Tang Shasha's crystal-clear nose twitched, she still thought about following Jiang Lin in the future, not only to be a young grandmother, but also to be a concubine.

Who would have known that I could only be the most insignificant passer-by) (Fang girl.

"I said why do you cry so much."

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead, and now this girl really believes what he says.

Getting up and walking to Tang Shasha's side, Jiang Lin hugged her from behind and said, "Okay, I coaxed you just now, and you really believe it. After returning home, the eight-carrying sedan chair will marry you in the door."

Tang Shasha wiped her tears and turned her head to ask, "Really...really?"

"Of course it is." Jiang Lin pinched her pretty face and asked, "Are you full?"

"I'm full, you..."

Being hugged by Jiang Lin all of a sudden, Tang Shasha was at a loss.

"Tired, let's go to sleep."

"Sleep...sleeping together? No, we have to wait until after the church!"

Tang Shasha struggled immediately, but she couldn't break free.

As soon as Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, the door of the room closed. He threw Tang Shasha on the bed, and after setting up a soundproof magic circle in the room, he sent a sound transmission to King Panlan, so that he told the food delivery staff not to come to disturb him.

Bang bang bang!


"Daoist Li Yang, several seven-star altars have been built."

"Huh? Why is there no one? Doesn't he live in room number one?"

Four days later, the wind, rain and thunder came to the hotel to inform Jiang Lin, but after knocking on the door for a long time, no one answered.

They knocked on the next door again, but there was no response.

The soundproof array that Jiang Lin arranged was two-way. He didn't want to be disturbed when he was doing errands.

The four trolls raised their ears again. Of course, they couldn't hear any sound. Jiang Lin had already taken isolation measures. Otherwise, some kind of sound in the room would keep coming out, it would be too uncivilized.

Have you already left?

The four brothers could not find anyone, so they could only go downstairs and ask the man.

"Several, four days ago, the Taoist priest's pet told me not to disturb them. Their door has not been opened for the past few days, and there is no sound inside."

"No, I haven't come out for a few days? Will something happen?"

"Go and have a look."

The four of them heard that Uncle Jiu said that Jiang Lin had been struck by thunder, and they thought that something had happened to Jiang Lin.

At this time, Jiang Lin just woke up, he stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt, covering Ruanyu Wenxiang, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, then hugged her calf and kneaded her swollen knee.

Tang Shasha's eyelids moved slightly and she woke up.

"Daoist Li Yang!"

At this moment, the wind, rain and thunder and lightning suddenly pushed in the door.


Tang Shasha let out a scream, then pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

"How many of you, who taught you how to break the door?"

Jiang Lin stared at the four of them. If he hadn't covered Tang Shasha with a quilt just now, he would have disappeared.

"Master, are you alright?"

"The Seven-Star Altar has been built, and everything is ready. Just wait for the Taoist priest to ask for rain. If it is inconvenient for you, the Taoist priest, we will let the colleagues wait."

The wind, rain, and thunder looked at each other, and then gave Jiang Lin a gesture of "you are really strong."

Jiang Lin stretched out four fingers and shot out four incompetent yang-fingered qi. He shouted the four hilarious stunners, and hurriedly backed away and took them to the door.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin put on his clothes, left the room, and left the hotel with the four of them.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and the other five arrived on a high mountain, and many colleagues were already waiting.

On the top of the mountain is a peach wood altar with a height of [*] feet and [*] floors. Around the altar, [*] little Taoist priests with five elements belonging to water wearing dark blue robes, standing in a special position, with solemn expressions.

In addition to this high altar, there are also other hilltops, temporarily by Master Hong Jinbao, Jiu Shu, Mao Xiaofang, Zhang Han, Zhuge Kongping and Daoist Ziyun.

"Daoist Li Yang, Taoist robe!"

Daoist Qianhe threw out a pair of feather coats, and Jiang Lin jumped and draped it over his body.

After landing, Jiang Lin glanced around and said, "Keeping the altar, don't leave your position without permission, don't make a fuss, don't have distracted thoughts, and don't blunder!"


One hundred and twenty little Taoist priests responded in unison, each without squinting, restraining their hearts and waiting for Jiang Lin's command.

Jiang Lin nodded when he saw this, and then went to the altar with only his shoes and socks.

The monks and Daoists who were watching around were full of expectations. Whether they could ask for heavy rain or not depends on whether the rain-seeking technique was effective.

Chapter [*]: Seeking Rain (Part [*])

Seeing Jiang Lin climbed to the top of the altar, Daoist Qianhe blew his horn, and the sound of the horn spread. It didn't take long for the same sound to be heard from the rest of the hills.

The more than [*] people who were kneeling and worshiping in the open space below the mountain heard the sound of the trumpet and kept bowing to the front.

