Tang Shasha said, "Don't bigu mean not eating? I understand that."

Ayan explained softly in her ear. Tang Shasha blushed after hearing it. She had just become a woman, and of course Ayan was not as open to matters between men and women.

It turns out that the Jiang family's "bigu" means not getting out of bed, not even going out of the door, and of course not being able to eat, so naturally he will be bigu.

"Husband, some time ago..."

Chen Yu slipped something out of her sleeve, but Jingjing who was sitting beside her quickly grabbed her hand and shook her head at her.

"He's our man, and we have to tell him about him."

Chen Yu took a letter and handed it to Jiang Lin. She said, "It was sent from the United States on the other side of the ocean. It was written to you by a man named Carl. Take a look."


Jiang Lin recalled and finally remembered this person.

Back then, he went to Egypt to search for the Sun scripture. On the way back, he returned by boat. Next door to him lived this fat American man.

It seems that he is still a director, and he was still speculative in chatting with this fat man during the trip.

Jiang Lin took the letter and opened it.

In addition to some greetings and blessings from Carl, the content of the letter also wrote a few things.

One of them is that Carl said that after talking with him about some weird things, he went back to the United States to conceive the script and made a movie "Dracula", which was a big box office hit.

The second thing is that Carl wants to invite him to the United States, as a consultant for the film team, and their team is preparing to make another horror film of the Eastern world.

The last thing is the most interesting. Carr said in the letter that they have identified the legendary island-Skull Island is in the northern part of the South Pacific. They may go out to explore Skull Island in the near future, and shoot a film about prehistoric creatures and food. A large-scale documentary of the Terran, and asked him if he wanted to go with him.

"Skull Island? This guy is really full, no wonder he's a fat man."

Jiang Lin smiled. Even if he could go to the sky and enter the sea, it would be extremely difficult to find an island in the vast ocean.

This Carl really dared to think.

However, a trip to the United States can indeed be considered.

Jiang Lin thought about it again, two years have passed, and there is still no news about Xianzijue. He also wants to go abroad to make some friends and ask them to help find it.

And if Skull Island really exists, there must be extremely ancient plants on it, and maybe there are rare plants similar to blood orchids.

It is still necessary to explore.

It's just that this idea is probably going to be put on hold for a while.

After reading the contents of the letter, Jiang Lin also understood what Jingjing's actions just now meant.

She was afraid that he would have to travel far away just after returning home.

"Husband, can you accompany us? We will live by counting the days when you are not here."

Jingjing had a bitter face and begged Jiang Lin.

Caiyi and Yuemei also looked at Jiang Lin eagerly.

Jiang Lin gave them a reassuring look and said, "Don't worry, at least I won't leave home in the near future, and even if I leave, I won't be gone for a long time like this time, and I can't bear to part with my precious wives. "

After eating and drinking, Jiang Lin accompanied his wife and told about his experience in the past two years. Although there were some thrilling moments, in the end, he killed his arch-enemy Fei Zong.

In the future, he will no longer have to worry about the safety of himself and his family.

"Husband, can't you do anything about the drought in the northwest region?"

Because Heiyue's hometown is in the northwest, she couldn't help but worry when she heard Jiang Lin say that the drought there was so severe that it was thousands of miles away.

"Don't say it's me, even Huo Qilin said that he couldn't stop it."

Jiang Lin shook his head. After the fire unicorn brought auspicious clouds to Shu, he returned to Lingyun Cave. There were no clouds in the northwest, and he could no longer ask for rain.

Jiang Lin kept talking about the evening, and when night fell, he brought Xiao Bai and went to Fuxi Hall. As Mao Xiaofang said, this boy Ah Chu is more motivated now.

When I have nothing to do, I don’t go out for a stroll, so I practice and study in the Fuxi Hall.

After reporting the safety to Ah Chu, Jiang Lin went to the tomb of Cixi outside the town and placed the unicorn corpse on the stone bed.

