After King Panlan used the demonic light to clear the blocked locusts, Jiang Lin opened the small cauldron in his hand and released the plague demon. This was another method of his.

The Plague Demon's Plague Poison is not much worse than the Poison Demon in his body, but in terms of transmission, his Poison Demon is simply incomparable to the Plague Demon.

As long as the plague demon scatters its own plague poison into the air, the poisoned locusts probably won't be able to last a few breaths, and they have to burp.

The plague demon suffered a lot in the cauldron. In order to save his life, how dare it play tricks with Jiang Lin, so he obediently followed Jiang Lin's words and spread all the plague poison in the body into the air.

After a few breaths, a rain of locusts began to fall in the sky.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin had a happy expression on his face. It was really useful to keep the plague demon in the first place.

The plague of this plague demon can not only poison the locusts, but as long as the locusts are poisoned, they will have the ability to infect them within a moment, and the effect will be immediate.

"Okay, just go to another place to disperse the poison. Tom, look at it, go to support other comrades, and tell them to stick to it and wait for help to come."

After explaining the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin released a large amount of spiritual power in his body, which greatly increased the power of the magic talisman on the ditch wall.

"Daoist Li Yang, he is really a god!"

"God-like teammates!"

"Pin Dao pray for heaven, such a teammate, give me a dozen!"

When Xiao Xiami and Dian Dao Ren and other monks learned that Jiang Lin had conquered the plague demon and used the plague poison to deal with the locusts, their morale was greatly boosted, and many people shouted loudly.

Jiang Lin's move was really unexpected.

They were all ready to die, but at this time of despair, Jiang Lin let them see the light of hope again.

With Daoist Li Yang here, there is so much hope!

Chapter [*]: Support arrives

As the plague in the air became more and more intense, more and more locusts were poisoned to death.

More than half a day has passed, and there are hundreds of millions of locust corpses on the ground.

Gradually, the worm cloud began to rise upward, and they had nothing to do with the plague of the plague demon.

"Don't do this, how can you run away?"

Seeing that Chongyun was planning to back down, Jiang Lin immediately sent a voice transmission to King Panlan and Xiao Xiami.

"Fellow fellows, there is a large amount of earth spirit mother liquid in the ground, and it must not be obtained by the plague demon and the locust demon!"

"Yes, I will swear to protect it to the death, otherwise there will be a great disaster in Middle Earth!"

"Destroy the locusts, kill the plague demon!"

Daoist Dian and Daoist Ziyun followed the instructions of Jiang Lin's voice transmission, and they all shouted at each other, for fear that the locust demon in the worm cloud could not hear it.

Earth Spirit Mother Liquid? ? ?

It turns out that this devil is here to grab treasure!

After hearing the shouts of the people below, the locust demon was worried that he would shrink back, and the underground mother liquid of the earth spirit would be taken first by the plague demon.

So it vibrated its huge wings, gave orders to the insect cloud again, and continued to attack frantically!

As for whether these propaganda are true or false, it really didn't think much about it.

After all, it is true that the earth spirit mother qi wafts out of the ditch.

Countless locusts swooped down again according to the order of the locust demon.

The war between monks and locusts started again. Although some people continued to sacrifice, the locusts also dropped sharply in batches.

On the fifth day, the drinking water and dry food brought by the Daoists had already been distributed, but one third of the total locusts remained.

Jiang Lin had no choice but to open the gate of hell. He took the road from the underworld to Cao Huo Ting and borrowed a lot of water and food from him. The food was packed in the ancient mirror by Jiang Lin. The Yin soldiers were transported to the cellar.

Two days later, Tang Shasha went out of the cave and looked around, the yin and yang talisman in her hand was crumpled.

Before Jiang Lin went to deal with the locusts, she left her plenty of drinking water and food, and placed a strong evil spirit barrier around the cave. If something happened, she only had to tear up the talisman, and there was enough time for Jiang Lin to let Jiang Lin go. Lin rushed back to the rescue.

In addition, Jiang Lin also used Bai Rourou's method of sound transmission over a thousand miles to contact her every day. This type of sound transmission can be used as long as both parties have a basin of clear water, but it is impossible to convey messages through their hearts.

So now Tang Shasha knows the situation on Jianglin's side, and now she only hopes that Ninth Uncle and the others will come as soon as possible.

Just when Tang Shasha was worried about Jiang Lin, a figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Uncle Jiu and Zhang Han and the other thousand people have already settled the matters around Dafang Town and rushed over.

Tang Shasha hurriedly waved and shouted. After Jiu Shu and others went up the mountain, they hurriedly asked Jiang Lin and the others about the situation.Tang Shasha informed Jiu Shu of the general situation on Jiang Lin's side, and according to Jiang Lin's instructions, asked them to arrange a sound transmission array to contact Jiang Lin.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han were relieved when they learned that Jiang Lin was not in danger for the time being, and immediately set up a sound transmission array with Qiu Sheng and a few colleagues.

At this time, Jianglin and the others were resting in the cellar of a dilapidated village in the plain below the mountain. Although Jianglin brought food and drinking water, the spiritual power in everyone's body was always in a state of being squeezed.

Jiang Lin was pacing in the cellar when he suddenly heard Ninth Uncle's voice transmission.

"Uncle, are you here? Where are you now?"

