The locust demon let out a smug whistle, and it crossed its front feet with a wave, shooting two sharp arcs, slashing at the flank of the colorful tiger king, and blasting it out about ten meters away.

"Evil, eat my talisman!"

When the locust demon was still three or four feet away from the ground, Ninth Uncle bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood essence into his palm, and then slapped it out.

The lightning rune in his palm quickly escaped from the palm of his hand and gradually became larger, rushing towards the locust demon at an extremely fast speed.

Zhang Han, Xiao Xiami, Dian Dao, Feng Yu Lei Dian and others also quickly blasted out the magic talismans in their palms.

The locust demon didn't expect Jiu Shu and the others to have a last resort. These dozens of magic talismans were getting bigger and bigger, and it was difficult to dodge because of the inertia of the dive, and almost hit the road.

However, the locust demon managed to escape the attacks of these magic talismans by flapping its wings crazily.

"Big grasshopper, where to run!"

At this time, the colorful tiger king lying on the side suddenly burst into flames, leaping high, spewing a thick demon light from his mouth, and his sharp claws slashed towards the wings of the locust demon.

"You... aren't you hurt?"

The locust demon was shocked. At this time, the colorful tiger king looked a little bit sluggish, and he was fierce.

Flutter your wings and hide!

The locust demon realized that something was wrong, its wings fluttered dozens of times in an instant, and finally escaped the attack of the colorful tiger king.

But at this moment, Jiang Lin, who had been waiting for the opportunity, suddenly rose into the sky from below the ground.

He has been paying attention to the outside world with his spiritual sense. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

The moment Jiang Lin's body was suspended in mid-air, the seal in his hand had already been completed.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

Jiang Lin's voice rang from behind the locust demon. After hearing the shout, the locust demon hurriedly turned around, but it was greeted by the big claws of a giant flame bird.

The locust monster first avoided the magic talisman cast by the ninth uncle and the others, and then dodged the surprise attack of the colorful tiger king. At this time, no matter how fast it was, it was too late to escape the range of the giant claws. The meter-high three-legged golden black pincers were in their claws and pressed on the ground.

"But I finally caught you, big grasshopper. I'm really tired to kill you."

Jiang Lin brushed off the black ashes on his body and approached the locust demon.

"The emperor..."

"Your Majesty, Second Uncle!"

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, and the Yang Finger Sword passed directly through the locust monster's mouth.

"Without my little brother, you are just a scumbag, and you are still the emperor, the emperor is barren! Do you really take yourself as a green onion?"

Jiang Lin didn't leave the locust demon alive for another half a second, his hands formed a seal, and the three-legged Golden Crow spread its wings and flew towards the locust swarm in the air.

After a huge explosion, the locust demon and its younger brother were finally completely wiped out.

For a time, cheers broke out suddenly, spreading in this plain.

This rare locust plague in history was really solved by manpower!

There are hundreds of billions of locusts that can still eat meat and bones, and it has become history.

The cheers and clapping of hands stopped for a long time. If it is a miracle to eliminate the flying zombies, then the solution of this locust plague can be called a miracle.

Many monks and Taoists who have survived this war between humans and insects know that their names will inevitably appear in the books of their sects in the future, and this locust plague will definitely be recorded in detail.

"Master, uncle, you should have a good rest first. I will go ahead and go to Shu to find the bad luck of those little Japan."

After saying hello to Zhang Han and Uncle Jiu, Jiang Lin jumped on the back of the tiger and went all the way west.

In the past few days, when he borrowed food and water from the underworld and went to Cao Huoting to borrow food and water, he also heard Cao Huoting talk about the situation in Shu, and the situation there was not very optimistic.

Dongyang Yaodao didn't know whether it was a hoax or where he heard the information, and spread the news that the drought was at the bottom of the land of Shu.

Because the land of Shu was also suffering from severe drought, these immortal guys took the opportunity to instigate the disaster victims from all over the country and organized a "drought fighting" campaign.

