Can't even turn over.

"How can this be good?"

Baoyi lost her mind for a while, her own cultivation level plummeted, and Jiutian Xuannv is now "serving a sentence", and she can't even stay away from Lichun Courtyard.This is the punishment under Lord Nan Douxing, and it is also the will of the Heavenly Emperor of the Upper Realm. As an immortal, she does not dare or have the ability to take Chi Xiaoyu out.

"I want to ask, is the story of Yang Jianli splitting the peach mountain to save his mother true? Did the Heavenly Emperor of the Upper Realm in your mouth get angry and demoted him to the mortal world because an immortal broke the glass cup at the banquet?"

Jiang Lin asked about Erlang God's saving his mother and the deportation of the Rolling Shutter General. Erlang God is also a Taoist god, so his legend in the folklore is relatively credible. As for the Rolling Shutter General, it is probably fabricated.

"Although I have never returned to the upper realm after becoming an immortal, after all, it is the spiritual cinnabar of the upper realm that descended into the world. I still know some of the things above. It is true that Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun split the Taoshan Mountain. As for what you said about the emperor The matter of demoting the glazed lamp because the immortal broke it, should it be referring to the rolling shutter general? It is also true. What are you asking about?"

After Baoyi answered Jiang Lin's question, he looked at him again, wondering what Jiang Lin was asking about these things.

"I just want to have an understanding of the Heavenly Emperor of the Upper Realm in your mouth. What countermeasures do you have now?"


Baoyi shook her head. She now only regrets why she started when she saw a corpse in Jianglin, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten this far.

"You are a fairy, so you gave up like this? Can't you force Chi Xiaoyu to go to Xuannv Cave?"

"She has committed a law of heaven. If I come hard, I will definitely be implicated. Even if I'm not afraid, I don't have any ability to take her away now. Maybe this is God's will?"

"Hehe, God's will! Heavenly rule? Is the joy and anger of the emperor the heavenly rule?"

Jiang Lin laughed. Although he didn't know what Jiutian Xuannv did to offend the Heavenly Emperor of the Upper Realm, he had also read "Dao Zang" and knew that Jiutian Xuannv had done great deeds. What a detrimental act.

And putting these aside, if the extraterritorial demons are not sealed or destroyed, his own safety will be a problem. At this time, he will not pay attention to what God's will and what rules of heaven.

"If you believe in God's will, then it's up to you. I only believe in human actions. If human beings can't do it, then the corpse will do it!"

Jiang Lin opened his mouth and swallowed the forbidden medicinal materials, refining them with Yang Yan, and then drinking the cold marrow and Qilin blood mixed with the medicinal liquid in his mouth.

He walked to Chi Xiaoyu and sat down, holding her in his arms.


Jiang Lin's corpse was fully revealed, and a low roar came from his throat.

He lifted the blue silk on Chi Xiaoyuxue's neck and opened his mouth to bite it.

Chi Xiaoyu, who was in a drowsiness, groaned in pain, and frowned.

"Hey! Don't mess around, something big will happen! If you help her in this way, you are also breaking the rules and you will be implicated."

Bao felt that Jiang Lin was so daring, and was taken aback, he actually turned the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv into a corpse.

"I'm helping her, in essence, I'm helping myself. As for Tiantiao, what does it have to do with me? If God's will makes me face a desperate situation, then I will go against the sky."

Jiang Lin injected Chi Xiaoyu's flesh and blood along with the cold marrow blood and medicinal liquid in his mouth, along with a large amount of corpse poison, while responding to Bao Yi with a urgency.

At this time, Cangjie Wen behind Chi Xiaoyu suddenly shone brightly, forming a tadpole-like rune that floated out and flew towards Jiang Lin.

However, Jiang Lin is now completely corpse, and is already a real zombie. He is not in the Three Realms, and is separated from the Six Realms. These runes against humans, ghosts, demons, gods and Buddhas have no effect on him.

Chi Xiaoyu's body quickly spreads cold marrow, blood, medicinal liquid and corpse poison, making her aura gradually stronger.