On the altar, Jiang Lin was waving a bone sword in his hand, chanting obscure incantations in his mouth, and kept stepping on all directions of the Tai Chi map under his feet.

"I call the water god, call the blue dragon, the water leopard, the vermillion bird, the water worm, the white tiger ginseng water ape, the basalt wall water crocodile, the rain will come from the wall, the leopard will rise, and the dragon will dance..."

Jiang Lin pointed his sword to the sky, pointed to the twenty-eight constellations, and finally pointed his sword to the place where Master Hong Jinbao and the others buried the spiritual stone.

That is where the people worship.

Light gradually appeared on the ground, forming a leopard shadow, ape shadow, and a dragon phantom.

"First, please invite Feng Bo to attract the wind, second, please invite the Dragon God to Xingyun, third, please ask the Thunder Department Tianzun to send thunder, and then ask the rain master to spread the rain!"

Jiang Lin recited the tactic and visualized himself with the Five Thunders Dharma of Shenxiao Sect.

Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle on the other hills followed what Jiang Lin did, chanting spells and fighting with each other.

The land, which was dry and windless, gradually picked up a breeze.

But that's all, even if Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao prayed for rain, they wouldn't be able to get results so quickly. Moreover, the rain-seeking method of Wuhou Qimenshu required seven days and seven nights to be effective.

Since then, Jiang Lin has been practicing magic on the altar. He has taken Qilin blood and cold marrow in the past few days. Even if he does not eat or drink, there is no big problem.

However, Master Hong Jinbao and the others are not good. When they feel overwhelmed, someone will take over their work.

"Tom, Jiang Lin hasn't eaten, drank, or slept for three days and three nights. Can he bear it?"

Three days later, Tang Shasha sat on the back of a tiger and came to Gaoshan to see her man.

A normal person has been busy all day and night, and his body is about to call the police, but Jiang Lin has not been idle for three days and three nights now.

Master Hong Jinbao and the others can rest, the little Taoists guarding the altar can take shifts, and the people praying at the foot of the mountain can also work and rest normally, but as the spellcaster of the main altar, Jiang Lin cannot pause for a moment.

The colorful tiger king responded, "Don't worry, mistress, although the master will be quite tired, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Being called "Mother" by King Panlan Tiger, Tang Shasha blushed, and she had indeed turned positive a few days ago.

She looked at Jiang Lin on the high altar and murmured, "It's really worrying."

At this moment, a strong wind blew, and the auspicious clouds in the sky began to surge and gather.

The leopard ape and the dragon phantom at the foot of the mountain also became solid.

The rain-seeking technique has already begun to take effect.

"Keep your mind tight!"

Jiang Lin frowned and shouted loudly to the bottom of the altar. Now that the technique of begging for rain has only begun to bear fruit, there must be no accident at this moment, otherwise everything he has done before will be in vain.

Daoist Qianhe immediately raised his horn and blew it to inform the casters of the rest of the hills that the next step was the key to the whole process of begging for rain.

Everyone's heartstrings were tense. They were not only worried about others, but also worried about whether Jiang Lin could hold on.

After all, Jiang Lin is not just walking around on the high altar and swinging his sword. His mind needs to be highly concentrated, and the spiritual power in his body has been depleted.

Even a Taoist priest at the peak of the Celestial Master could not endure the continuous delivery of spiritual power for three days and three nights.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin was stronger than they thought, and he persisted on the altar for another night.

At midnight on the fifth day, the clouds in the sky gathered together and began to spread out.

The black cloud has overwhelmed the city.

"The universe is boundless, the sky is clear and the earth is bright, I sincerely call the Nine Heavens to respond to the sound of Yuan Lei to universalize the Tianzun, order Lei Ting, and call for five thunders, ten thunders, and thirty-six thunders!"

Jiang Lin squeezed his own spiritual power on the altar, dancing and chanting a mantra.


A huge thunder fell from the sky, illuminating the dark earth.

Then the dark clouds in the sky began to move slowly, rubbing against each other, and thunderstorms gradually landed.

The wind rose, the clouds surged, the thunder moved, and now only the rain fell.

On the evening of the seventh day, Jiang Lin's face was pale and his head began to feel dazed. Although he had experienced sleepless nights before, he couldn't compare to this one.

However, even though he was exhausted, Jiang Lin insisted on gritting his teeth. Now he is a mountain, and as long as he survives the rain, he will be able to harvest a lot of merit and willingness.

Not only him, Master Hong Jinbao's Ninth Uncle and Mao Xiaofang are also sticking to their teeth. They have come to the end stage, and they have replaced them. Others are difficult to do this final link.

Even the more than [*] people refused to rest and kept kowtowing at the foot of the mountain.



"It's raining!"

Around midnight, the people at the foot of the mountain suddenly burst into screams, and their faces were drenched by the rain, and they felt cool.

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