"Don't worry, we'll find it."

The wind, rain and thunder and lightning carried the magic talisman in his arms and left Jiang's house together.

In fact, the talisman they took away did not sense a century-old coffin at all, but a yin and yang talisman.

Jiang Lin hadn't tried the power of voice transmission, so he needed to use this magic talisman to confirm whether they could hear his voice transmission.

When the four brothers left Jiang's house, Jiang Lin went back to Tang Shasha's room and continued the work at hand.

Behind him, Tang Shasha pulled down the quilt, looking at his back, her face was crimson.

The words they said outside the wind, rain, thunder and lightning reached her ears just now, making her heart pound.

He...he wants to marry me?

Tang Shasha covered her heart, and the feeling of her heart pounding like a deer made it difficult for her to adapt for a while.

If he can restore my appearance, I...I'll...

Tang Shasha couldn't help but fantasize, fantasizing about her scars falling off, recovering her appearance, and then putting on her wedding dress again.

The deeper she thought about it, the more flustered she felt.

At this time, Jiang Lin didn't know what kind of girlish mind Tang Shasha had behind him, and he was still focusing on how to improve the gossip sound transmission.

When the time was almost up, Jiang Lin closed his eyes and uttered his voice into the distance: "Wind, rain and thunder and lightning, can the four of you hear me? Now I'm using a secret method of sound transmission, you don't have to be surprised, I have it. The extremely important things will be explained to you, and if you can hear them, tear up the amulet I gave you."

After the wind, rain and thunder and lightning who had left Dafang Town "heared" Jiang Lin's voice, they were all stunned.

What is this situation?

The four looked around and found no sign of Jiang Lin at all.

"Did you hear the priest's voice?"

"You heard that too?"

"Like we all heard it."

"Then tear up the talisman and try it?"

The four looked at each other, then took out the yin and yang amulet in their arms and tore them into pieces.

At the same time, Jiang Lin, who was far away from Jiang's house, reached into his arms and found that the other half of the four talismans had become crumbs.

He nodded and continued his voice transmission: "What I want to tell you next, you must keep in mind that Feizong is not in the south of Dafang Town at all, it has always been under the ancestral house of the Jiang family, at least since our When it first arrived at the gate of Jiang's house, it was already there, just because there was an isolation barrier under the ancestral house, the compass and other instruments did not respond."

"I rely on!!!"

"Fei is frozen in the underground of the ancestral house?!!"

When the four brothers and sisters heard Jiang Lin's voice transmission, they all shouted in unison.

This information is simply too explosive.

Fei Zong has always been underground in the Jiang family's ancestral home? ? ?

Fortunately, Jiang Lin thought it through and didn't tell the four people the facts at Jiang's house, otherwise he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

After a few breaths, Jiang Lin's voice transmission once again reached the hearts of Feng Yu Lei Li, and this time he told them everything.

Including his use of telekinetic incarnation to Tang Shasha and Li Dai Taozhang, the latter's encounter with flying stupor, and the emergence of a new escape route outside Jiang's house that night, he explained them all in detail with Fengyu and Leidian.

"He already guessed that Fei Zong might be playing in the dark under the lights?"

"There are a lot of honey corpses underground in the Jiang family's ancestral house?"

The things Jiang Lin said, one after another, one by one, all caused the four brothers Feng Yu Lei Dian to feel very astonished.

"The next thing you have to do is don't panic, the four of you don't know what to do, and you don't know the hiding place of Fei Zong at all, everything is business as usual, you can also find the century-old coffin, this is to let us There is no way to stay in Jiang's house without any flaws. In addition, you quickly go to Dafang Town to find the colorful tiger king, inform him of the matter, and let him inform all the fellows who came to kill the corpse, and lay it down within ten miles of Dafang Town. Heaven and Earth Network. I will command from a distance when the time comes, and this time I must not let Fei Zong escape again!"

Afterwards, Jiang Lin told Fengyu Leidian of his plan to destroy the corpse through sound transmission, so that they could find the colorful tiger king as soon as possible, notify the monk who killed the corpse, and cooperate with him inside and outside.

"I really admire this Daoist Li Yang, Fei Zong hid in our couch for recuperation, yet he can still hold his breath."

"He can still think of this kind of tricky approach."


"Don't delay, Dian, you go to find the century-old coffin, Yu and Lei and I quickly go to find the Tiger King."

Although the wind, rain and thunder and lightning were very funny before, but now the traces of Fei Zong have been found, they also know that it is a big deal, and they all changed their previous attitudes and acted quickly.

In the evening, Feng Yulei and the other three found the colorful tiger king fifty miles south of Dafang Town and told him the truth.

"My wise and wise master, Tom really knelt down for you!"

After learning about these things, the King Panlan Tiger simply admired Jiang Lin as his master. If the three brothers hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known that Jiang Lin had deliberately opened it up to lower Fei Zong's vigilance.

The matter was urgent, and King Panlan didn't ask any further questions, and immediately notified the monks who had assembled to deal with Fei Zong again as quickly as possible.

Chapter [*] Best Emerging Director (Part [*])

Jiang Lin looked at the sky and walked into the courtyard.


Just as he was walking in the courtyard, a feeling of being watched suddenly rose in his heart.