Who is this?

Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin and felt that this Taoist priest who had been making her angry all the time was really bold.

A day ago, when she was chasing and killing this Taoist priest, the latter dared to provoke the punishment of heaven and burn a jade with her. Now she has already explained that Jiutian Xuannv violated the heavenly rule, but this person did not take it seriously.

Just go against the sky.

Not only Bao Yi, but the King Banlan Tiger doesn't know what to say anymore, the master's courage is nothing short of meteoric iron from the sky!

"Tom, go, slow down."

After pouring all the mixture in his mouth into Chi Xiaoyu's body, Jiang Lin let Panlan Tiger King move on.

He wanted to see if his method worked.

The good news is that even if the colorful tiger king continued to move forward, Chi Xiaoyu did not continue to vomit blood.

Chi Xiaoyu has now transformed into a corpse state, and the punishment imposed by the upper realm will naturally become invalid.

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-six chapters can not be immortal

In fact, it's more than that. Now that the upper and lower worlds are separated, the gods can't come, and they can't continue to inflict substantial damage on Chi Xiaoyu. Once Chi Xiaoyu completely becomes a zombie, the so-called punishment of the ninth generation will naturally cease to exist.

"No, you have turned Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body into a corpse. Even if she reaches Xuannv Cave, she can no longer fit in with Jiutian Xuannv's golden body. Immortals and demons are incompatible."

Baoyi didn't react because she was shocked by Jiang Lin's bold behavior before. Now that she saw the corpse aura on Chi Xiaoyu's body getting thicker, she realized it.

It had only been less than a whole day since he was awakened yesterday, and Baoyi didn't know much about Jiang Lin at all.

In addition, after her cultivation was greatly reduced, she did not spend any more immortal energy to investigate the nature of Jiang Lin's corpse, so she did not know whether Jiang Lin could control Chi Xiaoyu's corpse transformation or not.

Jiang Lin's corpse is different from ordinary zombies. The corpse poison injected into Chi Xiaoyu's body can be withdrawn as long as he moves his mind, and Chi Xiaoyu can also be freed from the corpse, but the premise is that Chi Xiaoyu does not get bloody.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin would not be sure to restore it to its original state.

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as she doesn't get blood, I have a way to restore her to her body."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he closed his eyes and began to refine his corpse poison, recuperating his charred palms.

Chi Xiaoyu didn't have the same situation as before, so he could breathe a sigh of relief.

And such a thing?

Baoyi expressed doubts about Jiang Lin's words, but when she saw Jiang Lin's sitting posture, she pressed down her doubts.

Unexpectedly, it was a dead end, but he was rescued.

Bao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin more.

Take a closer look, it's not that annoying, no, it's annoying to fairies.

"I... I'm not dead?"

Half an hour later, Chi Xiaoyu woke up from her coma. She looked around and felt very incredible.

She really stayed away from Li Chunyuan!

"Who are you? This gentleman, did you save me? Xiaoyu really doesn't know how to repay."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lin gratefully, then got up from the tiger's back and bent her knees to kneel for Jiang Lin.

If Jiang Lin hadn't taken her away, she would have been a filthy and lowly woman all her life.

And now that her body doesn't have any pain, she guessed that it was mostly due to Jiang Lin.

She really didn't know how to repay such a kindness.

"Don't kneel for me."

Jiang Lin quickly stood up and went to help Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu is the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, and Jiutian Xuannv is a fairy, and there are still many believers. Others kneel to Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin can bear it, but Chi Xiaoyu is absolutely unable to kneel. If you really kneel down for him, it will damage the yin and merit that he has worked so hard to accumulate.

Chi Xiaoyu's knees were half bent, and she couldn't continue to bend. After all, she already had corpse poison in her body, and the corpse qi had already acted on her joints.

After being unable to kneel down, Chi Xiaoyu suddenly lost her balance, fell forward, and just bumped into Jiang Lin's arms, who was coming to support her. Her arms involuntarily hooked forward, just hugging the back of Jiang Lin's neck.

