"Smoking opium, playing mahjong, and doing nothing all day, how can you become so dejected? It's so... disgusting."

As she said that, tears flowed from the corners of Tang Shasha's eyes. Not long ago, Jiang Lin's image in her heart was so good, but now she has become an addict.

In the past, in order to catch zombies, Jiang Lin did not hesitate to disguise as a bearer and servants, and stayed at Jiang's house.

Now, it is estimated that the matter of catching zombies has already been forgotten.

Jiang Lin touched his forehead. He was acting with Feng Yu Lei and Lightning to show Fei Zong. It was true that Fei Zong was tricked, but he didn't expect Tang Shasha to be in the show too.

In this way, the effect of this endless drama is still very good.

"Am I so annoying?"

Jiang Lin looked at Tang Shasha's frown, and couldn't help but be a little speechless. Tang Shasha's appearance was like watching a villain in a drama, and she cried with anger.

"It's not that it's annoying, it's that it's annoying me. I hate that the man I like becomes like this!"

After speaking her heart out, Tang Shasha wiped her tears, and then said softly: "Jiang Lin, don't smoke opium anymore, I'll help you quit. Don't be greedy for the Jiang family's property, okay? Let's leave together. Jiang family, as long as you are willing to change, I...I will follow you, if you are not married, I will take care of you, if you are married, I...I can be a maid."


Jiang Lin blinked, an expression of sudden realization appeared on his face.

Turns out she was in love with me.

Only then did Jiang Lin remember that Tang Shasha had kissed him on the face in the sedan chair.

During this time, his mind has been tense. When he was a little free, he was thinking of formations and enchantments in his mind. In addition, Tang Shasha had always had scars on his face before, so he didn't dare to show ambiguous expressions. It was because of his affection that he didn't notice Tang Shasha's girlish thoughts.

Seeing Tang Shasha's pleading gaze, Jiang Lin sighed in his heart. He just wanted to explain, but he was worried that Tang Shasha would be shocked.

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and took Tang Shasha in his arms.

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything, I'll explain it to you."

Jiang Lin's voice sounded in Tang Shasha's heart. Tang Shasha was stunned for a moment. Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Lin pressed the back of her head. Her face was buried in Jiang Lin's arms, and she couldn't make a sound.

"Don't say anything, you know?"


After Tang Shasha nodded slightly, Jiang Lin let go of her, and then he informed Tang Shasha of the flying stiffness through sound transmission.

He also has his own considerations for doing this. Now Fei Zong is staring at him closely with Feng Yu Lei and Lightning, and Feng Yu Lei can no longer leave Jiang's house frequently. Tang Shasha is a weak woman, and Fei Zong has almost no protection against her. Heart, maybe it can help them a lot.

So it is necessary for Tang Shasha to know the truth.

In the next play, add a heroine.

Chapter [*] The corpse destruction plan is fully launched!

Oh my gosh, this... this is all a show?

After Tang Shasha knew the truth of the matter, she felt that her head was buzzing.

The terrifying zombie that made her disfigured and nearly killed her was under the Jiang family's ancestral house, and they were playing tricks with Jiang Lin and the others. Then Jiang Lin directed the scene, and he still kept it in the dark.

"Because it has been monitoring us, I can't explain it to you orally, I can only use this method of sound transmission. In order not to let it know that I have the ability to transmit sound, if I don't speak, you will also Don't make a sound. Although Feng Yu Lei Deng and I are all using Fushou paste, they use special flames and won't inhale any poisonous substances."

Jiang Lin reminded Tang Shasha not to speak out easily, and explained it to her again.

They are not fools, where would they really smoke any blessing and longevity cream.

"So, we just pretended to be like that on the surface, and I didn't become the person you hate, so I'm the man you like?"

After Tang Shasha digested the information a little, Jiang Lin smiled and looked at the girl in his arms.


Tang Shasha's pretty face turned red, and she wanted to defend herself ashamed, but she remembered that Jiang Lin's voice transmission said that she could not speak, and the expression on her face was very coy.

"Hehe, just now there was an ugly guy who said he wanted to take care of me and be my maid, and he didn't ask me if I wanted to."

Seeing Tang Shasha swallowing her words, Jiang Lin continued her voice transmission to tease her.


Tang Shasha pursed her lips and thumped Jiang Lin's chest lightly with a pair of pink fists.

So annoying and unfair.

Tell people not to speak, but they keep bullying them through sound transmission.

He also said that people are ugly, and if they are ugly, you still hug them and don't let go.


After beating a few times, Tang Shasha tried to break free from Jiang Lin's embrace, but she couldn't break free. Feeling that Jiang Lin's arms were tighter, she stopped struggling and lowered her head.

If it was said that he took me into his arms and covered my mouth with his chest because he was worried that I would speak, then now, does it mean that he accepts me?

Tang Shasha raised her pretty face again and met Jiang Lin's gaze. Her face was half shy and half happy.

Then she leaned forward and leaned into Jiang Lin's arms.

You peeping zombie, peeping hard, now I'm throwing you a handful of dog food.

Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a little. He wondered what Fei Zong would think if he saw him and Tang Shasha kissing each other.

After a while, Jiang Lin let go of Tang Shasha, he didn't covet the nephrite jade Wenxiang in his arms, and now he still has business to do.

