The fire unicorn screamed in anger, but fortunately, the sound of thunder echoed back and forth in this open space, and none of the hundreds of thousands of people heard it.

"Get off your donkey's head! Give it to me!"

Jiang Lin took a bottle of cold marrow from his arms and gulped it into his stomach. Then he put the mouth of the bottle directly into Huo Qilin's big mouth.

Although Jiang Lin never thought that he would be punished even if he didn't go to break the border, it was impossible for him to give up the fat in his mouth.

Although I have never advertised myself as a great charity, but after all, I have done great things for the benefit of all people. Now that I have some luck, you will be punished by lightning. I bought a watch last year!

Jiang Lin cursed in his heart, not to mention that, in recent years, he has guarded the dragon veins, invested in disaster relief, eliminated flying scorpions, and managed the locust plague. There are also benefits, but objectively speaking, these are indeed the greatest good things in the world.

But now that he wants to get some luck, he will kill him mercilessly on this day.

"The big treacherous and the big evil do not see the sky and strike five thunders, but they come to take care of me? You will only promise to do harm to you, and you will hit me hard?"

Jiang Lin sneered again and again, he is just like the sky today!

Chapter [-] Wuhou Qimen Technique

"I said you are a jerk, hurry down, how could I be struck by thunder?"

"Hurry up and walk, hurry! This thunder calamity is extraordinary, and it's enough to endure it once."

Jiang Lin patted the back of the unicorn and made the fire unicorn move quickly.

This time, the thunder tribulation was many times more dangerous than when the Vampire King broke through, and it was a real punishment.

If it is slammed into a solid, it is estimated that he can go to chat with the king of hell.

"Get down quickly!"

The fire unicorn directly slandered the child, and was not willing to cooperate at all. Heavenly Punishment was looking for Jiang Lin, not it.

"Second uncle's, give me another try? Do you believe that I imprinted my breath on you?"

Jiang Lin beat Huo Qilin's head twice, and then took out a large amount of forbidden medicinal materials from the ancient mirror and stuffed it directly into his mouth. He also opened Huo Qilin's big mouth and stuffed a lot of it.

Regardless of whether it is the cold marrow or these forbidden ground material treasures, they all have the effect of deceiving the heavens, plus the large amount of willpower they received before, not to mention the complete punishment of the heavens, but it should be no problem to eliminate the lock of these thick thunders.

But even so, you have to hide.

"Yue! Chang! Crystal!"

Huo Qilin greeted Jiang Lin frantically in his heart.

Seeing that Lei Zhu was bombarded again, Huo Qilin had no choice but to admit it. It was really afraid that Jiang Lin would burn its breath on it.

With a loud cry, the fire unicorn carried Jiang Lin to the woods not far away.

Thunder also hacked all the way in the past.

There was only a large number of people who didn't know the truth left in the open space. They thought that Jiang Lin and Huo Qilin were trying to lead Lei to various places in Shu.

One person and one divine beast galloped through the mountains and forests, while Jiang Lin continued to guide his luck, he used the cold marrow and forbidden material treasures as drinks and snacks, and madly stuffed them into the mouths of himself and the fire unicorn.

With the support of these treasures, the light golden thunderbolts are terrifying, but they really can't lock them.

In the end, Jiang Lin seemed to have really committed the wrath of the sky. Dozens and hundreds of golden thunders fell together, indiscriminately bombarding the area where Jiang Lin and Huo Qilin were located.


"Haha, what about God's punishment? How can you bear me? Ahem..."

An hour later, Jiang Lin was laughing up to the sky from a hundred miles away, and he finally swallowed all the fat in his mouth.

Although he was hit by a golden thunder the size of a tree trunk, but with the protection of cold marrow and forbidden medicinal materials, he only sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood.

After the general trend in the void disappeared, the punishment also disappeared.

"You fool, I almost got killed by you!"

The fire unicorn's heart was beating wildly, and its tail twitched, sending Jiang Lin flying.

Jiang Lin laughed and said: "Isn't this a surprise? Besides, you have swallowed a lot of good things, but you are not satisfied?"

The fire unicorn hummed and didn't lose his temper any more. Jiang Lin was right, just shaking its stomach now, the cold marrow inside made a rumbling sound.

Jiang Lin looked up at the sky and asked, "The auspicious clouds in the sky have already formed, can you make it rain?"

If there is another heavy rain, he can reap a lot of wishes.

"I am a divine beast, not a fairy. Now the whole world is undergoing drastic changes, and this is not something I can change. My appearance can only temporarily stop the drought, and it can be regarded as a soup to stop the boiling. If you want rain, If you can find a way to ask for rain, you may solve the drought."

The fire unicorn shook his head. Now that the Huaxia dragon veins have been leaked, various disasters have come one after another. This is a fixed number, and it cannot be changed.

The art of asking for rain...

Jiang Lin kowtowed to his forehead. This method of winning the world has long been lost. Where can I go to ask for rain?

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to go back and tell Master Hong Jinbao and the others. Now that the fire unicorn has appeared, the people gathered near the Leshan Giant Buddha will naturally not believe that there is a drought under the Buddha statue, which can be regarded as solving the problem here.

As for the drought, that is really impossible.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and Huo Qilin returned to the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

Master Sammo Hung and the others also sighed when they heard Jiang Lin say that even a fire unicorn could not bring down the rain.

But just as they sighed, Zhuge Kongping brought good news.

The ancestor of their Zhuge family was Zhuge Wuhou. During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Wuhou once borrowed the southeast wind from the sky in the middle of winter. On Chimonism.

It's just that his cultivation is superficial, and he can't understand it at all. Not only him, but even many generations of his ancestors can't master this kind of thaumaturgy.

