In order not to frighten the residents, Jiang Lin jumped off the tiger's back and turned the Pan Lan Tiger King back into a house cat.

"What's the next step?"

"I do not know either."

"Didn't you count?"

Baoyi's "I don't know" sentence made Jiang Lin bewildered. Could it be that he had to go from family to family to find it?

"I just saw the surrounding environment of her place from a distance, and since she is the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, with my current ability, I can't spy on it for a long time, so I don't know what that place is called. "

"Then you can do the math again."

"I was struck by the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment. Originally, I didn't have much immortal power left, and even if I had immortal power, I couldn't make a divination for a nine-day mysterious girl."

Baoyi shook his head, indicating that he could only find it slowly.

She rolled her pearly eyes and said, "That's where men like to go. If you ask, you should know where it is."

"Then why don't you go?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, he is a good husband at home, and he has never been in or out of such a place over the years. Even when he took in the female ghosts in Yihong Courtyard, he only let Qiusheng and Wencai enter.

Bao Yi said, "I am a woman."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was about to refute, she said again: "I don't want to press you as an immortal, just the theory, Jiutian Xuannv was calculated by me, and I also calculated her in Shu County, and now she has arrived in Shu County. , you said to work together, you should also contribute."

After she finished speaking, she whispered again: "This fairy will kill you if you don't understand the situation. I was reckless, but I was also punished by you, if you are unbalanced in your heart, wait for your immortal power to recover. I'll pay you compensation. I've acknowledged my losses, how long will you be unreasonable?"

"This is the point of yours. You really should compensate me for my losses, material losses and spiritual losses. I remember this sentence."

Jiang Lin smiled, Baoyi apologized to him, that was necessary, but an apology was not enough. A fairy's apology might be extremely honorable to others, but to him, it was just a sentence.

He suffered so much loss for no reason, and it must not be so simple.

Since Baoyi now expresses his willingness to compensate in the future, it is easy to say.

Next, we must cooperate with this fairy to deal with the extraterritorial demons, then it will be a matter of fact.

Baoyi: "..."

After receiving the promise of compensation, my face became better, I have never seen it before!

Baoyi pouted and said, "You really don't look like a person who is willing to scatter money to help disaster relief and work hard for rain."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and said, "Isn't it like that? Hey, I'm still someone who is willing to scatter money and ask for rain. Well, that's the shrine built for me by the people of Shu."

Jiang Lin pointed to a "Li Yang Ancestral Hall" not far away, and then shouted at the watchman on the street and greeted him.

"Daoist Li Yang? Why did you come here?"

The watchman raised the lantern, and when he saw Jiang Lin, he hurriedly bowed to him.

"I have something to do here, uncle, let me ask, where is the cellar?"


The watchman was stunned when he heard that Jiang Lin was looking for that kind of pickling place, and then he said, "Daoist, you are kind to the people of Shu, if you don't dislike it, my daughter just turned eighteen and was born. Shui Ling, you can marry you, don't go to that dirty place."

"not me……"

"Daoist, the daughter of the Li family at the end of the street has also reached the age of leaving the pavilion. I can match you now, old man."

The watchman said that he was going to the end of the street and knocked on the door of Li's house.

Jiang Lin: "..."


Baoyi, who was not far away, couldn't help laughing. She never thought that she had been sleeping for thousands of years, and the first happy thing after waking up was seeing Jiang Lin embarrassed.

"Hee hee hee... I asked you to put a bad face on this fairy."

Seeing Jiang Lin hurriedly catch up with the watchman to explain to him, Bao Yi smiled even happier.

Even she herself didn't realize that she now has no immortal demeanor, and the girl's heart has returned.

Because after God's punishment came, she was no longer a fairy.

That's why she has the same playfulness as a girl.

If she now gathers immortal power to make the three flowers above her head appear, she probably won't be able to laugh.

Because the three flowers she gathered at the top have been cut off in the heavenly punishment.

Chapter [*] Is this really the reincarnation of an immortal?

I didn't expect the fairy to have such a side.

Seeing Baoyi giggling, the cat couldn't help but glance at her.

Jiang Lin found a reason to tell the watchman that there was something evil hiding in the cellar, and he needed a family to find it, and the watchman suddenly realized.

I just said, how could someone like Daoist Li Yang go to Jiaozi?

After the watchman knew the "reason", he gave up the idea of ​​talking to Jiang Lin, and told Jiang Lin about the favorite places for men in the county to drill.

There are quite a few. There are some good places in Guangxian City, both bright and dark.

After Jiang Lin wrote down these locations, he sent the watchman.

Without more clues, he could only find them one by one.

