The explosive flame runes, lightning runes, and fine fire runes on the wall were activated by spiritual power, and they all began to erupt with strong power.

A series of explosions, thunder and flames, etc. took turns to strangle the locusts in the ditch.

After Jiang Lin entered the talisman realm, the talismans he drew, even for offensive purposes, would not work and then disappeared.

That is to say, those magic talismans in the trenches are not only powerful, but can also be used continuously until the spiritual power contained in the magic talisman is exhausted or there is no spiritual power supply.

Now the area where the migrating locusts poured into the trench is only one mu of land, but every second, tens of thousands of locusts will die under the thunder and fire.

"Tom, these locusts are limited by the terrain and cannot form an encircling group, come on!"

Jiang Lin jumped on the tiger's back and rushed into the ditch full of locusts.

At this time, the colorful tiger king has already controlled his body size, such as the size of a cheetah, and can shuttle in the ditch.

"Got it!"

The colorful tiger king monster screamed, and rose up to charge, one after another of demonic light sprayed toward the locust swarm in the ditch. Jiang Lin's palms were like flamethrower, spewing fire into the air.

It didn't take long for the bottom of the trench full of locusts to be covered with black ashes, and the ashes were still accumulating gradually.

Jiang Lin and Banlan Tiger King rushed to kill in the ditch, and after retrieving the treasures used to lure the locusts, they set off towards the empty ditch ahead.

Similar situations have also appeared in other places. Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, Xiao Xiami, and Daoist Ziyun are also delivering spiritual power to the talisman. After the area they are in charge of is filled with locust ashes, they also make a strategic retreat.

Even though there are hundreds of billions of locusts, the horizontal section of the trench is so large that even if locusts are added to the locusts, the damage to everyone is limited.

But there were too many locusts, and it didn't take long for the locust cloud above to spread out quickly on the ground, covering the area of ​​[-], [-], [-] mu and even [-] mu below.

Finally, some little Taoist priests and even Taoist nuns with weak cultivation were caught by the swarms of locusts and carried into the air.

Once you leave the ditch, there is only one result, that is, every inch of your body is covered with locust teeth.

In addition, it was because there was no time to leave the area covered with ashes, and the place where he stood was gradually raised, becoming the soul under the locust's teeth.

Not even blood or pieces of clothes were left.

Three hours later, the battle between humans and insects had reached a fever pitch. The [-]-mile area behind Jiang Lin and the others had all been filled up, and the locust ash had even raised the ground in the [-]-mile area by one meter. .

"Everyone, retreat quickly!"

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and let out a long roar. After that, he grasped his fists with all his strength, and smashed his fists at the bottom of the ditch.

With these two punches, the range of several meters around him began to collapse, and black oil and water wells spewed out one after another.

"Look at my gutter fried grasshopper!"

Jiang Lin put his palms together, holding a huge fireball in his arms, with the shadow of the three-legged Golden Crow in the fireball.

With a roar, Jiang Lin struggled to smash the fireball into the black oil below.


It didn't take long for a strong explosion to erupt from the ground that had been filled in behind. Dozens of black oil spewed out from the ground, and then it became a fire dragon.

This is Jiang Lin's trump card.

When he was laying it out in the trenches a few days ago, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were several large oil fields under the ground hundreds of miles away.

That black oil that spews out is oil!

Jiang Lin threw a large Golden Crow bomb into the underground oil field, and the violent explosion and burning reaction immediately shook the earth.

After a while, I don't know how many air vents were flushed out of the ditch behind, and the oil blowouts from the vents poured over the clouds of locusts in the sky.

Once again attracted by the flame, a large cloud of insects is like a cloud of fire.

"Fuck! I didn't expect Daoist Li Yang to have this skill!"

"Cow beer, beer!"

When they saw the spectacular scene behind them, they all applauded and applauded. It is estimated that the oil fire could wipe out hundreds of millions of locusts.

"It's delicious!"

The most funny wind smelled the aroma of meat in the sky, and saliva flowed out.

"A few idiots, all the locusts are crazy now, and they still haven't found a place to hide!"

The Tiger King Panlan drove Jiang Lin forward quickly in the ditch, and looked at the four brothers with silly eyes.

Sure enough, not long after the words of the colorful tiger king fell, the worm cloud above broke out with a harsh gnashing sound, and the group pushed forward frantically, blocking everyone in the ditch.

"Eat them with no bones left!"

The locust demon in the insect cloud saw that hundreds of millions of their descendants were burned to death, and issued an order to the insect cloud.

Be sure to keep the "mice" inside without leaving ash!

The locust demon simply didn't know that Jiang Lin had set up the entire hundred-mile area as a killing field in the past few days, and still let his descendants of locusts continue to rush into the trap.

In fact, even if it knows that there are traps ahead, it will still do it.

The Earth Spirit Mother Qi emanating from the ditch below has a fatal temptation to it, no matter how much the price is paid, it must get it.

Even if the Taoist priests below deliberately lure it, it doesn't mind.

In this way, Jiang Lin, together with nearly [-] monks and Taoists, relying on the favorable geographical conditions and various magic talismans, fought a trench battle with the hundreds of billions of locust swarms. BBQ the grasshopper a few more times.

One barbecue can kill hundreds of millions or even billions of locusts.

