"It seems that the Four Noble Truths and Eight Seals Formation has been activated."

Daoist Chunhua glanced around, then heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Xiantian Taiji Disillusionment Formation is fully operational, and Fei Zong is already unable to escape.

Now the small circle formed here and the big circle ten miles away have been linked together. The formation and enchantment effects outside the town have been moved here through the yin and yang dividing line between the two circles. Even if there is another corpse pill, Fei Zong will Don't try to destroy the big array.


Fei Zongqi's mouth was crooked, it took so much effort to break through so many trapped and killing formations, and as a result, those few were so small that they were appetizers.

It hovered and rushed upwards, intending to destroy the mask, but as soon as it rose a few meters, an invisible force suddenly appeared and dragged it back.

"Fly, continue to fly, if you can fly again, my Taiping and forbidden air barrier will be set up for nothing. Run away, just keep running."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Fei Zong with playful eyes. If this guy hadn't been smart, he wouldn't have been a cocoon.

Now that the ten-mile radius of Dafang Town is covered by the Disillusionment Formation, Fei Zong has to wait for death even if he has another pair of wings.

After banning Fei Zong's flying ability, the brightness of the mask above Jiang's house suddenly increased, and two air currents, one black and one yellow, suddenly fell on Fei Zong's body, making him unable to move.

This is the ghost chess formation in charge of Ninth Uncle, which can attract the power of the magic realm, and was moved here by the Disillusionment Formation to freeze Fei Zong.

After that, there were lines on the mask, and Sanskrit, Zhenhuo, Xuanguang, etc. all fell on Fei Zong, and ten minutes later, his limbs were turned into ashes.


Daoist Chunhua couldn't help gasping for breath, the power of this Innate Tai Chi Disillusionment Formation was beyond his expectations.

Really terrifying.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-four chapters

Fei Zong was controlled by the invisible giant force, it was difficult to move, and he could only roar again and again.

Its limbs had just grown, and it was destroyed by the power of destruction generated by the collision of the extreme yin and the extreme yang.

No matter how powerful Fei Zong's vitality is, it can't stand such repeated tossing.

Jiang Lin watched Fei Zong's breath slump a little bit, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. In the era of the end of the law, the level of Tianshi is already the ceiling for practitioners. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to kill a Fei Zong. thing.

In the past, Jiang Lin thought that as long as he did his best, supplemented by external forces such as magic circles and enchantments, he could kill Fei Zong, but in the past two years, he had no chance to set up magic circles and enchantments.

That is to say, under the condition of incomplete conditions, he really can't get rid of Fei Zong.

If Fei Zong hadn't stayed at Jiang's house, he wouldn't have been able to let people set up the Xiantian Taiji Disillusionment Array.

On the surface, Fei Zong was wiped out little by little, but in fact, there were thousands of monks and Taoists' power behind it.

The Disillusionment Formation twisted the power of these people into a single force, so that they could pose a threat to Fei Zong.

If there is another flying stiffness, Jiang Lin is not sure how to deal with it.

Now, as long as you wait, and when all the powers of the formations converge, you will be able to wipe out the flying zombies.

Jiang Lin paid attention to Fei Zong's state attentively. As long as he did his best to launch an attack just before Fei Zong was about to burp, he would be the last straw to crush Fei Zong.

"Fellow Daoist, it's up to you to take care of Fei Zong, and I will support Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning and Tiger King."

Daoist Chunhua turned around and went to join the wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Before, Jiang Lin mobilized Tianlei to destroy the corpse in the yard. There were still many on the street, swarming here.

It didn't take long for Fei Zong to finally break through the force of confinement, but even so, it couldn't do anything about it.

Just as the situation was getting better and better, the mask over the Jiang family suddenly became dark and unclear, and the lines on it began to fade.

Jiang Lin frowned, and quickly asked Qiusheng outside the town through voice transmission: "Senior brother, what happened over there?"

"Junior Brother, we have been besieged by countless zombies here. Master Hong Jinbao and Master cannot maintain the operation of the big formation for a while."

"How many thousands of people do you have there? How many zombies are there?"

Jiang Lin couldn't figure out what was going on outside the town for a while. There were only seven or eight villages and towns within a ten-mile radius of Dafang Town. Even if birds and beasts were added, there were thousands of people outside the town.

Qiusheng responded, "There are at least seven or eighty thousand zombies just turned from humans! The corpse poison of Fei Zong has spread to fifty miles away!"

Hold the day!

Jiang Lin was also shocked when he heard the news. He knew that Fei Zong was crazy enough, but he didn't expect it to be so crazy.

"Daoist Chunhua, the situation has changed, we must make other plans."

Jiang Lin quickly informed the information to Daoist Chunhua and Feng Yuleidian, and asked Panlan Tiger King and Feng Yuleidian to rush out of the encirclement to support the town. The zombies that came in could only be cooked by him and Daoist Chunhua. Fight the Flying Zombies and stall the time.

The Disillusionment Array cannot be lost, otherwise Fei Zong is likely to escape again.

The King Panlan condensed his whole body's spiritual power, spurted out a beam of demonic light, cleaned the street, and then said, "Master, we'll go over here, you have to be careful."

"Okay, Master, they may not be able to protect Sasha's comprehensiveness, so hurry up."

Jiang Lin nodded, then made a seal with his hands, and behind him appeared a flaming golden crow nearly [-] meters tall. He didn't have time to waste on these trash fish zombies.

Hit the big shot directly.

