"Husband, what should I do?"

Tang Shasha and Zhang Xiaochuan didn't know what kind of existence the extraterritorial demons were, but Linglong Hongdou and the two of them had a general idea.

It was even more terrifying than the Gorefiend in Gantian Town.

"Let's take one step at a time."

Although Jiang Lin felt a headache, he was not at the point where he was overwhelmed.

After seeing the power of punishment in Shu, Jiang Lin felt that although it was a disaster, it was also a chance.

Even if he is really approached by an extraterritorial demon in the end, he will have a big deal to break through the net, forcibly break through the realm, and arouse divine punishment.

Heavenly punishment is a death calamity for him, but for those monsters, it is even more difficult to avoid like snakes and scorpions.

Even if it is an extraterrestrial demon, there is a [*]% possibility that he will be afraid of him coming to a jade and stone burning.

But this method is not a last resort, he will not use it.

Jiang Lin said to the Yi high priest and Ah Hai, "Go ahead and sit for a while."

He also needs to know what preparations he needs to make to awaken the Eighteen Bimo, and more information about the extraterrestrial demons.

Since the strength of the extraterritorial demons has surpassed the current monks and Taoists by several orders of magnitude, it is reasonable to say that they will not be so low-key.

At that time, many monks and Taoists gathered in the land of Shu, and the extraterritorial demons only needed to pass, and they should be able to destroy them without much effort.

This is where Jiang Lin doubts.

Jiang Lin, the high priest of the Yi nationality, and A Hai entered the living room, Zhang Xiaochuan asked the servants to serve tea, and Linglong Hongdou and the others went to the garden to tell them what they had heard.

After asking some more information, Jiang Lin realized that although the extraterritorial demon had broken out of the seal, it still had the power of confinement, making it temporarily unable to stay too far away from the sealed land.

This is also the reason why it made the phantom man and the demon to steal the dragon veins and refined the ten thousand demon soul-devouring banner.

After learning about this situation, Jiang Lin also knew that it was not too late to wake up the Eighteen Bimo, otherwise it might be a one-sided slaughter if the extraterritorial demons regained their freedom.

"Husband, let's go too, okay?"

Chen Yu, Bai Min'er, and Bai Rourou knew that Jiang Lin was going to enter Shu again, so they begged to go with them, as did Xiaoli and Xiaoqian.

Even if the monks and Taoists knew that Jianglin was raising ghosts, they would not care.

"No, the extraterritorial demons are not something you can deal with. Even if you pass by, you won't be able to play any role, and you have to distract me."

Seeing Bai Min'er and the others fluttering their noses, Jiang Lin said again, "Don't worry, you guys are the ones who can destroy even a flying stupor, and they are immortal, so there won't be any problem."

After coaxing for a while, Jiang Lin's wives were willing to listen to him.

On the same day, Jiang Lin brought all kinds of instruments and materials, and let the King Panlan Tiger and King Flying Rat accompany him to go to Shu with Ahai and the great priest of the Yi nationality.

In the evening of the second day, their group arrived in Chengdu. Master Hong Jinbao, Jiu Shu and others were all here. They knew that there was a troll in the north of Sichuan, and they did not dare to go there again.

"Jiang Lin, you already know the situation, right? I didn't expect that the demonic energy of Shu land originated from such a terrifying troll."

Master Hong Jinbao said and slammed his feet again and again. Nowadays, in the era of the end of the law, it is difficult to produce talented people, but in this era, big monsters and giant evildoers are one after another.

This is embarrassing these incompetent people!

Ninth Uncle and Mao Xiaofang also had a sad look on their faces. Master Hong Jinbao knew about the Shiba Bimo and the extraterrestrial demons, and they naturally knew it.

But the evil that appeared this time has greatly exceeded the upper limit they could bear.

Even if there is another Fei Zong, with Jiang Lin around, and they cooperate with each other, they may be able to destroy it again.

Not to mention Flying Stiffness, it was the Gorefiends at their peak, and they were not completely desperate yet.

But for the second uncle, this time, an extraterrestrial demon that can only be dealt with by an immortal appeared directly.

It's like a joke.

"Understood, for now, we can only try to wake Shiba Bimo. Otherwise, we will go back to our own homes and find our own mothers."

Jiang Lin was right, if Shiba Bimo couldn't wake up, then let's have fun.

When everyone heard Jiang Lin say this, they were really discouraged.

Even a natural optimist can't be optimistic.

"All cheer up! It's not at that point yet. High priest, you lead the way to the place where Shiraishi is. It's already night, and the extraterrestrial demons should have no idea that we have found it refining magic flags, and take advantage of it not paying attention. Come to us and act quickly."

"it is good!"

The high priest of the Yi nationality also knew that waking up the Eighteen Bimo as soon as possible would have more preparation time, and immediately led the crowd to the Huanglong Temple in northern Sichuan. There.

When he arrived at the back mountain of Huanglong Temple, Jiang Lin painted half of the mountain with mystical runes with blood essence, and these runes existed in the air in the form of light and shadow.

Of course, these runes were also provided by the great priests of the Yi people.

Many of the monks and Daoists present did not know that Jiang Lin had entered the realm of talismans, and they were amazed when they saw such spectacles.

But they also know that this is not the time to be amazed, and they all concentrate on it, sitting cross-legged in all directions, connecting the mantra with their minds.

