Chi Xiaoyu looked grateful, and she did not doubt whether what Jiang Lin said was true, because she was infected with Jiang Lin's corpse poison, so these corpse poisons also had a certain impact on her, which made her first reaction. It is unconditional trust in Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] Dream Demon ([*])

"Daoist Li Yang, don't all of you Taoists catch zombies? How can you still become a zombie?"

Knowing that her future may have a turning point, Chi Xiaoyu's mood is also more relaxed. Although she is the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, she has not obtained the memory of Xuannv. Now, she is just an eighteen-year-old girl. , naturally has a girlish naive character.

Jiang Lin responded: "You still call me Jiang Lin, I can become a zombie because of my special physique."

"Then are you more powerful than the immortals? Although our Xiangrong Town is relatively remote, we have also heard of your Taoist name. You are asking for rain and drought for the people of Shu, but there are also people in our place. I've heard of it too. Originally, I thought you were a cow-nosed old man with white hair and a fluttering beard, but I didn't expect the deity to be so young."

When Chi Xiaoyu begged just now, Baoyi didn't say a word, but Jiang Lin was willing to help her, making her think that Jiang Lin was more capable than the god Baoyi.

Baoyi: "..."

Hearing the meaning of Chi Xiaoyu's words, Baoyi was quite speechless. She was a dignified fairy, and now Chi Xiaoyu believes that she is not as capable as Jiang Lin.

He just has the identity of a zombie, how can he compare to this fairy!

Baoyi was quite unconvinced, she glanced at Jiang Lin, Cherry's small mouth curled slightly.

Jiang Lin happened to see Baoyi's pouting appearance, so he raised his eyebrows at her and responded to Chi Xiaoyu: "Of course, this Baoyi fairy is very capable, but now, I am still stunned. like an eggplant."

Bao Yi was so angry that he put his hands on his hips and pointed at Jiang Lin with his spring-like fingers.

"Just try it. If you're at the peak, it's fine. Now you can't find Bei if I can walk it. Others walk the puppy, and I'll walk the fairy."

Jiang Lin stuck out his tongue, and he was struck by a thunderbolt to the level of an elixir, and he wanted to face him.

No matter how he is, he doesn't mind brushing the record and getting an achievement badge.

A peak celestial master, ruthlessly educated the gods.

"Haha, if outsiders don't know, they would think you two are happy enemies."

Chi Xiaoyu laughed like a silver bell when she saw Jiang Lin and Baoyi fighting each other.

"Who is her enemy?"

"Who is the enemy with him!!!"

Jiang Lin and Bao Yi spoke in unison, apart from the difference in tone, nothing changed, Chi Xiaoyu laughed even more.

"Li Yang... Jiang Lin, you and I have a very different impression. Not only are you young, but you are also very funny."

Chi Xiaoyu blinked and looked at Jiang Lin. Although she didn't know the rumored Daoist Li Yang before, she also had a general virtual impression of him in her mind, but now she realized that Jiang Lin was not as tense as she thought. On the other hand, he looked like an expert outside the world, but he was very approachable.

Master Beer!

Got a beer!

The colorful tiger king who was running gave Jiang Linkuang a thumbs up in his heart. If he could get along with the two fairies in this way, it is estimated that since ancient times, there is only one owner in the world.

Bao turned his face away in a high spirit, and stopped looking at Jiang Lin.

"This is a bottle of cold marrow, take it, it should help your immortal power recover."

Jiang Lin took a medicine bottle from his arms and threw it to Baoyi. He was bickering with Baoyi, but now he is always on a united front.

In case there are a few more monsters stronger than the Phantom Man and Demon on the road ahead, it will be difficult for him to deal with it, and Chi Xiaoyu has no mana right now. Once he is taken away, there will be no hope.

In addition to Bao Yi, he also needs to rest and adjust.

When they were looking for Chi Xiaoyu, the extraterritorial demon had already dispatched his subordinates, so now he needs to recharge his batteries.

And Munigou Xuannv Cave is just north of Sichuan. In the process of searching for the golden body of Jiutian Xuannv, there may be a few encounters or even the troll.

Therefore, he needs to restore his combat power as soon as possible.

Baoyi stretched out his hand to take the medicine bottle, glanced at Jiang Lin, and said, "Aren't you afraid that after I recover my immortal power, I will let you taste the wrath of a fairy?"

"Then I'll first ask you if you will lose your mana if you encounter something like Xiaoyu's."

"What kind of thing? You..."

Baoyi was stunned for a moment, and then his teeth were itchy, and even his ears were red.

If Chi Xiaoyu breaks her body, even if she fits with the golden body, she will lose all her mana, so Baoyi thought a little and knew what Jiang Lin was referring to.

In fact, Jiang Lin was just trying to scare her, but if he really wanted to, it wasn't impossible.

He couldn't bear to kill immortals, but with Baoyi's current state, if he was determined to do something else, it would not be impossible.

"What did you say?"

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, what happened to her?

Jiang Lin shrugged, then calmed down and fell asleep.

Bao Yi snorted, swallowed the cold marrow in a few mouthfuls, and began to rest.

