What makes him strange is that there is a bit of anger in these eyes.

What made him even more dazed later was that these people bent their knees and knelt down one after another.


"Daoist Li Yang!"

"Jiang Shenxian!"

Hundreds of people knelt down before Jiang Lin and bowed again and again.

What's happening here?

Not only Nagano Tetsuo, but Jiang Lin himself was a little confused. A large group of people who were originally aggressive, but when they saw him coming, their attitudes took a big turn.

Jiang Lin himself did not know that after the big earthquake in Shu that year, there was another large-scale flood. He and his family transported their family's gold and silver mountains to Shu for disaster relief.

After that, many people in Shu regarded him as a great benefactor, and some even built temples and statues to worship him.

Seventy to eighty percent of the [*] people regarded him as a savior.

"Jiang Engong, when there was a big earthquake in Shu, and there was another major flood, it was you, Eun Gong, who saved us and helped us rebuild our home. You are the savior of our Wali Village."

"It's also the benefactor of our Zhaojiatun reconstruction!"

Several old men walked out of the crowd and thanked Jiang Lin.

That's what happened.

After listening to the stories of several old people, Jiang Lin understood that Zi Chou Yin Mao was among them.

Really unexpected.

If that's the case, it's much easier to do.

"Let's all get up. If one side is in trouble, all sides will support it."

"Engong, our land in Shu has experienced earthquakes, floods and snow disasters in the past few years, and now there is a severe drought. Please take us to fight the drought and ask for rain."

"Please save us!"

"Please beg for help!"

Several old men continued to kowtow to Jiang Lin, and the people behind them also kowtowed again.

"Let's put the matter of fighting the drought for a while. Listen to what I have to say. Now there are Japanese people among you, who are using the matter of fighting the drought to incite you to deal with the Taoists and monks here. Their purpose is to make our middle-earth den The inside is reversed. Those ancient tombs you dug, and the funerary objects in them were taken away by them. Besides these, they have other conspiracies!"

Since these people respected themselves like gods, Jiang Lin took this opportunity to explain the reason to these people.

Whether the drought is true or not, he will not explain it for the time being.

Find out the little Japan mixed in, so that they can no longer make a fuss. Without the source of the chaos, things will be easier to deal with.

"Really Japanese?"

"Eunuch said yes, it must be!"

"It's abominable, taking advantage of our eagerness to ask for rain and using us as spearmen."

These people did not take the words of other monks and Taoists to heart, but if Jiang Lin said the same words, the effect would be completely different.

People are more popular than dead people.

The monks and Daoists who had previously discouraged these people should not be more depressed.

They have frayed their tongues, and they say that they are talking about it, and they say it upside down, and they are useless.

As soon as Jiang Lin opened his mouth, it was immediately obvious.

Is this mouth open?

Not to mention that they were depressed, Nagano Tetsuo also held a big grass in his heart at this time.

The script is wrong!


For a long time, there were no surprises in their incitement plan, but now, as soon as Jiang Lin arrived, the diorama was immediately punctured.

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm and pointed at Tetsuo Nagano, and sneered: "Japanese brat, you are panicking."

The first thousand one hundred and forty-seven chapters of the idea of ​​​​fire the unicorn (on)

Nagano Tetsuo didn't expect things to take such a turn just now, so he didn't hide the hatred on his face.

In addition, he took the lead in coaxing, and he looked uneasy at this time. If Jiang Lin didn't know his identity, he would be blind.

The people around Tetsuo Nagano focused their attention on him again, and some even raised hoes and sickles.

If it wasn't for being incited, people in this period would still be very resentful of Little Japan, of course, except for the traitors.

After all, more than [*] years have passed since the Sino-Japanese War and the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

As for those who reacted differently from them, they were basically the ones with Tetsuo Nagano, or the traitors who were in trouble with Little Japan.

"You are talking nonsense, I am a native farmer, not a Japanese."

Tetsuo Nagano waved his hands again and again, and he definitely couldn't admit it at the moment, or he would die.

In order to show his ancestry, this guy also took a bite of Trump.

As long as he kills him and doesn't admit it, Nagano Tetsuo doesn't believe that Jiang Lin can kill his "compatriots" in front of so many people?

"Don't you recognize it?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and in front of Tetsuo Nagano took out a few ghost bags and released the spirits in them.

These souls are the magicians and Yi Nin who were killed by him in Lingyun Grotto. In order to find out the Japanese who were among the people, he kept it.

Then Jiang Lin raised his palm and released a few balls of yang flames, wrapping the souls, causing them to let out shrill screams.

"Find out all the Japanese among these people, otherwise it's a luxury for you to even lose your soul! Don't try to hide, I'll spread you out, once any of you is missed and someone else finds out, You can try."

