At this moment, the light curtain in the sky re-bloomed, and hundreds of mirror lights shot at the fly.

But Fei Zong is now able to fly into the sky, and most of these mirror lights have been avoided by him.

The nine dragon shadows that appeared later also chased Fei Zong in mid-air because they couldn't lock Fei Zong.

Jiang Lin's body teleported one after another, and he shot out one after another of dull energy, which was also avoided by Fei Zong.

It's not good to go on like this.

Jiang Lin frowned, and now he is flying in the air, and the power of the magic circle that has been moved here cannot be locked at all, and the other magic circles contained in the Disillusionment Array have not yet been activated. The Nine Dragons Demon Extinguishing Formation had no effect at all.

"Fellow Daoist, leave it to me!"

Daoist Chunhua tremblingly walked to Jiang Lin's side, then held the hilt of his sword with both hands upside down, stabbed his dantian with a sword, and cut out his own fake dan.

"Fellow Daoist, you..."

"If you can eliminate Fei Zong and save the common people, even if you die, you will have no regrets! Chunhua is deeply honored to meet fellow Daoists!"

Daoist Chunhua waved his hand, smiled slightly, and then slapped the fake Dan into the sword body, and the Evil Execution Sword suddenly made a buzzing sound.

Jiang Lin sighed, Daoist Chunhua wanted to sacrifice his own life to the sword to fully stimulate the power of the Sword of Evil Punishment.

"Don't worry, Pindao will completely obliterate Fei Zong from the world!"


Daoist Chunhua also pointed at Fei Zong in midair, and the Evil Punishment Sword flew away, and Daoist Chunhua himself jumped up and stood on the sword.

"Evil Sword Formation!"

Yujian was at a high place, and Daoist Chunhua shouted loudly, and sword shadows separated from the Evil God Sword, forming a sword forest.

"Brush brush..."

Countless sword shadows shot towards Fei Zong, and the speed was extremely fast. Hundreds of thousands of sword lights penetrated Fei Zong's body and nailed it to the ground.

In the end, the Sword of Executioner flew down with Daochang Chunhua, hitting his heart.

Daoist Master Chunhua clenched his sword hilt tightly, pressing his knees on Feijian's neck, and shouted to Jiang Lin, "Daoist friend!"

Jiang Lin nodded, and sent Qiusheng a sound transmission to let them start the great formation regardless of the cost. Then he changed his hands in succession, and the three-legged Golden Crow raised his neck behind him.

Not long after, the lines and runes on the mask in the sky began to appear in large areas, densely packed, and a force of collapsing mountains and forests was condensing.

When the light of the mask reached its peak, Jiang Lin's handprint changed, and the three-legged Golden Crow spread its wings and flew over.


The power of the explosion this time was many times greater than the last big explosion produced by the biogas, but because of the mask formed by the Disillusionment Array, the power of the explosion was only repeated inside the yard, and finally there was a "snap" sound. , the mask shattered into a rain of light, and the entire Disillusionment Array was destroyed.

"Pop! Kill Fei Zong and get [-] Violent Qi."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the system in his mind, and then he immediately got into the smoke and dust, took out the corpse pill from Feizong's neck, and took out Daoist Chunhua's Evil God. The sword was picked up.

This divine sword has been destroyed by the power of the Disillusionment Formation, and its spirituality does not exist. It seems that it has been martyred with Daoist Chunhua.

"Daoist Chunhua, there are still a large number of zombies outside the town. Pindao will build a grave with you when he comes back."

Jiang Lin calmed down a little and left the Jiang family to join Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle.

Outside the town, thousands of monks and Taoists are fighting to the death of the zombie army, and up to now, one-third of their comrades have been martyred.

"Daoist Li Yang is here!"


"Has the Flying Zombie been destroyed?"

"Master, where is our master?"

When Master Hong Jinbao and the others saw Jiang Lin's arrival, they couldn't wait to ask them about the result. The four of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning found that Jiang Lin was the only one who came, and they felt bad.

Jiang Lin responded: "Flying zombies have been completely eliminated."


"Flying Zombie has been eliminated!"

"Thank goodness!"

Hearing Jiang Lin say that the flying stiffness was gone, all the monks and Daoists burst into deafening cheers.

Jiang Lin handed the Sword of Execution to Feng Yu Lei Deng, and said, "In order to eliminate Fei Zong, Daoist Chunhua has already been martyred. Please... mourn."


The four brothers were stunned for a moment, then knelt on the ground, holding the Sword of Execution, and burst into tears.

The comrades on the side heard the news, and the smile on their faces suddenly turned into grief.

In the era of the end of the law, a peak Tianshi fell like this.

Master Hong Jinbao sighed, and then said loudly: "Everyone, the martyrdom of Daoist Chunhua is certainly embarrassing, but now we are not in grief, and there are still many comrades who are fighting against the corpses. Fei Zong is dead. , the corpse disaster has not been eliminated.”

"It's all those zombies that stopped the great formation and caused the martyrdom of Master!"

"Completely wipe out the corpse disaster, and console the master in heaven!"

The four of them wiped away their tears and wanted to take revenge for Daoist Chunhua.

Jiang Lin climbed up a big tree in the forest, checked the distribution of the surrounding corpses, and then said to everyone: "Master Hong Jinbao, Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, Master Xu Ku, follow me to open a gap, all of you comrades are close Then, surround the group of corpses in reverse!"

So, under the leadership of Jiang Lin, hundreds of monks scattered the group of corpses and attacked with other comrades on both sides.

