"It's really a wonderful place."

After Jiang Lin entered Longhu Mountain, he climbed a [*]-meter-high hill and checked the geography of the place. It was really a dragon and tiger.

In addition to the trend of dragons and tigers in the east and west, there is Pipa Peak in the south, and Xihua Mountain in the north, forming a total of four spirits, taking care of the stars, and connecting with the clear water of Luxi as a jade belt, and the weather is extraordinary.

"Master, why do I feel that there is an accumulation of evil spirits here, it may not be a blessed land?"

As a monster, the King Panlan Tiger is quite sensitive to the evil spirit. It can't help but wonder that the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain are not like Jianglin, and they don't keep monsters and raise ghosts. How can there be evil spirits? Gather here?

"This should be related to the inheritance of Longhu Mountain. Although there is a suffocation here, the palace in the mountain has the nine palaces, which are hidden in the gossip, the seven stars, the six together, the five elements, and the four signs of the earth, and the mountain is divided into three talents. Therefore, A wisp of fresh wind in the mountains can turn evil spirits and return qi. Those who cultivate Taoism breathe here, and as time goes by, their cultivation will gain. It is a pity that the power of this mountain is limited to three talents, and cannot be merged into two rituals, and then return to one yuan, otherwise this Longhu Mountain will not be just the second sun base in the world."

Jiang Lin commented on it, but then he was a little confused. Longhu Mountain is located in such a feng shui treasure land, it should be a lot of talents, but Longhu Mountain is now quite declining.

At least sixty or seventy years ago, the Tianshifu's reputation was still very loud.

After that, Longhu Mountain gradually declined.

Especially in the past ten years, when Jiang Lin cooperated with other monks and Taoists, he did not see many Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain.

After taking a second glance, Jiang Lin let the Panlan Tiger King descend from a high place and head towards the mountain gate.

It didn't take long for the two of them to appear in the field of vision of the two young Taoist priests.

"Colorful Tiger, Daoist Li Yang!"

Seeing the colorful giant tiger that Jiang Lin was riding, the young man with cheeks immediately guessed Jiang Lin's identity.

This mount is also a unique symbol of Jianglin.

"Senior Brother Jingqing, he is Daoist Li Yang? He looks like he's in his early twenties. He's too young."

"Judging people by their appearance, lost son Yu! Don't be rude."

The young man with cheeks reprimanded his junior brother, then stepped forward to give Jiang Lin a bow, and said, "My teacher knows that there is a distinguished guest here today, but I didn't expect it to be Daoist Li Yang. The junior Zhang Jingqing has been waiting here with his junior brother for a long time."

Zhang Jingqing made a treat with one hand on one side of her body, inviting Jiang Lin to enter the mountain.

"Oh? Daoist Yun Ting already knew that Pindao was coming? Such a foresight, Pindao sighs."

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, it seems that there are still capable people in Tianshi Mansion after all.

The Taoist Yun Ting in his mouth is the [*]rd generation Celestial Master of today's Shifu. Although he has never seen this Taoist Yun Ting, he has also heard about the reputation of the other party. It's just that it hasn't been down the mountain for twenty years.


Zhang Jingqing nodded. Seeing Jiang Lin's surprised appearance, he also felt some pride in his heart, and the ability of his teacher was enough to amaze this Daoist Li Yang.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin was led by Zhang Jingqing and his apprentice brother and climbed up the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, two cliffs appeared on the road ahead, and there were several ladder bridges connecting them at a distance of fifty or sixty meters between the cliffs.

But these ladder bridges are only less than [*] centimeters wide, and there is a clear stream below. As long as they fall from the ladder bridge, they can only become chickens.

Zhang Jingqing lifted the hem of his clothes and walked like a fly, galloping directly over the ladder bridge.His junior brother looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Senior, please."