Although Chi Xiaoyu was adopted by the prostitute of Lichun Courtyard and grew up in that kind of place, she has never been in close contact with a man since she was a child, and this time she slammed into Jiang Lin's arms, causing her heart to be like a deer. Hit, the pretty face also flew bright red.

Chi Xiaoyu was so ashamed that she quickly pushed Jiang Lin away and sat down on the tiger's back again. She pressed her knees and said blankly, "My legs..."

"Your legs are fine. What I'm going to tell you next may make you feel unbelievable, but it's all true."

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin decided to tell her about Jiutian Xuannv and the extraterrestrial demons. He and Baoyi would use the power of Jiutian Xuannv to become the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv's primordial spirit, and Chi Xiaoyu also had the right to know.

Besides, according to Baoyi, in order for Chi Xiaoyu to become a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens, she must cooperate willingly.


Chi Xiaoyu's head is like a chicken pecking at rice. In her heart, Jiang Lin is her benefactor, not to mention just telling her something, she is willing to accept even more excessive demands.

Even if she was poisoned with corpse poison now, she wouldn't mind, after all, Jiang Lin told her that there would be no major problem.

Compared to falling into a sea of ​​misery, this ending is already very good.

"You're not a mortal..."

Jiang Lin explained Chi Xiaoyu's background and why they were looking for her.

"I turned out to be the reincarnation of the Primordial Spirit of Jiutian Xuannv, and I was punished by the upper realm before I fell into a place like Lichun Courtyard..."

After Chi Xiaoyu heard this, she was speechless.

This information really made her feel very hard to believe.

In addition to being unbelievable, her heart is more filled with resentment and anger. According to Jiang Lin, she was punished because she angered the Heavenly Emperor of the Upper Realm, but because of this, she was punished to be a dirty girl in the ninth generation.

"Who of you can help me, I'm willing to do anything you want me to do, and I'm also willing to go to Xuannv Cave to find my golden body, but I don't want to live like this with the ninth generation in this life and the next."

Chi Xiaoyu has a deep sense of powerlessness. She is lucky in this life. She has not been defiled by anyone until now, and she happened to meet Jiang Lin, and she was temporarily freed from the sea of ​​misery. She did not want to fall into it again in the future.

Baoyi was silent, even if Chi Xiaoyu arrived at the Xuannv Cave to become the Nine Heavens Xuannv and gained mana, I am afraid that he would still not be able to get rid of the punishment.

But although she was very sympathetic, she couldn't change it.

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi and knew that she had no choice. Her immortal origin was in the upper realm. If she intervened forcefully, not only would she not be able to solve the problem of Jiutian Xuannv, but she would also be implicated.

"Although I can't guarantee anything, as long as you are willing to help, I will do my best to help you get out of this catastrophe."

Now the extraterritorial demon is a big mountain pressing on Jiang Lin's head. In order to break it down, Jiang Lin is willing to pay some price.

He may not be able to directly change the fate of Jiutian Xuannv, but he can still keep Chi Xiaoyu in the current state.

Even if Chi Xiaoyu turns into a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens and regains his mana, he still has the blood of the dragon and the generals. As long as Chi Xiaoyu does not resist, the blood of the zombie ancestor and the true ancestor will also be effective on him. , making it almost the same as it is now.

In other things, Jiang Lin may not be able to compare with Baoyi, and he can't compare with Jiutian Xuannv at all, but in this matter, Jiang Lin is indeed beyond the power of immortals.

Immortals and Buddhas all have a time limit, and there will be five declines in heaven and man, but zombies are different, unless they are killed, they are immortal.

Since there is no old age and no death, there is no longer any reincarnation.

As for the consequences of doing this, Jiang Lin didn't think about it. If he didn't get rid of the extraterrestrial demons, he wouldn't have a good life.

With this immediate concern, Jiang Lin didn't think about it far away.

"Daoist Li Yang, thank you very much."

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