This big tomb is a celestial crab bureau, which has the effect of regenerating dead corpses by shedding their shells. Even a broken limb can be reborn with the help of Yin Qi.

Although the unicorn corpse is full of cracks, as long as it is cultivated in this tomb, it should be able to fully recover in a short time.

Leaving Xiaobai to guard the tomb, Jiang Lin went home. For the next six or seven days, he and his wives were close to each other, and they lived a life of staying home.

During this period of time, Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle, who were far away in Shu, searched everywhere, but what puzzled them was that no matter how they searched, they couldn't find the source of the devilish energy.

It was not until they went to Liangshan that they found a clue.

But this clue made them speechless in shock.

Chapter [*] Extraterritorial Demons

On this day, Jiang Lin took Tang Shasha, Zhang Xiaochuan and Linglong Hongdou by car to the provincial capital. Two years ago, he asked the craftsmen there to build some wooden beds. Later, he went directly to deal with Fei Zong, and he never had any. Pick.

"Husband, why do you ask people to build these wooden beds? It's not like the big bed at home can't sleep."

Linglong looked at the bed board installed on the truck, something inexplicable. There is never a shortage of beds at home, so what kind of beds are you asking for?

"If I take care of the root of the demonic energy in Shu, I will still need to go out for the next three or four years and travel all over the mountains and lakes..."

"What? Are you leaving again? I don't want to, I don't want to!"

Before Jiang Lin could finish speaking, Linglong became angry. Jiang Lin had just returned, and their sweet days had just begun, but now that Jiang Lin wanted them to keep their dungeons, how could she be willing to give in?

Hongdou and Zhang Xiaochuan also pouted and looked at Jiang Lin with aggrieved expressions.

"Listen to what I have to say."

Jiang Lin took Linglong into his arms, and said softly, "I'm not fake, but I'll take you with me. Otherwise, what can I do with this artificial wooden bed? These wooden beds are tied together and can be used as a giant saddle. The bridle, put it on the back of the tiger."

This method was conceived by Jiang Lin as early as two years ago.

In a few years, the war will break out in full force, so before that, Jiang Lin will travel all over the Middle-earth, looking for useful materials and treasures, and by the way, he will exchange the medicinal materials and instruments that he does not need with the rest of the monks.

So this trip was imperative, but he was reluctant to leave his wives at home, so he simply brought them along and took them on a tour of the mountains and rivers.


Linglong looked at the truck again, only to understand the function of these wooden beds.A smile suddenly appeared on her face, as long as Jiang Lin was with them, even if they went outside to eat and sleep, they would be equally willing.

Jiang Lin scratched his delicate Qiong nose and said, "You face-changing monster."

"Hey~ they just don't want to be separated from you."

"Okay, don't tell Chili and the others when you go back, and give them a surprise then."

Jiang Lin felt that if Chen Yu and Ren Tingting knew about this family self-driving tour, they would be so excited that they would not be able to sleep.

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin and his party returned to Li Yangju. As soon as they arrived at the door, the car hadn't even stopped when Ah Hai rushed out of the shop on the side.

Behind him, there is an old man in fancy clothes.

"Ahai? Is there any movement in Shudi?"

"Uncle Master, something big has happened, and the extraterrestrial demons have been reborn! They are refining thousands of demons!"

"What extraterrestrial demons, what demons?"

Ah Hai was emotional, and what he said made Jiang Lin feel foggy.

"Daoist Li Yang, hello, I'm the great priest of the Yi people in Liangshan, Shu, I'll let me talk about it."

The old man behind Ah Hai stepped forward, bowed to Jiang Lin, and greeted Jiang Lin in Mandarin with a strong local accent.

The great priest of the Yi people?

Although Jiang Lin wondered how Ah Hai would appear with the Yi priest, he still bowed and said, "The priest, please tell me."

"It's a long story. In the very long past, the alchemy furnace of the gods of the upper realm exploded during alchemy, and the cinnabar inside was sprayed out and fell on Liangshan. I don't know how many years have passed, these with The spiritual cinnabar formed the sand cell, and later gave birth to a twin of eighteen spiritual daughters, who possessed boundless mana and were revered by our Yi ancestors as the 'Eighteen Bimo'."

