Jiang Lin shook off the ghost in front of him and chased in the direction the Phantom Man was fleeing.

In the process of chasing, he also used his own Yang Yan to repair the seal pattern on his bones.

The damaged veins made it impossible to recover the bones, and some of his Taoist techniques could not be used.

To deal with monsters like Phantom Man and Demon, the effect of spells is more obvious.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was chasing after him, the phantom man put his head back, turned it into a streamer, and drilled towards the stone wall.

But what made it unexpected is that in the past, it was as simple as drinking water to penetrate the wall, but now, no matter how much it studies, the stone wall of the passage is like a copper-clad iron barrel, and it cannot be penetrated at all.

Fortunately, it was introduced into this maze, otherwise it would have taken a lot of effort.

Jiang Lin, who was chasing after him, sneered when he saw that the Phantom Man and the Demon were doing useless work.

The devil sprinted, and even if he chased after him with all his strength, he could only avoid being thrown off by him. If he was outside, he might have been slipped by the phantom man.

Although the Phantom Man and Demon were running and moving very fast, they still couldn't get rid of Jiang Lin's pursuit.

In this maze, Fei Zong had been trapped for nearly ten years back then. It was easy to get in, and there was no correct route. If you wanted to go out again, it was like a dream.

In the end, the phantom man and the demon were cut off by Jiang Lin, and they crossed with Jiang Lin and turned back along the original road.

It's a pity that it has a good abacus, but Jiang Lin has already made preparations.

Several gossip fascination circles at the original Sichakou location have been activated. Although the phantom man and demon finally broke through the fascination circle, it did not realize that the stone wall in front of him was fake, and turned into another fork.

Still a maze.

After half a day, shrill screams echoed everywhere in the labyrinth. The Phantom Man and Demon had no arms, and their whole body was wrapped and calcined by blazing sun flames.

In the end, Jiang Lin released Lu Yang Xuanguang again, and the Phantom Man turned into a skeleton.

Even if this monster can turn into a ghost and turn a corpse into a demon, for Jiang Lin, that's the same thing.

It seems that the magical energy in the sky above Shu should not be caused by the phantom man and the devil.

After destroying the Phantom Man, Jiang Lin completely knew the abilities of this demon, which was incomparable to the Gorefiend.

That is to say, there is another reason for the source of the gathering of demonic energy in the sky above Shu.

But Jiang Lin doesn't have time to investigate now. After he has done a thorough investigation of the Eastern Demon Dao, he will go to check.

"I didn't expect that the bones of this phantom man and demon would not even be burned into ashes by my Yang Yan. In this case, if it is collected and ground into bone powder, it can also be used for the unicorn corpse."

Jiang Lin murmured, then squatted down, ready to take away the skeleton on the ground.

As he approached the demon bones on the ground, Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly widened.

He actually discovered that there were extremely strange runes on the skeleton of the Phantom Man and Demon, and what surprised him even more was that there were some runes on it, which he had seen on the Immortal Burial Coffin.

Could it be that the Phantom Man and the Demon were created artificially?

As soon as this guess came up, Jiang Lin's brows furrowed.

The Phantom Man and Demon must have wanted to find the Dragon Vein when they came to this Lingyun Cave, but if it was created by itself, then the problem would be a big one.

Because the phantom man and the oriental demon are not the same way.

Those little Japanese haven't had the ability to come up with a phantom man.

Even he himself can't do it if he wants to make such a thing.

Monsters can't be created just by trying to create them.

This shows that in addition to the magician and Yi Nin, there is likely to be a force that he and Master Hong Jinbao and others do not know about, coveting the Huaxia Dragon Vein.

Moreover, this force has a very good understanding of the formation of demons.

Chapter [*] Welcome to the gates of hell

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, but kicked the skeleton of the phantom man to the corner. The runes on the skeleton could not even understand the specific function. If it was used on the unicorn corpse, it would be troublesome if there were any side effects.

After that, Jiang Lin didn't go out either. After he put down a paper crane, he slept in the passage.

If nothing else, after dawn, Dongyang Yaodao will attack Master Hong Jinbao again and rush into Lingyun Cave, and there are not a few hours left.

While Jianglin was resting, the lurking artisans and Yi Ren in Shu were also gaining momentum. Now the residents who were deceived by them in the name of "fighting drought and seeking rain" have flocked to the surrounding area of ​​Leshan.

They are also preparing to launch a general attack on the Middle-earth monks who are guarding the Lingyun Grotto.

As long as they occupy the Lingyun Grotto, they can direct some residents to enter the Lingyun Grotto and help them find the dragon veins together.

Anyway, the residents who were fooled by them were all from Middle Earth, and even if there were many deaths, they would not take it to heart.

These little Japanese did not know that Jiang Lin had arrived, and was already waiting in Lingyun Grotto at the moment.

In fact, it's not that these magicians and Yiren didn't pay attention to Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin's deterrent effect on them was too great.

But unfortunately, the information they have is still a few days ago.

They all thought that Jiang Lin, Jiu Shu and others were still dealing with locust demons and locust plagues in Lanshan District, Gansu.

They even knew the scale of the locust plague.

