From the moment when there was a strong vibration in the Six Paths Devil's Cave just now, it was stunned, and now Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu appeared in front of it without injury, causing its brain to crash for a short time.



"Daoist Li Yang!"

Baoyi and Panlan Tiger King below saw Jiang Lin and Chi Xiaoyu appear, and they all shouted excitedly.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here?"

"Could it be that it took me so much effort to cultivate into a great reincarnation that even a fake immortal can't deal with?"

The extraterritorial demons roared loudly because they were too shocked.

It has been studying this heaven-reaching magic art during the thousands of years it has been sealed, and I don't know how much energy it has spent.

As a result, not to mention that the fake immortals were not eliminated, even Chi Xiaoyu, who had no immortal power on his body, was unscathed.

"Imagination! It must be an illusion!"

The extraterritorial demon is like a roaring emperor, howling vigorously.

The screams of Jiang Lin and the others had been heard in the Demon Cave before, so the Great Samsara descent must be effective!

This must be an illusion created by some fairy!

The extraterrestrial demon is a troll, but now it is almost stunned. It pulls out the magic flag behind it, shakes it, and recites an illusion-breaking spell in its mouth.

Jiang Lin's arm extended, a slap slapped it on the face, and he spun it around several times.

The extraterritorial demon covered his demon face and shouted at Jiang Lin, "You...Impossible! You have no damage at all!"

"Hey, not only am I not injured at all, but I'm still in good spirits. Aren't you weird and puzzled?"

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "To tell you the truth, your spicy chicken magic skills are useless to us, we are arguing and screaming inside, and we are deliberately coaxing you, so that you can be with a fool. 13, just keep expending your magic."


Beside Jiang Lin, Chi Xiaoyu, who was carried by the Japanese gold wheel, couldn't bear it any longer, and let out a bell-like laughter.

"It's too much, it makes me so worried!"

When Baoyi heard Jiang Lin's words, he was so angry that he grabbed the stones around him and threw them around. After a long time, it turned out that these two were acting in the devil's cave!

"I'm mad at me! I'm mad at me!"

"Despicable! Shameless!"

The extraterritorial demon was completely mad, roaring so loudly that his voice broke, one can imagine how angry it is.

Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, and Ling Ri Jinlun sent Chi Xiaoyu to Baoyi's side. Now that the extraterrestrial demon's vitality has been greatly damaged, even without Chi Xiaoyu's guidance, he can still suppress this demon without any temper.

"Fuck to death, you idiot!"

When the golden wheel flew back in the sun, Jiang Lin held the Moon Sword and flew towards the extraterritorial demons.

"You villain, little thief! This deity will slash you with a thousand swords!"

The extraterrestrial demon was so angry that a pair of demon eyes glowed red and greeted Jiang Lin.

However, in its current state, it is no longer Jiang Lin's opponent. Although it will not be eliminated by Jiang Lin, the situation of being suppressed and beaten cannot be changed.


"Why is it useless to descend in great reincarnation!"

"My generation of demons was actually played by a mortal as a monkey."

The extraterritorial demon roared incompetently while being rubbed against the ground by Jiang Lin.

"Admit it, you roaring emperor! What happened to the first generation of Demon Venerable? Wasn't it planted in the hands of a mortal like me? Is it shameful to lose it? No, is it not a shame to lose it?"

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand to attract a rock the size of a stone drum and plugged the mouth of the extraterrestrial demon.

Roar your mother!


The extraterritorial demon was injured, and after being mocked by Jiang Lin like this, two pillars of blood spurted out of his nostrils.

I don't accept it, I don't accept it!

However, no matter how the extraterritorial celestial demons continue to fight, it can only be beaten violently by Jiang Lin.

In the evening of the second day, Jiang Lin's clothes were stained with blood. He clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and pressed the extraterritorial demon at the foot of Xianzhen Mountain. With his own immortal power, he cooperated with Baoyi and Daoist Ziyun to temporarily imprison the demon. .

But unfortunately, although Jiang Lin can subdue the extraterritorial demons, he wants to kill them, but he can't do it.

Back then, when Baoyi's merits and virtues were complete and he became a god, he could only seal this extraterritorial demon without being able to kill it. Jiang Lin, relying on his immortal power, naturally could not destroy the extraterritorial demon.

Moreover, after such a long battle, the immortal power added to Jiang Lin has begun to become unstable. Now he can inject the immortal power. It is a little difficult to use it as he did before, and it will also cause this instability to continue. deteriorate.

Chapter [*] People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong

"Because I didn't pay attention to the first few pictures, the Tiger King and Jiu Shu have left the land of Shu, so its scene appeared in the last two chapters, and now it has been revised. I'm sorry, I didn't notice it."

Around midnight that night, Ninth Uncle, Zhang Han, Mao Xiaofang and the others rode two demon kings and came here with twenty or thirty large sacks.

The sacks carried by the Flying Rat King are all filled with high-quality cinnabar, and there are four sacks of Chensha, a thousand-year-old ghost.

"This is to solve the extraterritorial demon??"

