Not only his face and eyes, but Jiang Lin's body also changed. The dragon essence and the toe in his body had melted away at this time, causing a scaly-like skin to appear on his body.

Chi Xiaoyu and Baoyi were completely stunned at this time, because now Jiang Lin's body qi and hostile qi burst out, setting it off like an ancient troll.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-four chapters of the same body of fairy and devil (below)

not enough!

Jiang Lin let out the strongest corpse roar, and the sound shook the mountains and forests. The original demonic energy in the sky above this area was originally washed away by the auspicious energy of Jiutian Xuannv, but now the surrounding demonic energy seems to be attracted Generally, it rushes to this place quickly.

With his own corpse qi and hostile qi alone, Jiang Lin couldn't resist the mighty force that descended from the cracks in the sky.

"My goodness."

Baoyi covered her mouth. If she didn't have a certain understanding of Jiang Lin, she would almost doubt whether Jiang Lin was a demon king who could only turn the world into a prajna hell.

Chi Xiaoyu was also shocked by such a scene. Before she gained the Dao, she also encountered many demons, but even when those demons were the most angry, they were not like Jiang Lin.

It's not that they are not as strong as Jiang Lin, but the momentum they created is not comparable to that of Jiang Lin at this time.

"Two fairy aunts, don't be stunned here, think of a way now!"

The colorful tiger king begged Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu on his back. It was so anxious now that white bones were already visible on Jiang Lin's two forearms and two calves not far away.

If it goes on like this, Jiang Lin will surely die, and he will also perish with him.


Chi Xiaoyu hurriedly sat up, mobilizing the hidden immortal power in her body, forcing out the blood of the scorpion and the generals.

Even if the upper and lower worlds are now separated, and Jiang Lin attracts a huge amount of demonic energy into his body, this can only delay the deterioration of the situation.

If no measures are taken, Jiang Lin will have no way out at all.

Although Chi Xiaoyu had become a mysterious girl from the Nine Heavens, she also admired Jiang Lin from the bottom of her heart.

The incident of Jiang Lin's anger on the book of the sky really shocked her, but it also touched her heart.

As an angel, she didn't dare to destroy the book of heaven, but Jiang Lin dared to do so.

Even though there is a life-and-death crisis now, Jiang Lin didn't show any regret.

No matter the sky or the immortal, it seems that they can't bend Jianglin's backbone.

Even he dared to turn against the sky, so why should I flinch?

Chi Xiaoyu had already made up her mind that even if she disappeared, she would save Jiang Lin.

"Master, you must continue to support, this fairy aunt is already trying to find a way to support you."

Panlan Tiger King immediately shouted loudly to Jiang Lin, it is now only praying that Chi Xiaoyu can play a role, otherwise its owner may just disappear.

At this time, Jiang Lin found that the power of will and qi in his body could resist the power added to several bodies, so he asked Chi Xiaoyu: "Xuannv, can you help me transmit sound now? I need more power of faith. ."

Since the upper realm wants to obliterate him, he will gather all the strength to resist it.


Chi Xiaoyu already understood what Jiang Lin was going to do, so he mobilized the immortal power in his body and pointed to Jiang Lin.

"If you want to destroy me, hehe, I will let all the people in this world know what kind of face you are!"

Jiang Lin laughed wildly. Many places in Shu have built his ancestral temples and temples. Now he will use the power of vows collected and Chi Xiaoyu's immortal power to use those statues as a medium to inform the people of Shu.

Soon after, Jiang Lin's voice was heard in many Liyang ancestral halls and Liyang temples in Shu.

"My fellow Shu compatriots, I am Daoist Li Yang, and I am going through a catastrophe right now. Because a troll appeared in Shu, I couldn't handle it, so I used magic to ask for immortals, but the gods in the upper realms not only did not save the world, but let me To assist the Manchu bequeathed nobles and help them restore. Of course I don't want to, but I was punished by the upper realm for this."

Jiang Lin did not explain the real situation, nor did he mention the Eighteen Bimo and Jiutian Xuannv, because time simply did not allow it, and the reason was not important.

In addition to these, Jiang Lin also picked out some of the major things he did in the past. He doesn't advertise himself as a great man and a great saint, but that doesn't mean he doesn't tell the facts about what he has done when necessary.

"Am I right? Daoist Li Yang begged for rain and drought for us, and he helped us in earthquakes before. Before begging for rain, he also solved the locust plague for the northwest region, but now he is going to experience a catastrophe?"

"It's too much! He died early in the morning, and the gods above actually asked Daoist Li Yang to assist the incompetent court?"

"Is it really the golden belt of murder and arson, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses?"

"Where is the truth!"

For a time, the people who heard Jiang Lin's voice transmission were all incensed, and they had no doubts about Jiang Lin's words. First, Jiang Lin did have a high status in their hearts, and second, it was caused when Jiutian Xuannv appeared in the world. A lot of movement made Jiang Lin's words more convincing.

They all thought that it was the result of Jiang Lin's quest for immortality.

These people quickly spread what they heard, and spread it from ten to ten, and quickly spread it all over the place.

"What kind of fairy is this!"

