"Damn son, aren't you blowing b? Don't you want to clear the old man? You're not very skilled, but your tone is not small. Does it feel good to kiss the earth with a pig's face?"

The colorful tiger king stood up on both feet, hugged his forearms, and laughed at the plague demon.

Although he couldn't kill it, he had a bad breath.

"Jiang Lin, what's the matter with you? The big tiger taught that pig, so relieved."

Tang Shasha was a little puzzled when she saw Jiang Lin's brows creased. She was an ordinary girl, so naturally she could only see the appearance.

It seems that this plague demon does have some ways.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, he had never thought that Plague Demon would have such an ability before.


The Plague Demon was full of anger, gasping for breath, and then the anger on its face gradually disappeared, baring its teeth, and grinning slyly.

Just like the expression pack of the pope, a wrestler who was broken by netizens in later generations.

Chapter [*] I'm sorry, I don't have five failures

Seeing the Plague Demon, King Panlan laughed complacently, and said, "It's really ugly to laugh, is your brain damaged?"

But as soon as the voice fell, it felt dizzy.

After that, the shiny tiger hair on its body gradually dimmed, the hair on the top of its head began to fall off, and the flesh on its body also gave off a stench.

Panlan Tiger King was startled, and quickly used the spiritual power and demon power in his body to resist, but it didn't work at all. After a few breaths, its huge body fell to one side.

"This...what's the matter?"

Panlan Tiger King struggled and was very frightened. This time it felt an unprecedented crisis. It seemed that it would be completely old and die soon.

"Haha... Idiot, you don't want to inquire about how brilliant our Plague Clan used to be. In the long past, even if Arhats and immortals saw us, they would have to be polite. Whether it was an immortal Arhat or a demon, there were The day when the deadline comes, and this seat has now been able to induce the five declines of heaven and man. When this seat grows thoroughly in the future, it will be able to block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and destroy Buddhas!"

The Plague Demon laughed wildly in the sky. Although its cultivation base is not very high, it can still induce the five degenerates of cultivators or demons of the same level.

That is to say, unless he encounters an opponent whose strength exceeds it by a lot, there is almost nothing that can threaten him.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man...

Jiang Lin raised his brows. He was glad that he had let the Panlan Tiger King play first. Otherwise, it would be a pity for him to wipe out the Plague Demon in one fell swoop.

Although the ability of this plague demon is strange, it is not as evil as it says, and most of it has an element of bragging.

If it is really possible to attract cultivators and evil spirits to the arrival of the time limit, is it still great?

Jiang Lin guessed that the so-called evoking the five devastations of heaven and man by the plague demons was at best just to disperse the plague and make the other party show the appearance of the five devastations, which was essentially caused by the plague poison.

But even so, it is not easy for cultivators or evil spirits to deal with plague demons.

If you take down this plague demon and lock it with Yang Yan and formation, if you encounter a ghost emperor or a demon emperor that is difficult to deal with in the future, this guy can also play a big role.

Jiang Lin made a small calculation in his heart, the debuff of Plague Demon is still very useful to him.

Seeing that the breath of the colorful tiger king was gradually weakening, Jiang Lin walked over and took some forbidden medicinal materials and cold marrow from his arms and sent them into the tiger's mouth.

Whether it is forbidden medicinal materials or cold marrow, it has the effect of blinding the heavens. Even if the colorful tiger king really has the five declines of heaven and man, after taking these treasures, it can delay the arrival of the deadline.

Let alone explain its crisis at this time.

After Banlan Tiger King took the medicinal herbs and the cold marrow, the malignant transformation on his body stopped, and he gradually recovered from weakness to strength.

"How is that possible? Actually... there is such a baby!"

Seeing that Jiang Lin had used the treasure to solve the five-failure aspect of the Panlan Tiger King, the Plague Demon suddenly cried out strangely.

Then an ecstatic expression appeared on its face.

Today, Jianglin and the others gave it a great surprise.

If it gets these treasures, its cultivation will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds!

The Plague Demon stretched out his arm and pointed at Jiang Lin, and said, "Boy, obediently present the treasure on your body to this seat, and this seat can also open up to you and leave you a whole corpse, so that your death will not be too ugly. ."

"I don't know who gave you this confidence? Is it Rejoice? You asked me to obediently present treasures. You don't know your situation, do you?"

Jiang Lin turned his face to look at it, the plague demon is not easy to deal with, but unfortunately, this guy met him today.

"Since you are courting death, this seat is welcome!"

The Plague Demon lined up with two palms, and two gray mists shot towards Jiang Lin. With a wave of Jiang Lin's sleeves, a cloud of Yang Yan rushed towards the gray mist, burning the plague poison into nothingness.

Suddenly, a black light rushed out of Yang Yan with lightning speed and hit Jiang Lin's body.

Jiang Lin was hit by this black light, and his body flew upside down five or six meters away, and let out a muffled groan.

Soon, his body also appeared the same situation as the colorful tiger king.

