"Daoist Li Yang, I didn't expect you to be able to go to the next level on the basis of Fu Yun realm."

Daoist Ziyun looked at Jiang Lin with admiration. In terms of cultivation, he did not expect to reach the level of Jiang Lin, but he still had hope in the realm of Fu Yun and Fu Ling.

This kind of mysterious artistic conception has nothing to do with cultivation. As long as one has a deep understanding of the talisman, it is possible to enter such a state.

But the odds are extremely low.

It is a pity that such a state can only be understood by oneself, and others cannot teach it at all. Even in ancient books, it is only a general explanation of it.

So even if Daoist Ziyun envy, he can only envy it.

"By the way, Daoist Li Yang, you are now a master-level celestial master. Have you ever thought about accepting an apprentice?"

"Yeah, it would be a pity if no one inherits your skills, Taoist Master."

"If the Taoist priest opens his mouth, I believe that many people will come here, and there must be some talented juniors."

Daoist Ziyun mentioned the matter of Jianglin's apprenticeship, and the rest of the fellows also agreed.

In fact, they are also selfish. Their own sons and daughters are also old. If Jiang Lin is willing to accept apprentices, they also want to send their children there.

Let's not say whether it will be successful or not, there is always the possibility.

These Taoists had all heard Jiang Lin's Taoism in Chunlai Town, so they are no longer obsessed with the sectarian view. Even if their children do not inherit this sect Taoist method, if they can become Jiang Lin's apprentices, it will be a great event.

"Pin Dao didn't have this plan. Whether it was learning Dao or getting along with friends in foreign countries, Pin Dao didn't like the word apprentice, so he decided not to accept apprentices."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. Naturally, he was referring to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, two disciples of Ninth Uncle, and A Hai and A Chu, two disciples of Mao Xiaofang.

He estimated that if he did accept apprentices, the apprentices he accepted would probably be killed by his mistake.

When everyone heard Jiang Lin say this, they all felt a pity.

Seeing that Xiao Xiami and the others were getting better, Jiang Lin suggested to leave as soon as possible.Now that the entire northwestern region is suffering from severe drought, water sources are hard to find. He has not much drinking water in his reserves, and there is not much water left in the bamboo buckets of Daoist Ziyun and others.

After eliminating the locust demon, they can turn to Shu land as soon as possible, where the drought should not be so severe.

At the very least, drinking water should be plentiful.

Xiao Xiami and the others also agreed to go on their way immediately. With Jiang Lin around, even if they were still injured, it would not have much impact.

A fierce tiger and more than ten steeds marched towards Gan overnight (Sulan Mountains).

Two days later, Jiang Lin, Xiao Xiami, and the others arrived on a bare mountain. Everyone had goose bumps when they looked at the plain below.

Over the plains, dark clouds covered the sun, and the eerie flapping of wings came one after another.

In fact, the dark clouds below are not clouds, but dense locusts, the number of which can no longer be calculated by millions.

Hundreds of billions!

Jiang Lin also encountered a locust plague in Hamnata, Egypt, but the scale of the locust plague at that time was as much as ants than elephants compared to the present.

"What's wrong with me... what kind of plague devil king, or even a phantom man and a demon I've never seen before, compared to this plague of locusts, it's a pediatrician."

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. He originally thought that it was a locust that had turned into a fine locust with some young locust brothers gnawing around the crops and trees.

Unexpectedly, ordinary locusts have already formed a hundred miles of clouds.

If the locust demon is more wise, and only rely on these hundreds of billions of locust brothers, even if there are ten or twenty more heavenly masters, it will be to feed the insect cloud.

"Lord... people, why don't we withdraw?"

The colorful Tiger King, who was not afraid of the sky and the earth in the past, took the initiative to retreat this time. TMD, even if a soaring dragon flew down, it would have to be gnawed. How to play?

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-five chapters trench warfare! (superior)

"Infinite TMD Life Buddha."

At this moment, Xiao Xiami, who has always been serious, suddenly uttered a dirty word. When dealing with Fei Zong some time ago, he had never behaved like this.

Although the flying zombie is terrifying, after all, there is only one, even if it can make a younger brother with corpse poison, it is only in units of ten thousand.

As long as everyone works together, there is always hope of killing Fei Zong and Zombie Brother.

But these hundred miles of insect clouds are several orders of magnitude higher in number. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the disasters they cause are even worse than those of Flying Stiffness.

An absurd thought popped up in Xiao Xiami's heart: If Fei Shou was injured and entered this insect cloud, would he be able to survive?

Now he is feeling an unprecedented emotion, similar to the colorful tiger king.

Or... or should we withdraw?

Don't talk about people here, even bones and dead trees can't be seen anywhere, and they're all eaten up.

If you go down rashly, there will be no bones left.

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at King Panlan Tiger and said, "What to withdraw? If these locusts fly out of the huge plain below, the entire Middle Earth will suffer, and the living will not even be able to eat rice and noodles, and we will also suffer. , do you think you can just drink water?"

In fact, Jiang Lin is not exaggerating at all. There are not many effective measures to control the locust plague in this era, and the reproduction speed of locusts is amazing. Once a locust plague of this level breaks out completely, the whole world will be affected. Even if you have money, you will not be able to buy food.

They all have to eat the roots of the tree!

"Daoist Li Yang, what should we do? Let alone dealing with the locust monsters, even these locusts, we have less than twenty monks, and there is nothing we can do."

