What the hell!This Jiang family actually hides so much gold.

Under the Jiang family's ancestral house, Jiang Lin found a large number of small yellow croaker and large yellow croaker gold bars. When he turned his eyes, he discovered a major secret of the Jiang family.

Honey Corpse!

Seven or eight meters deep below the Jiang family's ancestral house is a large underground space. There are many corpses standing in it. Next to those corpses, there are several square ponds. The ponds are filled with golden liquid honey, one after another. Corpses floated in the pool.

It turns out that the Jiang family's ancestral technology is not a wax corpse at all. The wax corpse in the ancestral house is used to hide people's eyes and ears, and the honey corpse is the source of income for the Jiang family!

Jiang Lin believed that he had seen many corpses. He had seen zombies, zombies and even extremely rare corpses, but this was the first time he had seen honey corpses.

The so-called honey corpse is to wrap a healthy person with good honey, or put it directly into a honey pool to suffocate to death. corpse.

Honey corpse can be used as medicine to cure almost all diseases, especially it has an excellent effect on the treatment of terminally ill tuberculosis.

This technology of using people as medicine originated in Arabia and was introduced to China in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The nobles at that time called the honey corpse "honey man", and the meat of the honey corpse was eaten as dessert after meals. It's called candied fruit.

Later, the matter was exposed, and for a while, the people were all talking about honey color change.

Because this practice was extremely cruel, it was finally banned by the official order, and the honey corpse disappeared in Middle-earth.

Unexpectedly, the Jiang family actually has a honey corpse manufacturing room.

It seems that those gold bars before should be the wealth earned by Jiang and his ancestors privately buying and selling honey corpses.

"Using this method to harm people, it stands to reason that Jiang Zhai should be resentful and be a genius."

Jiang Lin frowned. There were hundreds of honey corpses under the Jiang family's ancestral house. These corpses were drowned alive with honey before they died, and they died with resentment. Resentment is not so easy to dissipate.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, enhancing his eyesight, only to discover the key.

It turns out that there is an isolation barrier, which isolates the grievances.

Finally found you, you are really here!

Jiang Lin clenched his fists. He found Fei Zong in the pile of honey corpses.

At this time, Fei Zong was resting, absorbing the grievances around him leisurely.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, you are very thief."

Jiang Lin murmured softly, and then withdrew his gaze. He did not delay for a moment, and left Jiang's house directly.

Now that it has been confirmed that Fei Zong is at Jiang's house, he can deploy his plan.

Don't you make us think you're not at the Jiang's house?

Then I'll play Infernal Affairs with you.

Jiang Lin intends to play the game of the year for Fei Zong.

Chapter [-] Ming people do dark things

Even though he discovered Fei Zong's hiding place, Jiang Lin still did not act rashly. Although he has been chasing and killing Fei Zong for the past two years, he has never completely destroyed it. The reason is that he cannot limit Fei Zong's mobility.

Fei Zong can fly to the ground, so he can't stand up to output, and there is no good output environment.

The experience of the past two years and the last corpse killing alliance have taught Jiang Lin a lesson. After all, the blind pursuit of Fei Zong is not a good strategy.

Now Fei Zong uses the darkness under the light to recuperate under his eyelids. Although he will recover faster, from another point of view, at least there will be a period of time, and Fei Zong will no longer run around.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to take advantage of this opportunity to transform the surrounding environment so that Fei Zong could no longer escape?

Fei Zong is cunning, but this time, if his cleverness is mistaken by his cleverness, then he may be able to finish his work in one battle and eliminate him completely.

In the past few days at the Jiang family, Jiang Lin has been pondering, if things are as he guessed, how to kill Fei Zong.

Now is the time to put the ideas he's mulling into practice.

It's just that his plan can't have any flaws in its implementation. It must be ensured. Otherwise, once Fei Zong notices it, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity.

After leaving Dafang Town, Jiang Lin found a remote place, exhaled the system, and spent [-] points of savage energy to exchange the two abilities of sound transmission into secret and ever-changing.

A few days ago, he thought that he would not be able to exchange these two useless abilities with anger points, but now, if he wants to implement his plan, he has to need them.

With the sound transmission, he can communicate with the wind, rain, thunder and lightning silently, and it is absolutely indispensable for the subsequent deployment work.

Now Fei Zong is under the ancestral house of Jiang Zhai, and he is probably monitoring everything on the ground. Maybe even his conversation with Feng Yu Lei will be "eavesdropped", so even if it costs [-] points of anger, in order to completely kill Flying stiff, Jiang Lin would not hesitate.

In addition, the ability of ever-changing is also essential. Jiang Lin must carry out all the work in secret, and it is not enough to have the ability of invisibility.

Bright people do dark things!

This was the first step in Jiang Lin's plan to kill the corpse.

Isn't Fei Zong in the dark, but he is in the light?

