The blood splashed on the ground and stone walls made the remaining magicians and Yi Nin burst into fighting spirit, and they used all their strengths to rush towards Jiang Lin.

However, nothing worked.

Neither Taoism nor magic spells could save their lives.

"Didn't you all sing happily at the foot of the Buddha before? Sing them all for me!"

Half an hour later, only half of the eight or nine hundred people remained. Jiang Lin saw that many of them were cheering and singing at the feet of the Buddha, so he asked these people to sing and accompany him.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Nearly [*] people died in half an hour, and the ground was covered with a layer of blood. The surviving artisans and Yiren knew that they didn't even bite Jiang Lin's flesh, even a hair of Jiang Lin's hair. Can't touch it.

And such a brutal slaughter made them completely terrified.

"Want to run? Where are you going?"

If it is a monster, Jiang Lin can't guarantee to keep it [*]%, but these little Japanese want to run away in front of him, it is a complete joke.

"I... I sing, I sing! My imperial lineage has been passed down from one thousand generations to eight thousand generations..."

After a little magician was caught up by Jiang Lin, he immediately knelt down with his head in his arms and sang the hometown song he sang outside.

"Keep singing, don't stop."

Jiang Lin nodded, patted the little magician on the shoulder, and continued to chase after the others.

After another ten minutes, there were only twenty or thirty little Japanese left in Lingyun Cave.

"Don't kill me, the ancient tombs we got are hidden in Tianjia Town at the foot of Liangshan Mountain."

"Yes, it's all there."

"As for the ones that have been transported away..."

These twenty or thirty people had already been frightened, and they were scrambling to answer Jiang Lin's previous questions.

They can't fight and fight, and they can't run away. They have completely given up their resistance.

No matter what race, as long as it is human, there are people who are not afraid of death and those who are afraid of death, and the latter is often much more than the former.

So these people thought about cooperating with Jiang Lin, hoping to save a life.

Jiang Lin snorted, then snapped his fingernails and said, "Okay, got it, you can reminisce about the meaningful past, and I'll take you on your way in a while."


"We all sing!"

"We've answered your question too!"

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, the twenty or thirty people jumped up in shock.

"I said that if you sing a song and answer a question, you don't have to die? Your singing is so valuable? The answer is more expensive than gold and silver jewelry?"

Jiang Lin swept away coldly, these dirty mice, since the moment they stepped into the middle-earth to make trouble, the only result is death.

Knowing that he has only one death, the more than [*] magicians and different ninjas resisted, and some ran away, but the result was still the same, except for the hiccup and the hiccup.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin returned to the exit of Lingyun Grotto. The King Pandan Tiger was still guarding there, and there were still many corpses in front of him.

There are dozens of lucky ones who found an exit.

But unfortunately, they were not lucky enough.

"Go, clean up all the corpses inside, throw them directly into the Dadu River, and feed the fish. Now that Shu is in a drought, feeding a few more fish to make them produce seeds can be considered valuable for them to die."

Jiang Lin pointed to the depths of the labyrinth, and then jumped down, falling down.

"Uncle Qianhe, I'll give you the camera, and let's take some pictures of him."

It didn't take long for Master Hong Jinbao and Mao Xiaofang to return to the feet of the Great Buddha. Jiang Lin threw the captured camera to Daoist Qianhe and asked him to be a photographer.

Hundreds of thousands of dead bodies floated in the sleep before the Great Buddha. If you don't take pictures of this scene, and send the photos to the Oriental cultivating world, wouldn't that be "self-rewarding"?

"Slap him!"

After Qianhe Daochang took the camera, he pressed the shutter with a click.

Really TMD relieved!

"Master, fellow Daoists, we can't stop it!"

Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao had just sat down to rest when Zhuge Kongping and a dozen monks rushed over panting.

The people who were deceived and incited by the little Japan had already advanced three miles away, and the number was as high as [*] or [*].

These people shouted "kill the drought, and ask God to rain", and they headed towards Lingyun Grotto desperately.

Some of them are even crazy enough to not recognize their six relatives. As long as someone obstructs them, even if it is their own friends and relatives, they will regard them as enemies if they hinder or prevent them.

