"Trash, it's all trash! What's the use of you!"

In a Xianzhen Mountain in the north of Sichuan, a middle-aged man sat on a seat made of skeletons and roared at the monsters below, among them the Dream Demon with only half-life left.

These monsters kept trembling below, lest their lord smash them to ashes in a rage.

On the seat is the extraterrestrial demon, whose name in the mortal world is Xiahou Qiang.

Originally, it could completely break through the immortal confinement in a day or two and be completely free, but these scumbags are really a bunch of real waste, not to mention the mortal body of Jiutian Xuannv, just delay it. Time can't do it.

"In the past, there were eighteen Bimo who were against me, and now there are Nine Heavens Xuannv. It's only a day or two away, just a day or two! I hate it, I hate it!"

Xiahou Qiang raised his head to the sky and howled, and the monsters such as the dream demon below were wailing and screaming tormented by this demonic sound, and rolled on the ground.


Before Xia Houqiang's roar could fall, a thunderbolt appeared over Xianzhen Mountain, shaking Xia Houqiang to the core.

"This thunder contains supreme power, what's going on?"

Xia Houqiang was stunned for a moment, and then he pinched his fingers and calculated. After a while, a happy expression gradually appeared on its face, and it slowly rippled again.

"Haha... What about Jiutian Xuannv, it turns out that she has long been unable to protect herself!"

Xia Houqiang stretched out his hand, took a human leg under the seat in his hand, and chewed it up. Now he is in a good mood.

Just now, he calculated with his fingers, and even calculated that Jiutian Xuannv Yuanshen was reincarnated because of serving immortal punishment. Now that Jiutian Xuannv's mortal body and golden body are combined to return, it is equivalent to escape from prison, which is a crime plus one class.

"Not good, Jiutian Xuannv's sentence has not yet expired, and now in the world, there must be a punishment."

In front of the Xuannv Cave, Baoyi looked at the thick clouds gathered in the sky, and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"It's really not letting go."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was filled with anger. Before Chi Xiaoyu entered the cave, he had withdrawn the corpse poison from his body. There was no abnormality at that time, and he thought it was over like this.

But now the good hope is facing the crisis of shattering.

Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, Chi Xiaoyu, who was full of immortality, also shook her head slightly, but she still couldn't escape.

She has recovered her memory as a fairy and knows the reason for her punishment. Now that there are extraterrestrial demons in the world, she originally thought that the upper world would put the human beings first and postpone her punishment.

But now, that's not the case at all.

Chi Xiaoyu flew down, landed in front of Jiang Lin and Baoyi, and said to them: "Fairy Baoyi, Jiang Da... Jiang Lin, now that the upper realm is punished, I need to adopt my own mana, and then use the corpse. I can only do this to protect myself from poison and deal with extraterrestrial demons. Jiang Lin, you protect the law for us, Fairy Baoyi, you are ready to accept the immortal power in my body..."

Having said this, Chi Xiaoyu suddenly stopped, a pair of phoenix eyes blinked, looking at Baoyi with an incredible look.

"Okay, that's all it looks like for now."

Baoyi nodded, and then condensed his own immortal power to manifest the three flowers on the top of his head.

However, what she could never have imagined was that there were none of the three flowers that should have appeared above her head.

Above her heavenly spirit, it is empty.

"Where are my three flowers? Where are the three flowers?"

Baoyi looked at Chi Xiaoyu and Jiang Lin with a dazed expression, what's going on?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lin and said, "I think...it may be that the punishment caused by Jiang Lin is extraordinary. Although you didn't fall, the three flowers on the top were cut off by the punishment."

"Three flowers were cut off..."

Baoyi repeated these words in his mouth, looking lost.

I go!

Fortunately, he escaped from the scope of the punishment in time, otherwise he would have died.

At this time, Jiang Lin was rejoicing at his lifeless teleportation at the time. The punishment was only stopped at the very beginning, and it was enough to turn the immortal into a mortal.

If it was added to him, there would really not be even a little bit of ash left.

"You pay! You pay me three flowers!"

Baoyi felt aggrieved and wanted to cry, so he rushed in front of Jiang Lin and kept beating him on the chest.

She finally became an immortal, but when she met Jiang Lin, she was pulled back to the mortal world and could never go back.

"Can this blame me? Also, please be quiet for a while."

Jiang Lin took a few dragon tendons from the ancient mirror in his arms and tied Baoyi's hands and feet with a few teleports.

Now that the punishment is about to be lowered, he has no time to mess around with Bao Yi, who can't calm down.

Chi Xiaoyu pointed at her hand, and a section of the green silk on her body broke, formed a ball of cloth, stuffed it into Baoyi's mouth, and temporarily imprisoned the immortal power in the latter's body.


It's too much for you to work together to bully people.

Baoyi's feet were tied and she could only jump around like a little white rabbit. She felt extremely uncomfortable, the three flowers dissipated, and she would not be able to recover in the future.

That's not all, the most important thing is that she can no longer put the idea of ​​taking Jiang Lin as a servant into practice!

Baoyi knew Jiang Lin for less than a week, but now he is obsessed with Jiang Lin.

Her fantasy of Jiang Lin serving her tea and water and letting him serve her like an angry toad was all shattered!

"Xuannv, my corpse poison level is too low, it's still useful to your mortal body, but I'm afraid it's useless to your deity, but I have two drops of corpse blood here, one is taken from the scorpion, and the other is refined from the descendants of the generals. , is the blood of the generals, if you don't resist, you should be able to invade your immortal body and achieve the effect of concealing the sky and crossing the sea."

