Although this talisman is also shining with golden light, the pattern on it looks like it has been refracted, and it doesn't seem like it was drawn on the talisman paper at all.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and thought for a while before his eyes lit up.

Could it be said to be a spirit?

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's heart beat faster.

The power of the talismans he painted was much higher than that of ordinary talismans, because the talismans contained rhymes on them.

Above the realm of rhyme, is the realm of spirits. If you enter this realm, you no longer need talisman paper and pens to draw talismans. As long as your fingertips are drawn at will, you can draw in water, fire and even in the void. A talisman is formed, and its power is greatly increased.

"You're all right, don't disturb me."

Jiang Lin spoke to King Panlan and Tang Shasha, then closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

He raised two fingers together, swiping in front of him again and again.

What he copied and painted was the Yang-inducing Talisman that he first came into contact with and was most familiar with.

Three days later, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in a place of extreme sun with five hearts facing the sky, and his fingers were still swiping in front of him. Every time he swiped, a red track would appear in front of him, but these tracks cannot last forever.

"Are you still too anxious?"

After trying hundreds of thousands of times, but still without success, Jiang Lin couldn't help frowning.

Second uncle, I wasted so much time.

Jiang Lin snorted, he was quite confident about his talent for cultivation, but this time he touched the spirit realm, which made him feel a little bit of strength hitting the cotton.

"Jiang Lin, it's time to eat. Is there anything else you can't do? I heard the big tiger say that you can do anything in the world."

At this moment, Tang Shasha came over with a bone sword, wearing a roasted pheasant. Seeing Jiang Lin's sullen look, she covered her mouth and chuckled.

Just now when Jiang Lin was away, she talked to the cat for a while, but the cat blew a lot, of course it wasn't itself but its owner.

But now Jiang Lin obviously failed to accomplish anything.

"Who said I couldn't do it, look at it."

Jiang Lin once again drew a corpse-suppressing talisman in front of him, and a light and shadow talisman appeared in Tang Shasha's eyes.

In fact, Jiang Lin used his own ever-changing abilities to conjure up the illusion. He moved his arms and fingers just to pretend that he had accumulated spiritual power.

The Tiger King Pan Lan just blew him, how could he let Tang Shasha see a joke.

"Okay, you're good, it's time to eat."

Tang Shasha smiled and handed the roast chicken over.

Jiang Lin just stretched out his hand to take it, but the words "command the general to come here" suddenly merged with a small amount of corpse aura, and then a strong light burst onto him.

Alas, hold the grass!

Jiang Lin was slammed by the light talisman from sitting to lying down. After that, his eyes widened and he immediately turned over and sat up.

"Observe with your heart, good and evil blend together, yin and yang meet, so it is!"

Without thinking about eating, Jiang Lin immediately tried again, and it didn't take long before he drew a corpse-suppressing talisman again.

It worked!

Jiang Lin laughed, then leaped into the air, the spiritual power in his body surged wildly, pouring out along his fingers, and finally a huge talisman light and shadow appeared in the air.

After landing, he called out the unicorn corpse in the ancient mirror, and with a push of the palm wind, a huge rigid talisman rushed towards the unicorn corpse.

A very common immobilization talisman, after Jiang Lin injected a large amount of spiritual power, can actually completely immobilize the peak zombie king.

Then he tried the Yang-Inducing Talisman and the Exploding Flame Talisman, because without the limitation of the Talisman paper, Jiang Lin could inject a huge amount of spiritual power, which led to a lot of increase in the power of these talismans.

"Come on, give you a big chicken leg."

Jiang Lin took the bone sword, tore off the leg of the roast chicken on it, handed it to Tang Shasha, and kissed her on the forehead again.

"No wonder the talismanic realm is so difficult to touch, the yin alone does not grow, the yang alone does not grow, the yin needs the yang as the lead, the yang is attracted by the yin, and when the evil qi attracts it, the spiritual power can only be condensed outside by fighting against it."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, and finished the food in his hand in a few mouthfuls. Then he removed the rigid talisman of the unicorn corpse. He snapped his fingers and said to the cat, "Get ready to go and try the sword with that ghost king."

Now he really wants to try a few magic talismans to destroy a ghost king.

Chapter [*] The ghost king is no longer a beer, it's just a ghost king

Three days later, Jiang Lin arrived in Xianyang, Shaanxi, where Xiao Xiami and some Taoist priests from the southern Maoshan faction came here to deal with the ghost king.

Jiang Lin still didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be. If the Ghost King was not destroyed, he would be able to make a fortune. If he had been destroyed, there should be some people left here, and the fellows who came here should be informed.

Not long after, Jiang Lin and the others met Xiao Xiami and others in the outskirts of Changwu County.

It's just that these people were not seriously injured, especially Xiao Xi Mi, whose face was as white as paper.

"Daoist Li Yang, you have finally arrived, Buddha of Infinite Life."

Seeing Jiang Lin approaching from a distance, Xiao Xiami stood up with his hands folded and greeted Jiang Lin.

"Little shrimp, why are you hurt so badly?"

