Storm and Thunder: "..."

Holy shit!Which show is this? ? ?

Can you smoke the Fushou Cream at will?Addicted what to do?

The four brothers and sisters all had black lines on their faces. It would be fine if they set fire to themselves. At least the burns could be healed.

But if you want to be contaminated with opium, can this thing be stained!

Don't be afraid to act and act, and act it out for real?

Before the wind, rain, and thunder and lightning, they became irritable, and Jiang Lin's voice sounded in their hearts again: "You just do as you do, as for whether you are addicted or not, you don't have to think about it at all, these are my special Samadhi True Fire Talismans, you guys Use it to light a cigarette, everything can be burnt cleanly, and there will never be any harmful gas in the smoke you inhale."

Jiang Lin took a stack of spirit talismans from his arms and threw it to Feng Yu Lei Li. How could he not have thought of these four questions that he could think of.

Chapter [*] Best Emerging Director (middle)

"This is a medicine to treat burns, rain and electricity. You two apply it to the burnt area, and then take part of it orally. The pain should be relieved in one or two hours, and it will be completely healed in two or three days, but you must pretend to be in great pain. Fei Zong will basically rest at noon, after that we don't have to meet again, who will play who. If there are any instructions, I will inform you through voice transmission. Feng Lei, if you want to go out and contact your upcoming colleagues in the future, you can also Better give me a hint."

Jiang Lin took two palm-sized medicine bottles from the ancient mirror in his arms, and after explaining to the four through voice transmission, he went to lie down on the side of the bed.

In order to ensure the secrecy of the action and to avoid any accidents, Jiang Lin could only set up the formation at noon every day. The time was very tight. If he completed it as soon as possible, the success rate of the action would be increased.

Don't you mean to take a rest at noon?What should he do, why did he go to sleep?

The four of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning looked at each other, not knowing what medicine was sold in Jianglin Gourd.

In fact, at this moment, Jiang Lin has been invisible again, teleported one after another, and entered the courtyard.

Lying on the bed is just his avatar.

Jiang Lin stood in the yard, the corpse poison in his body flowed rapidly and began to be consumed.

Although it only took [*] points of suffocation to exchange the ability of ever-changing, the corpse qi required to use this ability is more than the loss of any kind of ability he had before. .

In addition to consuming a lot of corpse energy, this kind of ability also requires Jiang Lin to mobilize a huge amount of mental power to maintain it.

The so-called ever-changing is actually an illusion similar to monsters and ghosts, but it is much more sophisticated than illusion.

Ordinary illusions, if you use scientific machines such as cameras or cameras to get the reality, will basically be exposed, and even if the original shape is not shown, there will be strangeness in the photos or images.

But this kind of ability Jiang Lin used would not have this situation.

Even if you meet someone who understands the way, if your cultivation level does not exceed him, it will be difficult to find any clues about the things he changes.

Even if something is not right, if it is solved by a common illusion-breaking method, it will only be in vain.

Jiang Lin stared straight ahead, and the corpse aura in his body began to drift forward, gradually filling the ground and air in front of him.

These corpses gradually faded, and eventually disappeared into nothingness.

Jiang Lin took one step forward, took out the spirit stones from the ancient mirror, and ejected them into the ground according to a certain distance and orientation.

Now Jiang Lin has concealed his figure. Under normal circumstances, the spiritual stone that is separated from his hand will no longer be affected by the invisibility ability, but will appear.

But at this moment, if someone is watching, they will find that there is no change in the yard at all.

In addition to the spirit stone, a small pit was popped on the ground, and there was a sound. However, the ground didn't seem to have any changes compared to the original, and there was no sound at all.

This strange phenomenon was caused by Jiang Lin's use of the corpse's ability.

He can use this ability to transform non-existent shapes and sounds, and he can also cover up real scenes and movements.

Jiang Lin maintained his powers while arranging formations and enchantment materials. It didn't take long for him to feel quite tired.

This time, the magic formation and enchantment needed to trap Fei Zong firmly, so that it could not fly and escape, so the level of complexity was not lower than the Feilong Seven Star Formation that Jiang Lin had used.

Jiang Lin used two things with one heart, and he also had to make sure that there would be no mistakes in the formation.

The sun gradually shifted, Jiang Lin felt that the time was almost up, so he quickly restored the ground he had moved.

After doing this, the corpse energy in his body poured out again, spread on the ground, and then faded.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and after a few teleports, he left the yard and flashed into the room.

The yard was the same yard, as if nothing had happened.

Except for Jiang Lin himself, no one knew what he had done during this period of time.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin came to his stove with a saw in one hand and a coffin in the other. He needed to saw the century-old coffin into sawdust to clean up the corpse poison for Tang Shasha.

At this moment, a feeling of being peeped reappeared in his heart.

I see, even if you wake up half an hour early, don't wonder what kind of gift I have prepared for you.

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly. As a director and starring actor, in this big play, if Fei Zong, a melon-eating audience, sees any bugs in the plot, then he is not blind for such a good and uninterrupted life. Taoist script?

Since Fei Zong was watching, Jiang Lin unhurriedly ground the coffin into crumbs, put it in the pot, and added a snake gall. The venomous snake was caught and taken from its body.

Since their identities are servants of the Jiang family, Jiang Lin is not polite, and finds a lot of things to keep them busy, so they act like servants.

With some old glutinous rice flour, Jiang Lin heated up the coffin shavings and sent it to Tang Shasha's room to apply it to the wound on her face.

In a few days, the corpse poison in Tang Shasha's body will completely disappear, and the scars on her face will soon fall off.