Daoist Ziyun and the others looked at Jiang Lin. Whether it was the zombie catastrophe in the past or the Flying Zombie disaster, as long as Daoist Li Yang was there, they would always be able to survive the disaster, so they completely regarded Jiang Lin as the backbone.

"There should be some comrades coming later. You can find some caves under the mountain to hide for now. I will let Tiger King go over to notify and transfer some more people from Dafang Town."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he drew a few breath-holding talismans in front of him and hit Daoist Ziyun and the others.

He did this to prevent anyone from being discovered by the locusts. If these hundreds of billions of locusts discovered a living thing, he would not be able to hold them back.

Daoist Ziyun nodded, but he was still very worried. Even if there were wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc. coming from behind, it would only be [*] people if he was full.

In total, one person has to turn hundreds of millions of grasshoppers.

Arabian Nights Well, it's not.

But even so, he had to bite the bullet and go dry.

Otherwise, the plague of locusts swept the rest of Middle-earth, and I don’t know how many people starved to death, maybe they all starved to death.

Seeing Jiang Lin frowned, Xiao Xiami knew that he had nothing to do for the time being, so he went down the mountain with Daoist Ziyun to find a place to rest.

Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to take Tang Shasha down the mountain to find a cave, and stayed on the mountain, thinking about how to deal with the huge number of locusts and locust demons.

It is indeed difficult to deal with such a huge amount of locusts by relying on the monks alone, but you can inform the ZF of the Republic of China, it will not help.

Now the warlords around the world are busy with civil wars, the disaster is not in sight, and those in power don't take it seriously.

In this day and age, real human life is cheaper than grass.

"When the weather is not there, there is no way to talk about people and people, only the location is based."

Jiang Lin looked at the cracked earth below and thought of a way.

Hundreds of billions of locusts are indeed difficult to deal with, but if they rely on the external environment to differentiate them and fight a protracted war, there is still hope.

After thinking of a plan in his heart, Jiang Lin hid his figure and flew down the mountain.

The ground below is cracked due to severe drought and cracks. At least one person is shoulder-width apart and has an average depth of two or three meters. These ditches are the so-called geographical conditions of Jianglin.

What he has to do is to unite his fellow comrades and fight a trench war with these tens of billions of locusts.

Jiang Lin got into the ditch, and the spiritual energy in his body flowed, overflowing from his fingertips, and sketching one after another amulet on the double walls of the ditch.

He didn't go back until nightfall.

"Little Xiami, Daoist Ziyun, you set up a large formation to transmit spiritual power, and pour your own spiritual power into me through the formation."

Jiang Lin's face was a little pale. As he spoke, he explained his plan to Xiao Xiami and the others.

"Daoist Li Yang, do you want to fill the ditch on this hundred-mile plain with magic symbols?"

Xiao Xiami was also taken aback when he heard Jiang Lin's plan. If Jiang Lin's plan was really implemented in a few days, it would be many times bigger than when he killed Fei Zong.

"Fu, I'm really convinced! Pindao's conception of the Taoist ditch battle is a five-body admiration!"

Daoist Ziyun seemed to have a big Chinese character written on his face: Serving!

At this moment, Daoist Ziyun seemed to feel that any problems were nothing in front of Jiang Lin.

It was as if nothing could make it difficult to live in Jianglin.

"Since Daoist Li Yang, you already have a plan, then we will do our best to cooperate!"

Daoist Ziyun and Xiao Xiami immediately set up a large formation in a secret place at the foot of the mountain. After the formation was formed, Jiang Lin walked in and sat cross-legged in the center of the formation.

For the past half-day, he has painted densely innumerable magical talismans in the trenches three miles down the mountain, which has consumed him enormously.

At this moment, there is almost no spiritual power in his body.

After the magic circle was activated, Xiao Xiami, Daoist Ziyun and others poured their own spiritual energy into Jiang Lin, and at the same time Jiang Lin also refined the corpse poison in his body to supplement it.

An hour later, Jiang Lin recovered his spiritual power, and after going to the cave where Tang Shasha was staying to see his future wife, he went over the mountain again.

For the next few days, in addition to the necessary rest and food, Jiang Lin worked in the ditch on the plain.

Later, as more and more fellows arrived at the foot of the mountain, Jiang Lin simply designed a large array of teleportation through the air, drawing in the spiritual power of more than a thousand people for his own use.

With the constant supply of spiritual power, Jiang Lin traveled twenty miles a day, and wherever he passed, there were densely packed various spiritual talismans containing spiritual power on both sides of the trench.

In addition to the magic talisman, he also arranged several magic circles and enchantments at regular intervals.

Although it was only twenty miles a day, the trenches on the ground were winding and winding like sheep intestines, and the actual length was hundreds of miles.

This is what Jiang Lin can do with the help of nearly [*] monks, and it is impossible for him to do it by himself.

In the evening of the fourth day, Jiang Lin and more than a thousand people took advantage of the dark moon and wind to cross the mountain, advancing in the ditch and hiding.

At dawn, Jiang Lin blew the horn, alarming the locust swarm, and then he activated some magic circles. These magic circles all contained some treasures of heaven and earth soaked with cold marrow. A part of the Earth Spirit Mother Qi in the marrow was separated and spread out.

Earth Spirit Mother Qi is like holy medicine to all living beings. It is used to attract locusts and locust demons, and it can stimulate them to drill into the trenches desperately.

For a time, the overwhelming swarm of black locust clouds flew towards the ditch.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters trench warfare! (Down)

Seeing that the lure was effective, Jiang Lin spread his arms and pressed his palms to the soil wall of the trench, and the spiritual power in his body poured out continuously.

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