Where to find this?

Jiang Lin scratched his head. He was lucky enough to meet two gods one after another, and then find another one. Are there really as many gods as dogs in the Dharma Apocalypse?

Don't talk about immortals, it's god-turning cultivators, that's gone!

His current cultivation base is already the ceiling of the Taoist world, and he is still [*] miles away from Huashen.

"Where's the ghost?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the underworld. He couldn't find it in the world, but the underworld still existed.

"No, the underworld does not interfere with the affairs of the earth, or else we wouldn't have to use our eighteen sisters to stop the extraterritorial demons."

Baoyi interrupted Jiang Lin's thoughts. The Yin and Yang worlds each have their own order. Once destroyed, there will be even bigger problems.

"By the way, Xuan Nu, what did you do to anger the upper realm?"

Jiang Lin wanted to know what crime Jiutian Xuannv had committed. If he could remedy it, there might be a chance.

Chi Xiaoyu looked up at the sky and said, "In the words of the upper realm, it means neglecting duty and going against the sky. The duty of Jiutian Xuannv is to follow the general trend of the number of days. Dao, Earth Vessel Dao and Human Dao are handed over to those who are destined to continue the monarchical power granted by God. I think you should have heard of the story of Jiutian Xuannv helping Huang Di to defeat Chiyou in ancient times. Later, he ascended to the upper realm, and someone who has attained the Tao succeeded him, and he ascended at the end of the Tang Dynasty."

Jiang Lin nodded, Baoyi once said that there was more than one mysterious girl in the Nine Heavens, and it seemed that this was the case.

He asked, "But isn't the upper realm and the lower realm already separated? Can you still soar in the last years of the Tang Dynasty?"

"It's been cut off, but the descendants of the lower world can still go up, but the immortals can't go to the world. I became an immortal in the early Song Dynasty and became the new Xuannv. During the reign of Renzong, the world was in chaos, and the hundred and tenth seals have been sealed in Longhu Mountain. The eight star masters with unresolved demonic nature were reincarnated. Later, they gathered the water in Liangshan. I was ordered by the upper world to send the book of heaven to Tiankui star Song Jiang to guide him to continue the Song Dynasty. As a result, I think you also know that there are biographical records in later generations. , Liangshan [*] will die in battle, die in vain, and finally the soul gathers in Liao Erwa. The faint-hearted Huizong is still like that."

Having said that, Chi Xiaoyu shook his head slightly and sighed deeply.

It turned out to be the case, yes, there is indeed a mysterious girl in the Nine Heavens in the story of Water Margin.

Although Jiang Lin didn't know much about the history of Song Dynasty in this world, he still knew the story of Water Margin.

"Thinking back to that time, my heart was also pure, and the hundred and eighteen star masters were guided by me, and when they landed in such fields, I used the magic to ask the heavens, which made the upper world unhappy, and also laid the root of today's catastrophe. Yuan. At the end, I was instructed again to send the Book of Heaven to people who were destined to continue the Yuan Dynasty. I saw that the Yuan Dynasty was rotten to the core, and I was angry, so I passed the Book of Heaven to Liu Bowen, and asked him to assist Zhu Yuanzhang, and build the Ming Dynasty against the Yuan. "

"So, the upper realm will punish you for the reincarnation of your primordial spirit, and the ninth generation will become a dust girl."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin already knew why Jiutian Xuannv was reincarnated as Chi Xiaoyu and ended up in Lichun Courtyard.

Chi Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, and said, "Just now, the upper realm gave me an order to allow me to atone for my sins, let me fulfill my mission, find someone who is destined again, and give him the book of heaven."

"It's really interesting, can you find someone to help you become emperor again?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. Yuan Shikai wanted to be emperor, so he had been for [*] days. Now that the idea of ​​democracy has been publicized in this world, is the upper world still thinking of going backwards?

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "It's not about helping someone become the emperor, but helping the emperor. The luck of the Qing Dynasty is not yet exhausted."

Then she took out three volumes of ancient books from her arms, which were the three volumes of heavenly books she owned.

Qing Dynasty?

Oh, yes, although the Qing Dynasty is dead, there are still nobles of the Qing Dynasty in the northeast, so Gantian Town has a damaged dragon vein.

And in less than two years, the fake full ZF should be established.

I'm good!

Jiang Lin laughed a little at himself, because what he thought was who the upper realm was going to support to be the emperor, and in the end, it was the head of the Qing Dynasty.

It's really a big joke in the world!

As far as that group of slave-faced maid's knees are concerned, whether the upper realm is blind or has a brain, and still wants to help.

Good morning, Mr. Yang. Hello, Mr. Yang. If I can't cure the foreigner, I can't cure you?

Lafayette is auspicious, and Lafayette has infinite longevity.

hey hey~

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while and felt goosebumps all over his body.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-three chapters of the same body of immortals and demons ([*])

Jiang Lin looked at the three volumes of heavenly books in Chi Xiaoyu's hand and asked, "If you follow the orders of the upper realm, will you be able to revoke your punishment?"

Chi Xiaoyu gave a wry smile and replied, "No, it's just that the punishment of the ninth generation has changed to the fifth generation."

"Haha, ridiculous!"

Jiang Lin was really amused. Hundreds of years ago, Jiutian Xuannv was punished like this because she questioned the orders of the Upper Realm, and later did not obey the unreasonable orders.

Whether it is a woman or a female fairy, punishing her for spending her life in a prostitute is an extremely cruel punishment, not to mention that Jiutian Xuannv has to experience the ninth life.

It's better now, the star king and the emperor above who are looking down on the lower realm from high above want to give Chi Xiaoyu a chance to atone for his sins, and as a result, they have redeemed the fourth world.

