Can't delay any longer!

Fei Zong originally planned to rely on his own vitality to carry it and retain some strength. After breaking through the formation, with these hundreds of younger brothers, it might be able to fight back again.

Now Nima is also killing a hair!Life is important!

After Fei Zong gave a whistle, he started rushing desperately. At the same time, hundreds of zombies rushed towards Jiang Lin and the others as if they had been beaten with blood.

More than a dozen monks and Daoists were still in a daze after seeing the zombies in the yard. Jiang Lin shouted at them again, "What are you dazed for? Why don't you hurry up and do the evacuation work!"

With Daoist Chunhua and Panlan Tiger King here, it's no big problem to deal with the hundreds of zombies, and the dozen or so monks can't play any role here. It's better to let them do other things.

Jiang Lin said to Daoist Chunhua and the others, "You can't let these zombies get close to the magic circle and destroy it. Next, it's up to you. I will stabilize the magic circle and enchantment."

Originally a good backhand, it could kill Fei Zong by surprise, but now it has been exposed in advance, Fei Zong will inevitably rush into the formation desperately, Jiang Lin can only try to prolong the time as much as possible, and wait for Master Hong Jinbao and the others to complete the Disillusionment Formation. .

"Do not worry!"

Daoist Chunhua and the others naturally knew that Jiang Lin could not be disturbed, so they greeted the group of corpses, and Jiang Lin worked hard to stabilize the trapped formation at the eye of the formation, and activated the remaining killing formation.

Five minutes later, the Great Five Elements trapped formation was broken, and fifteen minutes later, the second and third trapped formations were broken by Fei Zong again.

After another stick of incense, the killing formations, including the Bagua Furnace Formation, were all washed away by the Flying Zombies, leaving the last four trapped formations.

"Junior Brother, the Xiantian Taiji Disillusionment Formation has been completed. Have Master Hong Jinbao and the others started the formation? A lot of colleagues have already rushed to evacuate the residents of Dafang Town."

At this moment, Qiu Sheng's voice came from Jiang Lin's heart.

"Start the formation! This disillusionment formation can be linked with the Jiang family's magic formation, and the effect of the formation can be directly moved to the Jiang family through the magic realm and the mirror virtual realm to deal with Fei Zong, and the evacuation work has been carried out for an hour, even if there are still people who have not left. , that's not too much of a concern."

Jiang Lin immediately responded with a voice transmission. This news was too timely for him. As for whether it would cause accidental injuries to the townspeople in Dafang Town, he couldn't care less.

If Fei Zong is not eliminated in one fell swoop, there will definitely be more than one Dafang Town who will die from a corpse disaster in the future.

On the other hand, after Qiu Sheng got Jiang Lin's reply, he immediately informed Master Hong Jinbao and Jiu Shu.

Master Sammo Hung immediately opened the altar to drive the formation, and then blew the horn for notification.

After Zhang Han, Master Xuku, Xiao Xiami and others received the news, they quickly cooperated and activated the magic circle in the area they were in charge of.

Ten miles around Dafang Town, there was a sudden gust of wind, lightning and thunder, and a wall of light like a sun pillar rose into the sky, forming a super-large aperture that surrounded the area.

After these beams of light rotated, they rushed towards Dafang Town along two arcs.

The predecessor of the Xiantian Taiji Disillusionment Formation was the Emei Sect's Two Instruments Dust Formation, which was based on the layout of the Xiantian Dao map, so if you look at it from a height, you will find that those beams of light are forming the pattern of the Milky Way.

One after another beams of light rose on the ground, and the sky above was a gust of wind, rushing to the clouds, all the spiritual energy was stirred, and a huge tornado of spiritual energy was being formed.

At the same time, Fei Zong, who was rushing into the formation, felt the vision in the sky, and his body suddenly trembled like chaff.

At this moment, it suddenly felt that its heart, which had stopped beating for more than a thousand years, started beating again.