"We have thousands of people on Sasha's side. I heard from Sasha that the situation on your side is not very good."

"Yes, people are tired and horses are exhausted, and help is urgently needed. Uncle Shi, and Master, you are like this..."

Jiang Lin didn't say much nonsense, and informed Jiu Shu and the others of his deployment plan.

Now that the area near the high mountains has been filled up, Jiu Shu and the others can't come from there, or they won't even have a chance to run if they are targeted by insect clouds.

"This Jiang Lin is really capable."

Knowing that Jiang Lin had entered the talisman realm, and that he had placed talismans on the Baili Plain below the mountain, Jiu Shu also felt extremely proud.

In the future, Jiang Lin is destined to become a legendary figure in the mouths of the younger generation, and the legendary deeds will continue.

"Don't look at who he is, who is his apprentice or who is his son-in-law."

Zhang Han looked stinky again, and then he said: "The situation is urgent in Linzi, we will set off immediately!"

The rest of the fellows nodded one after another. Nearly a thousand people didn't even care about taking a break. They went around the mountain road around the basin to meet Jiang Lin and the others.

"My mother, the dark area below is full of locust corpses? My mother, is that a cloud formed by locusts?"

Zhang Han looked from the top of the mountain to the plain below, and was shocked and speechless. Uncle Ninth also widened his eyes. Although he heard Jiang Lin said that there were countless locusts, he did not expect that there would be so many. .

And the remaining locusts should only be part of the original.

The two of them were so shocked, let alone the other monks.

Half a day later, Ninth Uncle and the others entered the ditch from the other direction. Jiang Lin calculated the time and returned to the ditch to join them.

With support, the tired monks finally had a chance to breathe.

Since then, more than [*] people have been eating and resting every day, that is, eliminating locusts, and the war between humans and insects has continued for several days.

In the end, after more than half a month of hard fighting, the number of locusts was only one-hundredth of the original number.

The plain was full of ashes, and there were not many trenches, all filled up.

In addition, there are many large pits, which are the result of Jianglin's detonation of the underground oil field.

Jiu Shu, Xiao Xiami and the others gathered in a ditch in a low-lying place. Above them, a huge golden grasshopper with a body length of more than three meters was fluttering its wings.

The locust monster's big compound eyes stared at the ninth uncle below, and said, "A group of remnants of soldiers and generals, quickly hand over the collected earth spirit mother liquid, and this emperor can leave you a whole body!"

There are still a lot of magic talismans in the ditch below, and the power is tyrannical, and the locust demon is quite afraid, and dare not act rashly for a while.

"It's just delusional! If you have the ability, come down and get it yourself!"

Uncle Ninth shook the vase-sized container in his hand, letting the cold marrow in it smell.

This container was actually given to him by Jiang Lin, the purpose was to make the locust demon reluctant to give up and come down to snatch it.

This monster flew very fast, even if Jiang Lin used the Golden Crow Yang, he was not sure that he would hit it with one hit.

As long as the locust demon escapes, it will not be difficult to create another plague of locusts.

Chapter [*] Without a younger brother, you are a scumbag

"This big grasshopper, without the insect cloud to rely on, is not worth your hair! Dare to come down? Come down, Lord Tiger, and I will kill you, just your big grasshopper is the most delicious barbecue."

The King Panlan took the opportunity to stimulate the locust demon with the aggressive method. A tiger's mouth was like eating a big pot of stinky tofu, and it came to the locust demon.

This is naturally what Jiang Lin told it to do, but this is actually what the King Panlan Tiger said. If it wasn't for the hundreds of billions of locusts before, and if it decided to fight the locust demon to the end, it might not be able to destroy this big ant. grasshopper.

It was because of the cloud of locusts that it couldn't eat or drink well during this period of time, and it was extremely tired.

Now it is eager to slap the locust demon into meat sauce with one claw.

At this time, Jiang Lin had completely hidden his figure, dormant in the ditch buried by ashes, quietly listening to the outside world.

Once the locust demon has landed and his attention is attracted, it is time for him to do his best.

"Looking for death! This emperor will make you ashes!"

Feeling that the vase was full of liquid, and being scolded by the colorful tiger king, the locust demon could no longer keep calm, and let the remaining swarms attack.

After an hour, the remaining millions of locusts were completely damaged, but on the other hand, the monks on Ninth Uncle's side were also exhausted, and could no longer deliver spiritual energy to the magic symbols on the ditch wall. .

They are not pretending, but they are really at the point of exhaustion of spiritual power. Even the ninth uncle, who has the highest cultivation level, feels dizzy and his eyes are black.

Even if they still have spiritual power to preserve, there is really no way to do it, and there are not a few spiritual talismans left on the ditch wall.

"The emperor sees who of you can stop me!"

Seeing that many of the monks and Taoists below were kneeling and crouching because of lack of physical strength, the locust demon made a strange cry, and then fluttered its wings and swooped down.

Although there are still a lot of these Taoist priests today, one or two have no combat power, and they are not their opponents at all.


The colorful tiger king the size of a cheetah jumped to the ground, his body suddenly grew bigger, and then he opened his mouth wide.


The colorful tiger king, who was about to spray the demon light, suddenly lost his temper and only hiccupped.

"Haha, even your spirit beasts have run out of oil and dried up, so you can die!"

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