"Clap clap clap..."

Afterwards, more and more raindrops fell like beans, and the sound of wild shouts echoed back and forth for ten miles.

I don't know how many people wept and cried, but they finally waited for the rain.

That night, it rained heavily in the whole of Shu, and it rained heavily for two days and two nights.

Millions of people are revelling in the rain, not wanting to rest at all.

In addition to cheering, they also bowed in the direction of Leshan. The people who were around the Leshan Giant Buddha had gone back to their respective places, spreading the news of Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao's request for rain.

Jiang Lin didn't know about these things. After he got down from the altar, he slept directly on the second floor of the altar.

It's so tiring!

"Jiang Lin, you finally woke up."

Two days later, Jiang Lin woke up, and Tang Shasha breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Lin glanced around and found that there were no signs of Uncle Ninth and the others, so he asked, "I'm fine, what about Uncle Master and Master Hong Jinbao?"

It is not only him who is begging for rain this time, everyone is desperately squeezing their own spiritual power, and because he has a good foundation, he will be fine after two days of sleep, but Ninth Uncle and the others are not expected to recover so well, and may even affect their own Dao foundation. .

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-four chapters go home

Tang Shasha responded: "They are all fine. After resting, go to investigate the source of the demonic energy in the sky above Shu."

"Jiang Lin, you finally woke up."

The four-eyed Taoist saw Jiang Lin from afar, and trotted all the way over.

"You boy, you can really hold on, and it's really raining for the old man. Now the people of Shu will hold a grand thank-you banquet for us, and they will also give you a portrait and build temples everywhere."

The four-eyed Taoist priest kept talking. Nowadays, the people of Shu regard Jiang Lin as a living god who saves the suffering. As the elders of Jiang Lin, they can be called a dignified person. Wherever they go, people bow and bow, and they are regarded as fairy priests.

"The thank-you banquet should be avoided, and the temple construction should be avoided."

Jiang Lin did not have the idea of ​​having people build temples to worship them. In the past, the memorial pavilions or merit temples built by these people were not worth it. After all, there were not many places.

Once there are too many temples, many people will pay homage, so of course there will be a lot of willingness to gather, but correspondingly, Jiang Lin will also establish cause and effect with those who visit.

If you don't respond to your needs for a long time, it will have a bad impact on him.

It didn't take long for Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle to return to the foot of the Buddha, and there were dozens of old people walking with them.

These old men were all elected representatives of the disaster victims in Shu, and invited Jiang Lin and the others to a banquet in a town not far away.

Jiang Lin did not refuse. He, Master Hong Jinbao and the monks here have indeed done something beneficial to the people, and it is only natural to accept the thanks.

On this day, an extraordinary banquet was held in the square of Longchi Town, Leshan. More than [*] monks and Taoists including Jiang Lin attended the banquet.

At the banquet, Jiang Lin made it clear to the representatives of the elders that he did not need to build any more temples for him, which would cost the people and money.

"Jiang Lin, Master Hong Jinbao and I are going to find the source of the demonic energy in Shu. How about you?"

After the banquet, Uncle Ninth asked Jiang Lin what his plans were. Now the affairs in Shu have basically been resolved. Many colleagues have been away from their dojos since two years ago, and now many of them have to go back.

For example, Xiao Xiami wants to go back to Xizang to preside over the overall situation, and they want to retreat to the northwest.

"It's up to you to deal with the matter of looking for demonic energy. I need to go to Chengdu, and then go back to Gantian Town. I haven't been home for two years. If you have any clues, please let me know."

Jiang Lin accepted Cao Huoting a lot of affection, and was going to visit him before going back to return the favour.

And he also has to go back, the wives at home are estimated to be Wangfushi.

In addition, his unicorn corpse has never been recovered, and the feng shui pattern of Cixi's tomb can be used to completely solve the problem.

Ninth Uncle nodded and said, "Alright, Chili and Xiaoshuang should all have lovesickness."

"A long eyebrow."

"Master Mao."

Mao Xiaofang came over and greeted Ninth Uncle.

The last time the ninth uncle went to Gantian Town, Mao Xiaofang went out, and they didn't see it. Now, because of the drought in Huaxia Longmai and Shu, the two people knew each other.

I don't know why, but the two of them get along very well and have a very good relationship with Master Hong Jinbao.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm also staying in Shu. I'll trouble you to take care of it at Fuxitang. That boy Achu is more competitive now than before."

Mao Xiaofang said that he and Ah Hai also planned to stay in Shu. As for Gantian Town, with Ah Chu there, as long as it wasn't a particularly difficult matter, his apprentice should be able to handle it now.

I really can't handle it, and there are several hostess of Li Yangju.

"I'll go take a look."

Jiang Lin nodded, then said goodbye to Uncle Ninth and the others, pulled Tang Shasha onto the tiger's back, and headed north.

When he arrived at Cao Huoting's residence, Jiang Lin dismounted from his mount, talked with Cao Huoting for a while, and left some treasures of forbidden materials, which were of great benefit to Cao Huoting's guardian spirit.

