Jiang Lin had a dream. In the dream, he finally lived a peaceful life, and there were no ghosts and monsters that he needed to destroy.

Nothing to worry about.

But unfortunately, he was just dreaming.

After returning to Li Yangju, Jiang Lin was speechless.

Hundreds of special boys and girls knelt from the entrance of his Li Yangju to the entrance of Gantian Town.

They all come to worship.

Although the great things Jiang Lin has done in the past are amazing, the impact is far less than the deeds of the past two years.

Thousands of miles chased and killed Fei Zong, and finally killed it, eliminating hundreds of billions of locust plagues, begging rain for millions of people, and finally "feathering and ascending the fairy", eliminating the ancient trolls.

These miracles are witnessed by thousands of pairs of eyes, and it is difficult for others to not know about them.

Coupled with the intentional propaganda of some colleagues, just to let Jiang Lin open the door to accept apprentices, so this scene of Li Yang in front of the door appeared.

In addition, more young girls came to Gantian Town.

Not only are there apprentices, but there are also those who invite him to come out, some officials, and some warlord lieutenants.

After Jiang Lin found out what was going on, he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Whoever TND said "the one who wins the sun wins the world"?


People are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I want to be in peace for a while, why is it so difficult!

Jiang Lin was quite depressed. In the past, although he was famous, he mainly spread it in the cultivating world. Now, he is better. With his reputation out there, trouble will follow.

Chapter [*] Gods and horses are all clouds

"Daoist Li Yang, I have a dream, that is, to seek Taoism and practice, to subdue demons and demons for the world, and to ask the Taoist leader to accept the boy as a disciple!"

"Daoist, I hope that I will become a Taoist with a profound Taoism like you in the future, for the benefit of the common people!"

"I implore the Taoist priest to accept his disciples and inherit your mantle!"

A group of boys and girls surrounded Jiang Lin and begged him to accept him as his apprentice.

Jiang Lin frowned, thinking about what pretext to use to get these juniors to get out of the way.

"Mr. Jiang, you have the ability to travel through the sky and the earth, which is comparable to the existence of Marquis Wu. On behalf of the Republic of China, I am here to invite Wolong to come out of the mountain. This is a little courtesy. Mr. and many colleagues will eliminate disasters and solve problems for the people, and the cost must be not small. These are also subsidies for you."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit stepped forward and bowed to Jiang Lin. Then he waved his hand, and a few strong men carried a box out of the car not far away.

A box of gold.

This middle-aged man is also quite proficient in the art of speaking. He first touted Jiang Lin again, and then described the box of belongings as a subsidy for Jiang Lin and his colleagues rather than a greeting.

"In my opinion, Mr. Jiang is not only better than Marquis Zhuge Wu, but he is not much worse than Jiang Ziya, who lived in Xingzhou for [*] years, and Zhang Zifang, who lived in Wanghan for [*] years! Marshal Zhang's supernatural powers to Mr. I can talk to my husband in the northeast. The commander knows that he is indifferent to fame and fortune, and he is determined to seek Taoism, so he specially sent some classics and secret books."

Afterwards, a lieutenant in military uniform also saluted Jiang Lin. He waved at his opponent, and a few soldiers carried out an iron box, which contained some precious Taoist secrets.


Another old man dressed in a long gown and dressed as a teacher bowed to Jiang Lin, and asked the people behind him to take out a lot of natural treasures, and also threw an olive branch to Jiang Lin.

The reason why these people compare Jiang Lin to someone like Jiang Taigong Zhang Liuhou is that when Jiang Lin was robbed in Shu a few days ago, he used Chi Xiaoyu's power to transmit a voice to the local people. He assisted the Manchu bequeathed nobles to restore the Qing Dynasty.

I don't know how this happened so quickly.

In addition, Jiang Lin rides the auspicious beast of the fire unicorn around Lingyun Grotto, so those in power regard him as a capable person like Jiang Ziya, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen.

"It's useless for you to tell me, what to take in disciples, what to come out of the mountains, I don't have the spare time, I just come back to get magic tools, and there are big monsters and trolls in the northwest region, I have to hurry over. I am a Taoist priest, To subdue demons and subdue demons is a natural duty, and other things will be discussed after the evil spirits are eliminated."

Jiang Lin waved his hands again and again, but he still knew that his weight was incomparable with the ancients like Jiang Taigong.

And he wasn't interested in anything about going out to help.

Even if he can really do a great job, live a prosperous and rich life, and leave a name in the world for a hundred years, he is not interested.

Floating clouds, gods and horses are all floating clouds.

As for taking apprentices, that is absolutely impossible.

But although he didn't agree, Jiang Lin also knew that if he refused, these people would not give up at all.

He simply lied and said that he had no time to think about these things.

Jiang Lin slapped the tiger on the back and let the Panlan Tiger King jump directly over the wall.

When he got to the yard, he used the telekinesis avatar technique, and let one of his avatars take some compass and peach wood sword at random.

"Daoist Li Yang, we will wait for you to come back in town!"

