Since Jiang Lin decided to kill Little Japan, as long as one gets away, it will be his failure.

Don't you like to do things in Middle-earth?

Aren't you rushing to enter Lingyun Cave?

Then come in all.

All dead.

Chapter [*] A group of rats!

"Have you found the Huaxia Dragon Vein?"


"Long live the Emperor!"

The two or three hundred martial artist Yijin who was defending below heard Kameda Saburo's voice, and blushed excitedly and had a thick neck.

They have been shocked by this news and don't even consider whether it is true or false.

You must know that it has not been long since the thousands of people entered Lingyun Cave before.

How could it be possible to find the dragon vein so quickly.

But obviously, these people just don't think about it at all.

"My emperor's tradition has been passed down to eight thousand generations, until the small stone becomes a huge rock, until the huge rock grows moss..."

The two or three hundred little Japanese at the foot of the big Buddha danced and even began to sing the song of their hometown.

"Sing, I'll let you sing."

Jiang Lin poked out his ears. Before these idiots died, he had to let them sing to their heart's content and turn their hometown songs into death dances.

It didn't take long for the two or three hundred people below to start climbing mountains and climbing Buddhas.

"Lord Kameda, where is the dragon vein?"

"Come with me!"

Kameda Saburo waved his hand, took the first step, and entered the depths of the passage.

After the two or three hundred people disappeared from sight, Jiang Lin also began to act.

He walked half a mile into the depths of Lingyun Cave, removed all the marks left by the magician and Yiren, and then returned to the Sichakou, repeating the old tricks, setting up the ecstasy array, and using the ever-changing abilities.

The colorful tiger king in Lingyun Mountain heard Jiang Lin's voice transmission and went to Lingyun Grotto.

The order Jiang Lin gave it was to guard at the entrance of the cave, to prevent a lucky guy from passing through the maze and accidentally stumbled out of the illusion.

With the colorful tiger king guarding at the rear, the space in the passage is limited, even if hundreds of artisans and different ninjas face it, there is no hope of escaping.


It didn't take long for exclamations to come from the maze.

Jiang Lin saw that two or three hundred people had gone deep into the labyrinth, so he withdrew the control spell.

These idiots just watched Kameda Saburo fall in front of them, and they lost their breath.

After a while, screams and screams began to erupt in the maze.

die one.

ten dead.

A hundred to die.

The screams kept echoing, and more than a thousand people who entered the maze realized that it was not good, and quickly contacted each other and gathered together.

Because Kameda Saburo had already died, the magician and the different ninja gathered in one place recommended a fat magician and an ascetic monk of higher seniority to temporarily lead the crowd.

"No, it's very likely that the middle-earth monks who were repelled by us have left and returned."

"It must be like this, they must have laid traps and ambush in this Lingyun Cave."

The fat magician and the ascetic thought that the unfortunate ghosts who suffered were killed by Master Hong Jinbao and the others. After all, a lot of people have been killed in the labyrinth in this short period of time. Jiang Lin's hand.

After the two analyzed the situation, they immediately decided to exit the cave and wait outside.

Now they are equivalent to being in the dark. If they are scattered, they are likely to be poisoned again. If they act together, the efficiency of finding things is extremely low. It is better to completely solve the hidden danger first.

"Quick! Go find others and evacuate quickly!"

"Also, use more torches and increase the light to prevent falling into the trap!"

Hearing the screams echoing around, the ascetic monk and the fat magician did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately rushed back along the signs made on the way they came.

About [*] minutes later, the magicians and the different ninjas scattered all over the place fully converged, but now there are only eight or nine hundred people left.

Four or five hundred people have already been wiped out!

"Oh, it's all gathered together. I've been looking for it everywhere."

The eight or nine hundred people had just turned a fork in the road when they collided with Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin had seen so many magicians and Yiren, and nodded very satisfied.

He didn't feel good about killing him just now.

"Kill... kill God?"