A sea of ​​flames with a radius of ten or twenty miles is no joke.

In addition to relying on oil fields, there are also reasons for the locust monsters to cooperate actively.

It just doesn't retreat. As long as it is given time, it can create hundreds of millions of children and grandchildren, and there are more and more heavenly materials, earthly treasures and earthly spirits below, and the smell is getting stronger and stronger, which has made this locust demon unable to Stay sane.

A day later, within fifty miles behind Jiang Lin and the others, all the trenches were filled up, and countless blackened locust corpses and ashes were everywhere.

As long as it rains, these corpses and ashes can become the top fertilizer, creating a fertile soil.

This day and night of the battle between humans and insects was quite gratifying, and the number of locusts dropped by half.

Chapter [-]: God-like teammates

Although a large number of locusts were eliminated, Jiang Lin and the others also paid a price.

Three or four hundred fellows have already died at the mouth of the locusts.

Since the battle with this huge number of locusts, everyone has been unable to rest, not only to deliver spiritual power to the magic talismans on the double walls of the trench, but also to shuttle in the trench, consuming a lot of physical strength.

By now, not many people can stand it.

Jiang Lin also knew that these more than a thousand people were tired now, so he sent a voice transmission to everyone and gathered in the villages and towns within a hundred miles.

The villages and towns are different from the fields. Although they also suffered from severe drought, the roads and foundations have not yet cracked, and where there are villages and towns, basically every household has a cellar, which can be used as a resting place.

After receiving Jiang Lin's voice transmission, everyone moved forward from the ditch to the direction instructed by Jiang Lin. When they arrived near the village and town, some of them took cover, while the others dug a passage directly from the ditch, leading to the cellar in the village and town.

Due to the severe drought, the land here can be opened with bare hands. As long as you reach the cellar, you can find the farming tools used by the villagers and continue to excavate.

After nightfall, more than a thousand exhausted monks and priests hid in the cellars of villages and towns.

In this process, there are also sacrifices, which is inevitable.

"Come in, me and the Queen of the Tiger King!"

Jiang Lin asked Daoist Dian and Master Yixiu behind him to dig a tunnel, and he and the King Panlan Tiger resisted the endless swarms of locusts.

Because Jiang Lin had a strong medicinal fragrance, there were far more locusts chasing them than chasing others.

Ten minutes later, after Daoist Dian and the others dug through the passage, Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King got in and collapsed the passage, blocking the locusts outside.

"My god, what kind of locusts are these, all of them, and their teeth are all made of iron."

"Amitabha, this level of locust plague has never happened in history."

In the cellar, Daoist Dian and Master Yixiu were gasping for breath. Although they were in a safe place, they still had lingering fears.

They received a notice from the colorful tiger king a few days ago and came to deal with the locust plague, but how could they have imagined that this catastrophe was so terrifying.

A few monks and Daoists who were familiar with them were eaten right under their noses.

Ordinary locusts also eat some crops, or some plants. The locusts here not only eat meat, but also eat bones.

"The next few days are the most critical moment, and there are still tough battles to be fought."

Jiang Lin took some dry food and two bamboo buckets from his arms and threw them to Daoist Dian, Master Yixiu and others to quickly replenish their strength.

"How is the situation over there, Master and Uncle?"

Jiang Lin nibbled on the dry food and asked Daoist Dian and Master Yixiu about their progress.

With less than [-] people, it is too difficult to completely kill hundreds of billions of locusts. The current situation can be regarded as a vast area and sparsely populated.

There are still a lot of magic talismans in the ditch, because there are not enough manpower, it is difficult to continue to function.

Moreover, the spiritual power in these people has been consumed a lot, and it is difficult to recover quickly. By tomorrow, if the victory can be half of today's, it will be good.

Go on, and the situation will only get worse.

If Ninth Uncle and the others are almost over, delaying here and waiting for reinforcements can also reduce casualties.

"They don't have enough manpower. It is estimated that it will take five or six days to completely solve the source of the disaster left by Fei Zong. Alas! They are much easier than us, and it is estimated that we will not live until they come."

Daoist Dian sighed. Although today's victory was good, he knew very well that even with these favorable geographical conditions, as well as the magic talismans and formations arranged by Jiang Lin in the trenches, if he wanted to eliminate hundreds of billions of locusts, that would still be the case. Difficult to climb to the sky.

After going through today's war, not only the Daoists, but other people have the consciousness of martyrdom.

"Five or six days? That can be delayed."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly. Although Daoist Dian and the others are tired, they can't kill too many locusts, but he still has the means to relieve some pressure on these fellows.

"Jiang Lin, hurry up and recover your strength."

Daoist Dian didn't take Jiang Lin's words to heart, let alone for five or six days, it was still unknown whether he could survive the next two days.

If the spiritual power and physical strength can't keep up, the magic talisman on the ditch wall will be washed away quickly, and there will be no bones left.

On the second day, before dawn, Jiang Lin and Daoist Dian opened a tunnel from the cellar to the ditch.

The same goes for Xiao Xiami, Daoist Ziyun, and Feng Yu Lei Dian, who continued to return to the ditch, and continued to fight against the locusts with the help of the cover and protection of the ditch wall magic talisman.

"You devil, if you don't want to die so early, just be obedient to me."

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