I hope someone is willing to pay a high price tonight and redeem themselves directly, or at least be a woman from the beginning.

Chi Xiaoyu gave a wry smile, not knowing whether she should hope or not.

At this time, Jiang Lin and Baoyi had already been riding tigers to search for more remote places. They had searched for a range of fifty miles around the county seat. Now they can only expand the search range.

In the evening, they happened to arrive at Xiangrong Town.

As soon as Jiang Lin inquired, he knew that the Lichun Courtyard in the town was very popular.

When he arrived at Lichun Courtyard, he didn't need to ask any more. Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body was standing behind the railing on the second floor, and the first floor was full of price calls.

"I said, are you really right? Is this really the reincarnation of an immortal?"

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi, who was beside him. Is there such a reincarnation of an immortal?

Standing upstairs, who is the man who asks the highest price to sleep with?

Baoyi raised the white gauze covering her cheeks to her forehead and covered her eyes. The white gauze was recommended by Jiang Lin, and now she can't bear to look directly.

As a fairy, she felt that her three views were completely destroyed.

Chapter [*] Confused

"She... She is the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, but I don't know why she is in such a situation. Fortunately, we have time, otherwise it will be too late."

Baoyi pulled down the white gauze again, looking at Chi Xiaoyu frowning on the second floor, her heart was also quite uncomfortable.

Although she didn't know Chi Xiaoyu or Jiutian Xuannv, they were all immortals after all. Her current mood was as if she had met a hard-fought fellow in another place.

"I can't compete with others, my family can't compete with others, I really want to snatch her over."

"Don't be joking, I heard that our Lichun Academy has a backstage. It seems that he is still a handsome man. It's just rumors that the handsome man is no longer capable of a man, so Xiaoyu's beauty and national beauty were not decided by default."

"Let's not talk about the backstage of the Lichun Court. It is here that there are many people with guns. The bidding is OK. If you grab it hard, it will be ruined."

Several men leaning against the door talked to each other, their faces were full of regret, and they could not afford to bid.

"Oh, this Chi Xiaoyu is really pitiful. She was adopted by a prostitute since she was a child. If she is in a normal family, isn't she a spoiled wife who can no longer be spoiled?"

"Yeah, tsk tsk, this is life."

They shook their heads and walked out the door. They couldn't compete with others, and they didn't want to taste the sweetness. What's interesting is that now they feel sorry for Chi Xiaoyu.

It turned out to be adopted by a prostitute, no wonder it was so difficult.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, then prepared to act.Now that he has received Baoyi's affirmation just now, he no longer doubts it.

In any case, Jiutian Xuannv is the key to dealing with extraterrestrial demons, and Jiang Lin must take her mortal body away.

With a flick of his wrist, a yin fire whip sprang out from Jiang Lin's palm. The whip was like a snake, and wrapped around Chi Xiaoyu's waist on the second floor.

Jiang Lin shook his arm, Chi Xiaoyu exclaimed, and fell from the second floor to the gate.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you away."

Jiang Lin said to the shocked Chi Xiaoyu, took another step forward and blocked the door.

Now the entire hall on the first floor of Lichun Courtyard is fried, and the object of their bidding has been kidnapped.

"Who are you? Dare to grab someone here!"

The old bustard couldn't close her mouth to laugh, but she killed a Cheng Yaojin halfway, and robbed her of her cornucopia, how could she be willing to give up.

The old bustard walked towards Jianglin with his hands on his hips, looking like a female yaksha.

Although Xiangrong Town is not big, she has a backstage to open Lichun Courtyard here, and now someone dares to openly grab people from her, I really don't know whether to live or die.

"Lao Tzu, dare to rob someone in front of Lao Tzu, are you tired and crooked?"

"One shot killed you!"

Two or three burly men dressed as bandit leaders began to draw their guns.

Although Jiang Lin had a lot of influence in Shu, not everyone recognized him. Those people in Lichun Courtyard had nothing to do with poverty and naturally did not know Jiang Lin.

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you know, I will definitely take people away."


As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, a one-eyed dragon pulled the trigger of the pistol and shot Jiang Lin in the forehead.

"court death."

Jiang Lin stretched out his palm, blocked the bullet, and flicked his finger again, shooting the bullet into the belly of the one-eyed dragon.

Immediately, except for the screams of the one-eyed dragon, everyone in the entire Lichun Academy was silent. They were all stunned by Jiang Lin's empty-handed musket.


A few men behind the one-eyed dragon quickly lifted it up and loaded the rifles in their hands.

"Try another shot?"

The house cat not far away suddenly turned into a colorful giant tiger, the giant tiger head drilled towards the gate and roared.

"Monster, monster!"

Chi Xiaoyu raised her head and saw a behemoth, she screamed in fright, and hugged Jiang Lin tightly.


Not only Chi Xiaoyu, but the rest of the people turned pale with fright, and some even got their crotch wet.

When they came back to their senses, Jiang Lin, Chi Xiaoyu and the colorful giant tiger were gone.