The high priest of the Yi nationality paused and explained to Jiang Lin: "'Bimo' is the language of our Yi nationality, and it means the priest."

He continued: "I don't know how many years later, a terrifying extraterrestrial demon Xiahou Qiang suddenly appeared in the northern Sichuan area. In order to refine the Ten Thousand Demon Soul Eater Banner, this troll sealed the entrance to the Huanglong area with boulders, making the glaciers on the mountain The water can't go down) (flowing, causing the northern Sichuan and even the entire Shu land to be completely dry, and the bones and dead souls are everywhere. In order to save the people of Shu, the [*]th Bimo fought against the trolls, and finally used the power of the dragon to seal the trolls. In the north of Sichuan, although the Eighteen Bimo sealed the trolls, they also suffered heavy casualties. Only one of the eighteen spirit girls remained. The last spirit girl became immortal because of her perfect merit, but in order to suppress the trolls, she used a body Xian Li turned itself into a white stone, and the town is at the mouth of Huanglong Hukou. The last earthquake in Shu, the air of the dragon's veins scattered, the seal was loosened, the troll broke out of the seal, and the old trick was repeated, which caused another severe drought in northern Sichuan. Time, the ancestors of the Yi people have a spirit, and they asked me to tell me about it."

"No wonder the drought in northern Sichuan is worse than that in the northwest. It turns out that this is the reason."

Jiang Lin nodded, and after hearing what the high priest of the Yi people said, he knew the culprit that caused the severe drought in Shu, and the strong demonic energy in the sky above Shu was probably because the troll had broken the seal. Eighty percent of the phantom phantom is also related to this troll.

"I hope Daoist Li Yang will act again to save the people of Shu!"

The high priest of the Yi nationality rushed to Jianglin and clasped his fists. Now that the trolls have reappeared in the world, I am afraid that only the Daoist Li Yang, who has the ability to eliminate flying stiffness, can play a role.

"Are you kidding me? Let me deal with some extraterritorial demons? I will only fly and beg for a rain. You don't really think of me as a god, do you?"

Jiang Lin's expression was quite speechless. He knew his own abilities. If the monsters that appeared in Shu were Plague Demons, Phantom Human Demons, or even Gorefiends who were not at the peak, he would still do something.

But this extraterritorial demon can only be dealt with by eighteen spiritual girls. Although he does not know the level of cultivation of the eighteenth Bimo, this extraterritorial demon can seal the mountain with a boulder. than.

How to deal with this?

I don't know how many streets to fly away!

"Daoist Li Yang, you misunderstood. What I mean is to let you wake up the last eighteen Bimo, and use his power to destroy or reseal the trolls."

The high priest of the Yi nationality looked a little embarrassed. He was only concerned with explaining the affairs of the extraterritorial demons, but forgot to mention what Jianglin was going to do.

No matter how capable Jiang Lin is, it is impossible to face monsters of that level.

I don't know if the last eighteen Bimo can still deal with the extraterritorial demon. If not, then he has just solved a flying jerk and provoked another demon.

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead, and it was really a wave after another.

"Daoist Li Yang, I went to see the corpse of the phantom man you killed. The incantation on it should have come from the hands of an extraterrestrial demon. The ancient tablet of the Yi people recorded similar words on the surface of the corpse. So I speculate that the former It may have been controlled by the latter, who wanted to seize the dragon veins, but you ended up destroying it. And the last time you asked for rain in Shu, you could be considered to have formed a relationship with the extraterritorial demons..."

The high priest of the Yi nationality thought that Jiang Lin was hesitating whether to take action, so he told Jiang Lin the stakes.

Co-authoring, I can't escape even if I want to hide, right?

Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, and he even wondered if he had become a physique that would bring trouble.

Chapter [*] Peerless Immortals

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