Jiang Lin sensed Xiao Xiami's breath, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Now Xiao Xiami's cultivation base is not much worse than that of Ba Siba back then, and now he is so injured.

Is the ghost king here so powerful?

"Did you meet a ghost king or a ghost emperor?"

"Ghost king, it's just that this ghost king is particularly difficult to deal with. It was originally a 魊 (yu, four tones) ghost. Later, there was a severe drought in Shaanxi and people died everywhere. It took the opportunity to devour a large number of unjust ghosts and ghosts, and finally became a ghost king."

"Ghost? The kind of ghost that insinuates?"

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. He had never encountered such a ghost before, and it was extremely rare.He didn't know much about information about such ghosts either.

Xiao Xiami responded: "That's right. As long as there is a shadow that casts light on people, this ghost king can shoot people's shadows with sand and sand. We suffered a big loss when we dealt with it before. And it can control the ghost fire, even if we both Even if the torches are turned off, there will still be shadows. The ghost king’s attacks on our body are easy to guard against, but those against shadows are hard to guard against.”

No wonder even the little shrimps follow the way of the ghost king.

Jiang Lin nodded, Xiao Xiami and the others were not weak, even if they were Ghost Kings, it would not be easy to seriously injure them.

But it is much easier to use their shadow as a medium to transfer the attack to their body.

After all, the figure cannot cast spells, and can only be beaten passively.

Moreover, once the height of the projected light source is lowered, the figure will be elongated, and the attack range will also become larger, so the attack of the ghost king will be hard to prevent.

"I see that you are all seriously injured, and it is almost night now. You tell me where the ghost king is, and I will deal with it."

"Daoist Li Yang, I think we should take a long-term view. If you go there alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it."

Daoist Ziyun next to him suggested Jiang Lin to discuss with them, otherwise, dealing with the ghost king alone might only increase casualties.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "No need."

To deal with Fei Zong or the Ghost Emperor and Demon Emperor, it's fine to talk about it together, but the other party is just a ghost king, and they have to discuss a ball.

Kill it.

No matter how good the ghost king is, even if it is a peak ghost king, it is just a ghost king.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was full of confidence, Daoist Ziyun stopped persuading him and informed the ghost king's lair.

Jiang Lin jumped on the tiger's back and let the Panlan Tiger King run in the direction that Daoist Ziyun and the others pointed.

Ten minutes later, King Panlan took Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha to a Longwang Temple in the west of the county seat.

In the entire Dragon King Temple, the gloomy wind whistled, and groups of cold ghosts were suspended in mid-air, looking particularly terrifying.

Pan Lan Tiger King jumped vertically and jumped over the wall.

"Where's the ghost king here, my master is here, so come out and die soon!"

The Panlan Tiger King let out a roar, causing the sand and stones on the surrounding walls to fall off one after another.

"Your Majesty, there are two more people to die."

"There is also a tiger demon and a beautiful woman with thin skin and tender meat, the king can fight his teeth."

The two little ghosts ran out of the hall, and after seeing Jiang Lin and the others, they hurriedly shouted into the hall.

Not long after, a ghost with a short body and a hairless head came out of it.

"Master, is this the Ghost King? Why do I think it looks like Tuxing Sun Tuoshi? Haha..."

When King Panlan saw the ghost king who was like a dwarf, still wearing armor and holding a spear, he couldn't help laughing.

Originally, it thought that the ghost king was mighty and majestic, but it didn't even have a quarter of the length of the spear in his hand.

Jiang Lin looked at the ghost king in front of him, and laughed out loud. There were quite a few ghost kings who died in his hands, but there was really no one more cowardly than this ghost king.

"Jiang Lin, do ghost kings look like this? Wu Dalang? No, Ghost Dalang?"

Tang Shasha also laughed, leaning back and forth. She had already seen zombies, so she was going to see what the ghost king was like, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

The ghost king was laughed at by Jiang Lin and the others until his face turned red, and his seven orifices gave rise to smoke. Since he became the ghost king, no matter whether it was a monk, a Taoist priest or the like, no one dared to laugh at him. .

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

"You three hateful fellows, I'm going to peel you off and eat them alive!"

The ghost king opened his mouth and spewed out a few balls of ghost fire, and then he waved the spear in his hand and rushed towards the courtyard.

Jiang Lin raised his hand and shot out a few yang fingers, but they were all blocked by the ghost king dancing spear.

Although this guy is very arrogant, he still has some ability.

"You step aside to protect Sasha."

Jiang Lin patted the tiger's back, then jumped up, swiping his fingertips in the void.

"Heaven... Heavenly Master Peak?"

The Ghost King felt the aura emanating from Jiang Lin's body, and the anger in his heart disappeared a lot, and he calmed down.

"What if the Heavenly Master is at its peak? Facing this king, you dare to jump into the air, you really don't know what to do!"

The Ghost King shouted violently, and then pointed the tip of his spear to the top of Jiang Lin's head, and the ghost fire he spewed out immediately flew into the air, gathered around the top of Jiang Lin's head, and reflected his shadow on the ground.


After that, the ghost king turned into a ghost with his spear and quickly flashed to Jiang Lin's shadow, and stabbed the head of the figure on the ground with a shot.

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