Under the moonlit night, a colorful giant tiger galloped, and on the back of the tiger, there were two beautiful women in front of and behind Jiang Lin.

One of them is a fairy, and the other is a celestial being. If others find out, they don't know how they can envy Jiang Lin.

There is a dense forest in front, and for some reason, this forest looks particularly dark.

"Hey hee hee hee..."

Shortly after King Panlan entered the jungle, there was a magic sound coming from the surrounding area.

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and quickly focused his mind. He didn't realize what evil was around him.

"This's not easy to deal with."

Baoyi also woke up, she frowned, and her expression was a little dignified. If it was before, she would naturally ignore this level of monsters, but now that her cultivation has dropped significantly, she can't help but ignore it.

"The dignified eighteen Bimo, the mysterious girl who used to be a believer of thousands of people, is now two little ladies, the taste of a fairy, the taste of a fairy."

The sound of magic continued to spread in the jungle, frivolously descending) (flow.

"A lowly devil who dares to be disrespectful to immortals, come out to me!"

Baoyi jumped off the back of the tiger, her eyebrows were upright, and her beautiful face was full of evil spirits.

Since she became a cinnabar spirit, she has never been so provoked by evil monsters.

"Listen to my lord, after you woke up, you fell in love with a little white face, intending to be with him) (Yes, that's why you were struck by the thunder. Why, is that the little white face on the tiger's back? The eyes of the gods, Not so much. Jie Jie…”

The sharp magic sound continued to sway back and forth in the dense forest. As soon as the sound fell, a rainbow light appeared out of thin air and bombarded Baoyi.

Baoyi snorted coldly and waved her long sleeves, but the expected immortal power training did not appear, and she was smashed by this rainbow light.

Chapter [*] Dream Demon (Part [*])

my magic power...

The corners of Baoyi's mouth overflowed with blood. She probed into her body, only to find that not only did her immortal power not recover, but it was almost bottomed out.

It's all that Jiang Lin!

There was an unnamed fire in Baoyi's heart for no reason. She wanted to blame Jiang Lin, but then she thought that Jiang Lin was also arousing the punishment for self-protection, so she had no way of venting this fire, and she was so angry that there was a trace of anger on the corner of her mouth. Scarlet.

"Haha, Shiba Bimo, you fairy has fallen from the clouds now, and even a little devil like me can't deal with it. You can sit still with that little white face, your fairy concubine's head is hurt like this, you still not protect her?"

"Hurry up and let this demon see how deep your love was before. Although you are together, you may not be able to touch the sky. Even if I am a monster, I still have love, and now I intend to fulfill you."

The magic voice in the jungle gradually became arrogant, and the owner of the voice did not show up. It seemed that he was deliberately trying to play Jiang Lin and the others as monkeys.

"Presumptuous, shut up for me!"

Bao Yi was trembling with anger when she heard this, and she was already out of anger.But she is now a tiger in Pingyang, and she was humiliated by a small exit.

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, stood up from the tiger's back, and prepared to fight side by side with Baoyi. This time they really encountered someone who was difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, Chi Xiaoyu who was sleeping suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed the hem of Jiang Lin's clothes.

"You don't move here, Tom, protect..."

Jiang Lin's eyes just fell on Chi Xiaoyu at his feet, and a palm filled with demonic energy was printed on his dantian.


Jiang Lin was bombarded by this devil's palm, and immediately let out a miserable cry, spitting out a blood mist.He only felt that the spiritual energy in his body began to dissipate, and the rich magic energy began to invade the Daoji in the body.


When King Panlan heard Jiang Lin's voice, he hurriedly turned his head to look at his back.

"The devil!"

Jiang Lin roared violently, and slapped Chi Xiaoyu's Heavenly Spirit with a palm.

The colorful tiger king also swung his bucket-thick tail towards Chi Xiaoyu.

"Why is it so noisy?"

However, the target they were going to attack suddenly became Chi Xiaoyu, who had just woken up, looking around blankly.

When Jiang Lin saw that Chi Xiaoyu no longer had the slightest bit of demonic energy, and felt the corpse poison in her body, he immediately put his hand away.

But King Panlan didn't react as quickly as he did. Seeing that a tiger's tail was about to hit Chi Xiaoyu, Jiang Lin could only speed up suddenly and knock Chi Xiaoyu down.

But this came to an abrupt end, and it accelerated in an instant, further aggravating his injury just now.

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong with you? And sister Baoyi, why are you all vomiting blood?"

Chi Xiaoyu covered her mouth in fright when she saw Jiang Lin and Baoyi's strange behavior.

"It's okay, I met a demon, Tom, you should protect her."

Jiang Lin took a few breaths, patted the back of the tiger king, and jumped off the tiger's back.

"Hey hey hey... as ordered."

The Tiger King Banlan suddenly let out a strange laugh, the tiger's head turned, and a mouthful of demonic light slammed into Jiang Lin's body.

Jiang Lin's body was still not touching the ground in midair, and this demonic light slammed into his chest firmly.

When Jiang Lin vomited blood and flew upside down, he pushed out a palm, trying to wrap Chi Xiaoyu's waist with the yin fire whip and drag him away from the tiger's back, but there was nothing at all.

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