Now that there is a severe drought in the Middle Earth, Shu is the hometown of Zhuge Kongping, and it is also suffering from drought. He is no longer stingy, so he took out this thaumaturgy and handed it over to Jiang Lin.

He didn't take it out before because the rain-seeking technique inherited by his family must have clouds, otherwise it can only be a skillful woman who can't cook without rice.

Now that there are auspicious clouds over Leshan, it is a prerequisite.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin flipped through the martial arts of the Zhuge family, and said to the crowd, "Everyone, if you follow the records in this ancient book, it is really possible to get a heavy rain."

Because Jiang Lin had stayed for a long time in the monk era, some of the terms in the martial arts of the Marquis were obscure and difficult to understand to others, but they were not a big obstacle to him.

Therefore, he was able to perform the rain-seeking technique recorded in ancient books.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard that Jiang Lin was able to perform the rain-seeking technique.

Master Hong Jinbao said: "Jiang Lin, I am afraid that you alone cannot do this rain-seeking technique. If you have any requirements, please explain. As long as we can solve the drought for the victims, we will follow your instructions."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin nodded. The matter was as Master Hong Jinbao guessed. He really couldn't do it alone. If he wanted to ask for rain, he would need to build several seven-star altars in specific places, and also cooperate with the five elements and gossip. The most important thing is to ask for rain. The Rain Man must cast spells for seven consecutive days and seven nights.

At that time, Jiang Lin will not be able to be separated, let alone distracted, and there must be someone called Sasuke.

After that, Jiang Lin informed everyone about the requirements of the rain-seeking technique. Master Hong Jinbao arranged for some people to guard Lingyun Grotto, and the rest of the monks took action.

As for Jiang Lin, he is ready to make some repairs and adjust himself back to the peak.

Chapter [-]: Seeking Rain (Part [-])

Although the previous punishment was a near miss, Jiang Lin was finally hacked. At first, he didn't feel anything unusual, but now he can feel the robbery power left in his body is eroding his corpse pill and fake Dan, let his limbs cramp every now and then.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, there will definitely be problems.

However, Jiang Lin was not too worried. After all, he had a lot of treasures on his body, and he had received a lot of Qilin blood from Huo Qilin. During the time when Master Hong Jinbao and the others built the Seven Star Altar, it should be enough for him to take care of his own situation.

Not long after, Jiu Shu Zhang Han and Feng Yu Lei Dian and other monks and Taoists also came to the foot of the Great Buddha. They were also in a good mood when they learned that the Phantom Men and Demons and the Oriental Demon Taoists had been eliminated.

"Jiang Lin, I feel that your breath is a little disordered, is there something wrong?"

After discussing the allocation of manpower with Master Hong Jinbao, Ninth Uncle came to Jiang Lin and asked him what happened.

"Before the fire unicorn carried me to attract auspicious clouds, but it attracted thunder tribulation. I am not a great sage, and I have violated the taboo of heaven by using the auspicious beasts as mounts."

Before the thunder fell from the sky, many colleagues here must have noticed it. Ninth Uncle and the others heard about it just now. Jiang Lin did not hide the punishment from the sky. As for luck, he did not mention it.

"Really Thunder Tribulation? Then you have a good rest these days. Alas, you have worked hard for the past two years. Find an inn to eat and drink well, and leave the rest to us."

Ninth Uncle also knew that Jiang Lin had been working very hard for the past two years, killing Fei Zong and dealing with the plague of locusts.Now that the urgency has been lifted, he also wants Jiang Lin to rest for a while.

Jiang Lin was his disciple and son-in-law, but in his heart, he was no different from his son. Seeing Jiang Lin's ragged clothes covered in blood, like a beggar, he felt very distressed.

"That's exactly what I mean."

Jiang Lin smiled. He probably needed to be corpse to deal with his own problems. Moreover, he hardly had a good meal in the past two years. He also planned to find a restaurant or hotel to treat himself well.

Afterwards, Master Hong Jinbao and a few colleagues went to find the hundreds of thousands of people gathered around Lingyun Mountain, told them about the rain, and asked them to prepare separately.

To pray to the sky for rain, it is not enough to rely on Taoist priests like them alone. It also needs everyone to be united and pray for God to listen.

Ninth Uncle, Zhang Han and Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning are looking for the source of the devilish energy.

Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha up the mountain, and left Lingyun Mountain with Jiu Shu and the others.

After a simple meal at a hotel, Uncle Jiu and Jiang Lin separated and headed to the north of Sichuan, where the devilish energy was the strongest.

Three days later in the evening, Jiang Lin came out of the guest room. The remaining thunder power in his body was finally consumed by him with corpse poison.

When Tang Shasha saw Jiang Lin at the door of her room, she greeted, "Jiang Lin, we have eaten. A few days ago, there were no meat dishes here. The shopkeeper knew that you were going to ask for rain for Shu, so he specially brought meat from the south."

"Yes, we can finally open meat."

Jiang Lin looked at the big fish and meat on the table, and then set his eyes on Tang Shasha.

Today he eats fish and meat, and he also eats people.

After a long while, Tang Shasha was full and hesitated several times before she finally asked, "Jiang Lin, I never dared to ask you before, you... do you have a wife?"

She looked at Jiang Lin with both anticipation and worry. She wanted to ask many times along the way, but was afraid to ask.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Yes, there are quite a few."

Hearing this, Tang Shasha's eyes dimmed, and she muttered to herself, "Then can't I only be a concubine?"

"You, you can't even be a concubine. My wife is very strict. I think you can be my master.) (Fang girl should be okay. When you bring me tea and water, I see no one around, I'll put you on the bed."

A bad smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, teasing Tang Shasha.


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