Jiang Lin took out a puppet made of lotus root and lotus leaves, forced the bone marrow to release blood, mixed with cold marrow, kylin blood, and the millennium ghost fairy cinnamon sand, and poured it into the lotus root holes in the puppet's head, limbs, and middle abdomen.

Afterwards, he and the high priest of the Yi people silently recited the incantation of the Yi people to pray to the gods. The two of them were like dancing gods, fanning the magic fan and shaking the magic bell, and performed the awakening ceremony beside a huge and dilapidated white stone.

These incantations and rituals were demonstrated to Jiang Lin by the high priest of the Yi nationality on the way here. For Jiang Lin's memory, it is not difficult to draw a scoop from a gourd.

The ceremony lasted for three hours. At midnight, a full moon cast a silver glow in the sky, and Jiang Lin received the pure moonflower and poured it into the lotus root.

In the end, he printed the lotus root between his eyebrows, cut the belly of his finger with his other hand, and placed it on the white stone.

Jiang Lin devoted all his energy and prayed silently to the fairy in the dust. After a quarter of an hour, he threw the lotus root in his hand into the air.

A crack suddenly appeared in the huge white stone, and streams of pure white light converged towards the lotus root.

These brilliance shrouded the lotus root, and finally formed a human-shaped incorporeal body. The bone marrow in the lotus hole, the blood of the blood and the thousand-year-old ghost fairy chensha gradually overflowed.

Cinnabar turns bone, marrow turns into marrow, and blood produces blood.

With the marrow and blood, the empty body produces muscles, bones and veins, and finally becomes solidified.

After a long while, a beautiful and beautiful, like a peerless immortal who was left behind and independent, appeared in front of Jiang Lin and everyone.

She exudes a holy light all over her body, like a waterfall of blue silk rolled up in a flowing cloud bun, with a crooked head and a crescent eyebrow, a little cinnabar between her eyebrows, and a slender figure, which is incomparably bright.

What a nice view.

Even Jiang Lin, who was used to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help but keep his eyes on the face of this peerless fairy.

Chapter [*] The bloody case caused by the mouth scoop

Is this the fairy?

Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle got up and came to Jiang Lin's side, looking at the girl floating in the air.

Because they didn't know that Jiang Lin used a lot of rare materials in the world, they still couldn't believe that things would go so smoothly.

In midair, the light on Shiba Bimo gradually faded away, and she didn't seem to have recovered from her sleepy state.

Blinking her eyes a few times, her gaze swept to the people below.

An extremely powerful coercion suddenly radiated from her body, spreading from her left to right.

The high priest of the Yi nationality bore the brunt and was forced to kneel down by the invisible pressure. The monks and Taoist priests behind him were not spared either, and knelt down in the air.

When this pressure came to Jiang Lin's side, Jiang Lin felt like his body was being crushed by a [*]-pound boulder, and his legs began to tremble.

He snorted, and then released the Qi Luck absorbed in his body, wrapping himself and Master Hong Jinbao's Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han behind him.

He doesn't have the habit of bowing to others, not even fairies.

As for Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle, they were either his elders or friends, and he also couldn't let them bend their knees at will.

"Huh? Why don't you kneel?"

Eighteen Bimo looked at Jiang Lin. In fact, she didn't want Jiang Lin to kneel to her. The high priests of the Yi people knelt down because they couldn't bear the immortal energy on her body, not her original intention. She was a little surprised that the others were different.

Although Jiang Lin is at the peak of the Celestial Master's cultivation, compared to her, it is far behind. Logically speaking, it should be the same as everyone else.

At the same time as she opened her mouth, she had already restrained her breath, allowing the Yi people to stand up.

"Why should I kneel?"

Jiang Lin straightened his back and looked directly at Shiba Bimo. The man had gold under his knees. It was okay to kneel on his parents and his teacher. What qualifications did others have for him to kneel.

Eighteen Bimo measured Jiang Lin, and this Taoist priest was really different.

Who would have thought of this, there is still a problem.

Suddenly, Shiba Bimo frowned and said coldly, "It turns out to be a disguised monster! How dare you touch the fate of the human race!"

Although Jiang Lin is now surrounded by luck, but at the level of eighteen Bimo, discovering the essence of Jiang Lin is just a matter of taking a second look.

Jiang Lin's inner bones and pills had already been discovered by her at this time.

There are many Taoist priests who are going to beheaded when they see demons, ghosts, and monsters, not to mention angels.

As soon as the words fell, Shiba Bimo pushed out with one palm, and a huge palm print slammed on Jiang Lin with lightning speed.


Jiang Lin didn't expect Shiba Bimo to actually shoot at him until his body flew upside down and gushed blood, and he would kill him with one hand.

Jiang Lin's body flew [*] to [*] meters away, hit the ground a few more "water floats", and fell [*] meters away.

? ? ? ? ?

Not to mention Jiang Lin, even the high priest of the Yi ethnic group and Master Hong Jinbao did not expect such a situation at all.

They were covered with question marks all over their bodies.

Jiang Lin (Daoist Li Yang) is a demon?

What kind of plot is this?


Seeing this, the cat and mouse hurriedly shot at Jiang Lin.

Before everyone could react, Shiba Bimo flew to Jiang Lin and started again.

She didn't expect that her blow did not kill Jiang Lin, even if she attacked casually, even if it was a ghost emperor and a demon emperor, she would be instantly killed, but Jiang Lin just gushed blood.

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