However, what made him extremely speechless was that he was empty.

"Little brat, wait for me!"

Half of the Dream Demon's body was burnt. It took advantage of the time when Bao Yi rushed back, and hurriedly used the Dream Escape Technique and escaped into the Dream Sky Realm. bingo.

Bao thought Mengmo escaped, and didn't go after her. If it was her heyday, it would be a natural thing to let Mengmo disappear in the blink of an eye, but now it can't be done.

"You actually made the dream demon lose half of his life."

Taking back the cinnabar sword, Baoyi couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin. The dream demon was much more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters, but Jiang Lin almost killed it just now.

"Xianyan sees people low?"

Jiang Lin pouted, and took the Red Lotus Karmic Fire and the Sun True Fire back into his body.


Just as Baoyi was about to get angry, she was speechless when she saw that the sun was flying towards Jianglin.

"The sun is really hot, you actually have the sun is really hot!"

Baoyi covered her mouth with her hands, and looked at Jiang Lin with little stars appearing in her eyes.

A fangirl.

Jiang Lin instinctively took two steps back. If ordinary girls had such eyes on him, he would naturally not take it seriously. In that case, he would at most be the one who wanted him.

But a fairy like this, he has to be careful.

Will the fairy despise his skin?It must be craving something else.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy chapters of the mysterious woman

"What the sun is really hot, you are wrong."

Jiang Lin hurriedly put the two strange fires into his body, and then released the corpse poison in the bones, covering his whole body, blocking the strange fires in his body.

"Impossible, how could I misread it? When I was still cinnabar, I often came into contact with a small amount of real sun fire in the pill furnace of the upper realm. It is impossible to misunderstand."

Baoyi looked at Jiang Lin, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing white jade-like teeth, and said, "Ahem, that...borrow me to use your true sun."

If it weren't for the fact that the cultivation base had dropped drastically and the means were not as good as [*]% of the peak level, Bao Yi might have been robbed.

Even if she obtained this kind of divine fire in her heyday, it would be of great benefit, not to mention her current situation.

With it, she can greatly shorten the recovery time, and even make her cultivation even better than before.

Sure enough, as I expected, you are greedy for my baby.

Hearing that Baoyi wanted to borrow the real fire of the sun, Jiang Lin really wanted to greet the fairy several times.

If you use an analogy, it is not an exaggeration to say that the sun is really fire is his lifeblood.

Now that the corpse poison in his body is already at the level of stiff hair, with Yang Yan to check and balance it, Jiang Lin will not be unable to recover after being corpse.

Among them, the real fire of the sun played the biggest role.

Moreover, he will break through in the future, and the supporting Sun Yat-Sen Art is based on the premise that he has the true fire of the sun.

Once loaned out, he might have to collapse completely.

Don't borrow, don't borrow at all.

The Sun True Fire grows extremely slowly. After so many years, it is still a small group. If it is lost, I don’t know how long it will take to make up for it.

"It's all said, you look wrong, what the sun is really hot, I don't even know what you're talking about."

Jiang Lin didn't directly refuse. He just pretended not to know. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he could borrow Sunshine True Fire without affecting himself, he wouldn't borrow it.

In case Baoyi brought him a Liu Bei loan from Jingzhou, he would cry without tears.

Although Baoyi's strength has dropped greatly, he can't do anything to get him, but in the same way, he can't do anything with Baoyi unless he is at all costs.

If Baoyi insists on being a Lao Lai fairy, what can he do?

"Don't be so stingy~"

Thoughts flickered in Baoyi's mind, she found that if she wanted to get the true fire of the sun, she had no other way. She could only soften her tone and see if she could soften Jiang Lin's ears.

Uh ~

Hearing Bao Yi's whining words, Jiang Lin had goosebumps all over his body.

The fairy acted like a spoiled child, which is really extraordinary.

Seeing Jiang Lin turned his head and walked away, Baoyi followed with two steps, stopped him, and continued to grind: "I want the sun to be really useful, and it can help me restore my cultivation. After I recover, I will be able to help me when we first met. Reckless compensation."

Knowing that pretending to be a fool would not be effective, Jiang Lin asked, "Compensation or something is another story. Can you restore all your strength before the extraterritorial demons break through the confinement?"

"I...this...I can!"

"It turns out that fairies don't blush when they lie."

Jiang Lin didn't need to ask any more questions, Bao Yi's stammering expression was enough to explain the fact.

He jumped on the back of the tiger and continued to sit cross-legged, recovering his spiritual power.

Stingy, stingy!

Bao was in high spirits, pouting Cherry's small mouth, she was a fairy, and she had taken this pose, but Jiang Lin had no intention of discussing it at all.

Wait for this fairy, as long as you get through this difficult time, and after this fairy recovers her immortal power, I will take you as a servant, and make tea and pass water to this fairy.


