Jiang Lin, who was rapidly drawing the talisman, suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. He immediately stopped, his five fingers merged, and an eight-meter-long Yang-fingered sword spread out and slashed towards the neck of the ghost king below.

There was a crisis at the key point. The Ghost King could only give up his attack on Jiang Lin's shadow and raise his spear to block. Although he was slashed by the lightsaber, it was also hit by the force of the Yang Finger Sword and flew more than ten meters away.

"If you attack me, I will save you, I see how far your attack range can go, little ones, fire!"

The ghost king shouted loudly, and one after another little ghosts poured out of the temple, lighting many torches with ghost fires.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-three chapters get carried away

Jiang Lin fell back to the ground. At this time, there were dozens or hundreds of ghost fires floating in the sky above the yard, purple and green.

Under the illumination of these cold and gloomy rays, Jiang Lin's body cast many double shadows. When the Ghost King saw this, he showed sharp yellow teeth. With a push of his hands, all the sand and soil under the walls in the yard were swept up by him.

These sandy soil formed sand pillars, like crossbow arrows, shooting towards the shadows around the Jianglin.


Jiang Lin released the Yang Yan from his body, and almost instantly spread the entire compound of the Dragon King Temple. The sand pillars in the air turned into charred clods, and nearly a hundred groups of ghost fires were also swallowed by the flames.

As for the little ghosts who control the ghost fire, they were all burned to ashes in this sea of ​​fire.

After the fire subsided, Jiang Lin turned to look at the Ghost King, who was scorched by his Yang Yan.

"This king sees that you also have some skills. If you trespassed in this king's lair today, this king will not care about you."

The ghost king retreated again and again. Jiang Lin's ability has far exceeded his expectations. Now his younger brothers have all been killed, and the ghost fire he relied on has also been swallowed up by the raging flames. At this moment, why is he willing to follow Jiang Lin died.

Escape is important!

"You don't care about me? I want to care about you!"

Jiang Lin sneered, chasing after the ghost king who was escaping to the main hall.

"This king has already taken a step back. If you are a bull-nosed Taoist priest, it will be too late to regret it!"

The Ghost King ran in front of him and warned Jiang Lin sternly.

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to the ghost king's warning. While chasing after him, he quickly drew a horizontal confinement charm on his side with his fingertips.

After finishing the drawing of the talisman, Jiang Lin squeezed the tactic with one hand and pushed the palm with the other, and lined up a giant talisman.


The imprisoned spirit talisman bombarded the back of the ghost king, and the power of the talisman made the ghost energy in his body dissipate immediately, and it spurted out of his mouth like blood.

"Stinky Taoist priest, this king will come with you and break the net!"

The Ghost King went to Half-Life all of a sudden. He already knew that he was definitely not Jiang Lin's opponent. If he escaped again, he might get another talisman on his back, and he would fully explain it.

It's better to fight Yibo to the death, try to see if you can fight back.

It erupted with a sharp ghost howl, and a large amount of sand fell from the earth wall next to the main entrance of the Dragon King Temple again, revealing a dozen large fluorite inlaid on it.

After these fluorites were exposed, all kinds of light burst forth, instantly projecting Jiang Lin's figure on the red wall of the Dragon King Hall.

"This is a life-saving method specially reserved by this king, stinky Taoist priest, today is your death date!"

Looking at Jiang Lin's shadow not far ahead, the ghost king burst out laughing. He condensed all his ghost energy on his back to resist the thunder and lightning runes that Jiang Lin re-arranged. With the blasting power of the thunder and lightning runes, he He rushed forward and stabbed it out.

It wasn't even a blink of an eye from the time when the wall fell off to the time when the ghost king issued a stabbing attack. Jiang Lin didn't think that the ghost king, a scumbag, had such a good brain, so he left behind such a method.

Therefore, he did not have time to react.

The ghost king's spear instantly pierced the black shadow on the wall and the wall. At the same time, Jiang Lin felt a sharp pain in his chest.

There was a blood hole one inch in diameter in his chest, and blood spurted out of it.

Jiang Lin stopped and looked at the wound on his chest. Since he became a Celestial Master, he has not suffered a loss at the hands of the Ghost King for many years.

But now to deal with the ghost king, he was actually pierced through the body by the other party.

Even though the Flood Dragon Battle Armor on his body had been taken off, Jiang Lin did not corpse, but his physical defense level was comparable to that of the Zombie King.

Now not only has the defense been broken, but there are also blood holes in the front and back.

This ghost king's attack on projection can actually ignore physical defense!


"Success" came a wave of counterattacks, and the ghost king, who had lost most of his life, laughed back and forth.

"This person, you just can't get carried away. It's easy to be happy when you're proud, and it's easy to be happy and sad!"

The Ghost King stood up with the barrel of his gun, his mouth wide open, and he looked at Jiang Lin with a very stern look. Jiang Lin's surprised expression now made it feel extremely enjoyable.

It's more fun than eating human flesh.

"Big tiger, go and save Jiang Lin!"

Tang Shasha, who was sitting on the back of the tiger near the gate, saw Jiang Lin's chest spurting blood, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat. She grabbed the tiger skin of the colorful tiger king and let it go to the rescue.