"When we were hit by the earthquake and drought, there were no gods and Buddhas all over the sky to save us!"

"When there was a severe drought all over the land, when people were eating people, I didn't see God's pity!"

"What kind of immortal do you still believe in, Daoist Li Yang!"

On this day, in many places in Shu, tens of thousands of people knelt and worshipped in front of the shrines and temples in Jianglin, and even more people pointed to the sky and cursed.

The halberd points to curse the sky.

What's more, they all smashed the shrine of Erlang God, the protector of Sichuan and Shu in their own homes.

One after another, a huge amount of willpower converged towards Jiang Lin, and in addition to the willpower, there was also a larger hostile energy rushing towards Jiang Lin.

In the upper realm there is the wrath of heaven, and in the lower realm there is also the anger of the people.

It's just that the above doesn't care about their suffering, and TND wants to restore the Qing Dynasty, go to the mud grandma!

"What a huge wish!"

The expressions on Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu's faces froze. Although they knew that Jiang Lin had a lot of influence in Shu, they never expected Jiang Lin to gather such a huge amount of faith.

"There is a way!"

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and now the willpower added to Jiang Lin is beyond her imagination, and it can already carry the immortal power in her body.

And as long as she has entered into this massive amount of volition, she can also help her resist the thunder of punishment due to her use of immortal power.

Without further ado, Chi Xiaoyu immediately took action. Now Jiang Lin's limbs are all white skeletons. If he doesn't act quickly, he can't save it.

"Jiang Lin, according to what I said, gather the surrounding will power on the heavenly spirit, and then gather your own corpse qi, demon qi, and hostile qi in the same way."

As Chi Xiaoyu said that, he forced the blood of the corpse ancestors out of his body, sent it into the demonic energy above Jiang Lin's head, and passed on his immortal power to Jiang Lin.

In fact, neither the immortal power nor the blood of the corpse is acceptable to Jiang Lin now, but the situation is different now, Jiang Lin has a huge amount of willpower and resentment, as long as Chi Xiaoyu uses the immortal method, It will allow the two to achieve a delicate balance in Jiang Lin.

Immortal power resides in Jiang Lin's wish power, and the blood of corpse ancestors is divided into the demonic and hostile aura absorbed by Jiang Lin.

But this method can only be used on Jiang Lin's body, not just another person.

Jiang Lin himself has a stubborn body, with a corpse inside and outside the Tao, and there is a chaotic atmosphere in the body. The toe of one foot has been pointed on the road to become a Taoist corpse, which has laid the foundation for the current immortal and demon corpse.

"Is this Xianli?"

Jiang Lin's white bone claws were held up, and after gaining Chi Xiaoyu's immortal power, he could feel his incomparable power.

It is a pity that these powers do not belong to him, they are borrowed by him.

He took a bucket of cold marrow from his arms, and Jiang Lin poured it directly from the top of his head. Immortal energy surged around his body, and the flesh and blood of his limbs began to regenerate quickly.

"Lock me? I'll let you lock again."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, gathered immortal power with one hand, and attracted demonic energy with the other, and slapped with both palms.


After a loud bang, the golden text surrounding him all turned into gold shavings, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

Jiang Lin looked up at the cracks in the sky, and gathered together the willpower and malice that had been gathering continuously, and then injected a large amount of immortal power and demonic energy into them.

A gray giant ball with a diameter of [-] meters appeared above Jianglin.


A word "Go" popped out of Jiang Lin's mouth, he slammed it out with a palm, and the huge gray ball shot into the sky.

A shocking explosion appeared high in the sky, and the dark clouds and cracks disappeared in this explosion.

"Don't you take the lower world creatures seriously? Don't you want to obliterate me? It's all TMD stuff!"

Jiang Lin turned his back to the sky and spat.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-five chapters of the extraterritorial demon whose smile gradually disappeared

"are you OK?"

Jiang Lin looked at Chi Xiaoyu, whose face was pale, and stretched out his corpse aura, surrounding her body.

He can now mobilize the corpse energy far beyond his own corpse level, and even if the upper realm doesn't want to let Chi Xiaoyu go, there is nothing he can do about her.

Chi Xiaoyu gave up his immortal power, and by doing so, he temporarily fulfilled his promise. As for the immortal power disappearing in the future, he will think of other ways.

"It's nothing, it's you, can't you change back like this? Well... so ugly."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin's current appearance is quite ugly.

The arms and limbs are all scaly skins, and so are the faces.

"Hey, it turns out that your fairies also look at their looks. Although I am ugly now, I am very gentle."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then he took all his corpse poison back into his bones.

It turns out that in addition to the war pattern, there is another form.

Jiang Lin looked at the gradually disappearing scales on his body, and gained a better understanding of his own corpse.

The previous crisis of life and death stimulated the potential of his corpse, coupled with the blood of a unicorn snake and a poisonous dragon in his body, which made him appear a beast.

It is not so much a beast, it is better to say that it is a scorpion.

In Jiang Lin's view, this state is actually a morbid state, and he must reduce such transformations in the future.

At that time, when he was transformed, his corpse poison activity increased exponentially, and his bloodthirsty desire became extremely strong.

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