Although Bao Yi was unwilling, she jumped up and fell on the back of the tiger. Now that their whereabouts have been leaked, the extraterritorial demons may send more subordinates over.

"That...where did you get your true sun fire?"

On the back of the tiger, Baoyi sat beside Jiang Lin. Since she couldn't get the real fire in Jiang Lin's body, she wanted to find out where Jiang Lin got it.

She felt that Jiang Lin could get it, and with her current ability, it shouldn't be difficult to get it.

Jiang Lin pointed to the sky and said, "Space, by the way, you don't know what space means, it's the height of the moon."

"Don't you lie and don't blush? It's already in the sky, can you go there?"

"I originally thought that only women have long hair and short knowledge. It turns out that the same is true for female fairies. You don't really think that only you fairies can go to the world? I'll tell you the truth, I got this true sun from the big sun. , if you have the ability, go by yourself."


Angry baby!

Baoyi was almost going crazy. She found that when she faced Jiang Lin, she was always angry, and it was useless to get angry.

For her, it was truly an experience she had never had before.

"Jiang Lin, if I become a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens, would you treat me like Sister Baoyi?"

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lin and then looked at Baoyi. When she heard Jiang Lin introduce Baoyi before, she always added some adjectives such as "high above" and "self-confessed extraordinary". Now she sees Jianglin and Baoyi. Yi always had a little conflict, and thought that Jiang Lin had some prejudice against Heavenly Immortals.

She was afraid that if she became a nine-day mysterious girl in the future, Jiang Lin would have the same attitude towards her.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "No, in fact, not only people are more popular than people, but immortals are more mad than immortals."

"Ha ha……"

Chi Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing after hearing Jiang Lin's words.

This fairy must, must, must accept you!

Out of sight out of mind!

Bao Yi turned his back to Jiang Lin in anger and stopped looking at him.

The Tiger King Panlan took a Celestial Master and two fairies all the way north. On the way, they encountered several waves of monsters blocking their way. In addition, there were also the harassment of dream demons.

However, none of these monsters could stop them, and without Jiang Lin's action, Baoyi wiped out the roadblockers.

Jiang Lin couldn't even grab a head. In fact, it wasn't that Baoyi deliberately couldn't get along with him. It was because she was annoyed by Jiang Lin's anger and had nowhere to go, so she took it all out on those monsters.

I don't know if I will keep my current memory after I fit into the golden body, but I hope I don't forget everything related to Big Brother Jiang.

In the morning three days later, Chi Xiaoyu's mood was inexplicably gloomy.

She was very worried about whether she was still her after today.

The past few days of getting along have given her very good memories, especially about Jiang Lin.

Because Chi Xiaoyu was poisoned with corpse poison, she couldn't get any blood on her body, and her body and tongue and teeth were gradually showing signs of stiffness, so Jiang Lin was responsible for her diet these days.

Every time, Jiang Lin cooked the food until it could no longer be cooked, and then patiently fed her to eat it.

These jobs are more suitable for women's precious intentions, but she doesn't eat human fireworks, and how can she take care of people, so Jiang Lin can only do it.

Moreover, the corpse poison in Chi Xiaoyu's body had side effects, and there was bloodthirsty.

Chi Xiaoyu was eighteen, and it was time for her to be in love. With Jiang Lin's meticulous care and constant encouragement, especially the intimacy of face-to-face feeding, this girl's feelings had grown secretly.

That's why she called Jiang Lin "Big Brother Jiang".

"Brother Jiang, if I become a mysterious girl from Jiutian, if I lose my memory and become like Sister Baoyi, it will be bad for you, please don't blame Xiaoyu, okay?"

Chi Xiaoyu got off the back of the tiger. Before entering the Xuannv Cave, she looked back at Jiang Lin. In fact, in her heart, she was more worried that she would hurt Jiang Lin than Jiang Lin blamed her.

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I don't blame you. And I don't think all the fairies will be like a certain fairy, which is quite unreasonable."

Baoyi on one side: "..."

Chi Xiaoyu smiled sweetly, glanced at Bao Yi again, and then turned around and entered the Xuannv Cave.

It didn't take long for a thousand auspicious mists to appear in the sky above Xuannv Cave, thousands of rays of light, which washed away the demonic energy above this area.

A beam of auspicious light rose into the sky, and a graceful fairy dressed in a purple robe, wrapped around a green silk, gradually flew up.

Birds and beasts in a radius of [*] miles were all crawling in the direction of Xuannv Cave, and even the grass and trees bent in the same direction.

Jiutian Xuannv appeared in the world, and the sensation caused by it was much greater than when the eighteenth Bimo woke up.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-one chapters once again hide from the sky and cross the sea

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