The premonition of death!

Flying Zombie has never felt such fear since it became a corpse.

If the power of these formations falls on it, there is no doubt that it will be completely wiped out.


Fei Zong howled up to the sky, until it broke the sound. At this time, it no longer dared to have the slightest chance, and directly spit out the corpse pill in its throat.

After the corpse pill left Fei Zong's body, it immediately emitted a dark green light, and endless black mist erupted from it.

These black mists spread around at a very fast speed, reaching fifty meters away in the blink of an eye.


Daoist Chunhua gave up killing the corpse directly, rushed to the side of the wind, rain and thunder, and held the evil sword in his hand to his chest.

Then he drew a magic circle around the four apprentices with the Sword of Execution, and with a vertical jump, he jumped to a height of six or seven meters and looked outside the Jiang family.

After the townspeople who had not had time to evacuate were surrounded by black fog, they only made a few screams and turned into zombies.

Their corpse transformation was almost instantaneous.

"Fellow Daoist, this Fei Zong is crazy, it will turn the entire town into zombies! No, these poisonous evils are still spreading outward at a very fast speed!"

Because of the short stay in the air, Daoist Chunhua only saw a part of it. Not only people, but also cats, dogs, and even mice in the town were attacked by the corpse poison of Flying Zombies and turned into zombies.

"Tom, go to the wall to see if the corpse poison is still spreading?"

"Yes, Master."

Panlan Tiger King jumped to the top of the wall and looked out of the town. It widened its tiger eyes and responded, "Master, the corpse poison has spread almost a mile outside the town, and it is still spreading farther."

"Qiusheng, there is an emergency, and Fei Zong may burn with us. Now it has caused its own original corpse poison to erupt, and the corpse poison has spread to you. You should take all protective measures! And these corpse poisons can make The living turn into zombies almost instantly, and it should be for those zombies to destroy the Phantasm."

Jiang Lin immediately notified Qiusheng through voice transmission, and when Qiusheng outside the town heard the news, his whole body was shaking.

Can the corpse poison of flying zombies spread ten miles away?

"Senior Sammo Hung, Master, the situation has changed..."

Qiu Sheng immediately shouted and informed everyone of the information that Jiang Lin had passed over.

In fact, after the corpse poison of the flying zombies spread to the Sangha-Dao Alliance, it did not stop!

These black mists have spread to fifty miles outside the town.

That is to say, with Dafang Town as the center, an area of ​​[*] miles in diameter has been swept away by the corpse poison of Flying Zombies.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters cannot escape

In the Jiang family's courtyard, Jiang Lin looked at the corpse pill that had completely dimmed, and murmured, "This guy is really ruthless and decisive."

This time, Fei Zong personally destroyed its corpse pill. Even if it was lucky enough to escape from death, it would not be able to recover in the future, and its level downgrade was inevitable.

That is to say, it won't be long before this flying jelly can no longer fly and escape, and will degenerate into a hair jelly.

In order to survive, it is also really fighting.

Jiang Lin took a medicine bottle containing cold marrow and drank it all in one gulp. Now Fei Zong was completely crazy, and he rushed into the formation recklessly. He stabilized the magic formation and enchantment at the eye of the formation, and the consumption was also very large.

As for Daoist Chunhua, Feng Yulei and the others, they tried their best to deal with the remaining wax corpses and honey corpses, but some of the wax corpses and honey corpses were eliminated, and a large number of new zombies rushed into Jiang's house and surrounded them. They didn't even have time to catch their breath.

Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning were back to back, shouting at Jiang Lin: "Daoist Li Yang, think of a way, we can't hold it anymore."

The four of them are panting like cows, and now there are not only human corpses, but also animal corpses!

Zombie cats, zombie dogs, and even the six animals and birds that turned into corpses seemed to be going crazy and rushed to the Jiang family to attack them.