Good guy, watching in the dark?

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart. Ever since he found out that Fei Zong was under the Jiang family's ancestral house, he has always adjusted his alertness to the highest level, always keeping an eye on whether Fei Zong has any movement.

If it wasn't for the tension in his mind, he would hardly have noticed Fei Zong's peeping.

Fei Zong's concealment skills are not comparable to ordinary evil spirits.

Two years ago, Jiang Lin was attacked once by it and almost fell into its hands.

If this flying freeze is monitored from time to time, it is really a problem.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. If he wanted to secretly set up a magic circle and a barrier around the Jiang family, he had to take some measures to prevent him from being seen through by Fei Zong.

"After searching for a long time, I only found two pieces."

"It's really exhausting."

At this moment, the four of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning carried two tattered coffin boards together and returned to Jiang's house.

Although they already knew that Fei Zong was hiding in Jiang's house, they didn't show anything strange, just like they didn't know anything.

"When you're cooking for a while, you cook a few oily dishes, then ignite the oil and set the Jiang's kitchen on fire. Whoever of the four of you has rough skin and thick flesh will suffer severe burns. Be smart. , Fei Zong should be watching us in the dark now."

Jiang Lin transmitted the sound to the four of Feng, Rain, Thunder and Lightning. Now that Fei Zong is playing surveillance, he will direct a good show for Fei Zong, so that this guy can be honest and stay under the Jiang family's ancestral house with peace of mind.


What about a severe burn?

Although the expressions on the faces of the four of them did not change much, they all began to roar in their hearts.

This Nima is clearly making them self-abuse.

Jiang Lin continued to explain through voice transmission: "Just do as I said, I secretly set up a formation in Jiang's house, it will take about a month, and Tang Shasha's injury will recover in ten days at most. Continue to stay, if Fei Zong is suspicious, all previous efforts will be forfeited. You must do something to pave the way for the future. As for severe burns, I can cure them in two or three days, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Now Jiang Lin would rather treat Feizong as an old fox than let his corpse extermination plan have any flaws.

Must be foolproof.

As for why they should let the wind, rain, thunder and lightning do this, he had his own plans in his heart.

Row!In order to eliminate the flying zombie, we agreed!

"The coffin has been found for you, but don't forget to share half of the property."

The wind and rain threw the two coffin boards in front of Jiang Lin and went to the kitchen.

It didn't take long before there were mourning sounds from the kitchen, as well as their loud cries of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

It's on fire!

Because the Jiang family was basically deserted, and they deliberately set fire to the wind, rain and thunder, and it didn't take long for one of the kitchens of the Jiang family to burn down.

Rain among the four was almost burned into a roast suckling pig by the oil fire, and the electricity was accidentally injured, and the burn was not light.

These actors are dedicated!

Jiang Lin almost gave them a thumbs up after seeing Yu Dian's injury.

Although these guys are funny, they are not ambiguous at all when it comes to serious business.

Knowing that his kitchen was burnt down, Mr. Jiang almost jumped to his feet with anger, but now there is no one in the Jiang family who can use it, so he could only endure his anger and ask the town's boss to come and heal him.

Otherwise, as soon as the wind, rain and thunder leave, there will be no one at home to cook.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Feng Lei built a few stoves in the yard to temporarily serve as a cooking place.

This is exactly what Jiang Lin wanted.

He wants to set up a magic circle and enchantment around the Jiang family. At least during the process of setting up, he cannot keep the original appearance of the yard.

Although he has the ability of ever-changing, he will only act at noon, but just in case, Jiang Lin thought of such a method.

He has also dealt with Fei Zong for two years, and knows that the latter has the ability to sense the heat energy of living creatures with both eyes.

Fei Zong peeps at the outside world from the underground of his ancestral home, and this is what he uses.

Now that several stoves are placed here, once the fire is lit, not only the surrounding light will be distorted, but also the heat distribution in the yard will be chaotic.

Even if Fei Zong loses sleep one day and doesn't fall asleep at noon, with this layer of camouflage, Jiang Lin doesn't have to worry.

When Jiang Lin and the others were cooking, Fei Zong was taking a nap in the pile of honey corpses under the Jiang family's ancestral house.

He knew about the fire in the kitchen of Jiang's house yesterday, and even saw that the rain and electricity were burned.

At that time, it was still laughing weirdly, taking the wind, rain, thunder and lightning as fools.

You can even burn yourself while cooking, which is a shame.

But what it never thought of, this is actually a play directed by Jiang Lin, specially for it.

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin hid his figure, went to the ancestral house to check, and found that Fei Zong was daydreaming, he was relieved.

After that, he called Feng and Lei to the place where Rain and Electric were recuperating, and said to them through voice transmission: "I will tell you the next part of the scene, and play it as I said. Rain and Electric are in great pain because of the burns, the two of you. I couldn't bear their pain, so I found some Fushou ointment from outside, which is opium. This stuff has the effect of anesthetizing pain. After the two of them smoked the gods, you also smoked. Of course, I, the director, are behind the scenes of all this. Master, for the effect of the drama, I will also try it. Then we will live the days of vaping together, playing mahjong, bragging, and staying at the Jiang's house. Demon guard, let's ignore it."

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