At this moment, a black shadow flew over, and Mr. Corpse didn't even make a sound, and it became pieces of broken meat and blood mist scattered.

There were only two daggers left on the wall, as well as the two broken arms holding the daggers, and blood kept dripping.

At the same time, the wax corpses of the Jiang family had been stunned by the wind, rain, and thunder with the corpse-suppressing charm, and those who ran out were also captured by them.

When Master Jiang saw the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, they settled the scurrying wax corpse by three and five, and his expression changed immediately.

In today's wind, rain, and thunder and lightning, there is still the decadence of smoking cigarettes in the past, and they are all very spirited.

He glanced at a few people, pointed his sword, and said solemnly: "Who are you? With such skills and abilities, you are not ordinary people at all. What is your purpose? Also pretending to smoke big cigarettes to confuse me, are you trying to plot the property of my Jiang family?"

"We are here to catch zombies, not to take advantage of your Jiang family's property. There is a terrifying zombie hidden under your Jiang family's ancestral home."

"And the gold in your family is all earned by smashing honey corpses. It's all ill-gotten wealth. Whoever wants to be unlucky."

Hearing what Feng and Lei said, a murderous intent appeared in Master Jiang's eyes. He jumped and stood between the gate and Jiang Lin and the others. He gnashed his teeth and said, "You actually know the secret of my Jiang family."

These two funny comparisons, don't you feel uncomfortable without talking?

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. Originally, Mr. Jiang was just angry. Now that the matter of the Jiang family's hidden honey corpse has been revealed, then Mr. Jiang will still be kind?

"Get out of the way, we're not interested in the Jiang family's affairs. And although you have some skill, in my eyes, you're nothing."

After Jiang Lin warned Mr. Jiang, he said to Feng Yulei and the others: "Don't waste time here, it's important to chase the fly."

Master Jiang had a gloomy face and hesitated for a moment, but he finally gave way, because he really wasn't sure how to deal with Jiang Lin and the five of them at the same time.

Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha's hand and prepared to take her away.

Since he didn't stay at Jiang's house, he certainly couldn't keep Tang Shasha here, not to mention that Master Jiang had already murdered them, so he had no reason to keep her.

At this moment, the colorful tiger king rushed over and jumped into the yard from outside the wall.

Leaning down, the colorful tiger king grinned at Jiang Lin and said, "Master, I'm not late, right?"

"The time is just right."

Jiang Lin embraced Tang Shasha's waist, jumped, and jumped onto the tiger's back.

Master Jiang didn't stop Jiang Lin from taking people away. After he saw a colorful giant tiger that could talk, he knew that he had no ability to stop Jiang Lin from taking Tang Shasha away.

Jiang Lin walked out of the gate of Jiang's house, and followed the direction of the compass with the wind, rain and thunder and lightning.

It didn't take long for them to meet Daoist Master Chunhua who had arrived on the way.

In the wind, rain, and thunder, they saw that their master was safe and sound, and they burst into tears with excitement.


Just when Jiang Lin and the others were about to look for Fei Zong again, a roar of Fei Zong suddenly came from not far from them.


Fei Zong waved his arm, and an object shot towards Jiang Lin and the others, and then it got into the ground and escaped far away.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and reached out to take the flying hard object.

Daoist Master Chunhua leaned up and asked, "Daoist friend, what is it flying over?"

Jiang Lin turned the gold in his hand and found the word "Ginger" written on it, and said, "Gold, gold from the Jiang family."

The expression on Jiang Lin's face was rather strange. The meaning of Fei Zong's roar just now was: Do you dare to fight me to the death?

Then Fei Zong threw a piece of Jiang's gold over, and the Jiang's family was in the direction it fled.

This is to fight us to the death at the Jiang family?

Jiang Lin felt that his mind was a little bit inflexible.

Previously, Fei Zong ran from the Jiang family's honey corpse room, making him furious, but now, the turning point was too fast.

Fei Zong went back to Jiang's house again.

An unexpected turn of the gods.

When Jiang Lin shared this information with Daoist Chunhua and the others, the five masters and apprentices had ellipses on their foreheads.

What is Fei Zong doing?

Heaven has no way to go, it has to go into a trap.

After a few people looked at each other, they all laughed, this time Fei Zong really brought them a comedy.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin notified Qiu Sheng and Master Hong Jinbao through voice transmission.

After the monks and Daoists received Jiang Lin's voice transmission, they all looked at each other, and then they burst into laughter.

As they laughed, Fei Zong was also triumphant.

As long as it goes back and squeezes out the resentment absorbed by those honey corpses and absorbs it again, it will be able to improve its strength, and with hundreds of honey corpse younger brothers, it is very confident and can win a big victory.

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Thinking that he could cut off the two mortal enemies, Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua, in one fell swoop, Fei Zong laughed strangely.

From now on, let it roam around!

The first thousand one hundred and twenty chapters are generous

"Daoist Chunhua, you still have to use this evil sword, otherwise you will be hard to guard against the corpse poison of Fei Zong. It will take some time for the Disillusionment Array outside the town. We have to work together to stop Fei Zong first. ."

Jiang Lin took out the Sword of Execution from the ancient mirror in his arms and threw it to Daoist Master Chunhua.

Although he has made deployments at Jiang's house, Fei Zong has recovered to its peak during this period of time. It is not known whether Fei Zong can be eliminated by relying on those trapped formations and killing formations. Chunhua Daochang worked together.