Therefore, as long as one thinks about it from the perspective of one person, Jiang Lin and the others will not be able to solve those locust plagues no matter what.

Even if it can be resolved, I don't know how long it will last.

Therefore, they concluded that Jiang Lin had to face locusts day and night for a long period of time.

Before dawn, the magicians and Yi Nin, who were scattered in several places with a total number of more than [*], attacked Lingyun Cave together while Master Hong Jinbao and the others slept the most.

"Duck rush!"

"Give the rabbit!" "Japanese"

More than a thousand people from all directions, parallel by water and land, quickly marched towards the Leshan Giant Buddha.

They are full of confidence, because during this time, the middle-earth monks and Taoists who guard Lingyun Grotto are in the light, and they are in the dark. Those monks and Taoists have been disturbed by them and it is difficult to rest. Now that the combat power has dropped greatly, they must not be able to resist their rapidity. s attack.

The fact is just as the group of little Japanese thought, Sammo Hung and others received a letter from Jiang Lin not long ago, and he also explained that if the magician and the different ninja attacked, they would just pretend to resist, so this is nearly a thousand people. People relaxed a lot, except for the guards, all of them slept soundly.

When the raid came, Master Hong Jinbao and the others could only fight and retreat, and finally completely withdrew from the camp.

And a considerable number of people were "severely injured".

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"Everyone, let's withdraw first!"

"We will fight again after calling on the rest of the comrades!"

Master Hong Jinbao, Mao Xiaofang and the four-eyed Taoist priest were either covering their chests or being supported. Of course they pretended.

They also pretended to be extremely unwilling and even angry, and had no choice but to retreat.

"Kameda, I like to see them like this. I want to eat us, but there is nothing I can do."

"Haha, incompetent fury, incompetent fury!"

"One by one, like the mourning dogs, come here, take a few pictures, go back and show them to the younger generation in the cultivating world to boost their spirits."

After successfully repelling Master Hong Jinbao and others, a few magicians looked smug, and they talked with each other and deliberately increased the volume. This is not enough, and one or two were so embarrassed that they took a camera to take pictures.

They also learned a hand from Jiang Lin. When Jiang Lin swept the Japanese monastic world, he took pictures after sweeping, and now they are doing the same.

"What the heck, let's make you chatter. I hope you can be so chatty after entering Lingyun Cave."

The four-eyed Taoist priest heard the words of the magician behind him, and his teeth were itching with anger. If Jiang Lin had made arrangements in advance, he would have wanted to rush back to spend the rest of his life with those little Japan.

"When Jiang Lin comes back, I must ask him what kind of expression his group of turtle grandsons had when they saw him."

Daoist Qianhe was also on fire. Although they were retreating strategically, the faces of these little Japanese were simply too annoying.

After the Chinese monks and Dao withdrew, Dongyang Yaodao and Yiren made arrangements at the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha to prevent counterattacks.

Afterwards, they began to climb the Buddha statue and rushed towards Lingyun Grotto.

"I'm guarding the entrance, lest they all go in and get lost and can't find the exit."

Kameda Saburo was the person in charge of this operation. After entering Lingyun Cave, he stood aside and gave orders to all the magicians and Yi Nin.

The Huaxia Dragon Vein is the lifeblood of the Middle Earth. In order to obtain it, [*]% of the magicians and Yi Ninjas have entered the cave.

"One, two, eight..."

At this time, Jiang Lin was behind Kameda Saburo, he hid his figure, leaned back against the stone wall, and silently counted the number of people who entered Lingyun Cave.

How many he counts, how many must die today.

The faces of the artisans and Yi Nin who poured into Lingyun Cave were full of excited expressions. They never imagined that this passage would lead to Huangquan Road.

As for Jiang Lin, he was like a soul-sucking messenger holding a book of life and death.

When all the thousands of people entered the Lingyun Grotto, Jiang Lin showed his figure.

"Hello, welcome to the gates of hell."

Jiang Lin reached out and patted Kameda Saburo's shoulder, Kameda Saburo was stunned for a moment, and then turned around.

"Jiang...Jiang...Li Yang!"

Kameda Saburo's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils also expanded several times, and his mind became blank.

Kill God!

He would actually meet Jiang Lin, the God of Killing who had been talking about their monasticism here!

How could Jiang Lin appear here?

As soon as Kameda Saburo came back to his senses, before he could react, Jiang Lin raised his arm and pierced his throat with a sword.

The sorcerer who said that Master Hong Jinbao and the others were incompetent and furious, was killed by Jiang Lin just like that.

A blue heart flame emerged from Jiang Lin's hand and entered Saburo Kameda's wound through the blade, freezing the blood in his body.

When the zhengbone sword was pulled out, not even a little blood splattered, and Kameda Saburo's wound was closed because of the low temperature, so there was almost nothing abnormal.

Jiang Lin then took a straw man from his arms, took the blood on the tip of the sword to cast a spell, and controlled Saburo Kameda's body.

"I have found the location of the Huaxia dragon veins, everyone listens to my order, all enter it, and transport the dragon veins!"

The corpse was controlled by Jiang Lin, and when he arrived at the entrance of the cave, he shouted at the magician Yiren who was stationed below.

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