Ninth Uncle and the others couldn't believe their eyes. Although Jiang Lin had immortal power, he was only a Celestial Master. It turned out that they thought that it would be very difficult for Jiang Lin to prevent the extraterritorial demons from breaking through their imprisonment or delaying their freedom. .

But now Jiang Lin has directly defeated the extraterritorial demon, crushing it to the death.


"Hey, I thought there would be too many extraterrestrial demons to get up, but I didn't expect that in front of my Lin Zi, it would be similar to a dead dog."

Zhang Han put his hands on his hips and laughed. He was so proud now that his eyes ran over his head.

God is almost like a dead dog!

Daoist Ziyun and the others rolled their eyes, you haven't seen the battle before!

However, they were also very envious of Zhang Han afterwards, and accepted Jiang Lin as an apprentice. If nothing else, Zhang Han's identity as Daochang Li Yang's mentor is enough to make him remembered by the world.

Baoyi said: "Everyone, now is not the time to relax. With these cinnabars, you can completely repair the sealing circle and restart it. There are several important positions that you need to guard."

Ninth Uncle and the others nodded and listened to Bao Yi's orders.

Afterwards, hundreds of monks and Taoists acted immediately and buried a large amount of cinnabar in various places in Xianzhen Mountain according to the method mentioned by Baoyi.

When the seal formation is repaired, Baoyi will take the lead, and Jiu Shu and the others will cooperate to press the seal power on the extraterritorial demons.

With these forces imprisoned, Jiang Lin released his hand.

He reached the eye of the sealing formation and completely released the immortal power on his body.

Baoyi and Ninth Uncle's powers can only be temporarily imprisoned. If you want to completely seal the extraterritorial demons, you need pure immortal power.

"I hate it, I hate it!"

The extraterritorial demon let out an unwilling roar, and the dragon shadow condensed by the aura of the dragon veins was brought into the ground.

And the magic flag that it had worked so hard to refine was completely destroyed by this sealing immortal power.

After sealing the demon, Jiang Lin used his little immortal power to smash the boulder that was pressing on the mouth of Huanglong's gourd into pieces.

When Uncle Jiu and the others came to Huanglong District to check, there was a psychedelic barrier here, so the boulder was never discovered. Now that the extraterritorial demons have been sealed, the boulder is naturally revealed.

Since then, the drought in Sichuan and Shu has finally been completely resolved. After all, the drought here is because of the extraterritorial demons.

The matter was resolved successfully, and the monks and Daoists gathered in Shu also parted ways. Since two years ago, they have dealt with corpse disasters, dealt with flying stiffness, eliminated legacy problems, fought against locust plagues, and worked together to deal with extraterrestrial demons. Now one by one Already exhausted.

Uncle Jiu, Daoist Qianhe and Daoist Dian are going to go to a distant place. Their fellow Daoist Wangui died in the battle with Fei Zong. They want to visit Daoist Wangui's house together.

Jiang Lin took Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu to Lingyun Grotto, and he also had to send the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife back, and by the way, take another drop of the blood of the dry scorpion.

Because the immortal energy on his body was completely dissipated, the demonic aura that balanced the immortal energy around him and the blood of the corpse ancestors also disappeared.

After entering Lingyun Grotto, Jiang Lin had torn his mouth, and Huo Qilin was willing to take the risk.

"Xuannv, the corpse poison in your body needs me to control it frequently. If there is nothing to miss, just follow me back to my Taoist hall."

Three days later, after Jiang Lin came out of Lingyun Cave, he asked Chi Xiaoyu about his plans.

The biggest credit for sealing the extraterritorial demons this time is still on Chi Xiaoyu. Since she has helped so much, Jiang Lin will not go back on her promise. of bad luck.

It would look a lot better with him.

"The vicissitudes of life, there is nothing to be missed, but it is estimated that you will eat and drink in your Daotang in the future."

"Eat and drink as you please."

Jiang Lin smiled, he wanted Chi Xiaoyu to go to Li Yangju for another reason, that is, Chi Xiaoyu has an extraordinary experience, and it is like a treasure to stay by his side.

"I'm going to eat free food too!"

Baoyi didn't wait for Jiang Lin to speak again, and went with him shouting.

Although she still has immortal power on her body, she is no longer an immortal who does not eat the five grains of the world. She doesn't want to worry about food and clothing.

And the most important thing is that Jiang Lin is the strongest cultivator in the world. If she wants to restore her immortal power or even reshape Sanhua, she has to trouble Jiang Lin.

"You want to eat free food? It's beautiful. However, it happens that my family is short of maids. You can do some work of serving tea, pouring water, and sweeping the courtyard. It's okay to eat a meal."

Jiang Lin pouted, of course he was joking, Baoyi still has immortal power in him, and he has all kinds of treasures in his family, so he can take some temptation for her, and she can transport her to the immortal burial coffin. Immortal power made Li Yingqi shorten the recovery time.

"you you you……"

Bao Yi's chest is so angry) (The department went up and down for a while, Jiang Lin had no immortal power, so he still wanted to make her a maid.

"Come up."

Jiang Lin jumped on the tiger's back and raised his eyebrows at Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu.

Can finally rest.

Jiang Lin slept directly on the back of the tiger. Even if he used his willpower to carry immortal power, it would consume a lot of his body.

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