"That's it! Before this deity was reluctant to use the magic power that he just cultivated, but now it seems that there is no need for it."

There were crazy expressions on the three demon faces of the extraterritorial demons. It kept a hand. This untapped means was actually prepared by it to deal with the real gods.

Once it is used, its own vitality will be greatly damaged.

But now it's too late to get rid of Jiang Lin, and he can't take care of that much anymore.

The extraterritorial demon had already discovered that Jiang Lin seemed to be deliberately delaying the time. After a little thought, he knew what Jiang Lin and the Shiba Bimo below were planning.

In order not to be sealed again, it can no longer keep its hands.

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-eight chapters two dramas

The extraterrestrial demon shook his flag, and the sky above Jiang Lin suddenly turned into a star map, one after another, red or yellow, circling in the star map.

not good!

Jiang Lin realized that it was not good, and wanted to teleport out, but no matter whether it was an ability or an immortal technique, it couldn't work.

At this time, the extraterritorial demons suddenly turned into twelve and surrounded Jiang Lin in the center. Each of these twelve demon bodies maintained a strange posture, or one foot was independent in a cockfighting shape, or his legs were hooked behind his head. The movements of the seventy-two arms are also very strange, some scratching their faces, some picking their eyes, and some fighting each other.

"Tongtian Demon Art, great reincarnation descends!"

Twelve incarnations opened their mouths at the same time, and they cooperated in pairs to create six pitch-black spin holes in the star map.

"Haha... This is my life-saving means. These six demon caves have absorbed the reincarnation karma of hundreds of thousands of living and dead souls. Even if an immortal falls into it, the three flowers will be scattered and become a waste. You are just There is only immortal power, and there is no three flowers gathering on the top, just waiting to be twisted into powder by the karma of reincarnation!"

The extraterritorial demon ordered the avatar to return to one, and laughed loudly.

This is the ultimate move that it specially prepared to deal with the dead immortals in the world. Jiang Lin, a fake, may not support it for a while, and his immortal power will dissipate and be crushed into pieces.

"Where is Chivala, Dashi..."

The six arms of the extraterritorial demon quickly formed a seal, and he chanted the magic spell in his mouth. The six spinning holes in the star map exploded into a powerful suction, which sucked Jiang Lin into it.

"Daoist Li Yang!"



Daoist Ziyun and the others, who were watching the battle below, shouted in shock when Jiang Lin was swallowed by the black hole.

They have already wiped out all the monsters that follow the extraterrestrial demons, and they are waiting for Jiang Lin to make contributions. When Uncle Jiu and the others arrive, they can seal or destroy the extraterritorial demons.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lin had an accident at this moment.

"Haha, you don't have to be sad, when the deity destroys that kid, let you fall into the devil's prison forever! Especially you, the eighteen Bimo, the deity will treat you particularly favorably, and let you taste the taste of ten thousand demons! "

After the extraterritorial demon laughed for a long time, he ignored the people below and tried his best to maintain the great reincarnation.

"Why did you just disappear like this, disappear, in case I cultivate three flowers again in the future, I will find someone to be a servant!"

There was a deep sense of loss in Baoyi's heart, thinking that Jiang Lin had no hope of surviving.

She was so upset that she didn't think about it at all.

Only King Panlan didn't panic. Although he was worried, he knew that his master was a zombie who didn't enter reincarnation. The so-called reincarnation karma probably didn't affect him.

In fact, Jiang Lin who entered the Rotary Cave was just like the King Panlan Tiger thought, nothing at all.

He was originally a zombie who was not controlled by the destiny and did not enter reincarnation. Such reincarnation karma is effective for immortals and Buddhas, but it has no effect on him.

Because Jiang Lin possessed the immortal power of Han Han, and under the immortal power, there was also the evil spirit, so even the extraterrestrial demons did not find his identity as a zombie.

If it knew that the great reincarnation that it used to exert a lot of energy would not have any effect on Jiang Lin, it would probably be so angry that it would scream.

"That's it???"

Jiang Lin was a little confused in the spinning hole of the star map.

He previously thought that he would encounter a great crisis, so he had already been corpse.

The reincarnation karma in this devil's cave has no response at all because it has not found its target.

Beside Jiang Lin, Chi Xiaoyu, who had become a normal human size, was also surprised that not only Jiang Lin was fine, but she was also fine.

Because Chi Xiaoyu has Jianglin's corpse poison, she is already at the critical point of corpse transformation, so these powers are also useless to her.

"Jiang Lin, I understand. The great reincarnation of the extraterritorial demons is based on the karma of reincarnation. You are now a zombie, and I have also been poisoned by corpses, so this magic art of the demons is invalid for us."

After a little thought, Chi Xiaoyu understood the key.

"How could there be no movement?"