Hundreds of young boys and girls who wanted to apprentice thought that Jiang Lin had really gone to the northwest, but even so, they were still reluctant to leave, and they were ready to settle down in the town, waiting for Jiang Lin to return.

As for those who invited him out of the mountain, there was no good way, and they could only go back temporarily to return to their lives.No matter how much they had a mission on them, it was impossible to stop Jiang Lin from letting him go.

"I said Jiang Lin, are you really not interested in the golden treasures and secret books brought by those people outside?"

Baoyi couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin. When Jiang Lin was facing those belongings and treasures outside just now, he didn't even have any mood swings.

Moreover, with Jiang Lin's current cultivation base, he is fully capable of performing the work of the ancient national teacher.

But Jiang Lin didn't even think about it.

This surprised her.

"Actually, you can also consider the things that those people mentioned outside. Although the three volumes of the Heavenly Book have been burned, I still know about the above-mentioned formation tactics and immortal techniques. If you are interested, I can teach them. Give you."

Chi Xiaoyu doesn't know much about Jiang Lin's character. In her opinion, Jiang Lin's subjugation of demons, demons, and money, to seek rain, are all for the benefit of the people, while assisting those in power with his own abilities makes the people live and work in peace and contentment, which is also for the people. seek fortune.

So if Jiang Lin wants to, she can also help.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "No, no, no, when I entered the underworld and Niu Tau Ma Mian persuaded me to do something big, I said that in the chat and laughter of Emperor Tubaye, it is impossible to get drunk in the world. Clouds, gods Horses are floating clouds. Pindao is actually a lazy person. Anything that is glorious, rich and famous, is empty, it is empty. You guys, your consciousness is too low."

Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu: "..."

We are all fairies who have become immortals. Do you think our consciousness is too low?

This dress is too much.

Baoyi pouted, glanced around, and said, "I can't see it, there is still some doorway in your broken Taoist hall, tsk tsk tsk."

When she was outside, she had already discovered that there was a barrier around Li Yangju, and even if she used all her current strength, she wouldn't even think about breaking it open in a day and a half.

Moreover, when the Colorful Tiger King carried her over the wall, she also saw the layout of Li Yangju, which was not something that ordinary Celestial Masters could arrange.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded again and again, she didn't expect Jiang Lin to have a lot of attainments in formation.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Yes, this Broken Daotang will live for a while, but the feng shui in the firewood house is the best, so it's suitable for a fairy in distress like you."

Don't quarrel with this fairy, are you feeling uncomfortable?

Baoyi pursed her lips and stopped answering Jiang Lin's words.

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-two chapters

"Do you have a cold marrow vein here?"

"Hey, there's unicorn blood."

"Long Yuan and Phoenix Gallbladder!"

Baoyi's Qiong nose moved, just now she smelled a strong aroma of cold marrow, and after strengthening her sense of smell, she seemed to have discovered a new continent.

"Dog nose, you, no, nothing!"

Jiang Lin's black line, his family's treasures were all sealed in the storage room, and this was all discovered by Baoyi.

Looking at Baoyi's thief's eyes, Jiang Lin suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to bring Baoyi here.

Just when Baoyi closed her eyes and carefully discerned the smell in the air, a volleyball flew over and smashed her to cover her nose.

Originally, let alone volleyball, even bullets didn't want to touch Baoyi, but now Baoyi found that Li Yangju was like a treasure mountain, and he was so excited that he was about to fall, so he didn't notice the flying ball.


Bai Rourou, who went to the front yard to pick up the ball, saw Jiang Lin, her face full of joy, she rushed towards the garden and shouted in the direction of the garden: "Sisters, our men are back!"

Because there were many people outside the house before, chatting, Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others were too noisy, so they all went to the garden to entertain.

"Husband, you're finally back, people are worried to death."

Bai Rou Rou threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms and hugged him tightly.

"The demon has been sealed, and I don't need to be separated from you again."

Jiang Lin stroked her long hair and kissed her cherry lips.


After a while, Chen Yu and the others rushed from the garden to the front yard, and Jiang Lin was surrounded again.

"My goodness."

Baoyi was completely stunned. She had long known that Jiang Lin had a family. After all, Zhang Han was "my son-in-law and my apprentice", but she really could not have imagined that Jiang Lin's wife would have such a large group.

That's not all, what made her even more dumbfounded was that Jiang Lin still had four female ghost wives.

Chi Xiaoyu's reaction was similar to that of Baoyi, and she froze in place.

Jiang Lin's family members were all unbelievably beautiful, and some of them were no worse than her and Baoyi.

"Husband, you brought me two younger sisters before they even got through the door."

Tang Shasha pouted and looked at Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu. Her wedding had not yet been held, and Jiang Lin brought back two beauties like flowers and jade.

"Don't talk nonsense, they are guests, one is Baoyi Fairy, the other is Jiutian Xuannv, they are all gods in the world."

Jiang Lin introduced Baoyi and Chi Xiaoyu to his wives, and told them what happened during the trip to Shu.

"Yeah, it turns out that Sister Xuannv has such an experience, the upper realm is really too much."

"That's right, I almost got my husband robbed."

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