a doctor to diagnose and treat her.

No matter how high their medical skills are, they can't solve the corpse poison of Fei Zong.

It didn't take long for what happened to Jiang's family last night to spread among the servants, and the people were panicking. They are unwilling to work in Jiang's house, even if the salary is doubled.

So far, the big Jiang family is left with Master Jiang, the housekeeper, Tang Shasha, Jiang Lin who hasn't woken up, and the wind, rain and thunder.

"You are still sleeping, pack up your luggage and leave soon, this Jiang family is going to die."

The guy who slept in the upper bunk of the four of them woke them up, saying that the young master of the Jiang family had been bitten to death by a snake, and that the bride who had just passed the door was also poisoned by a snake, and she didn't know if she was alive or dead.

Now that all the people are gone, the guy advises them to leave as well.

The bride was also poisoned by snakes?

Feng Yuleidian jumped up from the bed when they heard the news. They knew that the silly young master of the Jiang family was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, but they didn't know about Tang Sasha's situation.

A beautiful woman who was fine yesterday, I didn't expect that in just one night, Xiang Xiaoyu would die.

As soon as the four brothers and sisters got together, they didn't want to leave. They wanted to go to see Tang Shasha for diagnosis, treatment and detoxification.

They didn't know about Tang Shasha's transfer last night, but they knew that the bride had not yet had a wedding.

Now the foolish bridegroom is farting. If Tang Shasha's life can be saved, there may be hope for further development.

"Daoist priest, didn't your tiger king go outside to look for Fei Zong? If it has any news, it will come to inform, you think we should stay in Jiang's house for a few more days. We can go into Jiang's house to find it, Still relying on the bride’s sedan chair, now she has been poisoned by snakes, we can cure her and save a life, better than building a seven-level pagoda.”

After the four brothers discussed, they woke up Jiang Lin and offered to stay at Jiang's house for a few more days.

"Okay. Anyway, the speed of the colorful tiger king is not slow. If he is looking for it outside, we will have no problem staying here for a few more days."

Jiang Lin nodded, these four scumbags didn't want to leave without him looking for a reason.

God special seven-level pagoda, one or two, is the body of the greedy people!

Jiang Lin laughed in his heart. Yesterday, he vowed to help Daoist Chunhua fulfill his last wish and hunt down Fei Zong. Today, he left Fei Zong behind.

Moreover, these four trolls were still complaining last night that they didn't want to stay at Jiang's house. They said that they couldn't bear to do some heavy and dirty work. When they heard that Tang Shasha's life was in danger today, they forgot everything.

I'll just see how the four of you go to diagnose, treat and detoxify others.

Jiang Lin was waiting to see the jokes about the wind, rain and thunder. He didn't plan to tell them about Tang Shasha's corpse poisoning and the emergence of a new escape route outside Jiang's house. Now is not the time.

After getting Jiang Lin's consent, the four brothers and sisters went to find Master Jiang without waiting for him.

They do know some tricks to clean up snake venom. When a Taoist is dealing with zombies, as long as they are scratched or bitten, if the glutinous rice doesn't work, they will use snake medicine. Some snake medicines must be guided by the venom of poisonous snakes, so Taoists also often deal with snakes.

But in the process of catching snakes, accidents will inevitably occur. In order to save themselves, they will understand and master the venom of some poisonous snakes, so it is not uncommon for Taoist priests to treat snake venom.

Master Jiang was very pleasantly surprised to hear Feng Yu Lei and Lightning say that they used to catch snakes and knew how to get rid of snake venom. He promised that as long as one of them rescued his daughter-in-law, he would accept that person as his adopted son and let Tang Sasha remarried, continued the blood of his Jiang family, and inherited the property of the Jiang family.

Now in the eyes of outsiders, the Jiang family is an ominous place, and no one dares to stay there. In order to prevent the huge family business from being abandoned in his own hands, Mr. Jiang is worthy of his ancestors and can only give such conditions.

His only son was also dead, and he didn't even have a pensioner. Taking an adopted son would at least give him his death.

As for how the four of them could detoxify snake venom so well, Master Jiang did not doubt that there had been poisonous snakes in his home before, and two of the dead daughters-in-law were bitten to death by poisonous snakes.

So he was pretty sure that they didn't put that snake.

I go, this is not a further development, who can save the bride and marry her?

Get rid of the snake venom, can you get a beautiful wife?

Can you still inherit the family property?

The four of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning all laughed heartily.

As soon as they think of Tang Shasha's pretty face, they get crazy.

It's a pity that after they went to Tang Shasha's room with Mr. Jiang, they all felt a chill in their hearts when they saw Tang Shasha's appearance.

Such a beautiful bride is actually disfigured!

But the words have been released, and they can only bite the bullet for Tang Shasha's diagnosis and treatment, but Tang Shasha is actually a corpse poison, and the four of them use it as snake venom to solve it, which is useless at all.

Even if they suspected that it might be corpse poison, it was difficult for them to understand what was going on.

The four brothers didn't even know that Tang Shasha was transferred last night, and they didn't even know that she had encountered a flying zombie. Even if they knew, with their abilities, it would not be enough to clear the flying zombie poison from Tang Shasha's body. .

In the end, Jiang Lin came forward and said that Tang Shasha was poisoned by Wulong's snake venom.

"Woolong? I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

The wind, rain, thunder and lightning looked at each other in dismay. They seemed to have heard Daoist Chunhua talk about it, but they couldn't remember the detailed information.

"In a family with a prosperous population and a harmonious family, there may be some special snakes living under the house. This kind of snake is called the 'house dragon' by the people. I don’t know if there was a cemetery below Jiang’s house before, but the dragon in this house has lived below for a long time, and it has been contaminated with death energy and the evil of bones, and it has become extremely poisonous.”

Jiang Lin spoke nonsense, stunned the four Doubi and Master Jiang for a while.

They had no doubts about the wind, rain and thunder, because what Jiang Lin said just solved their doubts. This "snake venom" was very similar to corpse venom.

And Mr. Jiang also nodded secretly, because there were many corpses under his mansion, which was quite in line with what Jiang Lin said.

Tang Shasha, who was lying on the bed, covered her mouth and held back her smile. If she hadn't known what was going on, she would have almost believed Jiang Lin's nonsense.

Now that Jiang Lin knew the type of "snake venom" on Tang Shasha, Master Jiang asked him to treat Tang Shasha, and the Jiang family would bear all the expenses.

Since then, Jiang Lin and Wind, Rain and Thunder have stayed at Jiang's house.

I'm knocking mom!

Fei Zong, who was staying in the Jiang's house, was so angry that his nostrils spewed corpse gas. It finally made Jiang Lin and the others think that it was not at the Jiang's house. These people should have left, but now they are staying in the Jiang's house.


At three quarters of noon on this day, when the yang energy was at its strongest, Jiang Lin hid his figure in the room and searched Jiang's house for Fei Zong again.

For the past four days, he has been paying close attention to everything in the Jiang family every night to prevent the sudden appearance of Fei Zong.

Now that his eyes have fully recovered, he can finally probe deeper.

Jiang Lin condensed the corpse poison in his eyes, looked through the surface, and saw eight meters underground.

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