Zhang Jingqing, who was on the other side of the cliff, also looked at Jiang Lin. Even if they were disciples of the Tianshi Mansion, they would not be able to easily walk across this bridge without falling down a few times.

Although Jiang Lin's road is deep and deep, and he won't fall, but it may not be as easy as they walk, not to mention one person.

They didn't mean to see Jiang Lin's jokes at Longhushan. This tradition has been going on for decades.

"Husband, let me go first."

Heiyue jumped from the tiger's back. She knew that Jiang Lin could levitate in the air and glide, but no matter which method, she couldn't take her with him.

"No need."

Jiang Lin also jumped off the tiger's back. He embraced Heiyue's waist, his legs suddenly gathered strength, and with one jump he flew directly from one end of the cliff to the other.

He didn't use any abilities, he just relied on his own brute force.

His physical strength is comparable to that of the Zombie King, and the distance of fifty or sixty meters is really nothing to him.

Even with a black moon, it's the same.

The two brothers who were still waiting to see how Jiang Lin crossed the bridge were completely dumbfounded at this time. If they used the technique of inviting God to the upper body, they could also jump nearly [*] meters away, but that was the premise of the run-up. Down.

But Jiang Lin didn't cast spells, didn't start running, and even brought someone with him. Damn, is this Nima a monster?

When Jiang Lin saw King Panlan's incarnation as a house cat running across the bridge, he said to Zhang Jingqing, "Let's lead the way."


Zhang Jingqing didn't wait for his junior brother, and directly led Jiang Lin to the main hall of Tianshifu.

"Master, Daoist Li Yang is visiting!"

Outside the hall, Zhang Jingqing raised the volume to notify Taoist Yun Ting.

Unexpectedly, it was him.

Daoist Yun Ting was sitting in a wheelchair and was quite surprised when he heard the message from his disciple. He counted that there was a distinguished guest coming, and it would have a great impact on their Tianshi Mansion, but he never sent this distinguished guest to Jiang Lin. think.

"Push me out to welcome the guests."

Taoist Yun Ting immediately asked the Taoist boy behind him to push the wheelchair. After leaving the hall, he gave Jiang Lin a contemporaneous salute and greeted warmly: "Daoist Li Yang visited Tianshi Mansion, Yun Ting was really surprised and pleasantly surprised. I'm sick, I can't get up, and I hope fellow Daoists don't take offense."

Jiang Lin saw Daoist Yun Ting look like this, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. The contemporary head of the Tianshifu was actually disabled.

What surprised him even more was that this Taoist Yun Ting was actually a Celestial Master, and his cultivation was even stronger than Ninth Uncle.

After being surprised for a while, Jiang Lin also returned a salute and said, "What is your fellow Taoist saying, it is abrupt for a poor Taoist to take the liberty of visiting."

"There's no such thing as abrupt reasoning. Yun Ting has already heard the name of fellow Daoist, but unfortunately he only has admiration, but he has inconvenient legs, and he has always been on the same side as fellow Daoist. I'm very relieved to see you today! Please come in quickly. , take a seat in the hall."


Jiang Lin followed Taoist Yun Ting into the hall. There were three Taoist priests in the hall. Two of them had gray temples. The last one was about the same age as Taoist Yun Ting, but his eyes were wide open and he had already entered the hall.

What the hell!

There are still two celestial masters, and the last one has already stepped into the celestial master level with one foot? ?

Jiang Lin couldn't help being stunned, Longhu Mountain is really a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

No, the breath is not right.

Jiang Lin glanced at the two old men again, only to find that their auras were unstable, sometimes rising, sometimes weakening, and when they were the weakest, only the peak of Taoist cultivation.

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-fifth chapters are returned to "Dao Zang"

"Daoist Li Yang, and the poor Taoist long stay, it's Uncle Yun Ting."

"Daoist Cangsong, Junior Uncle Yun Ting."

When the two old men saw Jiang Lin, they also stood up to say hello, and Jiang Lin also bowed his hands in return.