After seeing Jiang Lin, the fat magician and the ascetic immediately screamed. The magician and Yiren behind them were also horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.


Anyone who can see Jiang Lin will not retreat.

It was the same kind of involuntary retreat out of fear.

Jiang Lin's face is not unfamiliar to Dongyang Yaodao and Yiren.

Since Jiang Lin went to Japan and swept the world of Taoism, his huge photo has been hung in the most conspicuous position by many Taoist gates and temples, so that future generations will never forget the shame of the past.

Because the width of the passage is only four or five meters, so these eight or nine hundred people formed a long team. Although the artist in the back part of the team could not see Jiang Lin's face, they heard the words of the people in the front team.

Killing God blocked the way for all of them.

For a time, the entire team was in a commotion, and the entire team retreated two feet away.

They should have been angry, but now, a sense of fear has arisen in everyone's heart.

"That's it???"

Jiang Lin smiled. He stopped here by himself, and the eight or nine hundred people on the opposite side were frightened like a mouse seeing a cat.

Originally, he thought that these people would immediately tighten their nerves and prepare to fight, but who knew that they would be as scared as Turtle Sun.

The rat generation is the rat generation, a group of rat generation!

"'t panic, just...he's alone now."

The fat magician wanted to cheer everyone up and boost their morale, but he wilted first.

He was really scared.

Not only him, but the entire Japanese monastic world and ninja world have a deep fear of Jiang Lin.

Who was Jiang Lin, the ruthless man who slapped them as the emperor in front of the army of ten thousand people.

Moreover, in the case of dispatching machine guns, sniper rifles and even bazookas, he was also killed by the killing gods in all directions.

Although they entered the Middle Earth to make troubles, they did not dare to approach the Chaoshan area where Jianglin was located.

"Everyone, today is the time for us to sacrifice our lives for the great emperor..."

The ascetic spoke loudly, but halfway through his words, his bare head flew out.

"The emperor, the emperor, what kind of emperor is still squeaking, and I am madly slapped on the face of a donkey. It's half annoyed to hear it."

Jiang Lin recalled the zheng bone sword and continued: "Who of you rat generation is willing to tell the hiding place of the tombs collected from Shu, I can let him live a little longer."

Not only did he want to kill people, but he also wanted these little Japanese to spit out the wealth they got from China.

The first thousand one hundred and forty-five chapters mourned for their misfortune, and angered their indisputable

Jiang Lin folded his arms, looked at the group of little Japanese on the opposite side, and said, "As a hospitable Middle-earth, I feel that I have achieved the ultimate in benevolence and kindness, and I will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of life more, you guys. Why don't the mice hurry up and seize the opportunity, kneel down for me, and thank me?"

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

"The men of our Yamato nation are not so useless!"

"Even if it is sacrifice, you will tear off a few pieces of your flesh!"

The fat master and the several masters behind him took a step forward. Although they believed that they were not Jiang Lin's opponents, they could not allow Jiang Lin to insult them.

As soon as the three of them took two steps, a gleaming sharp sword made a cracking sound, and then the three heads flew out, and there were three more headless corpses in front of the team.

"You bunch of shameless rats, are you worthy of saying 'Scholars can kill but not shame'?"

Jiang Lin sneered, the aggressors should be nailed to the pillar of shame forever and silently atone for their actions.

Not even qualified for bb.

Coming to Middle-earth is like a dirty mouse in a hole, doing all kinds of troubles, and now he is dying, as if he is a victim, his back is stiff, and his reasoning is so straight.


"I'm so kind, so I don't want to live?"

Jiang Lin moved his fingers, preparing to make this group of dirty things see more blood, and he would cry only when he saw the coffin.

The magician and Yi Nin, who were in front of the team, couldn't even resist, and were instantly killed forty or fifty people.

The passage in the labyrinth is so narrow, and the narrow roads meet, even if the magician and the different ninjas want to run, they can't escape, except to be killed, or to be killed.

"Let it go!"

"Fight with him!"

"Fight to the death!"

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