Baoyi suppressed his smile and said to Jiang Lin seriously: "Cough, since I have asked a lot of places, hurry up and find it."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "I don't know how many Yihong Courtyards there are in this area. It will take a lot of time to find them. I don't know how many chickens there are in one family, so you can provide an area. It's enough time. Draw a portrait of Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body, and go to the place and ask people directly."

"Well, my Danqing technique is really bad and tight, I guess I can't draw it."

Baoyi shrugged. She also wanted to see Jiang Lin go to Yihong Courtyard and call out all the top cards one by one. When she imagined such a scene, she was secretly happy.

What a joke, a fairy, can't turn the impression in her mind into reality?

I believe you asshole!

Jiang Lin folded his arms and said, "If that's the case, let's go in together and look for them separately. Anyway, let's hurry up. Don't say you're a woman, just like your face and change your clothes, I think it's also a reincarnation of Pan An, then He's much more handsome than me, and there are a lot of girls who like it. If you don't want to, I think we'll part ways here."

Jiang Lin put on a big deal, one shot and two scattered attitudes. Anyway, the extraterritorial demons hated him far less than they did to Bao Bao, and it was the fairy who panicked first.


Bao is angry, she is an angel, how could she be so nondescript, disguise herself as a man, and go to such a dirty place on earth.

Wait, what's wrong with me?

Shouldn't it be time to find Jiutian Xuannv as soon as possible?

Baoyi suddenly realized that he had left the urgency of the matter behind in order to watch a mortal joke.

It's all because of this popularity, hum!

"Ah, it suddenly occurred to me that I can still perform an immortal technique, so I should be able to try it."

Baoyi closed his eyes and waved his hands in front of his chest.

After realizing that she was being influenced by her emotions, she immediately adjusted. If she had a portrait of Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body, it would be much faster to find it.

Not long after, an unfolded scroll appeared out of thin air and hung in front of Bao Yi.

Created out of thin air, it still looks like a fairy.

With one move, Jiang Lin sucked the scroll over. The picture on it was a delicate [*]-year-old girl, with eyebrows like spring hills, and a greasy nose. She was also a proper beauty.

Are all fairies so handsome?

"Bad, so beautiful, maybe she has become a courtesan."

Jiang Lin patted his forehead, such a beautiful woman fell into the chicken) (in the nest, the result can be imagined.

He really didn't understand, how could an immortal like Jiutian Xuannv, the reincarnation of Yuanshen, run into the cellar.

Bao Yi said: "Don't worry, she is still perfect now, but in order to avoid accidents, let's find her as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin nodded, and immediately rushed to the Cloud Pavilion, the closest place to them.

Because they didn't know the exact location of Jiutian Xuannvfan, Jiang Lin and the others visited more than half of Shu County, but they still couldn't find it.

Just as Jiang Lin and Baoyi were searching, Xiangrong Town, the easternmost part of Shu County, was quite lively, because it was located in the southeast of Shudi and had good feng shui, so even the previous drought was not good for them. No effect.

Now, the pawnshops and jewelry stores in the town are overcrowded, and the men surrounding the gates of the stores and jewelry stores are all holding the antiques or jewelry at home for cashing or pawning directly.

They just hate their own poor family.

Because tonight is the first night of Chi Xiaoyu, the leader of the town's Lichun Courtyard, to start her welcome and farewell career.

Chi Xiaoyu is the daughter of the prostitute of Lichun Courtyard, or to be precise, the adopted daughter.

Although this old bustard sees money, he still has a little bit of humanity, and without the urging of customers, he just delayed until his adopted daughter turned eighteen before letting her welcome the guests.

As long as there is a man with a little money in the town, there is no one who doesn't want to taste this first taste.

The higher bidder gets it.

And this Chi Xiaoyu is the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv that Jiang Lin and Baoyi were looking for.

As for why she ended up in Lichun Courtyard, there are only four reasons: she committed the wrath of heaven.

In addition to the people in this town, there are also vehicles running on the streets of Xiangrong Town from time to time. On weekdays, so many vehicles are not seen.

Those who drove in were all from outside, for tonight.

"Miss, why do you look unhappy? The town is so lively now, it's all because of you."

Chi Xiaoyu's maid combed her hair, and she didn't understand why Chi Xiaoyu was unhappy.

"If after tonight, you will become a woman with a thousand arms and a thousand lips, will you be happy?"

Chi Xiaoyu sighed, she was adopted by the prostitute of Lichun Court since she was a child, and she owed the prostitute's upbringing, plus her age, her appearance became more and more outstanding, so a few years ago, she guessed that she might end like this. .

It wasn't that she never thought of running away, but it was strange that whenever she had such thoughts, her old illness would relapse. The most serious one was when she walked ten meters from Lichun Courtyard, and she vomited blood and fainted.

Tried and tried.

Over time, she gave up on this idea.

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