The so-called "drought scorpion", also known as "drought bone stake", according to folklore, during the severe drought, some ancient tombs were opened up, and the corpse of the tomb owner could be whipped to have the effect of begging for rain.

Today, the magicians, Yi Nin, and Little Japan disguised as Han people gathered in Shu have used this legend to mobilize a large number of people to excavate the tombs in Shu, and take the opportunity to plunder the antiques and wealth in the tombs.

This is not to mention, their ultimate goal is to send all these people to the vicinity of Lingyun Grottoes, with the help of millions of people, dig through the ground and go straight to the Huaxia Dragon Vein.

Its heart is awkward!

Chapter [-]: Phantom Man and Demon ([-])

Jiang Lin arrived at the cave where Tang Shasha was, took her, and went straight to Shu.

At noon on the third day, they arrived in the northern part of Shu.

What surprised Jiang Lin was that the drought in the northern Sichuan area was actually much worse than that in the Lanshan District of Gansu.

Moreover, the high places in the sky above the entire Shu land were filled with a strong demonic energy. Even when the Gorefiend appeared in Gantian Town, the demonic energy that pervaded it did not reach this level.

In addition to the demonic energy, there is also a large amount of resentment.

When Jiang Lin came here from the underworld before, it was night, so he didn't notice anything strange in the sky at that time.

Could it be that the Phantom Man is more powerful than the Gorefiend?

Jiang Lin looked up at the sky and frowned.

In his cognition, although Phantom Man and Demon are hard to see, they are not particularly difficult to deal with.

This kind of monster is a person who dies with a lot of resentment, and the corpse happens to be a corpse at the moment when the stems and branches collide. When the corpse becomes a corpse, the corpse in the body changes again, absorbing a lot of cannibals. Rakshasa ghosts and demonic energy have become a rare monster.

This kind of monster sucks human blood and devours human souls.

It only takes a hundred years for the stems and branches to collide with each other, not to mention there are so many harsh conditions.

Therefore, Phantoms and Demons are very rare, and it can be said that they are rare in a thousand years.

But the rarity of the species does not mean it is difficult to deal with.

Although the Phantom Man and Demon can transform between corpses, ghosts, and demons, correspondingly, there are many ways to deal with it.

The corpse-suppressing talisman for dealing with zombies is effective for it, the ghost-killing talisman for eliminating ghosts can also be used, and the Yang Lei, which restrains the devil, is also quite lethal to it.

Now it seems that this phantom man and demon may not be as easy to destroy as imagined. I don't know what happened to Master Hong Jinbao and Mao Xiaofang.

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows, feeling that things might not be so simple.

"Master, how did the land of Shu become like this now? Demonic resentment is so strong, it's almost like a demon king of chaos has appeared. Moreover, the drought here is even worse than that in northern Shaanxi."

Just as Jiang Lin looked up at the sky, King Panlan Tiger also noticed something unusual in the sky. If it hadn't been to Shu land many times, it would have even thought that he had reached the Jedi on earth.

Originally, it thought that when it arrived in Shu, it could at least find a big river to fill it up and take a bath, but the drought here is comparable to Turpan in summer.

"A few years ago, there was a big earthquake in Shu, and then there was a rare snow disaster. This time, there was a drought. Years of natural disasters made the resentment boil over here. It is normal for resentment to accumulate in the sky. What's going on, go to Leshan first and then ask Master Mao and the others."

Since there is no water source or food here, and Jianglin is not ready to rest, Cao Huo's family lives in the south of Shu, where the drought is far less severe, which means that the southern area should be much better.

Half a day later, at dusk, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

Seven or eight hundred monks and Taoists, including Master Hong Jinbao and Mao Xiaofang, all camped on the bank of the river at the foot of the Buddha.


After seeing Jiang Lin, Daoist Qianhe and Daoyuan Simu were more kissable than their son.

Master Hong Jinbao and the others are also relieved. These days, they have to deal with the oriental demons and aliens in the daytime, and they are harassed by the phantom man at night, and they are already exhausted.