Now there are already many rushing towards the light curtain formed by the magic circle and the enchantment.

"Tom, you go and support the four of them."

Jiang Lin looked at the large number of zombies in the courtyard, and asked the colorful tiger king on the side to rescue the storm and thunder and lightning. He couldn't leave the formation now, so he could only rely on the strength of these four people. As for Daoist Chunhua, he had other tasks to deliver.

Then he released the unicorn corpse in the ancient mirror. Although the unicorn corpse has not recovered, it is not suitable for fighting, but at this moment he can't care so much.

The King Panlan roared violently and rushed towards the four of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning.

"Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the four of you took advantage of the opportunity created by the tiger king to insert the swords of Master Jiang and Tang Long upside down on the four sides of the Jiang's roof, and connect them with those iron chains on the ground. The power of the Raibu gods, destroy these zombies."


The four brothers did not delay for a moment, grabbed the chains and swords in the yard, and climbed up the wall.

In normal times, this matter could not be easier for them, but now there are crows and magpies infected with corpse poison in the sky above the yard, making it difficult for them to move.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin saw that the four of them had completed their task, so he took out a pack of explosives from his arms and shouted to Daoist Chunhua in the distance, "Get down!"

Jiang Lin ordered the fuze of the explosive pack and threw it away. With a "Boom", the explosives exploded, and the corpses surrounding Daoist Master Chunhua were blown up all over the sky.

"Fellow Daoist, you come to the formation, I will attract thunder!"

"no problem!"

Daoist Chunhua opened the way with the Sword of Punishing Evil and rushed to Jiang Lin's side, taking over his place to stabilize the magic circle and barrier. The Tiger King Panlan also came to guard at this time.

Jiang Lin jumped up and rushed to the top of Jiang's house in a few steps.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law, and invites Jiutian Yingyuan thunder to universalize the heavenly lord, and help me to subdue the demon and bury the corpse!"

Jiang Lin stepped on his feet, danced the bone sword in his hand, chanted spells and cast spells, and finally threw a magic talisman drawn with blood essence into the air.

In a short time, the sky above Jiang's house was surging, and lightning flashed in the clouds.

Because Jiang Lin had studied the Thunder Technique of the Shenxiao School, he knew it by heart, so he was able to trigger Tianlei so easily.

Changed to Daoist Chunhua, although it is possible to successfully induce lightning, but it will never be effective so quickly.

The thunder roared, the electric light flickered, and suddenly, a thunderbolt poured down from the dark clouds. Jiang Lin flew into the sky, using his sword to attract the thunder, and then pointed to the sword that was inserted upside down on the roof.

The thunder was guided by the sword and conducted along the iron chain, and finally formed a thunder ring on the roof of Jiang's house.


One after another, the Razer jumped out of the chain and slammed into the nearly a thousand zombies in the yard.

Hundreds of thousands of charred broken arms or stump legs flew into the air, and then fell to the ground along with a large number of bird carcasses.

At this moment, Fei Zong destroyed the last trapped formation. Seeing this, Jiang Lin pointed Thunder at the ground around Fei Zong without hesitation.


A large amount of explosives buried in Jiang's yard exploded at the same time, sending Fei Zong flying into the sky.

"The time has finally caught up!"

Seeing that the beam of light from outside the town had already rushed, Jiang Lin immediately pointed to several corners of the Jiang's courtyard wall.

The old man is finally out!

It's finally out!

The disgraced Fei Zong didn't care how much pain he had been bombed before, and immediately dived to the ground, wanting to be a Tuxing Sun again.

However, what greeted it was not its favorite earth, but a stone pillar rising suddenly from the ground.

"Want to run? Your wishful thinking is really good!"

Jiang Lin laughed and fell from the roof, looking at Fei Zong coldly.

It was only at this moment that Fei Zong realized that there was an upside-down giant bowl-shaped mask above the Jiang family, and there were countless golden swastikas floating under the mask.

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