His hair quickly turned pale and withered, and the flesh on his body began to rot and ooze pus at a speed visible to the naked eye, giving off a rancid smell.

"Haha... Now you have lost your combat power. Although you can take medicinal herbs for relief, will this seat give you this chance? I really don't know what to do!"

The Plague Demon grinned and strode toward Jiang Lin, counting the number in his mouth. He felt that he couldn't count ten, and Jiang Lin would have to collapse completely.


Tang Shasha looked at Jiang Lin's appearance and rushed towards him.

"Future mistress, you don't have to worry, the plague demon can get me, but there is absolutely no way to take the master."

The colorful tiger king jumped up and blocked Tang Shasha so that Jiang Lin would not be distracted.

Huh?Yes, this plague is not much different from my poisonous evil.

At this time, Jiang Lin was letting the corpse poison in his bones enter his flesh and blood. What he didn't expect was that after his corpse poison devoured the plague poison in his body, it became quite active again.

This plague is a great remedy!

If the plague demon knew what Jiang Lin was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

It was too late for others to avoid its plague like snakes and scorpions, but Jiang Lin actually wanted to use it as a tonic.

After the corpse poison spread all over Jianglin's flesh and blood, the five bad signs on his body began to slowly disappear.

"This... how is this possible? When did you take the treasure?"

Plague Demon's long and narrow eyes suddenly became round, and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

Jiang Lin was right under its nose and recovered like this.

The five signs of decline that it induces are hard to resist even the spiritual power and demon power.

"Is it a surprise? I forgot to tell you, I'm sorry, I don't have five bad things."

Jiang Lin smiled, the plague demon can induce the five signs of decline, but the premise is that there is a day when the other party has the five declines of heaven and man.

After he is corpse, he is a zombie that is not in the three realms and six realms, immortal and immortal.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man have nothing to do with him at all.

"You...you...you are a zombie! Or a corpse emperor!"

It was only now that the plague demon felt the endless corpse aura on Jiang Lin's body, and the white hair on top of his head suddenly exploded.

"Well, good eyesight, but no reward."

Jiang Lin's pupils shot out two dull qi, and then let the poison in his body return to his bones, and the whole body spurted out fiery yang flames, which instantly surrounded the plague demon.

The Plague Demon originally wanted to retreat, but after being penetrated by the slow corpse poison, its movements slowed down five or six times, and there was no way to escape.

Chapter [*]: Rune Realm

Jiang Lin immediately flashed in front of the Plague Demon, slashing with the bone sword, and removed the Plague Demon's limbs. After that, he quickly drew a spell to subdue the Plague Demon and slapped it on the Plague Demon's Heavenly Spirit Cover.

He took a small cauldron from the ancient mirror in his arms, and Jiang Lin pointed his finger and shot a ray of Yang Yan, and then made a seal with one hand, tapped it on the forehead of the plague demon, and put it into the cauldron.

"Master, why didn't you kill that fellow?"

Panlan Tiger King ran to Jiang Lin's side and looked at Fading. It suffered a big loss under the hands of the Plague Demon, and wished it would be wiped out.

Jiang Lin kept looking at the magic spell in his palm, and then said after a while, "Huh? Hmm. This guy can make a demon king like you fall into trouble. I think it's a ghost emperor or a demon emperor. If it's not necessary, I won’t fight with it, keep it, maybe it will have some effect in the future.”

"Keep going."

Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha's hand and led her to jump on the tiger's back, letting the Panlan Tiger King continue on his way. He could go home sooner after finishing those evil things.

"Jiang Lin, why did the plague demon call you a zombie just now?"

Tang Shasha looked at Jiang Lin, how could this be a human being, how could it be a zombie?

"If I say I am, do you believe it?"

Jiang Lin opened his mouth to Tang Shasha, revealing two zombie teeth.

Tang Shasha first moved back a distance, then cautiously approached again, and pinched Jiang Lin's zombie teeth.

Really Zombie Teeth!

"Touch my teeth, are you not afraid that I will bite you to death?"

"If you want to hurt me, you don't have to save me, and I won't be able to live now. Of course, if you want to eat me when you're hungry, I... I'll admit it. You save your life, and you can return it to you. Yes."

Tang Shasha recalled getting along during this time, and she didn't have any fear of Jiang Lin in her heart.

"I want to eat you, but I don't have much water, so I have to wash it first."

"Ah? Do you really want to eat me? Cooked?"

"Yeah, it's windy and sandy, and you're covered in dust. If you don't wash it clean, I won't be able to talk."

Jiang Lin laughed when he looked at Tang Shasha, who was so simple that he couldn't react at all.

After that, instead of teasing the girl, he took out the yellow paper and talisman from the ancient mirror and began to draw the magic talisman.

Previously, when he was drawing a spell in his palm, he found that the power of the magic spell in his palm was much stronger than before, which was somewhat unusual.

It's finally here again!

After drawing more than [*] radiant charms in succession, Jiang Lin drew another magic spell with the same power as before.

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