"That's not all, he's still my son-in-law."

"My son-in-law is so good now that he can chase and kill Fei Zong for thousands of miles."

my master...

The black line on Jiang Lin's head, he could imagine Zhang Han's sullen look on the scene.

"Okay, don't leave it there to be ashamed. It's like Jiang Lin is just your son-in-law."

"He's still my son-in-law."

At this time, Jiang Lin heard the voices of Uncle Ninth and Young Master Zhang again.

"Jingjing, the poor monk's good apprentice, also entered the Jiang family. Am I proud?"

"I'm just a father-in-law. Look at him, and my little Ru is also in the Jiang family. What did I say?"

To Jiang Lin's surprise, Jingjing's master, Master Yixiu, and Xiaoru's master, Daoist Dian, were also with Jiu Shu and the others.

Especially the Daoist Dian, after he left Renjia Town, he has not heard from him for eleven or twelve years.

With Martial Uncle Dian around, setting up the Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Formation should be a lot smoother.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. Part of the great formation he designed was to use the power of rebellion generated by the yin and yang strikes, and the Daoist Dianman is quite accomplished in the study of yin and yang. They offer some advice.

Master Hong Jinbao in the formation saw Zhang Han's face turned black, and said: "I said Hangu, now is not the time to chat, time is tight and tasks are heavy, we have to deal with Jiang Lin's Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Formation first. I understand, and the materials for the formation may not be available, what should be replaced, and Jiang Lin needs to be asked."

"Master, if there is anything you don't understand, you can bring it up. You can also tell me what materials are missing. If I have it here, I will be sent to you."

The time was indeed tight, and Jiang Lin didn't even greet Jiu Shu and the others, and went straight to the topic.

After that, many monks who had researched on the formation and enchantment also entered the sound transmission array. The disillusionment array designed by Jiang Lin covered a radius of ten miles. Master Hong Jinbao and Zhang Han alone were far away. not enough.

"Daoist Li Yang's accomplishments in formation really make me ashamed."

"Yes, this Disillusionment Formation includes Douzhuanxingxing, yin and yang rebellion, sky thunder and earth fire, four seasons and solar terms, and it can also receive the power of the world. It is also combined with the Buddhist enchantment, which has really benefited us a lot."

A few hours later, all the monks who discussed the Disillusionment Array with Jiang Lin in the sound transmission array were convinced that Jiang Lin was convinced.

They are all fortunate that a character like Jiang Lin appeared in the end of the law, otherwise Fei Zong would not know how much disaster it would bring to the world.

"Master Hong Jinbao, I'll have someone deliver the materials you're missing at this time tomorrow. You can just let King Panlan wait outside the town."

"Okay, let's set up the formation now. Jiang Lin, Fei Zong is with you now at Jiang's house, and you must be careful to prevent it from attacking."

"Don't worry, although I can't help it, I still have the power to protect myself."

Jiang Lin stood up and stretched. If there were no accidents, it would not take long before Fei Zong's death.

Afterwards, he sent a voice transmission to the Panlan Tiger King alone, so that he could put the charm back at night.

The enchantment on the periphery of the Jiang family has long been manipulated by him, and now it no longer has the function of preventing evil.

In the next days, Tang Shasha needs to go out, he will recall Charming Spirit, and he can also protect her.

At noon on the second day, Jiang Lin went to Tang Shasha's room, made a contract between her and Meiling, and then handed a burden to her.

There are a lot of formation materials and a lot of breath-holding talismans in the bag. Although Master Hong Jinbao and the others are still ten miles away from Dafang Town, in order to avoid being noticed by Fei Zong, necessary concealment measures are still needed.

"what happened?"

When Tang Shasha came back, Jiang Lin felt as if she had been wronged, and felt inexplicable for a while.

"That's too much, it's my unconscionable brother Tang Long. He sent a letter and I just received it when I came back. He asked me to find the place where Mr. Jiang hid the gold at Jiang's house, and he said that since I was married , Now that the rice is cooked, the Jiang family will not be wary of me, let me take the opportunity to find the location where the Jiang family hides their property."

The more Tang Shasha said, the more aggrieved. At the time, Jiang Lin and the others killed them halfway, causing the bandits sent by her brother to fail to grab the marriage, but since then her brother has no longer cared about her life or death, even if she almost went to the gate of hell to close. Know.

Now it's better, thinking that she has become the young grandma of the Jiang family, and let her seek the property of the Jiang family.

Completely treat her sister as a tool person.

"Okay, don't be wronged, your brother doesn't love you, I will love you in the future."

Jiang Lin put Tang Shasha in his arms and patted her on the back lightly.

"You wrote back and said that you would find him and let him wait for news."

Now is a critical period, Jiang Lin doesn't want outsiders to disrupt his plans, as long as he solves the flying stiffness in half a month, he will help Tang Shasha find Tang Long's bad luck.

"I'll listen to you."

Tang Shasha nodded, and she also knew that Jiang Lin was now setting up to deal with Fei Zong, and it was best for the Jiang family to maintain the current state.

After that, the Jianglin in the Jiang family and the monk-dao alliance outside the town acted independently without knowing it.

Fei Zong still didn't know that Jiang Lin and the others had been deceived. Whenever he probed the outside world, he could only see Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha's love affair and their salted fish state.

Even if it saw Tang Shasha going out a few times, it didn't care at all.

Originally, everything could go on smoothly, but Jiang Lin did not expect that there would be twists and turns at the last juncture.