Not to mention going to persuade their Shu monks.

Seventy or eighty monks and priests have been beaten to death by these people.

Not long after the arrival of Zhuge Kongping and others, four or five little Taoist priests from Zixia Palace came back, but they all had blood on their bodies, besides the wounds caused by the farming tools, there were also gunshot wounds.

In the other direction, there are also [*] to [*] people rushing here. They were tricked by little Japanese disguised as compatriots, and they attacked a lot of police officers at night.

"Mourning for his misfortune, anger for not fighting."

Jiang Lin shook his head, Zhuge Kongping and the others had already informed the people of the Japanese conspiracy.

But what about this?

In order to survive, some people eat all the food, and they care about the intrigues of the Japanese.

In their cognition, when drought hits, when rain falls, they can live.

What is more important than life?

The first thousand one hundred and forty-six chapters are unexpected

"How can this be good?"

Master Hong Jinbao frowned after treating the wounds of several little Taoist priests. Now the more than [*] people who have poured in are basically stunned.

Never give up until the drought.

Even explaining to them that it is nonsense that the so-called drought-fighting can seek rain is completely useless.

Mao Xiaofang and others were also frowning, especially Mao Xiaofang, who had experienced a similar situation when he was in Gantian Town.

As long as some people are stunned, even if they wear their tongues, they can't change their inherent cognition.

If these [*] people swarmed up, plus the weapons and firearms in their hands, no matter how high their morality was, they would only end up with hatred.

This is not the most serious, the most serious thing is that these people will be used by Japanese magicians and different ninjas to hand over the Chinese dragon veins to the hands of little Japan.

"Let's go and have a look first. For now, we can only find out those magicians and yin-nin who are inciting the people. Otherwise, no matter what we say or explain, it will be very pale and powerless."

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, but still felt that he had to find out those little Japan who were fanning the flames and destroy them one by one.

Once the number of people is too large, panic and anxiety are more likely to spread. Once the people are dominated by panic and anxiety, there will be no second result other than being used as a gunman.

"That's right, let's take care of the troublemakers first. However, they are all disguised as Han people now. How can they be identified?"

Master Sammo Hung's just stretched brows huddled together again.

It's easy to say, but really hard to do.

Whether it is Japanese pretending to be Han Chinese or vice versa, as long as you are proficient in Chinese or Japanese, it will be difficult to identify them.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

So, Master Hong Jinbao, Mao Xiaofang and more than [*] monks followed behind Jiang Lin and went to the place where the people of Shu gathered.

Three miles away, more than [*] people marched forward while shouting slogans.

These people are only the vanguard, there are more behind.

Hey, this time, what can the monks and Taoists in the Middle-earth do?

Nagano Tetsuo was very proud at the moment, he was the leader in charge of inciting the people of Shu.

Now he dresses as a farmer, mixes in the crowd, and from time to time shouts, "Fight the drought and ask for rain."

Every time he shouted, hundreds of people around him echoed.

None of the people around him knew his true identity.

Tetsuo Nagano was looking forward to it, looking forward to the thousands of people arriving at the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha to fight against the thousands of monks who guard the Lingyun Grotto.

After solving those monks, it is not far from them finding the Huaxia Dragon Vein.

Thousands of people were so excited that they were about to fight the drought.

Opposite them, the Taoist monks who stopped and persuaded them could only step back.

"Daoist Li Yang, Master Hong Jinbao!"

The monk Dao, who was pressed by the people step by step, saw Jiang Lin and the others coming, and quickly joined them.

When tens of thousands of people saw people coming again, they stopped shouting and marching.

"Folks, look, these Taoists and monks are here again, and they are here again to obstruct us and prevent us from living! They are our enemies, kill them!"

When Nagano Tetsuo saw Jiang Lin's face, boundless anger broke out in his heart.

He really wanted to eat Jianglin's meat and pillow Jianglin's skin!

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

Nagano Tetsuo shouted several times because he was full of resentment.

He didn't realize that the people around him didn't echo his cry at all like before.

He was the only one there, Gao Qichao.

Shouting and shouting, Nagano Tetsuo finally realized that something was wrong. He looked around and found that many people's eyes were on him.

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