Wind and thunder have returned from outside.

The two brothers did not go to Jiang Lin, they sat at the mahjong table again, and then started the performance.

Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha went to the yard together. Although Fenglei and the others couldn't explain the situation outside, they hinted when they were bragging, and Jiang Lin could still get some information from it.

"Damn it! She..."

"Isn't she disfigured?"

"She's become a big beauty again!"

"I didn't see it, did I?"

When the four scumbags saw Tang Shasha who had returned to her original appearance, all eight eyes were straight.

Because Tang Shasha's mood was suddenly enlightened and she was just nourished by love, her face was flushed and very charming and charming, but they had never seen Tang Shasha's original appearance during the day, but now they became four pig brothers.

"All the tricks, give me a little restraint, my friend's wife, don't be deceived."

Jiang Lin glanced at the four of them, and the wind, rain, thunder and lightning were all over the place.

Feng muttered: "What friend's wife? Listen to what you mean, she is your wife?"

"Isn't my fiancee? I have cured her poison and the wounds on her face. People have to promise each other. What's the problem?"

Jiang Lin said this, the four wind, rain, thunder and lightning were suddenly speechless. Before, Tang Shasha's face was corroded into that, under normal circumstances, it would definitely be disfigured, but now it has become beautiful, if it is not Jiang Lin's credit, they are not at all I don't believe it.

Hearing Jiang Lin calling herself his fiancée, Tang Shasha's face flushed to the bottom of her ears. After a while, she said softly, "Jiang Lin saved me, and in the future, I... I am with him."

Yes, it is indeed the fiancee of the Taoist priest.

Tang Shasha said it herself, the four of them will not watch it anymore, and they will not have any unreasonable thoughts about their fellow family members.

On the surface, Jiang Lin was watching the wind, rain, thunder and lightning and the others playing mahjong. In fact, he had already informed the four of Tang Shasha's inside story.

The four brothers heard Jiang Lin say that Fei Zong was still peeping, and they knew that time was running out. When they were bragging about each other, they mentioned Jiu Shu, Master Hong Jinbao and others and implied some numbers in it. Jiang Lin felt roughly the same. There is a bottom.

Now, seven or eight hundred people have assembled ten miles south of Dafang Town.

Because the last time the Corpse Destruction Alliance was almost wiped out, after the news was passed, it caused a great shock. The Corpse Destruction Alliance with nearly [*] people and two peak heavenly masters failed to kill the flying zombies, and almost the entire army was killed. It was overthrown, so this time, almost all the practitioners in the Taoist world were dispatched.

Master Hong Jinbao, Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han were among them, and they, along with many monks and Daoists with good cultivation, rushed to the Fukang County first.

The rest are also heading towards Dafang Town, and it will only be a matter of two or three days to meet with Master Hong Jinbao and the others.

As for the Lingyun Grottoes in Shu, Mao Xiaofang, Lei Gang, Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Simu, and they led their people to guard.

It seems that the gossip sound transmission array should be ready tomorrow.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. As long as the gossip sound transmission array is arranged, through this array, he can receive messages from Master Hong Jinbao and the others.

Then he will be busy.

From tomorrow onwards, in addition to setting up the Jiang family, his job will have to remotely command those monk-dao alliances that are reunited again.

If nothing else, it was the Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Formation that he simplified. Without his guidance, people outside would not be able to set it up.

Even Master Sammo Hung, a master of the formation technique, is difficult to understand, even if he has a diagram of the formation formation.

Jiang Lin had been in the monk era for hundreds of years, but others did not. To understand the essence of the Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Formation, one must have a lot of experience with the ancient formations.

Master Hong Jinbao and the others couldn't understand it, let alone ordered everyone to arrange it.

I don't know if Fei Zong was fed dog food by Jiang Lin, but the next day, it stopped peeping all the time. At least, Jiang Lin didn't feel the feeling of a wheat awn behind him around noon.

At noon, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning were still puffing up clouds as usual, playing mahjong while smoking a big cigarette.

Jiang Lin took the pipe, moved the rattan chair in the yard, sat beside Fenglei, and laid Ge You on the chair.

"Master, uncle, Master Hong Jinbao, if you receive my voice transmission, respond with a voice transmission array."

Jiang Lin's eyes were closed, and he directly conveyed his feelings to ten miles away.

If it is said that Jiang Lin's arrangement of magic circles and enchantments in Jiang's house was the prelude to his plan to destroy the corpse, then this moment is the beginning of the full launch of his plan to destroy the corpse.

The first thousand one hundred and eighteen chapters twists and turns

Ten miles away from Dafang Town, Jiu Shu Zhanghan and Master Hong Jinbao received Jiang Lin's voice transmission, and immediately activated the newly arranged gossip transmission array.

This sound transmission array not only allows them to communicate with Jiang Lin from a long distance, but as long as they enter the array, they can also spread Jiang Lin's sound transmission, the effect is similar to that of a loudspeaker.

Zhang Han shouted after the sound transmission array was activated: "Lin Zi, you have worked hard for the past two years. What you have done makes the teacher very happy, boy, you really lived up to the teacher's earnest teaching."

"Master, it's not hard work, I'll have someone give you the formation..."

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, Zhang Han's voice came from his heart.

"Comrades, you don't know yet, Jiang Lin is my Zhang Han's apprentice."

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