Tang Shasha's brother has been waiting for Tang Shasha to return the news, but after waiting for so long, there was no reply at all, so he sent someone to inquire near the Jiang family, just as the housekeeper also wanted to seek the Jiang family's property, the two decided to work together The cooperation is only due to the fact that Mr. Jiang is not weak in martial arts, and he did not act rashly.

It was also a coincidence that when they were secretly talking outside the town at night, they met a corpse driver from Xiangxi passing by. When he saw that the corpse driver could make the corpse move, the housekeeper remembered the wax corpses in the Jiang family's ancestral house, and was going to let the corpse driver cast a spell. The wax corpse of the Jiang family has changed, and come to a tune.

When Master Jiang is chasing his ancestors all over the street, they can enter Jiang's house to find gold.

That night, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief after returning to his room, because the formation was at the last moment, and Fei Zong had not peeped for a while, so he completed all the formations in one go.

"As long as Master Hong Jinbao and the others complete the Disillusionment Formation tomorrow, I will activate the Jiang family's trapping formation and killing formation, and I will be able to kill Fei Zong in one fell swoop."

Jiang Lin rubbed his temples and lay down on the bed.

He was quite tired these days.

The wind, rain and thunder and lightning have stayed up all night according to his instructions. Once they find any movement in Fei Zong, they will notify him.

With them guarding the post, he can also have a good night's rest, replenish his energy, and prepare for tomorrow's big battle.

When he was sleeping soundly, Jiang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and Fei Zong's roar woke him up.

"The Taoist priest, I don't know where the Taoist priest cast the spell, so that all the wax corpses of the Jiang family were deceived!"

"Fei Zong, Fei Zong seems to have run away."

The wind, rain and thunder and lightning rushed in and said a piece of news that made Jiang Lin curse.

I am grass mud horse!

In fact, it was not only Jiang Lin who was scolding, but Fei Zong as well. Originally, as long as the night was over, it absorbed the grievances in the honey corpse room, and it not only completely recovered, but also made up for the innate deficiencies caused by the interruption of its previous steps. .

But it never expected that at this moment, I don't know which idiot let those honey corpses cheat the corpses and rob them of their grievances.

Really blows it up.

Fei Zong is indeed a qi. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Originally, it only needed to spend some time to squeeze the resentment absorbed by the honey corpse. Torn alive.

Wait for me!

Chapter [*] Unexpected God Turning

"Senior brother, things have changed. Fei Zong left Jiang's house ahead of time. You are ready for the challenge. We will try our best to catch up with him and hold him back. In addition, you have the King Pandan Tiger come quickly."

Now that the incident had happened, Jiang Lin immediately transmitted his voice to Qiu Sheng outside the town.

Qiu Sheng has been staying in the gossip sound transmission array, just to be able to communicate with him in time.

"What's going on here? Daoist Chunhua is here, and in an hour or two, the Disillusionment Array will be ready in advance!"

When Qiu Sheng heard the news, he was so angry that he slammed his fist on the ground.

How could there be a change at this juncture?

"I don't know where the idiot made the Jiang family's wax corpse change, and it alarmed Fei Zong, and it ran away. Since Chunhua Daochang is here, you can let him come too. We will try our best to delay Fei Zong and buy time for you."

After Jiang Lin explained Qiu Sheng, he went to the courtyard.

"Jiang Lin, there are so many zombies."

Tang Shasha was frightened by the hordes of wax corpses in the yard and jumped into his arms.

"Son, daddy, grandfather, grandmother!"

At this time, in the courtyard of the Jiang family, Master Jiang was chasing the wax corpse in the courtyard.

As long as the members of the Jiang family died, they would be turned into wax corpses and placed in the ancestral house. Now that Mr. corpse casts a spell, Mr. Jiang's relatives and ancestors naturally jumped around in the yard and ran outside.

Originally, Mr. Jiang thought that someone had forced his way into Jiang's house, so he brought his sword with him and prepared to protect the house, but he didn't expect to see his own ancestors as soon as he came out.

Seeing Jiang Lin and the others coming out, Master Jiang hurriedly said, "Quick, stop them, my son and ancestors are resurrected!"

"They weren't resurrected, they were swindled by spells. This is a corpse transformation. They are all zombies now."

After Feng Yuleidian explained it to Master Jiang, he quickly stopped the zombies running around, or else these zombies ran out, and I don't know how many people would have to die.

Jiang Lin looked at the group of zombies in the yard, and was angry.

As long as tonight is over, Master Hong Jinbao and the others will be able to complete the arrangement of the Xiantian Taiji Disillusionment Formation. When they work together, they will be able to completely destroy the Fei Zong.

But at this time something went wrong.

All his hard work this month has been in vain!

"Bad me, good thing, see if I won't ruin you!"

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more angry he became, so he jumped in front of a zombie and slapped the latter's forehead with his palm.

Mr. Corpse, who opened the altar and cast spells in the alley at the end of the town, was suddenly attacked by the corpse control technique. With a wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How is that possible? Is there an expert in the Jiang family?"

Mr. Corpse's eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe that someone used his corpse control technique, which in turn caused his spiritual power to rush into his body, almost killing him.

Before he could adjust his breath, a corpse roar came from the ground of the alley.

Then, the ground of the entire alley collapsed.

A huge suction force erupted from the ground, sucking Mr. Corpse to his knees.

"This... what level of zombie is this?"

Mr. Zhan suddenly felt his legs become weak, and a large amount of cold sweat broke out all over his body instantly.

He took two daggers from the cloth bag, nailed them to the wall, and climbed up with the help of the daggers.

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