Now that Jiang Lin is here, at the very least, he should be able to eliminate the Phantom Man and the Demon. Without this demon, it would be a lot easier to deal with those magicians and different ninjas.

Jiang Lin went to the river and drank a few mouthfuls of water, washed his face again, and then asked, "Two uncles, Master Hong Jinbao, Master Mao, how is the situation? Has the Phantom Man and Demon been eliminated? How could Shu land? There is so much magic?"

"The situation is not very good, we are very passive, alas..."

Daoist Qianhe told Jiang Lin about the situation in Shu, and now they have asked some of the original Shu comrades to stop those incited people, and here there are demons and ghosts, ghosts and demons, little Japan and demons They all wanted to enter Lingyun Cave, but it was very difficult for them to guard.

Especially Dongyang Yaodao, these damned people knew that Jiang Lin was not here, so they were even more unscrupulous. The various methods of raiding and sneak attacking gave Master Hong Jinbao a headache.

As for the demonic energy in the sky above Shu, they didn't know what was going on, it had been around half a year ago, and they didn't know if the ghostly man was born out of this demonic energy.

Afterwards, Daoist Qianhe and the others inquired about the handling of the plague demon and the locust demon and whether Jiu Shu and others were safe.

After learning that the comrades who subdued demons and eliminated demons in the northwest region suffered a lot, Daoist Qianhe was also quite embarrassed.

But fortunately, Fei Zong, Plague Demon, and Locust Monster Cloud have all been eliminated, otherwise, I really don't know what Middle Earth will be like in the future.

"Since the Phantom Man and the Demon come every night, this time I'll let it come and go."

After listening to Daoist Qianhe and others, Jiang Lin had a rough estimate of the level of strength of the Phantom Man and Demon. Depending on the external conditions, it should not be difficult to destroy it.

"Jiang Lin, is there anything you can do? We can't keep it even if we set up a trap. The devil can not only suck blood, but also swallow people's souls, and it is very tricky. Hundreds of colleagues have already planted it in its hands. already."

Master Sammo Hung couldn't help but ask about Jiang Lin's plan. The Phantom Man's magic can turn into smoke and shadows, and neither the Link Realm nor the magic circle can hold it back. If you want to destroy it, you must make it a target first.

Otherwise, no matter how high the attack power of the spell is, it can only be empty.

Although Master Sammo Hung had no doubts about Jiang Lin's ability, the Phantom Man and Demon's Soul Deterrence was too difficult to guard against, and he was also worried about Jiang Lin's mistakes.

Jiang Lin chuckled and said, "Isn't it going to enter Lingyun Cave? You will let it in tonight. I will wait for it inside. I don't believe it can be more difficult than Gorefiend and Fei Zong. And those Short-lived demons and magicians, don't stop them."

The passages in Lingyun Cave were not carved by humans, and even the ability to escape from the ground would be ineffective if they were inside.

No matter how tricky the Phantom Man and the Devil are, as long as he goes in, Jiang Lin has the confidence to let him die inside.

Master Hong Jinbao and the others didn't know this information. If they knew it, they might not be able to kill the Phantom Man and Demon by ambush inside.

Daoist Qianhe and the others saw that Jiang Lin was full of confidence and did not ask any more questions. Since Jiang Lin said he could, he would definitely be able to.

Even the locusts like Fei Zong and cloud clusters were wiped out by Jiang Lin, so they had no reason not to believe Jiang Lin's words.

Chapter [-]: Phantom Man and Demon (Part [-])

The Leshan Giant Buddha was built on Lingyun Mountain, and Jiang Lin set up a tent beside a clear pool in the mountain.

The little Japanese felt that they were emboldened because they knew that he was not there, so he didn't want to be with Master Hong Jinbao and the others. Otherwise, if those magicians and Yiren stayed hidden or simply retreated, he would have to go. find them.

Finally got a big meal.

After setting up the tent, Jiang Lin only had a pair of big pants in addition to his clothes. He jumped into the pool and threw the big fish up, letting Tang Shasha and the cat barbecue.

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