Isn't Fei Zong recovering from his injuries under his nose?

Then he will use his own way to return to him, and also do things under Fei Zong's eyelids.

And it's still the kind of trouble that Fei Zong can't find.

During the two years of chasing Fei Zong, Jiang Lin discovered that Fei Zong had a habit, that is, at noon every day, if it wasn't restless, it had to rest.

Even if you are stiff, you have to sleep during the day.

Therefore, this time of day will be the best time for Jiang Lin to act.

"That's not enough."

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. Although he was able to use voice transmission to infiltrate Feng Yu Lei Dian and even the rest of his colleagues, this could only be a one-line connection, and the other party could not talk to him.

By the way, there is a gossip sound transmission technique in Shishu's sect, which may be improved.

In a flash, Jiang Lin remembered that when Qiusheng and Wencai were fascinated by Xiaoli during the Ghost Festival, they beat the ghosts. Later, when Uncle Jiu sought help from his fellow disciples in order to wipe the buttocks of his two apprentices, he took advantage of them. The gossip sound transmission technique informed Shi Jian and the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin took the system and returned to Jiang's house.

Originally, he wanted to find Feng, Rain and Thunder, and find a reason for them to do some errands outside the town, but these four idiots didn't know where they went.

"How's it going? Does the wound still hurt?"

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin boiled some soup and entered Tang Shasha's room to ask about her condition.

Before, Jiang Lin just used the cold marrow and his own corpse poison essence to relieve Tang Shasha's crisis. Because he needed to take care of Tang Shasha, he continued to stay in the Jiang family, so he also needed to consider the amount of medicine according to Tang Shasha's situation.

He can't make Tang Shasha get better so quickly for the time being.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Seeing Jiang Lin coming over, Tang Shasha's face showed joy. She looked at Jiang Lin and nodded.

Only when Jiang Lin brought the medicine over in person would Tang Shasha feel better, because only Jiang Lin looked at her without that kind of disgust or pity in his eyes.

Only when Jiang Lin was present did she dare to turn her face over.

Jiang Lin pressed his two fingers on Tang Shasha's wrist and sensed the situation in her body with her spiritual sense.

Since he discovered the new escape route outside Jiang's house, unless it is necessary, he will no longer use his perspective ability, lest it be bad if Fei Zong discovers his ability.

"The wound has begun to scab, and when it falls off, it really won't leave a scar, right?"

"It won't leave scars, so don't worry. It would be a pity if such a beautiful face was ruined."

Jiang Lin smiled at Tang Shasha, and then asked, "Do you mind if I borrow the table and chairs in your room?"

There were no desks and chairs in the servant's room where he lived, and there was a stench. It was not very convenient for Jiang Lin to study and improve the gossip sound transmission array.

Tang Shasha can at least have a chair to sit on here, and a table to place papers.

Tang Shasha shook her head and said, "You are my savior, what should I mind? Sit down."

Jiang Lin took a pen and paper from his arms and studied the gossip sound transmission technique on the table.

Tang Shasha secretly glanced at Jiang Lin's profile, and a red glow flew over the intact half of her face.

When Jiang Lin said such a good-looking face just now, did he mean that I used to be beautiful?

No, now that I'm so ugly, I can't think about it too much.

Even if you want to think more, you have to wait until the original appearance is restored.

Tang Shasha covered her head with a quilt to block her sight, silently praying that the scar would come off soon.

After a long time, Jiang Lin heard four funny voices in the yard, put away the pen and paper, and walked out.

"The four of you, go out to the town to find some old woodlands, and find some century-old coffins inside. To completely eradicate the poison in Tang Shasha's body, you need to use century-old coffins as materials."

Jiang Lin wanted to keep the wind, rain and thunder away, and when they were outside, he would tell them the news of Fei Zong.

Otherwise, if these four jokers shouted loudly, maybe it would be a bad thing.

As for the century-old coffin he said, it can indeed relieve the corpse poison on Tang Shasha's body, which is a conventional therapy.

Chapter [-] Sound Transmission

"Daoist, we do enough miscellaneous things every day now. If you want to find the ancient coffin, you can go by yourself."

"Oh? You don't want it? Originally, I planned to give you half of the Jiang family property after inheriting it. If you don't want it, forget it."

Jiang Lin shrugged and said exactly what he said.

What?Divide half of the property?

When the four trolls heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, you don't really want to marry Tang Shasha, do you?"

"Everyone has become like this, you can still do it, admire!"

"I think the Taoist priest is the kind of man who values ​​inner beauty. This is the role model for men."

"Don't talk about it, let's go find the coffin, half of the property."

The four brothers first gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up, and then there was no more reluctance on their faces. Although there was no beauty to be a wife, it was not bad to be able to share half of the property.

If it weren't for these four funny ratios, I really want to tear their mouths to pieces!

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead, and then he held back his anger and handed a few talismans to the four of them.

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