"Sister Xuannv, you can rest assured to live here. Thanks to your immortal power, Jiang Lin sealed the demon."

Ren Tingting and the others surrounded Chi Xiaoyu, and each one of them was a mysterious sister, who was very affectionate.

Their men were in great trouble after burning the book in anger, and it was only thanks to Chi Xiaoyu's help that the disaster was eliminated, and they were naturally infinitely grateful to him.

Why is my treatment so bad for being a fairy?

Baoyi looked at Chi Xiaoyu with a slightly embarrassed expression, and no one greeted her.

When she was first awakened by Jiang Lin, she chased Jiang Lin to death. As Jiang Lin's women, Ren Tingting and the others naturally couldn't be enthusiastic about Baoyi.

"Husband, there are a lot of people coming to the door. Some are apprentices, some want to see you. Uncle Ping told them to leave, but they refused. It is not convenient for us to go to the street."

"Yeah, so annoying."

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan didn't know that the people outside had almost dispersed, so they complained to Jiang Lin. The two sisters are now working in the town's newspaper office and go out almost every day.

As soon as they go out, they have to listen to those young men and women calling them "future mistresses", hundreds of thousands of times a day, and no one can stand it.

But those people are not malicious, they just want to worship their men as teachers.

"Don't worry, I have solved it."

Jiang Lin told them that he used his avatar to deceive the people outside.

"But, husband, this is just a plan to slow down the military. Don't you go out? We want to go to the street with you in the future, what should we do if we go out to relax?"

Shu Ning's brows furrowed again. As soon as Jiang Lin appeared, a large number of people would definitely gather around their house.

"Then let's leave here. After a few years, they can't find anyone. After a long time, they will naturally disperse."

In fact, Jiang Lin had thought of such a method for a long time, and it just so happened that he was going to travel far again this time.

He still didn't believe that those apprentices and those who invited him out of the mountain could wait for several years in Gantian Town.

Since the departure was imminent, Jiang Lin no longer concealed the family's long-distance trip, which was similar to what he expected. After Ren Tingting and the others learned of this, they cheered excitedly.

"Okay, organize the items you want to bring, and we'll set off tomorrow night."

Jiang Lin kissed a few wives on the foreheads and went to the storage room. This time, he had to bring a lot of belongings in addition to some magical instruments and medicinal materials that were useless to his family.

Now there are droughts, floods, and plagues of locusts in many parts of Middle Earth. He needs to bring his family's property used for good deeds and virtues, so as to disperse the wealth and accumulate merits along the way.

"Jiang Lin, let's discuss something with you."

Bao Yi followed Jiang Lin with a sly expression on his face.

"what's up?"

"Look, all of you are going out, and Xuan Nv has to follow you because of her own problems. I am an outsider, how inconvenient to follow. I think I should stay and help you take care of the Taoist Church. ."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Lin stared at Bao Yi, you are very bad girl!

Don't think I don't know what's on your mind.

Jiang Lin bared his white teeth and said, "Who said you are an outsider, aren't you a stranger? If you want, you can also become my insider."

Baoyi put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "Who is your wife!"

"Don't think that I don't know what you're doing. You will follow me wherever I go in the future. Look at your frowning eyes. If you stay here, my family's bones will be eaten clean by you. Soon after entering my Taoist temple, I started to crave my baby."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, not allowing Baoyi to follow him, or else this girl would not have robbed him of the blood orchids and exotic fruits in his storage room.

Fire, theft, and treasure.

Good you Jianglin, this fairy will stay by your side and not leave.

Bao Yi was so angry that she decided that whenever Jiang Lin encountered any problems in the future, as long as she asked her to help, she would open her mouth to the fairy.

After nightfall the next day, the Panlan Tiger King manifested its main body in the front yard. On its body was an assembled wooden bed ten meters long and four meters wide. Jiang Lin's wives, Chi Xiaoyu and Baoyi were all sitting there. Wooden bed.

After Jiang Lin sealed the unicorn corpse brought back from Cixi's tomb, he jumped up and let the colorful tiger king set off.

The first stop is the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain.

Jiang Lin was going to go to the Tianshi Mansion to return the "Dao Zang", and buy some treasures from there by the way.

Chapter [*]: Visiting Tianshi Mansion ([*])

Behind the colorful tiger king, Uncle Ping and a few servants followed in the car. The car was full of gold and silver, jewelry and antiques, full of two large cars.

"I said that you were not at all tempted by those gold and material treasures yesterday. It turns out that you are already rich!"

Baoyi, who was sitting beside the bed rail, looked at the two trucks behind, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Lin.

She really wondered if Jiang Lin had found the gold mine, and moved the entire ore vein to her home.

Jiang Lin's wealth is not enough, there are many good treasures that can't even be bought with real money.

She could smell no less than twenty kinds of precious medicinal herbs from Jiang Lin.

"I have money or not, whether I should not be concerned or not."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then he clicked on the ancient mirror, and the immortal burial coffin inside was placed aside.

This time out, Jiang Lin also brought the immortal burial coffin with him, and he was worried about leaving Li Yingqi at home alone.

Chong Baoyi snapped his fingers, and Jiang Lin said, "I see that you are quite free. I'll lend you some immortal power to use it."

He also asked Chi Xiaoyu and Baoyi about Xianzijue, but they all said that although they had heard of it, they had no way of knowing her whereabouts.

Therefore, in order to improve Li Yingqi's situation, it is necessary for Baoyi to deliver immortal power to the immortal coffin.

Yo, you asked this fairy for help so soon?

Baoyi smiled and said, "Okay, you can give me one kilogram of cold marrow, ten kilograms of unicorn blood, and twenty blood orchids..."