Daoist Master Chunhua took the Sword of Punishment and said, "It's not too late, we'll rush over immediately, and you can also send a voice transmission to inform the fellow outsiders, and ask them to come over and quickly evacuate the residents of Dafang Town."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then said to Tang Shasha on the tiger's back: "Sasha, I can't take you anymore, I will ask the Tiger King to take you to my master."

"You have to be careful and stay safe."

Tang Shasha's face was full of worry. Although he didn't know much about Fei Zong, thousands of people have been dispatched to eliminate Fei Zong this time. The horror of Fei Zong can be imagined.

"It'll be alright." Jiang Lin smiled, then photographed the colorful tiger king, and said, "Send her outside the town, and you will join us again."

After explaining the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin's voice transmission informed Qiu Sheng, and then rushed to Jiang's house with Daoist Chunhua and the others.

It didn't take long for the six to return to Dafang Town. As soon as they entered the gate of Jiang's house, they found a group of people in the yard bound by chains. converge.

The screams made the scalp tingle.

With half of their faces already rotten, Master Jiang and the housekeeper of the Jiang family, as well as a young man, were pulling the other end of the chains, preventing them from breaking free.

This young man is Tang Shasha's elder brother Tang Long. After Mr. Corpse Chase made the Jiang family's wax corpse change, he and the housekeeper came to the Jiang's house to find the place where Mr. Jiang hid the gold.

But because those mutated wax corpses have been subdued by the wind, rain and thunder and lightning, Master Jiang never left Jiang's house.

Tang Long and the housekeeper happened to collide with Master Jiang, and when the three were fighting, Fei Zong suddenly rushed back, poisoning them all into puppets under his orders.

These people in the yard were the ones who, together with the housekeeper, caught the residents around Jiang's house and treated them to Fei Zong.

These three guys have all become zombie king-level corpse puppets.

Jiang Lin glanced at Master Jiang and the others, and frowned. It seemed that Fei Zong had not only recovered completely, but his strength had also improved. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to spend his own corpse poison to create three zombie king-level younger brothers.

"What are you doing here again? Didn't you mean to catch zombies? Oh, I see, you still want to take possession of my Jiang family's property."

Master Jiang stared at Jiang Lin and the others, then turned to Tang Long and said, "My dear sister, my dear daughter-in-law, was kidnapped by that kid, and both of us have lost all face."

relatives by marriage?It turned out that he was Sasha's bastard brother.

Jiang Lin glanced at Tang Long, and then guessed that the Jiang family wax corpse had changed tonight, and it was probably related to this product.

Originally, he was going to take Tang Shasha to look for this product after he killed Fei Zong, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Like Master Jiang and the housekeeper, Tang Long has become a puppet of Fei Zong, but he still retains a part of his consciousness.

Since it has been controlled by the flying zombie, it will be destroyed directly.

"It turns out that you kidnapped my sister. She, a useless girl, has a man, and she doesn't care about me as a brother, otherwise I would have gotten the gold from the Jiang family long ago."

Tang Long grinned, and he had become a zombie, and he still couldn't forget the gold he was thinking of.

"I think Sasha will let me kill you when she sees you like this."

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, and the Yang Finger sword jumped out, directly piercing Tang Long's heart, but the latter had the original corpse poison of flying stiffness in his body, and Jiang Lin failed to kill him with a single blow.

Daoist Chunhua looked at the blood that was drifting to the depths of the Jiang family in the yard, and said, "Fellow Daoist, Fei Zong is now sucking blood to supplement the source, we can't let it continue to absorb blood, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with, these three corpse puppets will be handed over to us. Master and apprentice will deal with it."

"Then be careful."

Jiang Lin nodded, went directly to the side of the formation eye, and cast spells to activate a series of trapped formations and killing formations.

Originally, he wanted to exterminate Mr. Jiang and the others, but once the formation was activated, he would have to deliver spiritual power to the formation, and he would not be able to use his hands.

But Mr. Jiang and the others were harder to kill than he thought, so he didn't waste any more time.

Daoist Chunhua and his four apprentices acted immediately, blocking Master Jiang and the others to buy time for Jiang Lin.

At this time, Fei Zong was leisurely absorbing the grievances and blood that had been squeezed out under the ancestral house. It didn't know that it was going to be unlucky in a while.

Suddenly, it felt an unprecedented fear, and before it could react to what was going on, several thunderbolts hit its head, and the grievances around it were also blasted into nothingness by Yang Lei.

Of course this was done by Jiang Lin, he wouldn't let Fei Zong continue leisurely.

After giving Fei Zong a blow, Jiang Lin continued to step on the cloth and chanted the spell.

The sky above Jiang's house is surging, and the ground of the whole Jiang's house erupts with strong rays of light. Looking down from the sky, one after another intricate array patterns are intertwined, clearly distinguishing gossip, and insinuating the nine palaces.

After the operation of these array patterns, one after another inverted bowl-shaped light and shadow curtain walls appeared one after another, clasping Jiang's house firmly.

The whole Dafang Town was startled by the vision of the Jiang family. All the townspeople in the town went to the street and bowed in the direction of the Jiang family.

To them, it was a miracle.

"Grandson Turtle, come on, let's fight to the death."

Seeing that the formation was fully operational, Jiang Lin was in a good mood, and roared at the Jiang family's ancestral home.


At this moment, Fei Zong rushed out from the ground of Jiang's ancestral house and hovered in mid-air.

After it looked around, it was completely stunned.

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