"Future mistress, don't worry, this little injury is nothing to the master."

"How could it be nothing, it's all spitting blood!"

Tang Shasha excitedly licked the tiger fur under her body. The Pandan Tiger King had no choice but to rush up, but its shadow was also projected on the red wall. Going to the side, he opened his mouth and spewed out a demonic light, which shattered the wall embedded with large pieces of fluorite.

"Isn't it very happy to drive me before? Now this king is going to swallow you alive. The legal body of a peak heavenly master is enough for me to hit the level of ghost emperor once, hahaha..."

The ghost king walked over to Jiang Lin. Now there is a demon king not far away. It still decided to swallow Jiang Lin first to restore its own strength, so as not to change.

"It's not just people, this ghost can't get carried away."

Jiang Lin looked at the ghost king, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

You stabbed me with a shot and thought you could be happy?

Jiang Lin stretched his waist, and the spiritual power in his body continued to surge, converging into a Yang Finger Sword, which instantly pierced the Ghost King's chest.

"you you……"

The Ghost King grabbed the Yang Finger Sword in front of his chest, his eyes wide open, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Jiang Lin had already been pierced through his chest with a long spear, and even his heart was broken, how could he be like nothing?

"As a ghost king, you can hurt me, which is a great honor in your life, but unfortunately you have no chance to brag to your peers."

Jiang Lin withdrew his arm, drew a Yang Yin Talisman in front of him, and pushed it with a palm.

If this guy didn't get carried away, and if he ran away immediately after hurting him, he might still have hope of surviving.

It's a pity that this guy keeps telling others not to get carried away, but he is very happy.

The ghost king, who had only half his life left, was "burned" to ashes by the yang energy contained in the light and shadow talisman.

Since Jiang Lin entered the realm of talisman, the three talismans plus the blow of the Yang Finger Sword had wiped out a ghost king who was too difficult for them to deal with.

Efficiency is much higher than before.

"Let's go, go deal with the last locust demon, that thing should be able to fly, let's meet up with Xiao Xiami and others, and go over together."

Jiang Lin got on the back of the tiger and left the Dragon King Temple.

Chapter [-] Hundreds of billions of locusts

"Jiang Lin, is your injury okay?"

Tang Shasha quickly pulled Jianglin to sit down to check his injury.

"It's okay, you forgot that I'm a zombie, how can things be so easy."

Jiang Lin gave Tang Shasha a reassuring look, and then began to refine his own corpse poison.

Although the Ghost King did not cause him any serious injuries, in order for the wound to heal, he still needed to use his own corpse poison to recuperate.

"I've said it all, the master is fine, not to mention the barrel of a gun, even if the arrow pierces the heart, for him, that is also a scratch."

The Tiger King Panlan was a little depressed, and Tang Shasha took off a handful of tiger hairs from Jiang Lin because he was worried.

Tang Shasha pouted, she was worried about her lover.

Before long, Jiang Lin and the others returned to the place where Xiao Xiami and the others rested.

"Daoist Li Yang, are you injured? Are you serious? These are some trauma medicines. You apply them to your wounds. How's the result of the battle? Has the Ghost King been destroyed?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin's clothes were stained with blood, Daoist Ziyun quickly took a medicine bottle and sent it over, and asked Jiang Lin how the battle was going.

"It's gone, it's about the three talismans."

Jiang Lin took the medicine bottle. Although the medicine was useless to him, it was Daoist Master Ziyun's intention.

"What? Three Spirit Talismans?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Lin in unison.

Jiang Lin's road is high and deep, they naturally know that Jiang Lin can destroy the ghost king, and they are not too surprised.

But Jiang Lin said that he could kill a ghost king with three magic talismans, so they didn't believe it at all.

We all admit that you have high skills, but is it worth bragging?

"It's the three magic talismans, like that."

Jiang Lin drew a few lightning runes in front of him. He didn't want to show it off, but this kind of rune had no rune paper as a backing and couldn't be projected like a normal rune. He needed to let Daoist Ziyun and the others familiarize himself with its use. method.

To deal with a flying locust demon, if the other party does not escape, then he does not need to spend much effort, but if the locust demon wants to run, it is more troublesome.

Jiang Lin didn't want to chase after another ten days and a half months.

So he planned to let Daoist Ziyun and others also play a role. When he found the locust demon, he would use these powerful magic talismans to deal with it and attract its attention.

Jiang Lin pushed the magic talisman in front of him towards Daoist Ziyun and others with his soft strength, and said, "Familiarize yourself with how to use it, it can play a big role in dealing with locust monsters."

"Void talisman, talisman realm?"

Daoist Ziyun saw the crimson light talisman floating towards him, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and screamed.

The rest of the Taoist priests, Xiao Xiami and others were also attracted by these three talismans. It was rare enough that talismans contained rhymes, not to mention such talismans that could be displayed in mid-air without relying on the talisman paper.

Several people made a seal with their hands, and led the three spiritual talismans into their palms, staring intently, as if they were looking at a beautiful piece of art.

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