Baoyi talked about the cross talk on his own, and the blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead were all raised, why don't you grab it?

"Wow! You fairy, greedy for snakes to become a fairy, right?"

"It's a lion's mouth, no, it's a whale's mouth."

Not to mention Jiang Lin, who knew the preciousness of Hansui and Qilin's blood, even Ren Zhuzhu and Nianying who were sitting beside him couldn't listen anymore.

"I think you haven't figured out the situation. Although the immortal power in your body will not dissipate, it is difficult for you to recover in the current world environment. I have something useful here for you, and you yourself No, you seem to have misunderstood who the two of us are begging for. I might have to spend a lot of time and let Xuan Nv come up with an idea to convert my spiritual power into immortal power. I can find an alternative method, how about you? ?"

Jiang Lin gave Baoyi a look and let her experience it for herself.

What he said was also correct. With Chi Xiaoyu, as long as he was willing to work hard, he could turn his spiritual power, willpower, and qi into a small amount of immortal power.

It's just that this method is extremely cost-effective, and it is far less convenient than letting Baoyi make a move.

But if Baoyi wants to come to a rare commodity, that is to think too much.

"One bottle of cold marrow, half of Qilin blood, do you want love?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and directly crushed the offer price.

Chi Xiaoyu, who was sitting beside Baoyi, said, "Jiang Lin, you can just call me Xiaoyu in the future, I am no longer a mysterious girl. If you have or can find some rare materials, you can also obtain immortal power. Not impossible."

When she saw the tenderness in Jiang Lin's eyes when he looked at the woman in the coffin, she knew that the people inside were very important to him.

That's why she offered to help.

Baoyi moved her elbow, touched Chi Xiaoyu beside her, and said, "I said, why do you turn your elbow out, we are both fallen from the end of the world, and we have the same disease, aren't you demolishing my platform? "

"Who has the same disease as you? You still want to become an immortal, but I have been transformed into a mortal, and it is too late to be happy."

Chi Xiaoyu shrugged, she didn't think she was in trouble, instead she felt a sense of relief.

Baoyi: "..."

Seeing Baoyi's speechless expression, Jiang Lin smiled and threw the two vials away.

"Husband, how does the Longhu Mountain we are going to compare to Luofu Mountain?"

Jingjing became interested in Longhu Mountain. Before, she and Nianying followed Jiang Lin to Luofu Mountain, the birthplace of Nanpai Maoshan, but she didn't know much about Longhu Mountain.

"If you just simply refer to the mountain, then Luofu Mountain is much bigger than Longhu Mountain. However, when it comes to status, Longhu Mountain still wins by more than one point. If Taoism is divided into sects, it can be divided into Quanzhen School and Zhengyi School. , and the Zhengyi faction has three major ancestral courtyards - Longhu Mountain, Maoshan Mountain and Gezao Mountain. I have never been to Longhu Mountain, and I don't know exactly what the weather is like. It belongs to Maoshan, but it has a lot of origins with Longhu Mountain, have you been there?"

Jiang Lin looked at the black moon sitting at the back of the wooden bed. The Taoism of Taiping Mountain was passed down in the form of transmission of gong. It seemed to be born out of the Tianshifu of Longhu Mountain. The Taoist nuns of Hushan formed a marriage relationship, so the two factions have some origins.

"When the master was still there, I went to the Tianshifu with him. There..."

Heiyue talked about the scene she once saw in Longhu Mountain.

What's going on this month?

Jiang Lin frowned, he had already asked, and Hei Yue didn't get up and sit beside him.

Ren Tingting and the others heard Heiyue say that the Dragon Tiger Mountain peak is Xiushui Ji, Yingtian Mountain is in the east, Tongtian Peak is in the west, the elephant of Jackie Chan and Tiger, and there are fairy rocks everywhere, and they all want to go there immediately to feast their eyes.

Because of this family trip, they were all very excited and didn't want to fall asleep, so Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to continue on his way, and let him choose the barren mountains and mountains and old forests.

He also brought Mochizuki Lingxi when he came out this time. If there were any treasures in those inaccessible places, they would not be able to escape the feeling of this treasure hunt.

On the afternoon of the second day, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Yingtan, Guixi, and rested on the side of a green mountain.

"Mouse boy, you help Tom unload the wooden bed, and then set up the tent with your Mistress Ying."

Jiang Lin instructed the Flying Mouse King, and gave the ancient mirror to Jing Yuanying, saying: "I'll go first, we'll be outside for a year and a half, don't be like night owls, it's time to rest. The prophet will tell you. , I'll take you around Longhu Mountain tomorrow."

Jiang Lin asked Ren Tingting and the others to camp and rest on the spot. It was not appropriate for him to bring his family with him, so it would be inappropriate to go directly to the door.

"Yue'er, you go with me."

"I haven't been there for a long time, so I just went to visit for Master."

Heiyue nodded, then jumped on the back of the tiger with Jiang Lin, and guided the way for King Panlan to Longhu Mountain, which is three miles away.

At this time, under the Tongtian Peak of Longhu Mountain, two young Taoist priests in blue coats and buns on the top were looking around.

Among them, the thin Taoist priest said to the young man with a beard next to him: "Senior Brother Jingqing, the master said that there will be a distinguished guest coming to the door today, and he asked us to go down the mountain to meet him. Who do you think it is?"

The young man with cheeks replied, "Where should I go? But yesterday, the master was quite excited, and he invited the two uncles out of the back mountain. The visitor must be an old senior with high morality. However, it's already afternoon, why is there no one left? what."

Chapter [*]: Visiting Tianshi Mansion (Part [*])

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