"No, I can't go with you."

Chi Xiaoyu's mind went blank. She didn't even know how she sat on the back of the colorful giant tiger. After she woke up a little, she kept yelling.

Jiang Lin and Baoyi who were behind her were both blinking their eyes, wouldn't it, to save you from the cellar, would you be unwilling?

Jiang Lin said in a very speechless tone: "Don't tell me, you are willing to be a dusty woman."

"No, I... wow!"

Just as Chi Xiaoyu was about to explain, she vomited a mouthful of blood, and her head gradually became dizzy.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin hurriedly placed a palm on Chi Xiaoyu's back to deliver spiritual power to him, but the strange thing was that his spiritual power was completely unable to penetrate Chi Xiaoyu's body.

Chi Xiaoyu wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth and panted, "I... I don't seem to be able to leave the Lichun Courtyard. Once... leave, my life will be in danger and I will... die."

In the short one or two seconds of speaking, blood was oozing from her nose and mouth.

What is this scenario?

If it wasn't for Chi Xiaoyu's current vitality dissipating a little bit, Jiang Lin might not believe such absurd words.

And such a thing?

He quickly used his spiritual sense to investigate Chi Xiaoyu's situation through the palm of his hand, but he didn't find any spells such as spells and head-dropping at all.

Seeing that Chi Xiaoyu had been vomiting blood and even had trouble swallowing, Jiang Lin immediately took a small vial of cold marrow and poured it into the palm of his hand, and patted the former on the back.

However, Chi Xiaoyu's back suddenly burst out with a strong light and a powerful shock force, which directly smashed Jiang Lin into the air and collided with Bao Yi who was sitting behind him.

Jiang Lin hurriedly sat up, his palms had turned black and trembled uncontrollably.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin was really stunned. Although he had never been in contact with immortals before he met Baoyi, he had never eaten pork and always saw a pig run.

He knew that when some immortals were reincarnated in a critical situation, they would have the light of protection to purify the demons and eliminate disasters.

But now Nima is going to rescue the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, which almost lost his hand.

"What the hell is going on here? Can't your immortal bodies be touched at will?"

The confused Jiang Lin could only ask Baoyi, who frowned and said, "If she is an immortal, she must not be touched at will, but she is only a mortal body and has no mana. Besides, you are saving her, and you have nothing to do with it. any malice."

Like Jiang Lin, she didn't understand what was going on.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-five chapters go against the sky

What a twist and turn.

Jiang Lin wanted to find a sandbag to vent his anger. This time was really unsatisfactory. In order to deal with the extraterrestrial demons, he woke up the eighteen Bimo, but he was chased and killed for no reason. Later, the misunderstanding was cleared up and he came to Jiutian Xuannv again. Mortal body, wandering around a cellar, and finally found it.

But now this Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body doesn't know what the situation is, and she will lose her temper when she sees it.

Baoyi temporarily suppressed the doubts in her heart, and when she reached Chi Xiaoyu's back, she put her palm on Chi Xiaoyu's back, sending her own immortal power to him.

Unfortunately, she also encountered the same situation as Jiang Lin, and her palms were shaken.

"This is……"

Baoyi looked at Chi Xiaoyu's back and widened his eyes.

Chi Xiaoyu's body was stimulated by immortal power, and the light and shadow of ancient characters appeared on her back.

"What are these words?"

Jiang Lin also found the words behind Chi Xiaoyu, but he couldn't understand it.

"This is Cangjie's writing, written in the upper realm, left by Nan Dou Xingjun, who is the god of punishment who is in charge of immortal punishment. It says that Jiutian Xuannv angered Tianyan in the lower realm and punished her primordial spirit for reincarnation. You can only return after serving your sentence if you stay behind, Chi Xiaoyu is only in her first life."

Baoyi explained to Jiang Lin, and then she seemed to have lost her confidence and murmured, "God's will, it's really God's will."

No wonder Chi Xiaoyu became like this when she left Lichun Courtyard, and if she was forcibly taken away, not only would Chi Xiaoyu die, but she would also be implicated.

"Offend Tianyan?"

"Yes, that is, the upper realm has angered the upper realm emperor."

Baoyi also explained to Jiang Lin that although the upper realm and the lower realm have been separated, there are basically no gods in the human world, but the angels in the lower realm are still bound, and those who have made mistakes or sins will be punished regardless of whether they are in the upper realm or the lower realm. Punishment of the Southern Dou Xingjun or the Beidou Yuanjun.

"Haha, what a powerful official, just because he was provoked, he punished Jiutian Xuannv to live the ninth life in a place like Lichun Courtyard?"

Jiang Lin sneered, killing no more than nodding on the ground. As for immortals, the top three flowers should be slashed, the immortals would be removed from the list, and they would be smashed into the mortal world or directly destroyed.

This is just like in the feudal period, when the commoners offended the emperor and were sentenced to prostitution, and made a living by doing cheap work.

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