"About the research results of Yishu, that is, the method of refining Qi, I just heard you and uncle say that Little Japan can't hold back anymore, and those Yaodao and Yiren who like to do things will definitely covet the Huaxia Dragon Vein, and now Our middle-earth cultivator is seriously injured, and we can't be killed by those little brats."

"it is good!"

Master Sammo Hung also forgot that Jiang Lin still had the "Dao Zang" and the manuscript of research on the different arts from Japan in his hands. Now he stood up when he heard Jiang Lin talk about it.

Very good!

The sadness on Master Hong Jinbao's face disappeared a lot. If there is a method of refining Qi and a different technique, even if the middle-earth cultivator world will start a full-scale war with Dongyang Yaodao and Yiren in the near future, the situation will be much better.

The current environment is no longer suitable for cultivation with spiritual power. If cultivators are of average aptitude, it will take seven or eight years from entry to apprenticeship. This is still under the premise that they are willing to work hard.Middle-earth cultivators suffered heavy casualties, and even if each sect recruited new disciples, they would not be able to play a big role. The world would be in chaos, and there was no time for them to slowly cultivate.But if they can master a special technique, at least in the face of those demons and alien ninjas, they can have the power to fight.

It didn't take long for Master Hong Jinbao to choose ten fellows and let them go into the depths of the forest with him.

The people who were selected are all in his heart. After all, the method of refining Qi may break through the shackles of the end of the law. With it, it is not impossible to surpass the alchemist or even the celestial master in another way.

Now the people here can unite and destroy the corpse, but once this cultivation method is obtained, the situation may be different.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, Jiang Lin took out the manuscript of the research on the alien art in the ancient mirror in his arms and handed it to Master Hong Jinbao, and asked everyone to transcribe it.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also explained his understanding of the method of refining Qi.

As for "Dao Zang", he didn't take it out. First, this book belonged to Longhu Mountain Tianshifu a long time ago, and secondly, Jiang Lin wanted to exchange some useful books when returning it to Longhushan Tianshifu. thing.

In the end, Master Hong Jinbao repeatedly emphasized that if the method of Qi refining is to be spread, it must be entrusted to trustworthy disciples.

This time, the gathering of twelve people, including Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao, had a great impact on the later development and change of the monastic world, which was mixed.

The good side is that it directly affected the result of the war between the East Ocean and the Middle-earth monastic world, and the bad side is that many Taoist priests no longer regard subduing demons and subduing demons as their vocation, but turn to the exploration of longevity and ascension.

In the records of some later books, this meeting was called the "Gengwu Meeting".

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-seven chapters are chaotic, and the bones are everywhere! (superior)

Jiang Lin and the others returned to the place where everyone rested, and it didn't take long for thousands of monks and Taoists to act according to their plans.

As Jiang Lin expected, many water sources and air in this area have been polluted by corpse poison. Even if they are purified by multiple large arrays, they cannot be dealt with overnight.

Just when everyone was busy, another change occurred.

Mao Xiaofang sent A Hai to come here with a quick horse and whip, to inform the Eastern Demon Dao and Yi Nin of Shu to attack, and the legendary Phantom Man and Demon appeared in Shu. .

Not only that, the lama of the Potala Palace also arrived later to inform that there were powerful plague demons, locust demons and peak ghost kings in the northwest region.

"The phantom man? The locust demon? The plague demon? Alas! There is chaos everywhere."

Master Sammo Hung patted his forehead. Although he had a premonition that Middle-earth would no longer be peaceful when the sky changed, he never expected that chaos would follow one after another. Now they are a little out of breath.

"Now we can only halve the number of people here. For the rest, half go to Shu with me, and half go to the northwest."

Master Hong Jinbao thought about it for a moment, and then arranged to let Jiu Shu Zhang Han and others stay here and be responsible for the purification of corpse poison. He took some people back to Shu land. As for the northwest region, they could only hand over to Xiao Xiami and Originally a part of the same road in the Northwest Territories.

"Master, let's act first. Feng Yuleidian and I have to rush back to Dafang Town. When the matter is over, I will go to deal with the locust demon plague demon and the ghost king."

Because the unicorn corpse was still watching Mr. Jiang at Jiang's house, Jiang Lin had to go back. This zombie king had been seriously injured and was used by him to defend against the group of corpses, so he had to recuperate as soon as possible.

Moreover, Daoist Chunhua's broken body and bones are still in the big pit formed by the explosion, and he and Fengyu Leidian also need to collect the corpse and erect a tomb for him.

He met Daoist Chunhua once, and fought side by side several times. It was a year-old friend. No matter how urgent things were outside, he didn't want Daoist Chunhua to have no one to collect his bones.

As for why he chose the northwest region, it was because there was only one phantom man in Shu, and even if it was destroyed, he wouldn't be able to hold back much hostility, so he might as well go to the northwest to get a big head first, and then rush to Shu.

Anyway, there is a fire unicorn guarding the Lingyun Grotto. Even if those demons and aliens enter, there will be no entry but no exit.

"Okay, let's say goodbye for now."

Master Hong Jinbao and others immediately rushed to Shu with Ah Hai.

"Master and uncle, see you later."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he jumped on the back of the tiger and returned to Dafang Town, followed by wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"Sasha, your brother Tang Long has turned into a corpse and was killed by me. Master Jiang also turned into a zombie like him, but I saved his life. When I get to Jiang's house, I can ask him if your father was killed by him. ."

On the way, when Jiang Lin saw Tang Shasha woke up, he told her about Tang Long and Master Jiang.