Since then, Jiang Lin and Feng Yu Lei Dian have been staying in Jiang's house to act according to the script, and it is not known when they will be finished.

Yu and Dian pretended to be sick, and screamed from time to time; Feng Lei and Lei were still doing rough work at Jiang's house as before, and they were called to and fro by the housekeeper all day long; as for Jiang Lin, It's because it can cure Tang Shasha's "snake venom", and it may also inherit the Jiang family's property, so the housekeeper is naturally not good at ordering him.

Jiang Lin was also very happy.Every day at noon, a series of magic circles nested enchantments are arranged in the Jiang's courtyard.

And Fei Zong, who was recuperating from his injuries in the underground of the Jiang family's ancestral house, was quite nourished.

It absorbs strong grievances every day, and is a voyeur from time to time.

At the beginning, it was more cautious, watching several times a day, for fear that its recuperation process would be interrupted, but later it was completely relieved, imagining that after it had fully recovered, suddenly another sneak attack would bite Jiang Lin and the others off their necks and suck them in. Dried blood.

They must know that there are more than six black players in this hand.

Chapter [*] Best Emerging Director (Part [*])

At noon that day, Jiang Lin was lying on a rattan chair in the yard, holding a pipe in his hand, smoking a big cigarette. Had a great time playing.

It finally stopped.

Jiang Lin squinted, Fei Zong finally stopped peeping.

It has been half a month since he and Feng Yu Lei Dian lived in Jiang's house. Even if there are no flaws, Fei Zong in the ground is still suspicious.

Since three days ago, Fei Zong has been secretly observing their every move, even at noon.

In order not to reveal his flaws, Jiang Lin had suspended the formation of the formation for the past three days.

Fortunately, when Feng and Lei went looking for a century-old coffin a few days ago, they happened to come across a tomb and got a lot of valuable things from it. At that time, they bought a blessing and longevity paste in the town.

That is, before Fei Zong became suspicious, Jiang Lin's decadent drama had already been staged.

After three days of secret observation, Fei Zong didn't find anything unusual, so he stopped peeping.

Looks like it's time to step up.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. Now Fei Zong is not only a lot more shrewd, but also very cautious. He must shorten the time for the formation of the formation, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

Not only him, there should be some fellows out there now, and they also need to act quickly.

At this moment, Tang Shasha came out of the room. Just now, she felt the scab on her face was a little itchy, so she couldn't help but reach out and touch it, and knocked the scab off.

Seeing that one of her own face had returned to its original shape, and there was no scar left, she eagerly wanted to find Jiang Lin.

But when he saw Jiang Lin with a stubble face smoking a big cigarette and puffing out clouds, the joy on Tang Shasha's face gradually dimmed.

Why are you like this now?

I have already made psychological preparations, and when I recover my appearance, I will fly away with you, but now, what should I do.

Tang Shasha touched her face, sighed softly, and went back to the room.

Now she feels that she doesn't know Jiang Lin anymore. In her eyes, Jiang Lin has become the type of person she hates, just like the increasingly unpleasant wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Every day is not smoking, playing mahjong or playing Pai Gow, and the body and mind begin to corrode.

Jiang Lin didn't notice Tang Shasha because his mind was sensing the movement of the flying stiffness.

After waiting for another ten minutes, he entered the room and performed surgery to make the avatar lie on the bed, while he hid his figure and went to the Jiang family's ancestral house to continue the unfinished work.

Now, two-thirds of the trapping formation conceived by Jiang Lin has been completed, and the progress of the killing formation is almost halfway through. Once these serial magic formations and barriers are successfully laid out, Jiang Lin is confident that Fei Zong will be trapped in the underground space. It's impossible to go out without leaving Half-Life.

"Where did this damn old man Jiang hide his gold?"

While Jiang Lin was busy, the housekeeper of the Jiang family came to the vicinity of the ancestral house and looked around furtively.

Because Jiang Lin was invisible, he didn't realize that there was already someone in front of the ancestral house.

Isn't this the butler?

It seems that Mr. Jiang did not expect that the housekeeper who had been with him for so long was actually trying to beat his property.

Jiang Lin glanced at the housekeeper, but didn't pay any more attention. He didn't care what this guy was thinking, as long as it didn't interfere with his formation.

An hour later, Jiang Lin returned to his room. Before noon was over, he drew the two magic circles he designed on paper, and the sound transmission notified the wind, rain, and thunder and asked them to send them out.

One of these two arrays is the Eight Diagrams Sound Transmission Array that he modified, and the other is the Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Array that he simplified from the Emei Sect's Liangyi Mote Array, which is powerful enough to completely kill Fei Zong.

Are you addicted to watching movies?

After the storm, thunder and lightning and the others left, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a thorn on his back. This was because Fei Zong fell asleep and became a voyeur again.

As usual, Jiang Lin took some medicinal materials from the ancient mirror, boiled them in the yard, and sent them to Tang Shasha.

Putting the decoction on the table, Jiang Lin said to Tang Shasha, "Today is the last time you take the medicine. After today, the poison in your body will be completely eliminated."

Now that more than ten days have passed, it is meaningless to keep the corpse poison in Tang Shasha's body. Jiang Lin intends to remove all the poison from her body.

"Why did you become like this?"

Tang Shasha sat beside the bed and looked at Jiang Lin with some water vapor in her eyes.


"I said you've changed so I don't know each other." Tang Shasha walked in front of Jiang Lin and continued, "In the past, you were a Taoist priest, but now, look at where you still look like a Taoist priest. ?"

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