The extraterritorial demon outside noticed something was wrong, and it didn't even receive any feedback.

Definitely not powerful enough!

It also thought that Jiang Lin inside was using some magic weapon to protect himself from the invasion of karma.

As soon as the extraterritorial demons increased the transmission of magic power, the magic cave naturally also changed, and the immortal power around Jiang Lin was being eroded by karma.

"Jiang Lin, you have already consumed a lot of immortal energy, and now these karma are swallowing your immortal energy. If this continues, your immortal energy and demonic energy will be out of balance. You try to mobilize those evil energy and demonic energy. Try to resist."


According to Chi Xiaoyu's method, Jiang Lin made the immortal power converge and the demonic energy expand outwards, which was indeed able to protect the immortal power in the inner circle.

But at this moment, Chi Xiaoyu had another problem. After all, she didn't completely turn into a zombie. She was fine before, but now the extraterrestrial demons have increased the heat, and her existence was discovered by the reincarnation karma in the devil's lair.

She no longer has immortal power, but the three flowers still exist, and these three flowers have become the target of reincarnation karma erosion.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin was about to divide his own demonic energy, Chi Xiaoyu shook his head, and said, "It's not worth it to gather the top three flowers, I used to ask for the Tao, just to become an immortal, but now, I don't think about it at all. "


Jiang Lin nodded, but in order to protect Chi Xiaoyu, he still flicked a drop of his original zombie blood into the latter's mouth.

"Try to get out."

"Why do you want to go out? I'm worried about the devilish energy and have nowhere to spend it. Now that the extraterritorial demons are casting spells outside, I can't let them down."

Jiang Linchong smiled at Chi Xiaoyu, and then shouted loudly: "Xuannv, think of a way to get out, my leg has melted!"

While shouting, Jiang Lin also mobilized his demonic energy to bombard the surroundings.

A look that was desperately trying to get out of trouble.

He has a life-soul contract with King Panlan Tiger, and now King Panlan's mood is relatively stable, he knows that Baoyi and the others should not be in danger in a short time.

In this case, it is not bad to consume the magic power of the extraterritorial demons.

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly.

You playboy.

"Whatever you make, it's all your fault. You don't even use your immortal power well. If you were a fairy, you wouldn't be able to speak at all! Now my beautiful face is ruined! My face is alluring!"

Chi Xiaoyu also instantly looked like a playboy, without the correct lines.

"Call, call again, look at your three flowers on the top!"

"Three flowers! My three flowers!"

Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu were screaming, lest the demons outside the realm would not hear.

That's right!Sure enough, the power just now was not enough!

The extraterrestrial demons vaguely heard the quarrel coming from the magic cave, and immediately felt overjoyed, and quickly increased the infusion of magic power.

Chapter [*] Admit it, you roaring emperor!

"It's over, it's over. They're still quarreling at the moment, and it's completely helpless!"

Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu's rivalry in the devil's cave not only deceived the extraterrestrial demons, but also coaxed Baoyi.

The relationship between these two people is quite harmonious on weekdays, but now they are making a lot of noise, there must be a big problem.

Baoyi flew up, even if her strength was greatly reduced, she still had to buy some time for Jiang Lin.

It's a pity that she can't play a role at all, and the extraterritorial demons are no longer what she can shake now.

"Go away! The deity has no time to take care of you now!"

The extraterritorial demon gave Baoyi a drink, and it was in a very good mood now, so he didn't kill Baoyi.

Baoyi was engulfed by the magic sound, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, fell from the air, and even lost the strength to stand up.



An hour later, the screams of Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu kept coming from the devil's cave.

How could they possibly survive until now?

The extraterritorial demon couldn't help but wonder, although he used the magic art for the first time to descend, but the power should not be so bad.

For more than an hour, not a single fake immortal was strangled?

Hold on for a while longer, and if they can't be wiped out, let them go.

The extraterritorial demon made up its mind. Its magic power is consumed very quickly because it maintains the six demon caves. If it can no longer eliminate Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu, it will use other methods to kill them.

Anyway, they have been eroded by the karma of reincarnation for so long in the devil's cave, and basically they have no ability to fight against it anymore.

In the magic cave, Chi Xiaoyu and Jiang Lin stood side by side in the void, enveloped by the corpse aura around Jiang Lin, she estimated the time and said to Jiang Lin, "Jiang Lin, I think it's almost time."

"It's almost there, it's time to go out and give it a big surprise."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and then mobilized his immortal power and magical energy at the same time. With a push of his palms, a gray-white ball with a diameter of three meters rushed out.


An extremely strong explosion broke out in the magic cave, and the space around Jiang Lin and the others began to tremble.

Jiang Lin did the same, until the sixth giant ball exploded, the star map and the six magic caves completely collapsed and destroyed.

After Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu came out, they saw an extraterrestrial demon that was almost petrified.

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