Jiang Lin's meaning is very simple. Some of these souls are checked from front to back, while others are from back to front. As long as any Japanese are missed, they will taste the taste of hell torture.

As for whether these people are afraid of ghosts, Jiang Lin doesn't have to think about it. As long as they are told that these spirits are Orientals, they will probably applaud.

"Forgive your life, let's find it, let's find it!"

More than a dozen souls calcined by Yang Yan repeatedly begged Jiang Lin for mercy. They really did not expect that they had died once, and Jiang Lin would not let them go.

The Yang flames that surrounded them were no less than lava, so how could they bear it, they could only obey Jiang Lin obediently.

These... aren't these our people?

Nagano Tetsuo looked at the souls released by Jiang Lin, his face turned white.

He didn't know that the magicians who captured Lingyun Cave, Yi Nin, had been wiped out.

Things are going badly!

Tetsuo Nagano couldn't pretend anymore. He could still pretend to be in front of Jiang Lin and the others, but in front of these souls, if he pretended to be a hairy, he would definitely be caught.

"Run? Where can you run?"

Jiang Lin didn't allow Tetsuo Nagano to run a few meters, and his bone sword flew out, directly slicing off the little Japanese's head.

The other magicians and Yi Nin in the crowd were also in disarray, some of them fled quickly, and some wanted to take the people hostage.

It's a pity that Jiang Lin's flying sword is much faster than their movements.

After a few minutes, all these magicians mixed in with the people, Yi Ren, were all gg.

Jiang Lin asked a few old men to appease the crowd first, rest in place and wait for him to return, and then went on to find the rest of the crowd with Master Hong Jinbao.

"Jiang Lin, now the magician Yiren who is among the people can be found, but what happens next?"

Master Sammo Hung tapped his forehead. Now that the source of the panic has been identified, there is still no clue about the next step.

Even if Jiang Lin has a high status in the hearts of the people of Shu, it is unrealistic for these hundreds of thousands of people to go back to their own homes to find their own mothers.

They have been instigated, aroused the desire to survive, as long as there is no rain in Shu for a day, it is almost impossible for them to give up.

Now it's just delayed for a while, maybe it won't take long at all, and these people will be angry again, clamoring for a drought.

If you want them to settle down completely, there are only three ways. The first is to follow the wishes of the heavens and rain directly. The second is to explain to these people that Lingyun Cave is where the Chinese dragon veins are located, and tell them the facts. The third is to get the army, tell them the whole story, and use their strength to send back the [*] people.

However, these are not solutions at all.

Now that there is a severe drought, it rains wherever it wants.

As for telling the truth, it is completely impossible. Now there is a matter of the Chinese dragon veins in the land of Shu, and only people in their circle know that once it is rumored, there will be no peace in the Middle Earth in the future.

"To be honest, I don't have a good solution. The only solution is to go to Lingyun Grotto, invite Huo Qilin out, and tell these people that the Han Qilin is not here at all. Fire Qilin is the representative of auspiciousness. The scorpion is an evil zombie, how could it be together with the scorpion, these people will basically not doubt it."

Jiang Lin spread his hands. He also knew that it would be impossible to keep these [*] people from fighting the drought. Even if he made a statement and explained it, it would not have much effect.

Not letting them fight droughts, or denying such a statement, would mean not letting them live, even if Jiang Lin was now called benefactor by them, that would not work.

That being the case, they can only be earned elsewhere.

"Yeah, how could I forget about this! If the fire unicorn can recognize a person and carry him to walk in the land of Shu, it can attract auspicious clouds, and it is not impossible for it to rain."

Master Hong Jinbao slapped his thigh. In addition to the Huaxia dragon veins and dry scorpions, there are also burning unicorns in the underground labyrinth of Shu!

Jiang Lin looked at Master Hong Jinbao, frowned and said, "Auspicious clouds can appear when a fire unicorn carries a person? No, there were no auspicious clouds in Shu last time."

When Lan Dali and Xu Fu entered Lingyun Cave a few years ago, he joined hands with Huo Qilin and rode the Huo Qilin there, but there was no vision outside.

"Listen to what you mean, has the fire unicorn carried you?"

"It didn't carry me, I rode it."

"It lets you ride?"

Master Sammo Hung patted his ears, suspecting that he heard it wrong.

The fire unicorn is an auspicious beast in the world, and it is said that it is the mount of Shennong, where it will carry people casually.

The expressions of Mao Xiaofang and the others were also exaggerated, and what Jiang Lin said also shocked them.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Isn't that its honor?"

At this time, Huo Qilin, who was resting in the ground of Shu, suddenly sneezed a few times, and then involuntarily snorted.

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