"Fellow Daoist, that is Junior Brother Pindao Chongyao. The distinguished guest should have gone out with Pindao to greet him, but you have also seen him. He is in a situation and it is difficult to wake up for a while. Please sit down."

Daoist Master Yun Ting sat on the main seat. He looked at Heiyue behind Jiang Lin and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he asked, "Daoist friend, this girl is..."

Hei Yue bowed to Taoist Yun Ting and said, "Senior Yun Ting, you don't recognize me? Taiping Mountain Hei Yue."

"It turned out to be Heiyue, I almost didn't recognize it. When you came here with your master, you described it as still young, and it was really the eighteenth change of a female university. How did you come here with Daoist Li Yang? Is your master okay? "

"Senior, my master has been martyred. I have left Tianping Mountain and am now the wife of Daoist Li Yang."

Heiyue glanced at Jiang Lin, her face slightly red.

"It turns out that you are Daoist Li Yang's companion. I'm really happy for you, please take a seat."

Daoist Yun Ting originally thought that Heiyue was Jiang Lin's disciple, but unexpectedly it was Jiang Lin's wife, and he also greeted her to sit down.

After instructing the Taoist boy to serve tea, Taoist Yun Ting chatted with Jiang Lin.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know what is going on here this time?"

After a long while, Daoist Yun Ting stopped chatting. He made a fortune a few days ago, and he counted that today there are distinguished guests who are very important to their Tianshi Mansion, so he also wanted to know the purpose of Jiang Lin's arrival. .

"Three years ago, Dongyang Yaodao made small moves in Shu, I went there to clean them up, and then went to Dongyang, where I got an ancient book, which belonged to your house hundreds of years ago. Because there has been a delay, I brought it today and returned it to your place."

"What ancient book?"

Daoist Yun Ting frowned. He had never heard of any ancient books from the Tianshi Mansion that had ended up in the East.

""Dao Zang"."

Jiang Lin took out a yellowed book from the bag and put it on the tea table.

""Dao Zang"?"

Taoist Yun Ting immediately clenched the armrest of the wheelchair and shouted, with a very excited expression on his face.

Not only did he lose his composure, but the two veterans also lost their composure at the same time.

Jiang Lin nodded and said: "Yes, this "Dao Zang" has been in the East since it disappeared from the Middle Earth, and the East Yaodao has developed a kind of refining method that does not rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth based on the content in it. Law."

"Fellow Daoist, can you let Pindao read it again?"

"I'm here to return it, and I can't help it."

"Thank you."

Taoist Yun Ting immediately took the "Dao Zang" in his hand and looked through it.

The more he looked at it, the more excited he became, even his hands trembled slightly, and then he passed the ancient book in his hand to the two uncles and let them take a look.

"Daoist Li Yang, this "Dao Zang" is of great significance to our Tianshifu. On behalf of Tianshifu, Pindao would like to thank you."

Daoist Yun Ting asked Daotong to help him up and bowed to Jiang Lin. This ancient book was really important to them.

He never thought that hundreds of years later, this Taoist scripture would return to their Tianshifu.

"If there is this Taoist scripture, how can Pindao and Junior Brother, as well as the deceased Master and Master, be like this."

Taoist Yun Ting sighed, and then talked to Jiang Lin about the past of this Taoist scripture.

That is the history of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although Jiang Lin knew that "Dao Zang" was related to the destruction of Taoism by monks and monks in the Yuan Dynasty, he did not know much about it.

Today, he realized that this Taoist scripture actually has so many twists and turns.

According to Taoist Yun Ting, since thousands of years ago, the environment of heaven and earth has changed, and some cultivators have realized that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is gradually diminishing. At the end of the Song Dynasty, the head of the Tianshifu at that time deduced that the cultivation environment might be further deteriorated, which eventually led to Practitioners cannot climb high, so since then, Tianshifu has begun to explore new paths of cultivation.

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