After a few seconds, half of Dafang Town was in ruins.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua jumped to the top of the wall together, and used swordsmanship to clean up the remaining bird and animal carcasses.

Jiang Lin took out three medicine bottles and threw two to Chunhua Daochang, saying: "Daoist friend, these two bottles of cold marrow, one bottle is for you to replenish spiritual power, and the rest is for spare, then you and I need to join hands. , fight with all your might!"

"Fight all the way!"

Daoist Chunhua laughed loudly, and after drinking the cold marrow, he carried the Sword of Execution and rushed towards Fei Zong together with Jiang Lin.

The spiritual energy in Jiang Lin's body was expended enormously, so he could only corpse first, assist Daoist Chunhua with his own abilities, and then use Taoist techniques after the spiritual energy was recovered.

Daoist Chunhua knew that he was a corpse, so he didn't need to cover up.

Zombies and Celestial Masters joined forces for the first time to deal with a flying zombie.

"Ho ho ho..."

Fei Zong's mouth made a strange sound. Although it paid a great price, its death finally stopped coming. Even now, it is still restricted by the enchantment and cannot fly to the ground, but want to make it completely planted here, still not easy!

"I make you laugh!"

Jiang Lin teleported in front of Fei Zong, his eyes widened, and red lotus karmic fire and slow corpse poison shot out from his pupils.


Fei Zong was shot by Jiang Lin's slow corpse poison, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

Jiang Lin took this opportunity to slash his body with the bone sword frantically. Daoist Chunhua did not fall behind, and the sword shadows in his hands greeted Fei Zong's throat.

Fei Zong had suffered losses before, so the protection of his throat was very strong, and the previous attack had never hurt its neck.

After a breath, Fei Zong's throat was poked with blood by the Demon Sword.

Jiang Lin and Daoist Chunhua had no power to fight back after suppressing Fei Zong for a while.


Seven or eight minutes later, Fei Zong's wound spewed out a few white smoke, and the slow corpse poison in its body was finally forced out by it.

Fei Zong's eyes glowed red, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Daoist Chunhua. Compared with Jiang Lin, Daoist Chunhua was a softer persimmon, so Fei Zong would pick him up and pinch him first, even if Jiang Lin's attack fell. In its body, it also ignores it, relying on its own vitality to carry it.

It knows that Jiang Lin's previous maintenance of the magic circle and enchantment consumes too much. If he recovers, if the two peak heavenly masters join forces, it will not die or be disabled.

Whether it was Fei Zong, Jiang Lin or Daoist Chunhua, they were all completely insane.

More than half an hour later, Fei Zong lost a leg and an arm, his body was covered with sword wounds, and dark green pus and blood spread all over his body.

A large piece of flesh was plucked from Jiang Lin's neck, revealing his throat bones.

As for Daoist Chunhua, he became a blood man, and his clothes were soaked in blood.This time Fei Zong is no longer afraid of his Evil Execution Sword, and he will lose [-] for himself, but also [-] for him.

Chapter [-]: A tragic victory

"Fellow Daoist, can you still support it?"

"Thanks to your cold marrow, I can still fight again!"

Daoist Chunhua took a mouthful of blood and straightened his waist.

"it is good!"

The spiritual energy in Jiang Lin's body surged rapidly, and the whole body suddenly burst into a strong light.

Fei Zong's eyes were stabbed by the strong light and couldn't open, so he could only jump back on one leg.

"Fellow Daoist, now the speed of its severed limb rebirth has been significantly reduced, grind it!"

Daoist Chong Chunhua gave a drink, and Jiang Lin extended his arms, wrapping Fei Zong's legs and arms tightly. body.

Daoist Chunhua stepped on the cloth gang, took out a Dingjia talisman and put it on his chest, pointed his sword to the sky, and chanted: "Liu Ding is in danger, but Liu Jia protects my life and soul, and the giant spirit uses my boundless strength to worship. I invite the three benefactors of this altar, all the saints of the Vajra, and the soldiers of the gods are in a hurry!"

After asking God to protect himself, Chunhua Dao disappeared in a flash, and in the next instant, his body flashed behind Fei Zong, and Fei Zong's one arm, one leg and head all flew into the sky.

Then Daoist Chunhua jumped up and reached out to dig out the corpse pill under Fei Zong's head.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be reckless!"

When Jiang Lin saw Daoist Chunhua going to get the corpse pill, he suddenly remembered that when he dealt with Zuo Ci, the corpse pill exploded.

But when the words fell, it was too late, and the corpse pill suddenly erupted a black mist, wrapping Daoist Chunhua.

Jiang Lin immediately flew over and hit Daoist Chunhua in the black mist, kicking him out of the black mist.

In this short moment, Daochang Chunhua's whole body's blood and spirit were absorbed by most of his body, and his whole body almost became skin and bones.

The black mist returned to the corpse pill and rushed into Fei Zong's remnant body, and Fei Zong's limbs and head were reborn again, and the head also turned into the appearance of Chunhua Daochang, but the head and face were covered with pus and blood , looks disgusting.

Jiang Lin's face was gloomy, Fei Zong actually bound his life with Daoist Chunhua at this juncture.

Destroying it is equivalent to killing Daoist Chunhua.

After getting the supply of blood and life essence, Fei Zong screamed and broke through the Taiping Forbidden Barrier in the Disillusionment Array and suspended in mid-air.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about me, kill the corpse!"

Daoist Chunhua pushed aside Jiang Lin who was supporting him. Even if he had to pay for his life, he would kill Fei Zong completely.

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