Just a commutation for Nima.

Before meeting Chi Xiaoyu, Jiang Lin didn't know much about the upper realm, but now he really understands what's absurd.

Not only because of Chi Xiaoyu, but also because of the attitude of the upper world to treat the world like pigs and dogs.

No matter how rotten the dynasty is, how stupid the emperor is, as long as the so-called luck is not exhausted, they will let Jiutian Xuannv find someone to extend the life of the royal family of the dynasty.

Life is over.

As for the common people, whether it is better to live than to die, or to change their sons to eat, they don't care at all.

Even if there are people who can't live to rebel, or even the whole world rebels, in the end it's useless.

Jiang Lin has also heard about the three volumes of Heavenly Books, "The Way of Heaven", "The Way of the Earth", and "The Way of the Human World". The tactics and techniques in the book are unpredictable.

Once a foolish and loyal person is obtained to assist the decadent dynasty, then victory is basically a certainty.

As far as the Qing Dynasty is concerned, although it has perished, the hundred-footed worm is dead and not stiff, and there is still the possibility of a resurgence.

With the help of the Heavenly Book in Chi Xiaoyu's hands, it is very likely that Middle Earth will continue to cede land and pay indemnity in the future, be invaded by N country, and then become the imperial court of foreigners.

"What do you see me doing?"

Jiang Lin frowned when he realized that Chi Xiaoyu was looking at him.

If Chi Xiaoyu wanted to give him the Book of Heaven and let him assist the Qing Dynasty in exchange for a commutation of his sentence, then Chi Xiaoyu's image in his heart would collapse completely.

It really makes him look down on it.

Chi Xiaoyu pouted, a little anger appeared on her face, she looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "Do you think I will let you help the mud on the wall? You think I will leave a book for the sake of the 'kindness' of the upper realm. To people? Huh, so I am so spineless in your eyes."

"Uh... I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I apologize."

Jiang Lin touched his nose and laughed dryly.

"I want to say that because I disobeyed the upper bound's order and handed the scripture to Liu Bowen last time, the upper bound has already taken precautionary measures. Even if I don't want to, these three volumes of the scripture will automatically fall into the hands of the Qing dynasty bequeathers. ."

"It seems that Upper Realm is determined to let Middle Earth be enslaved by other countries?"

A chill gradually appeared on Jiang Lin's face, he stretched out his hand and took the three volumes of the Book of Heaven in his hand.

These three volumes of Heavenly Books are indeed marvelous books in the world, but unfortunately, it is impossible for the upper realms to use them to benefit all people.

The two worlds have been separated for hundreds of thousands of years, still thinking about remote control of the lower world, the one that was granted by the gods?

Going back [*] steps, it's not that you can't do remote control, can you do some personnel work?

Whichever is dull and which is corrupt, we will help whichever, especially the mud.

Jiang Lin forced out all the real fire of the sun in his body. Wouldn't this heavenly book automatically run into the hands of the Qing Dynasty's legacy even if Chi Xiaoyu didn't leave it to someone with a predestined relationship?

Then he will destroy these three volumes of Heavenly Books today!

The three volumes of Heavenly Books belonged to the upper realms. Although they didn't seem to be much different from ordinary ancient books, it was really delusional for ordinary people to want to destroy them.

However, Jiang Lin is not among those ordinary people, he has the true fire of the sun that even Baoyi is envious.

A small group of true sun fire left Jiang Lin's body and immediately turned into a hollow fireball, surrounding the three volumes of the Book of Heaven.

The three volumes of the invincible celestial book were burned in an instant.

"You... how did you burn the book of heaven?"

Chi Xiaoyu screamed, and Baoyi was stunned by Jiang Lin's behavior.

Daredevil, this is really daring!

"Don't burn it, still keep it?"

Jiang Lin smiled, as if he was doing an ordinary thing.

"No, something big will happen!"

As soon as Chi Xiaoyu finished speaking, the three volumes of the celestial tome that were being burned changed. The three ancient books shone with intense light, and strange characters with golden light floated out from them, surrounding Jiang Lin.

These golden words released an invisible but very powerful force, imprisoning Jiang Lin in place.

"It's over."

Chi Xiaoyu murmured when she saw this, as if she had lost her mind.

"Xuannv, what happened to Jiang Lin?"

Baoyi hurriedly asked Chi Xiaoyu, although she was banned from Xianli, but her eyesight was still there, Jiang Lin was obviously having a problem now, or something very serious.

She didn't know why, but after feeling that Jiang Lin might be wiped out, she panicked.

"Originally, he was not in the three realms and six realms, so when he helped me escape from Lichun Court last time, the upper realm was unable to detect his existence. Now that he has burned the book of heaven, he has been detected by the upper realm. There is great difficulty."

Chi Xiaoyu explained the reason to Baoyi. The three volumes of the Book of Heaven have unpredictable powers. Such precious books are not only useful to humans and immortals, but also to demons. Once demons occupy or destroy them, they will be destroyed. Trigger the magic in the book of heaven and let the upper world know.

In other words, Jiang Lin's actions of burning the scriptures exposed himself.


At this time, Jiang Lin had completely turned into a jerk, roaring loudly.

A huge crack appeared in the sky, and an invincible force poured out of it and fell directly on Jiang Lin.

The nails on his three inches were disappearing little by little, and then the flesh and blood on his palms also seemed to have been weathered for ten thousand years, and became dust and dissipated.

"Destroy me? I'll see how you destroy me!"

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, pointed his halberd to the sky, and roared in the sky.

The war lines on his face disappeared little by little, seeping into the flesh, and his eyes began to change.

The red silk threads on its pupils that were like cobwebs began to thicken, and the silver light around the pupils also became fiery.

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