Jiang Lin borrowed from Cao Huoting several times, and when dealing with the locust plague, he borrowed water and food from here. Since Cao Huoting helped him so much, he naturally did not hesitate.

After that, Jiang Lin rode the colorful giant tiger and galloped all the way to the southeast.

"Sasha, why are you sitting so far?"

Jiang Lin reached out and pulled Tang Shasha over and let her sit on his lap.

Tang Shasha lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest with a pair of pink fists, and said with a nuzzling mouth: "What do you say, it has left a psychological shadow on others."

Jiang Lin naturally knew what Tang Shasha meant, and complained that he didn't know how to pity her when he was in the hotel.

In the past two years, Jiang Lin's mind has basically been in a tense state, and he has not touched a woman for two years.On that day, Jiang Lin and Tang Shasha were in the same room. He was in the rain for a long time, and the pressure was released again, so he indulged.

If it wasn't for Tang Shasha's mouthfuls of cold marrow, she would have rolled her eyes and fainted.

Jiang Lin pouted on Tang Shasha's lips and said, "I only care about my own entertainment, and I won't do that again in the future."

Tang Shasha smiled and snuggled into Jiang Lin's arms.

On the morning of the second day, King Panlan entered Gantian Town.


Axiu just came out of Li Yangjuli, and when she saw Jiang Lin on the back of the tiger, she could hardly believe her eyes.

"Big sister, sister Ting, sisters, my husband is back!"

Axiu hurriedly shouted to the door. At this moment, in the bamboo cage around her waist, Xiaobai exposed his head, jumped out, and catapulted towards Jiang Lin.



Tang Shasha was taken aback when she saw Xiaobai jumping up. When she was in the Jiang family, she saw through her incarnation that the silly young master of the Jiang family was bitten to death by a snake, so she was very scared.

Jiang Lin reached out his hand to catch Xiao Bai and said, "Don't be afraid. Like the Tiger King, he is a family pet and won't hurt you."

Xiaobai spat out a snake letter and said, "Master, you have been gone for two years. The mistresses and Xiaobai miss you very much."

"You can actually speak, and you are actually female."

"What a woman, the master speaks so ugly! It's a woman, a woman!"

Xiaobai's tail flapped and slapped on Jiang Lin's forearm, and then got into his arms.

"It's clear that I'm her master, and now she just calls me mistress."

Axiunu pouted, then set his eyes on Tang Shasha, and said, "We have so many sisters, we don't know how we have spent the past two years, Qi Shoukong, you are good, you are very happy."

Seeing that Axiu was like a little resentful woman, Jiang Lin jumped down, took her into his arms, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I've been dry for two years, and only got dew a few days ago. Mie Feizong, I haven't even eaten a few serious meals, so where can I be happy?"

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, the resentment in Axiu's heart disappeared immediately, and it was replaced by a heart full of pity.


After a while, a group of beauties poured out, and after seeing Jiang Lin, they hardly shed tears.

Chapter [*] A letter from the other side of the ocean

"Okay, don't cry anymore, I'm coming back well."

Jiang Lin hugged Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others, and finally wiped Zhang Xiaochuan's tears in his arms.

After that, he brought Tang Shasha over and let her know Ren Tingting and the others.

"Husband, why did you only bring one after you've been gone for two years?"

"That's right, where can someone serve you."

Ren Zhuzhu and A Yan looked like they were eating, and they were similar to Axiu's previous mentality, thinking that they had been lonely for two years, and Jiang Lin was not empty at all outside.

Tang Shasha quickly explained to Jiang Lin: "Several sisters, you misunderstood him, he has hardly eaten a full meal in the past two years. I only met him more than two months ago, a few days ago. with him..."

Speaking of this, Tang Shasha's face turned red.

When Ren Zhuzhu and Ayan heard what Tang Shasha said, there was still some jealousy in their hearts, and they all crowded into the kitchen one by two.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin's family held a family banquet in the back garden, which was regarded as the reunion dinner for the New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival in the past two years.

"What are you all looking at me for? You are not greedy for the dishes on the table, you are all greedy for my body?"

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, except for Tang Shasha and her food, the rest of his wives stared at him leisurely.

This time it was as if he had become a little sheep, and Ren Tingting and the others had become a pack of wolves.

Ayan pouted and said, "Nonsense! Can things between husband and wife be called greedy?"

Ren Zhuzhu also smiled and said, "Yes, it's not greedy at all, we like it!"

Eve also said: "True love!"

Jiang Lin squeezed his chin and said, "In that case, you should eat and drink well for the past two days. When the time comes, we will not eat grain for five or six days. At that time, don't yell about being hungry."

"Bigu? Why bigu?"

Tang Shasha has a question mark on her face. She has had a hard time in the past few months. She has finally eaten and drank. What does bigu do?

Ayan pursed her lips and smiled, and explained to Tang Shasha who was beside her: "Sister Shasha, this is our family's tradition. Bigu has other meanings."

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