Jiang Lin took two pocket jade bottles from his arms and continued to say to Chi Xiaoyu: "Now the punishment from the upper realm will fall in the blink of an eye. You are our last hope. Even if the soup stops boiling, let's try it first."

"You actually have the essence and blood of scorpions and generals?"

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes lit up. Originally, when she knew that Baoyi couldn't receive her immortal power, she didn't know what to do, but she didn't expect that she had returned to Xuannv, and she still had to rely on Jiang Lin.

"It can only be done first."

As soon as Chi Xiaoyu pointed it out, the jade bottle in Jiang Lin's hand shattered into pieces of porcelain, and two drops of blood filled with corpse aura flew into her mouth.

She hid her own immortal power, and let the blood of the dry and the generals raged in her body, and then said to Jiang Lin: "Although your corpse is only at the level of Mao Zong, you already have the power of a corpse emperor, and you are beginning to show a corpse. My corpse, your corpse poison can reconcile my fairy body and the blood of my corpse ancestors and keep me awake. So your corpse blood also has a certain effect on me, you... bite me."


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, Jiutian Xuannv actually let him take a bite?

Chi Xiaoyu closed her eyes and restrained her immortal energy. Then she opened her eyes and turned into an innocent girl again.

She said to Jiang Lin, "Brother Jiang, I said you bite me again and inject the corpse poison into me. Didn't you bite once before?"

Jiang Lin: "..."

"You... are you Chi Xiaoyu, or Jiutian Xuannv?"

"I am her, and she is me too."

With that said, Chi Xiaoyu slightly pulled down her collar, revealing a snow neck like suet jade.

Jiang Lin also knew that the situation was urgent, and he no longer hesitated. He took a step forward and put his arms around Chi Xiaoyu, two corpse teeth digging into Chi Xiaoyu's skin.

Chi Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and the blush on her face flashed.

"Tom, run as fast as you can."

After a while, Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu jumped on the back of the tiger, and Jiang Lin turned into a yin fire whip and pulled Bao Yi to his side, causing the Panlan Tiger King to run away.

Panlan Tiger King was trembling for a long time. After receiving Jiang Lin's order, he immediately resorted to eating.

Behind them, one after another thunderbolt smashed the Xuannv Cave into smoke and dust. These thunderbolts chased after them all the way. Jiang Lin immediately took out the cold marrow and medicinal materials that had blinded the heavens and let Chi Xiaoyu take it.

Finally, after Lei Ting chased out a mile, it seemed as if he had lost his target and completely poured down.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-two chapters are the big jokes of slipping the world!

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the scene behind her and breathed a sigh of relief.Now that the corpse blood and corpse poison in her body had already played a role, she herself tried her best to suppress the immortal power, and together with the treasures from heaven and earth that Jiang Lin gave her, she temporarily escaped the punishment from the upper realm.

But this is not a long-term solution. Once she uses her immortal power, she will be locked again. It is still unknown whether she can deal with extraterritorial demons at that time.

Thinking of this, Chi Xiaoyu felt a headache.

Baoyi lost the Three Flowers of the Dingding, so she couldn't take in her immortal power.

At this moment, the dark clouds behind collided with each other, and there was another sound of rolling thunder.

After Chi Xiaoyu heard the sound of thunder, she couldn't help frowning, a hesitant expression appeared on her face.

"Uh, uh!"

When Chi Xiaoyu hesitated, Baoyi, who was lying on the tiger's back, kept making noises, twisting like a caterpillar.

When is this going to block me?

Now that she has calmed down, no matter how wronged or unwilling she is, the matter has become a foregone conclusion.

And the reason was her own fault, and she couldn't blame Jiang Lin at all.

It's just that she never imagined that the bitter fruit she brewed would be so bitter, so bitter that she seemed to be madly pouring a bucket of bile.

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and took off the green silk that was in Baoyi's mouth, and Baoyi immediately shouted: "What should I do now? Xuan Nu, you have already restrained the immortal power in your body, but who can relieve me of the imprisonment you have imposed on me? what?"

"This one……"

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, because she had been trying to avoid punishment before, she really forgot about it.

Jiang Lin had an ellipsis on his face, and he had also forgotten about Bao Yi before.

One head and two big.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead. Before reaching the Xuannv Cave, Baoyi could still play a big role. Some monsters that even he thought were very difficult were taken care of by Baoyi.

Fortunately, Jiutian Xuannv has been found, but the mana cannot be used, otherwise there will be unexpected situations.This is not to mention, the little immortal power in Baoyi's body has also been imprisoned, and now it has completely become a dragging oil bottle.

Seeing Chi Xiaoyu and Jiang Lin looking at each other, Baoyi knew that it was a delusion that she wanted to lift the bondage on her body.

All the bad luck has come to an end!

Bao Yi was so angry that she grabbed the tiger skin under her body. Ever since she woke up, seeing Jiang Lin was the beginning of her bad luck.

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi and said, "Don't be sulking there, let's think about how to deal with the extraterrestrial demons together."

Then he turned his attention to Chi Xiaoyu and asked, "Is there any other way to deal with the punishment from the upper realm? Now I can't deal with the extraterritorial demons with only my strength."

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and responded, "Unfortunately, I can't think of a good way for the time being, unless I find another angel, or find a monk with a spiritual cultivation base, and use the immortal power in my body."

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