After taking a clean bath and having a good meal, Jiang Lin didn't change into any new clothes, so he wore clothes that were all gray and dirty. Anyway, these tattered clothes will be stained with the blood of Little Japan tomorrow.

After he had eaten and drank enough, Jiang Lin instructed the Tiger King Panlan to cut off their retreat after the magician Yiren entered Lingyun Cave tomorrow.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin hid his figure and entered Lingyun Grotto unwittingly.

Shortly after nightfall, Jiang Lin, who was waiting for the rabbit in Lingyun Cave, heard the screams of killing and the strange screams of the phantom man and the devil.

Hearing the monster's cry, Jiang Lin also started the layout work. He stopped at the four forks not far from the entrance of the cave, and buried some formation materials in the hidden places of the walls of the four forks.

Gossip Ecstasy Array.

In fact, these four trapped formations should not have much effect on the Phantom Man and Demon, and Jianglin's formation has no other purpose.

After the formation was completed, Jiang Lin leaned his back against the stone wall, drew a breath-holding talisman in the palm of his hand and pressed it on his body, hiding his figure again.

At the foot of the Great Buddha, because of Jiang Lin's instructions, Master Hong Jinbao and Mao Xiaofang both pretended to react a lot slower. Although they did their best in the battle with the Phantom Man and Demon, they did not use any effective means.

This time, the Phantom Man and Demon broke through the defense line of everyone without much effort, climbed the Buddha statue all the way, and got into the opening at the chest of the Buddha.

How could it have thought that this was all Jiang Lin's plan.

"Jie Jie..."

After the Phantom Man and Demon broke into Lingyun Cave, they screamed strangely.

At this time, Jiang Lin, who was invisible not far away, could see the appearance of this devil.

It was wearing clothes, and its body was still human, but it was hunched over, like an eighty-year-old man.

Its hair was as white as lacquer, the back was waist-length, and the front was about to drop to the ground, so it couldn't see its face at all.

However, the position of the eyes on the front face burst into a bloody red light, and even the white hair could not stop it.

The places where it is not covered by clothes, such as the wrist and the back of the hand, are covered with dark hair, and the ten nails are like ten daggers without a handle, and they are filled with dark magic energy.

The Phantom Man and Demon didn't find Jiang Lin who had been invisible not far away, it didn't stop for a moment, and rushed towards the depths.

After the demon ran a hundred or two hundred meters, Jiang Lin's figure appeared.

He slapped his palms on the ground and activated the ecstasy circle, and then he left his own corpse poison on the stone wall behind each circle.

The ecstasy array he set up was to cover up the corpse poison he left behind.

After the corpse poison spreads, every passage that meets the four forks has changed, and it has become a stone wall that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The road was "changed" by Jiang Lin.

Even if the phantom man returns, even if the fascination array is broken, it will not be able to recognize the illusion that he has transformed in a short period of time.

One wrong step, and the phantom man and the devil can only enter the labyrinth again, rushing around in the cave.

Jiang Lin had already walked through the cave many times, and if he could block it, he had nowhere to go.

From Jiang Lin's point of view, the Phantom Man is unlikely to return here.

Who would leave a mark on the road if they didn't know in advance that there was a maze ahead?

The Phantom Man is not yet smart and cautious enough to go this far.

After completing these tasks, Jiang Lin followed the voice and chased away.

The Phantom Man and Demon only bothered to drill inside, and after running around for two or three miles, it stopped.

Damn, lost my way.

When Phantom Man and Demon stopped to glance around, there were footsteps behind it.


The Phantom Man and Demon let out a scream, and one of its heads turned one hundred and eighty degrees, looking behind it.

Jiang Lin was holding the bone sword upside down and looked at it quietly.


The phantom man's neck made a sound of bone twisting, and its body also turned a flat angle.

In the next instant, its entire body appeared in front of Jiang Lin like a teleportation.

Jiang Lin didn't expect the speed of this monster to be so fast, but he didn't react slowly, a sword slashed across his chest, blocking the five claws of the Phantom Man.

Even though the Phantom Man and Demon are very aggressive, Jiang Lin's physique is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Top people devil lungs!

The phantom man was hit by Jiang Lin's knee and let out a breath of demonic energy, and his body flew backwards, flying more than ten meters in the passage, and slipping out on the ground for nearly twenty meters.

During this process, it still made a babbling sound.

This guy still has pain.

When Jiang Lin was about to pursue, he suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his heart.

This organ of his suddenly began to beat faster, five times a second, ten times a second, twenty times a second...

"Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Opposite Jiang Lin, the Phantom Man and Demon stood up, still hunched over, but its mouth was like setting off firecrackers. Every syllable made Jiang Lin's heart beat faster.

In just three seconds, Jiang Lin couldn't hold it any longer, he bent down and leaned on the ground with his sword.

His heart was about to explode.

Originally, as long as he released the corpse poison in the bones and caused cardiac arrest, this problem could be solved.

However, at this time, the squeaking sound of the phantom man and demon was like a dementor, which made his soul agitate, and even his mind was in a trance, and it was even difficult to control the corpse poison into the flesh and blood.

Magic wave.

Seeing Jiang Lin sweating profusely, the Phantom Man couldn't help but let out a sigh, that someone could endure for such a long time under its magic sound mind-breaking and soul-removing techniques.

Although it is only a short seven or eight seconds.

The Phantom Man and Demon didn't wait any longer, its body shot out again, and five sharp claws slashed towards Jiang Lin's neck.

Jiang Lin dropped the bone sword in his hand and raised his arm with difficulty to block.


The Phantom Man and Demon made another strange sound, as if mocking Jiang Lin for making senseless resistance.

With this claw, it can at least cut Jiang Lin's arm into five segments.


The sharp claws of the Phantom Man and Demon were indeed cut, and even the fleshly body of Jianglin Zombie King was not enough to look at.

But the defense worked, and the phantom man's nails digged into his muscles, scraping his bones with the sound of sandpaper rubbing rust.

"You will die very miserably, and there will be no scum left."

Jiang Lin raised his head, his pupils became colorless and covered with red mesh.

Chapter [*]: Phantom Man and Demon (Part [*])

At this time, Jiang Lin's flesh and blood had been filled with corpse poison, his heart had stopped beating, and there was no sign of pulsing at all.

In addition to this organ, his soul was also locked in the body by the corpse poison.

Phantom Man's Dementor effect has no effect on him.

Originally, relying on Jiang Lin himself, it was really difficult to concentrate on the corpse poison in the bones into the flesh and blood.

But the Phantom Man and Demon helped him in disguise at this juncture.

Although this monster's dagger-like nails hurt Jiang Lin's arm, even the bones under the flesh were scraped off with a layer of bone meal.

However, thanks to this, the seal pattern on the surface of Jiang Lin's bones was destroyed, causing the corpse poison inside the bones to pour into the blood and flesh.

If it wasn't for the Phantom Man, Jiang Lin would have suffered a lot.

Maybe the heart can burst.

Although not fatal, serious injuries are inevitable.

Although Jiang Lin occasionally cuts a hole in his heart, it is still incomparable to the whole heart being fried into pieces.


The Phantom Man and Demon let out a strange cry. Although its frontal face was covered by long pale hair, Jiang Lin could imagine its expression at this time.

Not stunned or stunned.

Swollen and fat?

The Phantom Man and Demon were indeed very stunned. Before, Jiang Lin was already sweating profusely, and his body was red and purple.

But after it made a stab, Jiang Lin's situation not only did not get worse, but nothing happened.

While the Phantom Man was still in a daze, Jiang Lin shook his arm and shook the Phantom Man's nails flying. Then he hugged the Phantom Man's head with both hands, strengthened the defense on his knees, and knocked him out with one knee. .

Just now, this monster almost made his internal organs burst, and now he is retaliating and bursting a watermelon.

The powerful impact made the Phantom Man and Demon let out a sharp cry.

Jiang Lin's knee strike this time was several times stronger than the previous one.

The head of the Phantom Man is really like a watermelon, and it splits directly.

Dark demonic energy and blood splattered everywhere.

Then Jiang Lin turned a bone sword in his hand, and slashed it on the neck of the Phantom Man and Demon, slaying its head.

The phantom man's head flew into the air, while its body retreated again and again.

Even if the head and the body were separated, this thing still didn't die, but the demonic energy on the body was scattered a lot.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to continue swinging his sword and tear the Phantom Man and Demon into eight pieces, dozens of Rakshasa ghosts suddenly emerged from the latter's neck, flew out and exploded directly in front of him.

Taking advantage of the time bought by the explosion, the headless body of the Phantom Man made a vertical leap, tucked his head under his arm, like a gecko, attached to the stone wall, and ran wildly into the depths of the passage.

After a short confrontation, it already knew that Jiang Lin was not easy to deal with, and planned to withdraw first.

run?I see where can you go?

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