It wasn't until the dawn of the day that thousands of monks and Taoists wiped out all the zombies. Although there were a large number of these zombies, most of them were at the level of purple and white zombies, and there were very few black zombies. Therefore, as long as they cooperated properly, it was only a matter of time before they were eliminated.

As for the corpses of birds and beasts, most of them were cooked by Jiang Lin, King Panlan Tiger, and Uncle Ninth, who had a relatively high level of cultivation.

But even if the flying stiffness was solved and the corpse disaster was cleaned up, thousands of monks and Taoists suffered heavy casualties, and nearly half of their fellow monks were killed.

Chapter [-]: The Meeting of Gengwu

"Master! Fei Zong was really killed, Master is really a beer!"

After the corpse was removed, the colorful tiger king came to Jiang Lin with Tang Shasha on his back, and gave Jiang Lin a tiger claw version of the thumb.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Not only my credit, but also the result of the concerted efforts of all of you."

"Oh! Jiang Lin, why are you hurt like this? Big tiger, let me go."

Tang Shasha, who was on the tiger's back, saw Jiang Lin's neck was blurred with blood, and she covered her mouth with her hands.

The colorful tiger king immediately tilted his body and let Tang Sasha fall to the ground.

"Where's the wound medicine you gave me? Hurry up and put it on, I'll wrap it up for you."

Tang Shasha tore off the hem of her clothes to stop the bleeding for Jiang Lin.

"It's just a skin injury, don't worry."

Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha's cloth strip and directly bandaged the wound.

If he used a treasure like Hansui, it is estimated that a large number of people would exchange things with him.

He wouldn't use this kind of treasure in front of outsiders.

"Ahem, Lin Zi, is this girl also my daughter-in-law? Well, she has a thin waist) (big stock, so I can have a son."

Zhang Han glanced at Tang Shasha and nodded. What he is looking forward to most now is that Jiang Lin will make him a disciple. As for who is born, he doesn't care.

At this time, Ninth Uncle and Daoist Dian also looked at Tang Shasha. Tang Shasha's face was flushed by the eyes of these elders, and she quickly hid behind Jiang Lin.

The gazes of the elders naturally fell on Jiang Lin again, Jiang Lin touched his nose and said, "Uh... that, although the corpse disaster has been eliminated, Dafang Town has been attacked by the corpse poison of flying zombies for fifty kilometers. Just in case, we still need to set up a few large formations for purification."

"Yes, although we have cleaned up all those corpse-turned people and birds and beasts, but the corpse poison of Flying Zombies is so powerful that other situations will inevitably occur. There may be some people and birds that are infected with corpse poison but not corpse-turned. )(beast."

"Yes, we must act as soon as possible."

Ninth Uncle and the others saw that Jiang Lin deliberately changed the subject, and didn't make any more jokes about him. Now that there are troublesome things to deal with, they can't just sit idle like this.

If you don't investigate and purify the air and water sources within this hundred miles, there is a chance that there will be another disaster on the scale of two years ago.

Although the Fei Zong has perished, it is still harmful.

At the moment, Jiang Lin discussed with Master Hong Jinbao, Ninth Uncle and many colleagues about the specific treatment method.

In the end, everyone followed Jiang Lin's suggestion. After everyone regained their physical strength, half of the people went to check the villages and towns in this area, and the rest began to arrange purification circles, every seven miles, and finally these purification circles were thoroughly cleaned up. linked together.

In addition, Jiang Lin also asked Master Hong Jinbao to assign some people to arrange the funeral of those who have been martyred, and go to their Taoist temple to report the funeral.

Master Hong Jinbao looked at the corpses one after another and sat on the ground, feeling extremely sad.

His seniority is relatively high, and many of these deceased comrades are acquainted with him. They all respected him very much in their lifetimes, but now they are separated by yin and yang.

Ninth Uncle stepped forward and comforted: "Master, these fellows are the pioneers of our Taoist altar. They died for the sake of the common people, and they died well. You don't have to be too sad."

"Who would have thought that in the end of the Dharma era, a flying zombie would come out. Although it was destroyed, our middle-earth cultivator has suffered heavy losses because of it."

Master Hong Jinbao let out a long sigh. Even if we go back five hundred years, there has never been such a thing in the monastic world.

In the past few months, there have been at least [-] monks and Daoists who have been martyred due to flying stupor. If the disabled are added, the number will be increased by half.

"A while ago, I heard from a friend who returned from studying abroad that now the Japanese country has created public opinion of aggression in their country, and it is estimated that there will be big moves in the next two years. The monks and the different tolerance will definitely take this opportunity to come out in full force, with the only strength we have, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic."

When thinking about the future, Master Sammo Hung couldn't help but look sad.

By the way, it has been nineteen years since the Republic of China.

Not far away, Jiang Lin, who was sitting cross-legged to heal his wounds, heard the conversation between Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle, and then he remembered that it was not long before Japan invaded China.

Next year, which is the [-]th year of the Republic of China, the little Japan will create the Fengtian Incident in the northeast and occupy the three eastern provinces.

If Master Hong Jinbao hadn't mentioned it, he would have really forgotten about it.

Jiang Lin thought of the "Dao Zang" and the research results of the different arts that he had snatched from Japan. Two years ago, he planned to spread it out, but then a series of incidents followed, and he put this matter behind him. .

"Sasha, go to sleep on the tiger's back."

Seeing that Tang Shasha was yawning all the time, Jiang Lin asked her to rest first, then got up and walked towards Master Hong Jinbao.

"Master, find some trusted colleagues and follow me to the depths of the woods."

"what's up?"

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