He didn't let the Colorful Tiger King kill Mr. Jiang before. In addition to wanting to make up a knife to gain some anger, he also wanted to solve Tang Shasha's knot.

"Brother, is he dead?"

Tang Shasha sighed, but she was not overly sad. After all, her brother never thought of her as a younger sister.

"I remember that I told you about my father in the sedan chair. You...you still remember."

Tang Shasha was so beautiful, she didn't expect Jiang Lin to take her affairs to heart, and deliberately left Mr. Jiang not to kill.

The group returned to Jiang's house. The storm, thunder and lightning looked at the big pit in the yard that was sixty to seventy meters deep, and took a deep breath. No wonder Fei Zong was killed in one fell swoop. The power gathered by this Disillusionment Array can no longer be described as horror. .

Afterwards, the four brothers and sisters went to the firewood room to find some tools such as iron picks and hoes, and went down to the deep pit to collect the bones of their master.

Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha to a side room, where he sensed the existence of the unicorn corpse. The unicorn corpse had a high IQ and would not be so stupid that the sun came out and basked in the yard.

Jiang Lin asked the dying Master Jiang, who also admitted that when Tang Shasha's father came to Jiang's house to compete with him, he was killed and placed under the ancestral house to make a honey corpse.

When he asked the result, Jiang Lin killed the half-dead zombie king. Then he fed the unicorn corpse some cold marrow and brought it to the ancestral house, where the yin was very heavy and suitable for it to recuperate.

It will take some time to collect the bones and tombs for Daoist Master Chunhua, so the unicorn corpse can be recovered a little bit.

After the unicorn corpse was placed, Jiang Lin went to the well, took a magic talisman, lit it, and threw it down. He brought some water to him. He had a lot of flying zombie poison on his body. uncomfortable.

The corpse poison absorbed in his body has been excessive, and the rest must be washed away.

After disposing of the corpse poison on his body, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged again, rubbed the cold marrow on the wound on his neck, and refined his own corpse poison. It didn't take long for the wound to begin to scab over.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin emerged from the deep pit and handed a handful of charred bones to Feng Yu Lei Deng.

Daoist Chunhua has subdued demons and subdued demons all his life, but he ended up with an incomplete corpse.

Looking at the pile of charred bones and sticks, Jiang Lin felt very sad.

"Where are you going to bury Daoist Chunhua?"

"Let's also go to the northwest region. Master and our hometown are there. Although hundreds of years have passed, it is better to let Master fall back to its roots."

"Yes. Taoist priest, you are fast, so go first."

Because they missed their teacher, they were in a bad mood and planned to stay at Jiang's house for a day or two.

Jiang Lin also had no objection. He put the unicorn corpse in the ancient mirror, and took Tang Shasha out of town all the way to the northwest.

"Jiang Lin, there's a war going on down there."

At noon a few days later, Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha were looking out from a distance on the mountain. Nearly two million people were at war below, artillery fire was roaring, and the shouts of killing were loud.

This is the largest warlord melee in Middle-earth in modern times, the Central Plains War, which has just begun.

It seems that not only monsters and ghosts are causing chaos, but people are also the same, the turbulent [*]s.

"Go down!"

Jiang Lin patted the tiger's back and let the colorful tiger king rush into the battlefield.

A war of this scale has already produced a strange fire - the beacon and war. Since Jiang Lin encountered it, he decided to take a walk and put the beacon and war away.

"Jiang Lin, they are fighting, and the artillery fire is flying. What are you rushing down for?"

Tang Shasha, who was sitting behind Jiang Lin, let go of the arm around Jiang Lin's waist and patted his shoulder.

The hail of bullets below is not a long eye.

"Future mistress, let alone the cannon fire, even the mountains of swords and seas of fire will not hurt the master in the slightest. With the master there, you will not lose a single hair."

The King Panlan snorted and swooped down with Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha all the way.

future mistress...

Tang Shasha blushed at the call of the colorful tiger king, and hugged Jiang Lin tightly again.

Where will Jiang Lin go in the future, where will she follow.

The first thousand one hundred and twenty-eight chapters are in chaos, and the bones are everywhere! (Down)

Tang Shasha pricked up her ears, and after listening for a long time, she didn't hear Jiang Lin reprimand or deny the Tiger King, and her face turned even redder.

"Don't hold it so tightly."

Jiang Lin moved his body. He hadn't touched a woman for two years. Now Tang Shasha's chest was against his back, which made him miss some kind of aerobic exercise.

"The big tiger is running too fast."

Tang Shasha thought that Jiang Lin didn't like her like this, but she still didn't let go of her arms.

Don't let me have free time, or I'll have to quench your thirst.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart. Although he forced his way into the battlefield, the two armies were fighting, and there was no shortage of powerful weapons. He still needed to be cautious.

A ten-meter-long colorful giant tiger broke into the hail of bullets.

For a time, all the crazy soldiers who were killing were stunned, and many soldiers on the front lines of the warring parties stopped fighting.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes, looking for the flames of war in the smoke.

"Southwest direction!"

After finding a strange fire, Jiang Lin stretched out his arm.

"If you hit you, we just take a walk."

The colorful tiger king roared, jumped up, and flew over the heads of many soldiers.



"No, immortal, this is immortal!"

Some soldiers were frightened when they saw that the Giant Giant Tiger could speak human words, and some of them immediately put down their firearms and bowed their heads to Jiang Lin.

"Be flat!"

When Tang Shasha saw this, she became very playful.

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